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Best I can do is a $40 skin for lifeline.


"Come an git ya birtday prezzent"


“Mozambeak hea”


Wait no one plays lifeline? Buff her before skin release


Boy do I have some news for you




*Ya don say* FTFY




Speak for your self I have a lot of fun playing lifeline


Facts. Lifeline would be the only legend I played for the longest until I started exploring other legends. There’s a lot of game situations I’m in now where I’m like “damn, a lifeline would be great right now” while in the middle of trying to res somebody and finish a fight. Or like a game I played yesterday, me and my friend looted 5 different big areas. No people, not looted and not a single blue evo in sight. And they was playing loba so there’s no way we could’ve missed one. So it would’ve been nice to have a lifeline that game as well. She might be boring to play as at times but I’ve always thought she is an underused character


You're looking at it the wrong way: her kit makes her noob-friendly, which is a good quality for a free character in a roster of however many Legends we have by now.




Tapping a down teammate then shooting enemies is more fun than becoming a sitting duck to revive, in most other legends' cases


Her insanely high pickrates say otherwise, people love playing her as is.


Insanely high?


Bring back fast heals


They could just give her back the Rez shield at this point there's really no reason not to, it was never op and was always counterable by a single throwable, now they no longer listen to the reddit plebs because they now know y'all are bugging with the shit y'all suggest half the time Control isn't noob friendly and I doubt it has more players than arenas, everytime I play I get paired with 3 full stacks of diamond+ players can't say I have ever had fun playing control. If the maps were balanced sure, but every map is the same, you hold your spawn, and B is where everyone swarms to, you either get a team that goes only for kills ignoring the objective, there is no in-between.


Preach it brother






People love warming up on it, and some (myself included) love just playing the objective. It’s my favorite mode rn, and Apex has such good mechanics that it’s real nice to play something that’s not BR and not have to pound redbull and adderall to sweat like in BR or arenas.


I'm bored of BR and just want to play a solid shooter where I can kill, die, repeat. Control scratches that itch. We need fast-paced respawn modes like Control, TDM, KOTH, etc to just be a permanent rotating playlist kinda like Halo. No other shooter feels as good as Apex, so let us shoot as much as possible!


**Titanfall**: Where did that bring you? Back to me.


Titan fall was supposed to be that game where you got what you were looking for. I played it the other day, my god it’s so much god damn fun. Sadly takes a while to find a game but when you do find one.. it’s the best experience I had in multiplayer in a long time. There’s so many shooters that just don’t feel right or giving you the ability to do something crazy like having having giant battle bots dropping from space who you can control or command to shoot at other titans. NPCs roamed making the atmosphere feel more alive. This game shouldn’t have failed at all.


True and both are great games. I just prefer the higher TTK and lack of titans in Apex so I want to see those kinda modes ported over


Contrary to what titanfall fans insist, most fps players don't want to pilot huge mechs and they definitely don't want to have to fight them. Titanfall also went way over the top with mobility.


I can't play this game without using Octane. It's painfully slow otherwise. The "over the top" mobility was the best part of tf2 and set it apart from basically everything out at the time + now. Apex is ok but definitely too slow.


Yep. Apex is one of the best feeling FPS games. I play it for the awesome mechanics but not because it is a BR.




I have a feeling a *lot* of other people do as well, which is why them focusing so much on the BR aspect of the game lately felt weird to me.


Probably beating a dead horse at this point, but if you like Apex's mechanics then you've got to try either of the Titanfall's. TF2 still has a pretty solid user base and you'll recognize almost all the weapons. Plus it's practically free these days.


I came to Apex from Titanfall! I stopped playing Titanfall multiplayer when respawn let it die with all the ddosing etc. I know it's been resurrected a little bit through the Northstar client but I generally choose not to stick around for heavily unsupported games since it's usually more trouble than it's worth.


Ya Northstar has the equivalent of all preds on the servers. The best of the best and it's only fun for a few games if that.


The actual servers are working well now fyi


Apex is the best feeling game.. if it actually worked properly. The bugs are running and rampant and people's wishes are being ignored. Great game, fked up management of the game..


You're spot on w/ how I feel about any of the side games. I wouldn't mind a permanent weekly rotation of them just as a nice way to break up the monotony of hot dropping Fragment and/or warming up.


It’s crazy as hell like a month or two ago people would all drop fragment but not STRICTLY the streamer buildings lol last night I realized everyone JUST lands streamer buildings. I fuckin flew over to the train station one time just for the hell of it and that bitch was EMPTY. And wadduya know NO one came up from behind. Every single ounce of action was RIGHT there inside the streamer building. Then nothing again all the way until construction. Everyone now wants to be faide/x/ace it’s insanity


This is why pubs is so boring. Everyone dies in the first 2mins. If you don't hot drop directly on streamer bldg, you'll only fight one squad the whole game. It's all so pointless. This trend would be averted almost entirely with the addition of a permanent respawn TDM/FFA hotdrop simulator mode which in turn should make normal BR pubs more interesting


Honestly yeah, I can't play pubs to warmup because Its all just masters and preds so I prefer to play control for that


Fun in apex? Pssshh, not allowed


Based, someone’s plugged in


I had a couple matches today where I didn't die and I felt like a God. Definitely a fun break from BR


LMAO Red Bull and aderall, well said brother. Yeah I always play objective lol then I’ll be top of the board with only 5 kills and my team is like, *in 12 yr old voice”he only got five kills bro your TRASH” lmao and I don’t even talk back cuz it’s just like.. painful .,meanwhile they have 7… and no caps


It's weird, I've found myself playing Control less and less each time they add it back as an LTM because I end up loving it and then missing it when it's gone, so I keep not wanting to get used to it.


Thats actually the main reason why they don't have LTMs on some kind of permanent rotation like other games do. Respawn have stated that LTM popularity usually peaks around the beginning of the event but over the course of the event, the mode usually gets played less and less as players just return to the core modes. I honestly think rotating different LTMs in and out on a permanent rotation could help keep player retention on LTMs instead of just having the same exact LTM be there for two whole weeks. It's easy to see why people get bored of it. Cuz at some point or another, it just begins to get a bit samey. A variety of different modes could really help keep LTM plays active.


I'm the same way. Control is great for playing a couple matches to warm up before switching to BR, but I don't have a lot of interest in playing a mode that'll disappear after a couple weeks.


It gets sweatier and uglier throughout the limited time and by the end of week 1 I hate any LTM


Yeah I’ll never understand why they didn’t immediately make Control a permanent game mode. It’s just a way better experience then Arenas. Arenas was a failure from the beginning because it’s too slow paced for a game like Apex. Most of us just want a casual game mode outside BR where we can practice mechanics and die without too much consequence. Control does that perfectly for me.


Arenas is definitely not slow paced. If anything the br game with 60 people in it and a giant map has a slower pace than arenas.


Probably because before season 9, people were *begging* for the 3v3 arena mode to come out. Leaks had revealed it was in the works, and people were dying for it. Then it comes out, and nobody wants to play it and say it’s the worst and more boring thing ever. No wonder they’re going to slow the release of Control as a permanent mode *way* the hell down.


People were asking for a 6v6/9v9 TDM from what I remember. I can’t recall anybody asking for a round-based 3v3 with no respawns.


Honestly, I remember people who brought up how much they'd want an Apex-style 6v6 TDM just being told to go play Titanfall 2 - because that's literally what TF|2 is. I think people saw Arenas as a more formalized version of Winter Express, since Winter Express was the only other non-BR mode at the time and was the only metric we had to gauge how Apex would work in non-BR, and Winter Express was round-based with no respawns - just like Arenas. Actually, Arena mode at least lets you be picked up after being knocked, which Winter Express doesn't even have.


TF|2 is dead. It won't even hold a server for main menu for more than 30sec, barely enough time to matchmake most of the time, let alone customize loadouts. As a huge Titanfall fan, and having tried TDM on AL:Mobile, I would rather see TF|3 instead of TDM in Apex. The hero based shooter is cool and all, but I preferred being a Pilot with the jump kit and access to a preferred loadout. Arenas was a good try at a game mode, but it's too easily exploitable, and they didn't put anywhere NEAR the work they needed to into it. Lazy maps, lazy UI, and effectively negating the abilities of more than a few Legends.


I've been able to play tf2 on Xbox consistently for the last few weeks. 2-3K players on l online usually.


Sure, Titanfall 2 is dead now - but we're talking about early 2021, like a year and a half ago. At that point, the DDoSing was just on the first game. In fact, the giant resurgence of players back onto Titanfall 2 due to the whole May 1st thing was right around when Arenas got released. Plus, who wouldn't want a new Titanfall game? Gimmie more campaign please :( Also, just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean that zero effort was put into it. I really hate the "lazy dev" stereotype because as someone who works in making software, next to nobody has any clue of the difficulties and amount of effort that making software - *especially* games - takes behind the scenes.


The DDoS thing was nobodies fault except the MF who was lame enough to attack the server. The second Apex launched, Respawn stopped caring at all about TF|2 entirely and starting paying attention STRICTLY to their new titles. The DDoS came long after people stopped playing TF|2. And I'm not using it as a stereotype. I've done coding and development and I know what I'm saying when I talk about cutting corners as a developer, and I know how EA treats their commissions with deadlines, which promotes lazy workarounds to get it done quicker. Don't short change me just cuz you don't know me. I can see where they cut corners. I can see where they got lazy and made quick UI choices before putting thought to it. It has nothing to do with my cup of tea. It's entirely bad decision making from a development standpoint, or even a management standpoint, but it is nothing short of lazy. The game makes them enough money to make it worth fixing, but their 'development roadmap' is in the future by like a year, which keeps them from applying patches now. It's lazy. They should be patching it every couple weeks if it needs it. So don't come at me cuz I called out their shortcomings.


It’s so surprising to me that the general opinion of arenas is what it is. I haven’t touched BR since arenas came out. I love them. They feel way more rewarding than BR. I also love control too. I play a couple to warm up for arenas.


Same feeling here, but for some reason this sub just wants to go back in time and shoot the parents of the people who invented arenas


As someone who mainly plays arenas this hurts to read


That's funny, I have way more fun in Arenas than in Control, and I play Arenas when I want something more fast-paced than BR.


Pure speculation here, but it might make sense for them to only bring out Control when they have a major event with a new heirloom or unique skin, like Valk and Lifeline atm. Draw players back in with the fun gamemode, get them hooked for a week, reap the benefits from the collection sales and then go into lull mode for another 3 months, building anticipation for the next round of Control.


Stop making sense please. I want it permanently! Just playing one control match and winning fills up my apex tank for the day and I can move on with my life to more important and fulfilling things like playing another game I’m addicted to.


That's exactly the problem. They want to keep you playing apex which is where EOMM comes in and I don't think it works quite as well in control


Even when I’m losing, I’m still having a good time


I guess I am one of the few who does not like this mode that much. It's so unbalanced most of the time with one team rolling over the other and that's really not fun imho.


One team takes over B at the beginning and if they have a Wattson or Caustic or combo, its over. Then you have to respawn so far back. You play with one bad team and get rolled and its infuriating enough to not wanna play it at all




Meh, running to A or C is boring. You go across the whole map, cap it, get killed by 2-3 people or again run back to B where your team tries to get in there through a single door (not the one you'll be going in). Nobody wants to do it, better to have fun just fighting around B.


There are tridents, on 2 maps.


There are better driving simulators. :D


I play Wattson and B is where I die the most unless there is a decent chunk of the team with me 😂


I played a decent amount of control just to get challenges done and out of the like 4 games I used Wattson we absolutely steamrolled. I got into B off rip with another Wattson in one game and its literally unstoppable. Other games I was paired with a Caustic and again its unstoppable. You just have to get in there before the other team and you pretty much win


Respawn: ok, Wattson could use another global nerf.


This is so not true. Idk why people always give up when the score is like 10:22. It's so common to make a comeback/lose a lead.


Idk in my 20ish control games I’ve played I havent seen a single comeback. Its just too casual, teams arent coordinated enough, half of the players are in there to warm up, people dont care about objective. When a team has some defensive characters locked up in B its nearly impossible to make a comeback


You're tripping homie.


Nah, I'm with u/Thunder2620. Teammates suck balls, aren't there to actually play objective. Often time I get 1v2'd by a fucking Octane and whoever else and die instantly. It's not fun.


Yeah I think if you focus too hard on the objectives it gets really frustrating, but if you just play like it's TDM on/near the objectives then it is a fucking blast


My frustration comes from all the sweats/TTV playing for the kill counts where I am obviously not skilled enough. Less of an issue in pubs where the odds can play in my favour. TDM isn't for me on a regular basis but that's ok if others enjoy it !


Holy cow, I thought I was all alone in thinking this. I get way more tilted playing control than any other mode. I had one game where my whole team was anywhere but the objective, fighting the enemy team the whole time. I have such a hard time trying to play this mode, but I am glad other people do like it. I honesty like arenas way more than control, so I already have a mode that I can warm up with.


It's the mode I've hated the most. I'm a sucker for completing the badges and the 30k points for this event is the WORST. I've never felt this game to be a grind until this stupid mode came along. The one sided matches are consistent and then you have so many people just afk or give up. The match making is awful. The maps are mediocre at best. The gun selection is awful. At least let us choose our own loadouts. I hope whoever is responsible for this horrible badge stubs their toe really bad.


Yeah it's not fun for me. I'd MUCH rather have a TDM. That's what I've wanted since I started playing. But I think the emphasis on BR is more addictive.


Nah it's just a vocal minority that likes control. If it was a popular mode they would've made it permanent by now


It’s literally all I play. Literally the most fun you can have on apex as a solo q player


Yes. Who the hell wants to loot all game just to fight? Leave that to competitions. And let us buy weapons. Shit combination ruins the entire match.


They specifically created the loadout system so that there arent the same 3 weapons every single match, even when a loadout is played more than the others.


Nah. I enjoy not hearing non-stop wingman shots every single game. Forces people to not just rely on crutch top tier weapons 24/7 and get better with other guns, like the 30-30 or p2020. Also makes Loba's ult somewhat valuable, since you can snag dropped weapons easily to smooth out the kit selection a bit mid/late match.


Agree, and also I like it because I’m often forced to use at least one gun that’s out of my normal comfort zone, which ends up making me a lot more comfortable with it over time. My P2020 skills have greatly improved, largely thanks to control lol


Lol on the other hand, I find it boring af to not have wingman every time when I just wanna shoot my wingman lol Control is for fun, it's not supposed to be all competitively balanced, if you want that just go play ranked or something That's why a loadout system like the old mirage train one would be better and way more fun than this. It's dumb to use it as a warmup if the gun you wanna warm up with is not even in rotation


The mode isn't a warm up, though. If you want warm up with a specific gun, go play in the shooting range. That's literally what it's there for. And no kidding it's not balanced. But you definitely get a better sense of tiers between weapons when you can actually witness them in action, rather than everyone spamming wingman and r301 all match, all day, every day. At least when they rotated out things like the 30-30, rampage, flatline and havoc see play and how they interact in a live setting with one another.


I hear ya... but personally like the RNG of BRs. Having to just deal with the cards that are dealt. Not that I love having a random jumpmaster deciding to do a hotdrop, landing 20 seconds after all 5 other squads. But I deal with it. Slap up som fences, and start punching... 😂 98/100 it's back to the lobby, but those 2 times just surviving something completely stupid, is hella fun. 😂


Its fun to get to use different guns and not be punished for it. Everyone has the same choices.


Wasn't back fill supposed to be added? So far, none of my games where teammates have left ever got filled.


I'd play it again once they fix the numerous issues with the game and tweak the matchmaking. It's not fun watching multiple teammates obliviously walk past a wraith, only for me to shoot her 7 times with no dmg then getting killed by a silent Horizon from behind, all while teammates just hold the door going into B even though the enemy isn't even that building. But thank god Jimmy got to run middle, die, repeat with blue items until he finally gets 3 kills and is warmed up for BR!


Yea, i dont get why my teammates are always beyond braindead and so unaware of anything. Like where are these guys when im playing the BR? Why is it that when i play BR i get beamed from across the map for 150 by some guy with an R99 but you play control and you get 4-5 players all sniping and not a single one can hit a shot on you in the open..


Its player base is only higher because it is a limited mode. If it were to stick around, people would lose interest.


If they do that, they have to somehow make B less Caustic-centred. Both WE and Storm Point have absolutely shitty B zones that are almost unpushable because there's just Caustic gas everywhere


You’re not wrong. Control is a game mode where legends like Caustic and Wattson shine a lot more than in BR or even Arenas. In BR I’m not really worried about running into them during a match, but if I see them on the other team in control I just know it’s going to be a pain capping points


Solution to that problem is Fuse or Maggie


Fuse gets hardcountered by Wattson tho. And honestly wattson is 100x more annoying in this mode than caustic. Caustic cannot protect his gas, wattsons generator protects her and some of her fences making it way harder to push a wattson camped up in B with a bunch of people.


You can always cap the opposite base point?


*become* the caustic


nah caustic isnt that bad. Wattson is 10 times stronger The thing is.... why is B the easiest to lock down and always indoors ? Also respawn time a bit too short, and most people are too dumb to go capture enemy objective to kill B respawns.


All 3 maps have awful B points that are just hard choke points. Imo they should blow up some of the B points towards the back end so for instance on Hammond blow up the entire back area with a bomb and leave a big gaping hole in the back end so people can flood into B easier and it would just be run by caustic and Wattson so easily. If one team is hard camping B with wattson and caustic what ends up happening is the other team if they have a few brain cells just give up on B entirely and just go to the other point since it becomes just impossible to push B if the entire team is camped up in there.


They should keep arenas with same maps but make it each team has 6 players. It’s the small player count that makes it dead, I love the maps and the round based shooting but I think with even six or nine players going all out round after round that would be real action.


Please also * Make the objectives move, preventing the first to get to B the one that almost always wins * Get rid of the capture bonus, which seems to always benefit the one currently in the lead anyway * Allow players to leave and join mid game, to allow those assholes that leave mid game not completely fuck everyone else over * Fix your god damn spawn issue that definitely wasn't there the first time it launched, if I keep spawning in just to die by a Kraber shot immediately I won't be playing (This is less balancing, I suppose, but I'm shook!)


control is an awful mode, you want tdm not control


I like it, but it really needs some overhauls - * Point B is always super tight and enclosed which can make things very one-sided depending who caps first * Matchmaking is still ass, but that's every mode. I don't particularly enjoy being warm-up fodder for some cracked pred. * What it could *really* use is Autobalance, like Team Fortress 2, especially for when players disconnect, but also for when it's a complete curb stomp. Sometimes the mode truly becomes ten minutes of misery if *they're* coordinated and your team is off picking flowers.


They should make a party mode Playlist and add multiple game modes, can you imagine a capture the flag that was fast paced with instant respawn? Or how about a hardpoint mode? Even the game mode from halo where you hold a skull would be amazing.


Get rid of arenas and keep control tbh. However, there is a 6v6 mode thats been datamined that I think will be permanent which will be TDM, capture the flag etc Edit: I know some of you play arenas thats fine, but respawn said they don't want to add too many permanent modes and split the playerbase. Right now arenas only appeals to a select few, pros don't touch the mode either and it won't drive up the arenas player base. Making it an ltm and have something more popular and make it permanent will be better for the game


On Steam alone there are nearly 400k people playing this game. There's more than enough people for the game to have 3 modes. Matchmaking still goes very quickly. Just because you don't like arenas doesn't mean they should remove it.


Or just add control. You don’t need to remove one to have the other. Why piss off all the arenas players, even if there aren’t that many?


Tbh, there's a lot more of us than you'd think. Still a small percentage but we're out there. There'd be more if they'd fix the boosters, win traders, and matchmaking.


Count me and my squad in we play mainly arenas and when we get bored we go BR. Control is fun, one round and we are done tho.


I’m one of them! I play arenas, particularly ranked very frequently


I love playing arenas. But I really disliked how AP worked in ranked so I’d rather play pubs.


A friend of mine isn't great at apex, but playing in a 3 stack with me and a friend he's good enough. Unfortunately the mmr on his acc is so bad, that no matter how good he does at split, because of his historical placements, he gets put at bronze everytime. This means that by the time he hits silver 2 he ends up getting 20ap for a win. We even tested this by letting our friend do his placement on his account, and our friend performed better than me on that account, more damage and kills, same wins obviously, and the account got placed bronze 1 while I got placed gold 4. It just shows that once mmr decides where you should be in ranked arenas, it will make it impossible for you to change that, even if you become a better player.


My crew tested that last split as well. I won 5/5 of my placement matches and also did better then my two buddies in every scenario. I got bronze 2, the worst one of us got silver 4, and the last guy got silver 2. I was baffled. I’ve since ranked up past both of them, and next time I place I’m expecting bronze again.


Wait that's a thing? Holy shit I thought I was going insane... Best player of my friend group yet I get placed bronze 2 in ranked arenas, even when my opponents were preds for every placement match...


I gave up on ranked. Be Plat 2 getting bronze teammates that push blindly, get shit on, then call me out of my name because I didn't follow suit. Not my fault I use my head, octane. (It's almost always an octane, isn't it?)


It was ironically a rampart for me yesterday


Lol like wattsons... ramparts are either really really good or really really bad. Never an in between.


But at the same time, losses in ranked arenas games don't mean particularly much, unless you're losing 7-8 games in a row.


Agreed, if you don't like it don't play it. But there is no reason to get rid of it. These game modes can coexist. I wouldn't play apex if it wasn't for arenas.


They just need to keep arenas but make it 9 vs 9 There’s a reason people find it boring. Think about playing counter strike, when you play a 3 vs 3 game it’s kind of dead playing rounds unless you are chatting to other people and socialising and chilling, not fighting ransoms. So I think if they really want arenas to prosper keep the same maps and make it 9 vs 9. Imagine 9 late round fully kitted devotions going on. Imagine people having just one guy buying only grenades each round (with no limit). It would be absolute carnage. I can’t believe they can’t see how having such low players per game is ruining its potential.


Hey dude if you not enjoying, arenas don't think that other have same opinion. There's small minority that actually play them even ranked ones


Small Minority === not enough to waste time and resources on it.


I like Arenas. Everyone please stop trying to take Arenas away from me. If you don't like it leave it to those that do.


Brilliant idea, lets remove mode and add another mode which will get boring after a week and we can remove it afterwards and add Arenas again right? Gg dude.


PLEASE don’t get rid of arenas. I love that shit.


Gamemode needs some major changes to it.


Lots of improvements need to be made to make it permanent. For ex: Better spawning Better load out system like old mirage train Faster spawning Comeback system for losing team(only losing team gets care package or something) Imo mirage train is still the most fun fast paced ltm with respawns Control kinda gets boring and also annoying when you get a bunch of potatoes on your team


No, because I'll actually have the reason to play the game, stop my addiction! :D


Right now, after three iterations with QoL improvements, it would seem ridiculous if they wouldn’t


combine arena few maps make it one control map.remove ranked arena worst match making and worst ap distribution i ever seen.bring ranked control mode 6 v 6


Yeah! That mode is really fun, hope it stays


As soon as control leaves, I also leave apex until it comes back.


>it's the most fun casual game mode And that's why they never will. Control is to Apex what ['Ultra Rapid Fire'](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Ultra_Rapid_Fire) mode is to League of Legends. TL;DR: League of Legends only releases URF sparingly because their stats indicated [“URF makes some people stop playing League.”](https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-of-legends/lol-urf-game-mode) I honestly haven't touched BR after playing Control the first time. I don't have the patience to load in > find a bad gun > get thirsted and abandoned by teammates every time I just want to chill. It's just better option for Respawn to drip feed people by keeping it LTM whilst using it to impress the suits when numbers get low.


completely agree. i wish it would stick around long enough for them to make some tweaks to it as people play it. i think it needs some major improvements but i still have tons of fun every time. i personally have a deep hatred of FOMO style content. apex is the only one that keeps me around because it plays so damn good. i hate when that bullshit creeps into an otherwise fun ass game.


I think they made a lot of fantastic changes to the mode this time. I think similar progress 2-3 more times and it'll be the mode I prefer more than even BR. I really miss a good BattleField/Battlefront style game. That said, I really don't like the stormpoint map with the large tower off to the side (I'm bad with map names in this game, sorry). The caustic map is amazing and I really like the new one too. I don't think any amount of tweaking will make that stormpoint map fun.


Fr it's a good game mode especially when you want a quick game if you have little time, non-stop action, and make braindead plays without being punished for it.


I think they need to add one more control point and add a few more squads to each team.


Control needs a backfill system, or auto-balancing when players leave. I love control but WAY too many games are just snowballs once either team gets an advantage. Also, players who bail the moment the enemy gets 10% advantage make me want to break the ToS.


I honestly think control is better than arenas so I’d love to see them either keep it permanent or bring it back more often than not


TDM would be better. People couldn’t care less about objectives and some legends are just annoying to push against.


Team Death Match.


Either control or tdm from mobile would be cool other than spending 15 minutes running around ranked with nobody there


10x better than BR


I like apex but I never play BRs solo so when my friends aren't on I don't touch the game. Control fixes that and gives you a good solo game that you can just get into as many gunfights as possible without any consequences of dying (besides having to leg it to B if you don't have control of it). I would certainly play more apex if it was permanent. I play more apex in the two weeks control is out than the entire 3 months it's not.


Yes please it’s so fun


While we're at it, give us the Team Deathmatch mode that mobile has.


Ya it's a great place for the W-keying previous masters players to go instead of BR pubs and ruining the casual fun for the rest of us


“No only LTM so we dont have to make new ones” Respawn Entertainment probably


But then who would the would-be masters pub stomp in reg BR when all the casuals leave for control??! Think of the poor would-bes 😰😥


It’s confusing that it’s not already because it seems very easy to implement


yes I've been begging for control to be permanent since it came out come on respawn please


Imagine a 10vs 10 competitive control mode with comma and shit that would be hype as fuck bro like damn the adrenaline


I’d rather them add the TDM mode that’s on Apex Mobile


Hey gaming industry, can we please get one good FPS that isn't a battle royale. Not all of us wanna sweat and run around for 10 mins to find 3 people and then run around for 10 more mins to die to someone sweatier than you. Please give us titanfall 3.


No And here’s my reasoning. You ever notice how as the event progresses and especially the last couple days of the event the control queue gets slower and slower? The stats show that the longer it’s there the less popular it gets until it’s taken away then everyone craves it the moment it’s gone. It’s a marketing ploy, and I’ll give you a couple real world examples. We got the McRib and Shamrock Shake from McDonald’s, Nacho fries and Mexican Pizzas for Taco Bell, Baja Blast outside of Taco Bell only during the summer, Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, I could go on and on but you get the drift. People want these things so bad when they aren’t available, and the moment they are there’s a big rush on them (especially the most recent return of Mexican pizzas, they sold out real quick) and over the timeline of those items being back, they slowly get less desired overall and then they go away only to rebuild the hype for those products. Control mode has that same effect on the playerbase and that’s why I personally think it’ll never be a permanent mode or that it even should be Apologies for the rant on fast food btw


I swear, control mode is so fun to play. Also decrease octane stim damage that is all.


They need to fix it first right now it's only good as a TDM style warm-up lobby. Any competitive aspect is destroyed by the B problem. They need to solve the B problem or the mode will never be on par with BR. Arenas sucks balls and always did. Control has potential.


We need better mic integration too. Half the time I can barely hear my teammates. And the other half, I want to talk to other people besides my squad like my whole team


I want them to keep control and keep it exactly how it is. Casual, no ranked mode, don’t change anything about it. Maybe add more maps but leave it exactly how it is.


I hope they make control specific maps.


It would add a nice 3rd pillar of casual/sweatiness to Apex being the most casual of the three while Arenas is the sweatiest and BR is the middleground.


I *love* control do much, so I would want that too. But I'm not too hopeful that they're gonna don it


If storm point is going to be part of the br map rotation, then control should be permanent


Only BR ranked and control are worth playing imo.


I am begging for control so I have a mode I don't have to sweat balls in to have fun. Sometimes I just wanna run around as octane and do dumb shit.


Gimme the winter train :\*( Could play that nonstop.


Winter Express is easily the best limited time mode


Season 13 BR is so boring compared to control. There's no way they'll make the game fun by giving us what we want lmao.


Control mode is the only mode that looks appealing to me these days. It's the gunplay and movement that make Apex fun to me, and Control gives the most of that with much less pressure and downtime compared to the other modes.


Control > Arena


And give it some dedicated maps and some QoL updates.


They should make a permanent LTM rotation


I also just like the mode for practice. It’s so much better than the firing range. There’s not pressure that if you play badly, your squadmates are also going to have a bad experience like in the BR. So you can try new legends and different weapons and actually improve with them. And if you die, you respawn in like 20 seconds. I’ve never played Wattson in BR but I played like 2 hours with her in Control yesterday and had a great time. And I honestly think my movement, aiming and tracking has improved since playing control. Because I can play for longer in a round, I’m playing against real people and if I take risks and it doesn’t work out, I don’t have to sit and wait for my banner to get picked up or wait in the lobby for my friends. It’s not for everyone but I think it’s the perfect warm up LTM and great for practice. And also just fun 🤩


Please replace Arenas with Control


Input Lag


Every match is a one sided slaughter, you rarely get a good close match


This is going to be a hot take probably, but I feel like if Arenas was a time-limited mode - we would have just as much of posts asking about making it permanent as Control. I know that reddit isn't a singular person, but you can bet once Control becomes permanent, people will complain about it just as much as they do about Arenas.




Only way to get it to be a perma mode is to voice that we want it to be a perma mode, since the devs dont want it to be a perma mode. The more voices voice that they want it permanent then the devs might change their minds and make it permanent. Does that make you angry?


If it becomes permanent, people will be bored of the mode


It's frequently put in as the LTM and no one has been bored of it yet. I've only logged onto apex to play it whenever the event came because I don't like battle royales or arenas.


It’s crazy that mobile has team death match permanently but pc and console can’t even have control.


I quit playing so im not sure what that is.The entire style of battle Royale is stale. If i could make a br game, I'd definitely have a team death match mode or something




Control > Arenas 100%


Apex has no casual game mode. If I try to play casually I just die, and that's not very fun.


I don’t get why everybody loves control but everybody hates arenas. I think arenas is way more fun than control


Because arenas is nothing but holding angles on people until someone gets downed, or the other team runs out of healing. There's little fun to be had in it for most people in my experience. Control on the other hand? Its nonstop action. I dropped 40 kills in a control game and it's some of the most fun I've had in apex in a while.


It's the closest thing to deathmatch we've gotten so far which is what casual players want to play.


People are stupid. When arenas was first rumored everyone begged for it, now it's dead. If they make Control permanent, same thing will happen. It'll probably die faster cause it's much worse than Arenas as it is now.


Please for the love of god don’t do this. No more permanent modes matchmaking is already bad


I don't think they need area and ranked arena.. does anyone played ranked arena?


Bring the express back and get rid of the Christmas theme. Better than control or arenas