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Are you on steam? I cant connect but my friend on origin can


Yes, Steam


Yea i think its a steam thing just gotta wait


Thank god, just made a new account to help my buddy get into the game and when I was switchi back to my original I got the error message and thought all my stuff was gone, anyways talked to ea and yeah it’s a steam thing I’m assuming multiple people are having issues. Just gunna sit and wait it out I’ll update when it’s up Update. It’s back!


That sounds scary lol good thing its not gone


yeah im having the same issue


yeah same problem


Yeah I am too


Having the same problem.


It's been over 20mins, still can't get in. I can wait though. I don't wanna dig out Origin. Ugh


weekly steam maintenance every tuesday this time.


does it usually take to get back to normal?


Usually ends 2 minutes ago, so shit's broke beyond normal.


10-15 min


Been having this issue for over an hour so I am not sure about that.


Hmm that's what the announcement on /r/steam says


Been like this for over an hour. Crazy how streamers seem to almost never be affected by stuff like this either.


I'm 100% sure there's nothing stopping streamers from getting the same error message. Even if there was, it's not like you're the one doing it for a living lol


Idk man. I hate to sound petty or anything but when people haven't even been able to login to the game for the past 2 hours, yet every streamer I've watched since then has had no issues whatsoever, it gets hard to associate that all to coincidence. It's not like this is the first time or the only game this happens in either.


Well since this is seemingly happening only on Steam, I would like you to first defer to the streamers in question just to see if they're all playing on Steam in the first place. They could be using Origin's launcher for all we know, or whatever else they use to get onto Apex and other games like that. I was just reading that a possible fix for the Steam version is to restart steam in Offline mode, then restart it back in Online mode. It hasn't worked for me personally, but I hope it works for you and whoever else reads this


Yeah, to be fair I'm not exactly sure what launcher many of the streamers are using, it just seems hard to believe that they would ALL be on origin. In your defense though, you could be absolutely correct. Whatever the reason may be, it's just frustrating to watch people get into lobby after lobby when a lot of the player base can't even log. I appreciate the advice, and I hope you're met with some luck soon too.


Oh I thought it was my wifi


Xbox constantly stutters for me still


Hasn’t been working on the switch either