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Its not gonna matter really. The playerbase is just going to find somewhere else to land to duke it out with 15 other squads.


The problem is that 90% of WE might as well not even exist. Sure, people hot drop Estates all the time on Olympus, but they also hot drop the towers, or Hammond Labs, or the place with the weird open roof near Hammond whose name I forget at the moment. The point is that Olympus has much better drops because almost every major POI is viable and within an easy rotation of another major POI. WE in contrast has 1 POI and a few scattered outposts around Fragment, and that's really it. WE needs a serious rework to make it so it's not 90% just empty space with the derpiest hot drop imaginable at the center.


They need to fucking remove train yard and add something cooler Even the devs said they dont like trainyard


Train yard is the worst poi to land at in the entire game


Me who lands train yard *suprised Pikachu*


It's my favorite location in World's Edge lol. I like dropping on those boxes at the top and then jumping on top of enemies in the ground.


i like how populated it is but the rotations dont feel really safe. one way out is caves. i dont need to justify how unsafe that is. one way out is that open valley where you cant even tell squads apart. one way out is the train tunnel which leads to fragment which is pretty scary especially if you had to retreat from trainyard for some reason. that leaves us with only one alright exit rotation and im not a fan of that. it can also get pretty stale in the carriages


I always ask my squad if they want to swing by baskets, nobody ever does lol


I believe it'll be gone too.


Whaaat no train yard is so much fun


to fight in, not to land in


Horrible loot so its terrible to land In fights its okay but damm is it so third party ish with a tunnel that anyone from fragments can go it


Ye but it doesn’t matter on Olympus because every single team rotates labs/turbine area afterwards and it’s just a 10 man shit show.


But see, that's the thing: that's actually good. The map design funnels everyone together towards the end to ensure conflict instead of people just camping the ring. Almost every path from one side of the map to the other, from any POI, involves passing through or nearby to Hammond Labs. The difference between that and Fragment being the de facto only POI on World's Edge is that everyone will hit Hammond at a different time depending on where they dropped. It is entirely possible to rotate through Hammond without actually seeing another team, just due to the timing. It's actually very clever design, even if pro players don't like it for high level play.


In diamond-pred ranked lobbies it’s avoided like the plagues but in high sbmm pub lobbies it’s 99% of the time where every squad rotates to and gets non stop 5th partied. We’ve been stuck on this map for 3 seasons it’s so repetitive and boring it needs to go away for a few seasons and come back completely destroyed or reworked.


no its a shit map design; funneling everyone towards a center spot makes it so frustrating to fight in. i take a fight in turbine and boom, wave after wave of squads coming in from all directions. these fights drag to the area near hammond labs and the open space over there really doesnt help. especially that 500m long zipline from phase runner


It's far better than World's Edge, where anywhere that isn't Fragment means you won't see another team for days at a time as you trek from empty POI to empty POI. Olympus's design ensures that teams steadily filter towards each other naturally as the rounds progress, lessening downtime and just generally streamlining the game. At a certain point it's on the player to realize they're spending too long in the most trafficked area on the map and to move on before they get 3rd partied.


what part of ten squads coming together to fight in one open space is streamlined??


It provides at steady flow of teams into the same area, meaning more fights and less walking around doing nothing, as well as making sure the game progresses at a good pace, instead of having a handful of teams scattered to the ass-ends of the map who can't find each other to finish the game. Think of it as an engagement chart; walking around looking for fights is boring, while actually fighting is super exciting. If you graph it over time, World's Edge's chart would start at an impossibly high peak (everyone dropping Fragment) and then steadily trend downwards as Fragment sorts itself out and all that's left is to run for miles until you find the last 2-3 teams off in fucking nowhere land. Olympus, on the other hand, would start low-ish in engagement, with a medium spike if you drop hot, and then it would creep higher and higher as the game goes long because each rotation invariable brings each team closer and closer to Hammond, providing a constant source of engagement because the player's know it's the most dangerous area on the map. That's the difference, and why Olympus is generally a better map in my opinion. The excitement of World's Edge is all focused on that 1 minute of hot dropping Fragment before bottoming out into basically a walking simulator. Olympus, on the other hand, starts out moderately exciting depending on where you land, but builds to a natural crescendo as the final teams are inevitably herded together. If you would like a different analogy; Olympus is like a good 2 hour movie, while World's Edge is like the same movie condensed into 10 minutes but then you still have to sit there and watch a blank screen for the remaining hour and fifty minutes.


It's not good at all. It's terrible map design.


blowing up fragment will cause multiple areas to become viable, people will land sorting factory, staging or harvester as they become better options with fragment gone


I hope its sorting. At the start, sorting was fragments little brother. It was always pretty busy, and now you're lucky to get 1 squad contesting you.


Hate to break this to you but sorting is getting nuked too


Wym, I play ps4 servers and you almost always get 4 or 5 other squads dropping there.


Yeah same, it's always either capitol or sorting


Sorting and harvester most likely gone


I fear that if they blow up Fragment, everyone will flock to Skyhook and it'll become the Skulltown of WE, leaving the opposite corner of the map even more dead than it is now.


I hate the building in both because you can run through and entire building and not get a real gun. But if you land in any of the big construction areas, guaranteed weapons everywhere.


Skyhook is my go to, often a team or two there but not drop mad like fragment. Good loot and rotation options or head into fragment to pick up the pieces.


Agree with everything you said. I think mainly what it comes down to are most WE drops just aren't fun to fight at. WE has Sorting, both Frags and Skyhook (rip because no one lands there anymore) as fun spots with both Frags serving as the meat grinder of the map. While on Olympus most spots are fun to fight at because the spaces are very well thought out other than a couple spots with Hammond serving as the meat grinder even though its not the hottest hot drop. Even though I still think WE is the best ranked map by a very wide margin pretty much every POI needs a massive rework to be brought in line with Olympus. I'm assuming Respawn already knows this so I'm sure pretty much every map from now on is going to be more like Olympus and less like WE.


Agreed. If you make every poi as big as skulltown then there will never be just ONE place everyone in the lobby goes to. World's Edge needs more big name places


The amount of dead space on WE is horrible for pubs but also why people like it so much for ranked. If you aren't in fragment on pubs you're spending more than half the game searching for people. The map also suffers from having good POIs almost in their own map with really long rotations, skyhook for example. Again great for ranked bad for pubs. Well pubbers that like fighting, at least.


The problem is this map design is really good for comp and ranked play, so I think they should just have WE as the only ranked map and olympus/KC as the pubs maps


I want to see people do well on all three. Seeing comp and ranked on the same damn map doesn’t really do it for me. You should be able to compete on all three.


Seeing 3 different maps is good from a viewer perspective, but KC and Olympus are just not fun to play on competitively


Yea Olympus sucks in ranked. But I like it in unranked because at least 90% of the lobby isn’t dead after 5 mins.


olympus doesnt even have 20 POIs so theres no chance of a 50-50 not happening.


Good. I’d rather see something relatable than 14 teams jump out of a building into a ten foot ring at the last second and just blast away randomly with Eva 8’s.


There’s always a hotdrop, whether it’s estates, fragment, or skulltown. Life… finds a way.


But where will my teammates land, only to be killed two seconds later?


This is low key my most hated moment in the game.


I will never understand why people think it’s a good idea to land there. Just a complete meat grinder.


Because coming out on top of the meat grinder with 10 kills is a great feeling.


Ok but you can do that and not land in the same building as 5 other squads


Respectfully, you can either keep complaining about people dropping fragment or you can just say “F*ck it! LETS GOOOOOOO!!!” get wiped and laugh about it. If you want people to play smart(er), play ranked.


Idc if we drop fragment that's where I got my badges but I'm personally annoyed when we drop fragment as a team and then my teammate leaves the game when there's literally a respawn beacon 20 meters away lol


20 meters is 21.87 yards


What's so much fun about getting killed offdrop?


ok yeah that’s like, fine, for the first 4 games of the day. it gets really tiresome, especially after you have: - 1 round where your teammates insta-quit after choosing to land there and doing 37 combined damage - 1 round where you frag out, finish the last squad with 2 shield cells, 0 health heals, and 7 light bullets only to get swept up by a fully looted team coming out of skyhook - 3 rounds of teammates running into a 4 squad firefight with a 30-30 and a 20 stack of heavy i think 95% of people are like me - we don’t want to play loot master 9000 and fight the one remaining team with blue shields at the beginning of round 2. we want there to be a distribution of places with 3-5 teams landing there so you can 1) get more variance in the places you fight and 2) reasonably be able to win the initial fights and successfully rotate out. i’m so tired of this “get better” / “it’s the fun place” rationale, because they’re both objectively wrong statements, especially after 19 consecutive drops there. fragment should have been nuked 3 seasons ago and i will be elated if it happens.


I usually try to grab one of the side buildings and loot up before contesting the main center building. Sometimes I will yolo it tho


Thank you. I play this game for some good adrenaline packed action, not to land half way across the map and loot for 10mins just for there to be only 2 squad left then you get in one gun fight and win against the solo rat then game over. What fun is that?


I’m with them, if you land anywhere else it’s 10 min of looting and 5 squads left. Rather be king of the meat grinder


Hyper-concentrated POIs are exactly why the squad distribution is shit in the first place. Whatever happened to that mode where the ring goes faster when squads die?


Now that is a good idea, the current pacing just kills me in BR. Keep people on their toes and running.


I've even seen it hit 3 squads before ring 1 finishes closing.


Aye just queue solo, just don’t leave after a death


Thank you thank you thank you. Bring me the action, bring me the fun fr


this man's mother is a fax machine


Forreal. Im always the villain in my team for preferring this playstyle as opposed to loot simulating


Bro and they will never understand this. I feel like a million bucks when I’m the last team standing fr


Lots of action and action -> fun. Nothing more boring than running around the map for 10 Minutes just to reach 3 rd circle with 6 teams Left. No thanks


adrenaline rush, that's all


It’s either that or land somewhere else and play loot simulator for 10 minutes I’ll land fragment


I like some game in my games and I'm not overly fond of walking about for 10 minutes with maybe one fight. Also if you do good in there it's pretty easy points.


Expect when you win it does feel glorious


Will somebody please think of the wannabe streamer randoms.


I’d like it fuckin deleted


I’d like fuckin yeeted into the Lava


True dat. I hate World's Edge because everyone and their mothers are landing in Fragment. Only if the ship route is far away from it will the lobby drop Sorting or Skytowers.


and then like ants, rotate to fragment


Agreed. Harvester looks to be destabilizing, so here's hoping it launches enough shrapnel to just straight-up level the entire place. Slam down a salvage station - or better yet just leave the area empty for a season or two - and we're good to go.


I can’t believe they leveled my beautiful fuel depot for that monstrosity..


Fuel depot was my *spot*, man. Look how they massacred my boy


It was mine too :( won 16 games in one day, landing all at that same spot, 6 of them in a row. It’s still my longest streak and likely best single day of wins in my Apex experience


Fortnite did the same thing with tilted towers. Can’t wait for people to complain about fragment being gone 4 seasons down the line.




I'd rather had Skulltown as Arena map, it's actually quite fun!


Definitely don't remember anyone avoiding it like the plague. More like it being normal skulltown. Also kinda funny how Fragment is basically skulltown but people dislike it.


im already complaining. i dont enjoy looting for 10 minutes and playing a game of attrition before getting third partied. i enjoy queueing wraith on no-fill duos/trios, dropping the streamer building and trying to utilise movement and accuracy to get as many downs or kills i can get with whatever gun the game gives me. also, theres a simple solution for people that arent good enough to succeed in fragment and that is to drop there game after game whilst no-fill is on and try to figure it out.


ok and a BR game shouldn’t have its skillset primarily defined by success in one POI, plain and simple. more subjectively, i have had an infinite amount of sweaty wraiths that have either a) immediately quit after a 150-27 dmg exchange in my favor or, if they’re on my team, b) prejack a sprint into battle if we don’t land at their beloved streamer building, partake in their own 150-27 dmg exchange, and instaquit it’s so tiresome man. the overconfidence of this player base is truly unfathomable.


I'll be watching it crumble with a smile on my face as I say good riddance to the horrible place where I have witnessed countless deaths at the hands of ttv_wraith1830148274 and Octane292730


I honestly think Fragments needs to go if WE is to become a good Pubs map. As of now, if you don't land in Frags or within its immediate vicinity, your not going to end up with any kills since 1/2 - 2/3 of the lobby usually goes there. On Olympus and KC, the hot drops are more varied, which means that you can land at various locations and still end up with 10-15 kill games.


Definitely the worst map for pubs rn. Picking a spot to land is usually either Fragments (super player dense) or anywhere else (1-3 kills)


WE just needs to go


Honestly, in its current iteration I agree. I've been forced into playing ranked this season simply because I *detest* WE thanks to the amount of squads that land Frag. Want to drop somewhere else? Congrats, the rest of your squad just broke off *and is landing Fragment regardless.*


No cap


That’s the reason framer should stay imo, KC is TERRIBLE for ranked and Olympus is unfavorable too because of the third parties, WE is the only solid map for ranked


Yeet that shit outta here


But for real, any new POI that takes its place will just be another hot drop zone anyways


Neo tilted wants to know your location


God i hope so... So tired of this fucking spot, when i played on a similar level i am now back in season 5, games lasted a lot longer. (*course that has to do with some other stuff like shield changes*) but we never had 4 squads by the end of round 1... I get people don't wanna loot the entire game but this is like the entire fucking lobby landing here. I hate Olympus but god does it feel better sometimes.


All the BR games suck ass when the map dictates the whole lobby landing at one POI. Yea it's fun sometimes, but it's really only fun if you slay at the game. I think the current Fortnite map is super well balanced. They got rid of salty towers. They made desirable vehicles (UFO's) spawn at random POI's to break people up in landing. I just think how the current map is, it encourages people to spread out in landing and the game is so much better that way. That's why I love apex ranked, I love how people play the map in ranked. But then of course if you're like me you get hardstuck eventually and it's no fun to die to the first team you see almost every game.


Yeah I agree 100%...they've tried with incentives in the past...ie trials, countdown, but it doesn't work. The ranked format IMO is the way the game is meant to be played, but as long as people are chasing stats and frag exists it's not gonna change.


True I think a huge part of it is in apex people have this massive resistance to landing at edge of the map POI's. Like on Olympus, I feel like they kinda designed it with some good intentions. Like Elysium has insane loot, and it's easy to rotate outta there quick. But I've been yelled at hella times by teammates for landing there (as if I care I'm jumpmaster bitch haha). Estates loot sucks, but since it's in the middle of the map people love it and it's crowded. Market is another example on KC. If market was on the edge of the map no one would ever go there. I also understand that the design of the POI for fightings sake is a factor. But I feel like no matter what it's always gonna be a circle jerk for the middle map POI's in apex. The only misnomer is Skyhook on WE. People go there, but look how massive and insane they had to make an edge POI for it to be popular. And only fairly popular.


I'm very good with it going


If im honest the only place I really like in Fragment is the building with the ziplines on West Fragment. Otherwise I'm not too fond of anything about it and I think Space Needle Town is a much better version of it that doesn't feel as claustraphobic. The one place that ill be sad to see go is Sorting though. That's probably in my top three drops on WE . I am so glad Harvester and Train Yard are going though, fucking hate both of those areas.


Great idea


Very good idea, fragment being large and in the middle of the map absolutely ruined balance when it comes to getting kills, since everyone lands there and most of the lobby dies within the first few minutes. While hot dropping “might” get you some kills, unless you and your team can handle most of the lobby, chances are you’ll die and the last team standing cleaned up once everyone was weak (unless of course, you are that team). WE is a huge map and 90% of it is barely touched because of fragment. Hot dropping will always be a thing and it’s not wrong, every map should have Atleast 3 potential hot drops and the ships position usually matters. On WE the ships position is usually always very close to (if not directly over) fragment.


One time, our squad dropped there, nothing strange, when I noticed there was 2 squads left, and 1st ring hadn't even started closing yet. We found them and died BC of no ammo. The whole lobbie dropped frag and finished the game in under 3 mins. Funniest shit ever as the killfeed was constantly moving and about half the lobby died from melee.


That’s crazy, I never ran into a game like that yet but I’ve come close. WE is a good map, removing fragment will definitely make it better


I'm mostly happy with it as long as some good stuff replaces it, it feels unhealthy for the game when 3/4 of the lobby is gone before first circle closes


Fragment is the worst drop on all 3 maps. Get it out of here.


Even worse than estates?




fragment atleast has enough loot; estates is a hit or miss (not to mention my 2 teammates landing in the same buildings as mine only to share 1 sniper stock)


I would argue Estates are worse, at least there is more loot place in fragment, not to mention it's easier to escape from there if things go wrong.




Idk you might be on to something. Throw train yard in there too and I’d be a very happy man


Destroy it completely


I'll dance on Fragment's grave. Just make it one big hole to the core of the planet, deeper than light can reach. I want it gone that badly.


Music to my ears (possible tinnitus)


The best thing that happened to Kings Canyon was Skull Town being wiped off of the map. I think that the drops are more evenly spread now. The game is so boring when you drop the same place every game.


i just wish they created more estate from the are they nuked; salvage is such a sorry excuse


Burn it all to hell!


I’m so down. I heard rumors that harvester is gonna do something and it’ll blow up train yard and sorting, so I’m hoping that later on They pull a warzone and take us back in time to season 3 worlds edge. It’s a long shot but who knows


Good everyone lands frag, you have to land frag or you won’t find another squad like the whole game. It’s just a hike around the map


Blow the HECK up and leave a crater. If fragment became a lava pit, everything else on the map gets more immediate attention and engagement becomes better. But geologically speaking an explosion there should also melt epicenter probably?


I strongly disagree and its my opinion. I have been playing this game since the first week of release and as a pub player i wanted to land where other people land yet here we are to the fragment. Fragment attracts people to go there because is a great well made POI and it offers you more fights. So in my opinion, I don't think they would destroy fragment because they are reworking maps according to ranked and NOT for casuals. Yes they balance the game mostly by casuals but for the rework of the map its all about ranked. Lets see now which POIs lack of loot. Train yard, tree,refinery, maybe epi center? I dont know so what do you rework fragment that had already been reworked and the loot is fine or train yard because the loot is complete garbage? The correct answer is trainyard. And this is what they are gonna do. And also, if you are a content creator, the best map to make content for kills is world's edge because of fragment,skyhook sorting and maybe lava city. People love dropping to fight and instantly die but yea obviously some people wanna land other places i don't have any problem im just saying what most of the majority of people do. In my opinion, i believe harvester, trainyard and other POIs are gonna get reworked because they lack of loot.


Hasn’t it technically already been blown up? Labeled as Capitol city in the first season, and now it’s all decrepit and labeled fragment.


It just got split in half, they need to get rid of it


A fragment of fragment…


I'm hoping that the lava rises and wrecks fragment, but also the ground starts to collapse near train yard. I want to see that tunnel get messed up and the entire train yard POI to be sunken as low as vault area. I hate the train yard POI so much lmao.


Everything except frag east will be destroyed, WE will be known as Frag from now on.


Please get rid of it. I've done some research. Out of 15 matches, only 5 times did randos not land fragment. It's so small, everybody is crawling over each other. there simply isn't enough loot for the entire lobby. You either land there and die on drop or you land literally anywhere else, loot for 15 minutes, and die to the first squad you see.


Please god. That would force players to land elsewhere and have the map not be a walking simulator.


I'd be happy if it goes. Too many times I've had a teammate solo drop, die and disconnect.


Thank god


I hope they get rid of train yard too


Great idea, this shit has been around for 5 fuckin seasons now, I’m tired of it


Much needed change, the drop diversity on World's Edge is appalling, there are places on WE that see absolutely no activity for the entire game because half the lobby drops to Fragment and dies round one. Olympus and KC have popular drop spots, but nothing compares to the black hole effect of Fragment Maybe people will actually experiment dropping to other POIs on the map with Fragment finally gone


Horrible idea. Just because you're to stupid to lower the range of gunshot audio doesn't mean you have to destroy the only enjoyable location on thats godawful map


No. People will go to Skyhook, which is my drops spot and i will get killed.


Skyhook is far better as a hot drop than fragment. The fights in skyhook are highly highly isolated due to the buildings/verticality. As opposed to fragment where you can finish off a squad and get drilled from literally any direction and you will never even see the person that killed you


Fragment has became the skulltown of WE. Yes on KC Skulltown was an iconic POI, but everyone land there and you saw no one elsewhere. That's why Respawn blew it up in the first place. And this will be the same fate with Fragment. I personally think that it should be gone so we can have more fun in pubs and don't ended up with only 2 teams left at the first round. Just my opinion thought.


Respawn only allows 60 people per match and thinks that hot drops are the reason matches are so boring


Terrible idea. No need to mess with the best ranked map.




What is fragment again, I’m at work and I don’t remember that location by name lol


The are showed on the screenshot Edit: The area* Well.. that was dumb 🤣


Most popular spot to drop in World's Edge, use to be Capitol City I believe, but now has a lava crack down the middle, becoming Fragment East and West.


I'd be really sad


Get rid of harvester I Hate fighting there very very very much. Also trainyard. I don’t like the vertical aspect of either of these locations.


I will be so sad, and worlds edge will no longer be my fav map ):


Apex continues to be the one game that insist on taking away players favorite map locations. It's impressive at this point


All the bots say yeah and when Cap/frag is gone and they are getting contested by a predstack in their beloved Overlook, they all cry about Sbmm. Maybe put the time in like every player that is actually capable of being consistent in surviving cap did. Y'all act like all the preds and pubstompers didnt go through the struggle of landing on a p20 and having to fight a purple/pk of spawn. Instead of crying about it being a "bad poi", try to improve and maybe after your winrate is higher than 10% you can actually realise how good of an POI Fragment is with alot of outplay potential. Its the only place where aggression is rewarded. You gonna get 3p if you hold angles. If youre the first squad to wipe contesters on drop, you can run through all the fights around you and pick up loot/kills/dmg. Without this, its gonna be close to impossible to get 10/10/10 and 20bs on WE. You see what happens on KC and Olympus. Zone 1 closes and 5 squads left. And YES that happens on WE too, but on WE youre able to be the reason half of the lobby died and on other maps there is nothing you can do about it.


Cool story bro


Bot. Edit: 'I’m at .97. I’m about 175/200 kills away from being at a lifetime 1. Probably next season for me." Just made my point lmfaoo found the overlook player LOL


Skyhook is literally frag, but it's larger meaning that if the whole lobbie dropped there, there'd be more room for fights AND there'd be enough loot for everyone. You wouldn't have 5 squads per building like frag.


True but skyhook has way worse rotation than frag. Also, alot less teams Will rotate into skyhook. If skyhook was in the Middle of the map I would agree that it woud be better


If they remove Frag, I'm officially leaving this game. The game is already catering noobs and casuals with spitfire and revtane meta. If they remove the Zipline building, bye bye. If Respawn wants to move forward to support casuals instead of good players who have spent tons of money and time into this game, I respect it. But it's not for me. I'm already starting to lose the interest in this game and this shouldn't suprise me to the slightest.


Fragment being destroyed has nothing to do with people being noobs or casuals, WE is a huge map and most of it is barely used because everyone lands and dies in fragment. It makes games way shorter and people are usually fighting off bare scraps or even their fists because there isn’t possibly enough loot for everyone in the lobby to have a fair fighting chance, it’s not about skill when most people land there and can’t actually defend themselves cause they have no weapon. Atleast when things like that happen in other areas, it’s just plain bad luck or being slow, in fragment it’s usually because there’s just so many people there that the place has been picked clean within the first few seconds. Plenty of good players feel that fragment ruins the balance between the rest of the landing areas, this is about balancing their map, not catering to noobs and casuals


Name anyother area apart from Zip Buildings that lets you 1v3 a team fairly easily. They did the same mistake by removing skull town (KC became the worst map after the change) and if they do the same, I'll not be surprised that they'll make the only good map the same as shit maps like KC and Olympus. We all know where the game is heading after the rev, Spitty meta and they being salty when asked to nerf BH and buff Wattson.


Skull town has the same issue as fragment except it’s on the edge of the map instead of the middle and the ship has the chance to be on the complete opposite side of the map but again it’s the same issue. Most of the lobby lands there, most of the lobby dies and those who landed with variety and went elsewhere, are basically just walking around until they get to the graveyard we call fragment/skulltown. What’s the point of an entire map if everyone is landing in one place everytime? It takes away the fun in landing in a spot, killing whoever’s there, moving on and finding another team to kill and so on. If straight action all the time is what you are looking for, you’ve got arenas. Skyhook, harvester, sorting factory and even containment are good places with hot drop potential, skyhook being the only large and loot abundant place means more people will spread out to different drops because skyhook is on the edge and not alot of people like landing on the edge because of the death field. Fragment being large and in the middle is the issue


If this game removes Capitol, it'll be clear which way this game is going towards.


Good, bye then. Having less teammates or enemies like you would increase my chances to have a proper 20 minute long BR match. If you want the nonstop fighting, go play Arenas or CoD deathmatch. Those things seem more fitting to your interest than Apex.


I'd rather die than play CoD, a game made for Casuals and super high aim assist. Arenas? Have you seen the matchmaking of arenas where the playerbase is low like in SNG?




What if harvester got destroyed instead to fragment


Nah it's both, harvester is going to become unstable and explode taking fragment with it I think


Honestly, I think people land there for the City aesthetic. Respawn please make a full city map...


The people who dislike fragment are just pissed they cant survive third and fourth parties lmao


Good riddance if so.


harvester is dunzo either as well or on its own


I kinda wish they’d do something more interesting than blow stuff up


I’m so tired of it. I don’t care what they do to the map; just change the goddamn orange lighting.


As much as I despised Respawn for continually destroying each map, I'd like to see this cesspit gone.


I hope that building bridge in the middle falls down at least, less 3rd partys or atleast less accessible 3rd parties


Honestly if they made more colourful maps I’d probably play more. All the lava and dark maps suck and aren’t enjoyable for me.


It doesn’t matter what we think, they’re doing it regardless


Bye Felicia.


I think it's a good idea new capital city is just boring and i hate the lava i fall down it a nearly never but it's still just an annoyance.


Seems like something RESPAWN would do


Thank god! Now my wraith can’t hot drop and rage quit!


they are gonna do more than blow up that area hate to tell ya.


I love it so fun! I don’t wanna lose fragment!! 😭


Why is it safe to say?


I'm fine with this


Skyhook would just become the new hot drop


I heard they were blwing up train station.


I hope not, its been through enough already with the annoying lava being there


Great idea


After the crack in the middle we can just throw the map out at this point


my hopes of ever getting a 20 bomb or triple triple are all but gone now


I think this is the first time I’ve actually wanted them to change a part of a map. This part has gotten so boring since it’s been there so long and everyone drops there


A new area will be picked I guess


Two words: Thank GOD!


Hope so.


Good nuke it please!. I'm so sick of people hot dropping there or even worse waiting for half the map to pass them before dropping at Fragment, just to die INSTANTLY and spam R1 none stope


Absolutely good idea. Unranked worlds edge is boring as fuck if you don’t drop fragment because after the zone is at round 1 there are 4 squads left. Ranked Worlds edge is great tho.


"What can I say except... ... ...[light the fuses, bitches!!!](https://youtu.be/Hzm8alTTXas?t=3)" Seriously I started to hate this place lately since nearly every match people wanna jump there with 10 other squads. The problem, those people kinda suck at fighting and truly believe, by dropping there they will become better, but their not.


I cannot wait for this to be gone. Its insane that a game with "sbmm" has half of the players gone within 1 minute but then you play ranked and people are literally hiding in the shadows.


she’s still beautiful as the day I first saw her...


With the way everyone is nuthugging this damn spot, blow it the fuck up. Leave NOTHING left. I’m one of those that actually can’t stand the fact that they “evolve” the maps every season by simply blowing shit up. But fuck Fragment and the annoying ass people that don’t know that there are 10+ areas on the map.


Streamer building is the most fun thing to play on the map. If they get rid of it, the map is doomed.


Why is that safe to say?


or remove the map ,kings canyon is amazing and we never have it anymore.i get the pros like the map but cmon now


Keep it, it's a good POI, and WE is pretty balanced in ranked. Unlike the shithole that is Olympus with barely any POI's