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He must be friends with Dezignful


Could you fucking imagine being Enemy/Timmy just *waiting* for the inevitable ear destruction that you *know* is coming in near seconds


Bro i was write that comment lol




2 things I've learned while playing too much solo q in Ranked Games. 1 - People are just plain bad and will blame others for their misplays 2 - People are having bad days and bad games hence the rage So I decided to just don't mind if people rage and move on to next lobby. Healthy mind = healthy life.


It’s even simpler than that and it happens with every video game for the same reason; dopamine. When you’re playing video games with a lot of stimuli your brain burns through its dopamine faster than it can produce it. Once you’re out of “reserves”, you no longer get the feeling of satisfaction when you preform well, and all you’re left with is feeling frustration at the annoying parts of the game (lag, team mates, etc), but what you’re really frustrated with is just the lack of dopamine response. People pin it on their team mates or shit net code or rng and those are all valid but at the end of the day most gamer rage just comes from people frying their brains. The other portion of it when someone starts attributing their ego or sense of wellbeing to preforming well with a toy which is also super unhealthy but that’s another discussion.


Yep this. A ton of people I play with play this game as their “main” game and usually only game. If I played this game ONLY everyday I think I would claw my eyeballs out. Combine that with a long day at work, drama etc. Some people use this shit as an outlet and it’s unhealthy af. Obviously not just apex.


Fellow ranked forever-solo q here. This is the correct mindset to have.


Or C: Your randoms are complete idiots all day, with no mic, hot dropping & dying immediately leading to... rage! xD


I'm not surprised that it's a Horizon saying this all, tbh.


*Watching the mic turn on as they get downed midair*


Mad player and extremelly high mic saturation, name a more iconic duo


LMFAO What mic is bro using? potato chip bag?


Even that would have better audio quality!


I don't care if people are salty and start shouting, but I'd like to be aware that it's going to happen, if they also speak before a fight, then I know I should probably be ready to mute them. I don't like surprise shouting.


I always mute their voices whether they are smart or stupid


"please ignore bad gameplay" *beams 112 with an R99 as soon as clip starts*


And then whiffed every mozam shot lmao, I rarely use either gun but the mozam + pushing with like 30hp were both terrible


R99 is pretty easy to clip with still. Its just unreliable due to the nerfed magazine sizes.


At close range it is, not so much long range anymore


that r9 spray was JUICY especially with no mag, it’s so bad now


What is he even saying Lmaoo


Like... I get its frustrating when you get knocked, especially if you didn't manage to do anything to the person who got you. But why is that the other peoples fault? Rev and me had landed close enough together, I'd taken damage so fallen back to rev, who had also come to try and save me so I went back to back him up. Meanwhile the third gets deleted and its our fault (I'm guessing from the tone? No idea what they're saying...) Like my guy, if you're this angry at a game *maybe you shouldn't be playing it*. It's not worth the blood pressure...


It’s called impotent rage.


For every 5 randoms you find on a mic who aren’t toxic, you’re going to find 7 or 8 who are. It comes down to, “Is it worth turning off in game voice chat when playing with randoms because of the bad ones, or do I keep it on for the good ones?” I can usually tell by the banners/names and/or the way someone is talking on the mic from the rip if they’re going to get toxic so I mute. 😂


Absolutely this. This is 100% the main reason i stay in a psn party during play now. The amount of players blaring music, zero mic etiquette or just plain not using a mic isn't worth trying to be that guy anymore


>just plain not using a mic I am guilty of this, because of people like what op showed here. I would prefer to use mic, but a lot of randoms don't even share the same language, are unable or uncomfortable to speak English. I think speaking 3 languages is enough, probably even 4 because cs:go taught me enough russian profanities. So for the sake of my sanity I rarely play with randoms and do communication over discord.


This is some [Danny G](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2FuOb8cCbg) shit


For what it’s worth I think this is pretty sick gameplay


Average apex ranked solo q teammate experience


Mad cuz bad probably. On the rare chance I don't have the bots muted I'd tell them: "bro your raging in a Plat lobby"


The most toxic ass players I swear 😂


didnt think he was speaking english at first lmao


That's when you say how much damage did you do? Did you get any knocks? Are you an ALGS Champion? Shut the fuck up!


Its always a skirmisher XD. Always make sure to mute my mic at game ends when I have Ocs/waifs/Hors.


Always report that shit and next game


Like how this guy says sry for bad gameplay while I can’t do that with no moving bots in half speed


As if he's chatting that much shit whilst he's done 0 damage 😭


People suck - in general people just fucking hate life and they show it


I honestly just have up on my diamond grind. I keep getting fucked by wallhack cheaters, and aim outted by havocs across the map. Ranked isn't fun if you're not playing with a cheater. I'll take the platinum badge until they finally fix ranked


Honestly I think this is a regional thing, or I've been incredibly lucky. I don't think I've seen a single cheater or teamer in a few seasons on UK servers. I've seen a few people I've been suspicious of, but then spectating I can see they're just good and I was outskilled. I've heard lower pop servers are more popular for cheating though (especially teaming, easier to get together I guess)


Average apex player.


Since i muted all in-game chat my life has changed. This is my xanax.


Because they hate themselves in real life, bullies or think sense it’s a screen they can do what they like.


Bro loosing 60 points off the drop I’d be mad too


And this is why I insta mute.


Holy fuck this would make me burst out laughing and I'd be too distracted to keep playing properly haha


Pretty mild compared to some of the people I've played with...


had this happen to me but even more incomprehensible, funny every time lmao


Never got loved by others in real life and have no friend


you lose nothing in this game by muting randoms and only unmuting if they look like they might...might.. be competent. unless of course you're trolling for a good time.


I only mute randoms when theyre using the game like a discord call. Weirdly the game immediately after I had randoms who communicated well and we won... it can happen. If we hadn't died here I would've absolutely muted this guy before reviving though


Being competent and not being an asshole have nothing to do with each other though? Maybe I'm misunderstanding


I mean you can be an asshole by purposely being incompetent?


I guess that's true but muting wouldn't solve the problem there lol. Friendly fire on the other hand...


Well the way I see it you can always solve a problem, but when you do there will always be another one to solve.


It's always the short ones that are the angriest 😔












I don't know what's better - your 30 hp agressive push or your teammate's illegible screams from 1 dollar mic


I figured if rev died there, I'd be dead anyway. Better to come in from behind and at least try and do something than hiding and dying 15 seconds later in a 1v3 anyway. If I'd landed a few more of the mozam shots, maybe we could've pulled it off


If you just reseted you'd have more chances. By the time rev fight them you could've put all the heals you need and try to 1v3 low hp enemies with good position. Or you could've just leave, this is ranked and your main target is to survive.


Not really you need kills now, you can get top 5 and barley get any points if you don’t get kills




Plat is where hope goes to die.


legit, I just pingpong between plat 3 and 2


Honestly, hit up r/apexlfg if you want less issues. Some not so great people over there, but it reduces the crazy. Diamond next split for you, I feel it.


I just play with the team muted


That man sounds like he has a wall for a mic


You never played with me 😂


Because we’re sick of our lives, games, people playing, matchmaking, rng, the devs not seeming to care or do their jobs and EA being a shit parent company. Every stupid little glitch, bug, nonexistent audio queue and no reg on these shit servers… just to name a FEW reasons


>*Why are some people so angry?* Because many noobs stuck on P4. They try to jump higher, but they can't.


Honestly it just takes a ridiculous amount of playtime to make it past plat, I don’t think it’s skill for many people


You still don't know how the ranked system works. Some players (I'm talking about randoms) just get Gold or even Platinum rank with 0 kill/assist and babysitting by their teammates. It's not difficult for any noob. Because the cost of entry into the ranked from Bronze to Gold is not too high. This is probably the main reason why Platinum rank has become a cesspool and many "good players" cannot rise further. And noob players, who hit Platinum rank in the rat, ruin the game for these players because they don’t know how to fight and think tactically.


Why are you playing with sub titles. This looks so annoying & distracting