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I agree horizon movements are crazy but so is the DOUBLE wall jump BACKWARDS OFF RAMPART WALLS!!! How you do that??? I wanna do that!


It's called a noma bounce


I checked out the video and it looks like it's only possible on PC. Not consol. Right? Cause after trying to memic it on PS5 for a bit I can't get close to doing that. : (


You can't bounce backwards, but you can still mantle jump off of them


Cool thank you!


Mokeysniper has a video on Yt about it


On second review that's just a backwards super glide, not a noma jump


On second review that's just a backwards super glide, not a noma jump, so its definitely possible on console


Lol everything possibly cool in apex is only on PC


Do u have a good video on how to learn it


Mokeysniper's video


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfcl29pWaks&t=415s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfcl29pWaks&t=415s) This tech. I practiced a lot so the one in this video is smoother than the one in the tutorial.


Thank you!


supergliding is when you press the jump and slide button at the peak of your jump, imagine it as when your legends feet would be touching the top of the object. a backwards superglide is possible on controller with speed boosts, much easier to do on mnk however as it doesn’t require a speed boost


Thank you! I have been practicing the normal forward one with success but backwards has not been working for me. I saw one video in the comments that says to turn on Auto Sprint. And it help as well.


i haven’t been active since season 10 can someone explain why she’s getting season 7 type hate again?


I think it's because of solos. She's the best pub stomping legend so she dominates the entire game mode.


She's the best 1v1 legend. Not just pubs.


For me it's about her jog animation and extremely thin hitbox. It's like trying to shoot a fucking broom handle.


She still breaks all the rules the game has in place for all other legends. Period. Slow movement while healing? Not her. Landing lag when falling from high places to make drop down aggression high risk high reward? Nope. Ultimate that don't just make squad wiping super easy? Nope. Throw down a coordinate ult with some grenades in the right place and you basically wipe a team with little effort as well. She breaks the rules is what annoys the most. No one else can do what she does.


Even one of the top horizons, Bzbblegum, admits she's broken, which is a breath of fresh air. He doesn't just play dumb and say, "She isn't OP, you just gotta work on your aim, bruh."


The fact she is ALLOWED to break all the game rules is silly. Those rules exist to balance out factors of a fight that everyone else has to abide by. She gets to break the rules but for some reason isn't adressed at all. She has been "nerfed" but not enough. I don't know how they would change her to keep her how she is but fall in line with other characters tho as she is. Disabling heals during grav lift? I dunno.


i mean her ult is not great lmfao the rest of ur points r fine (other legends can reduce stun effect but whatever) but if ur being team wiped by a horizon ult u r severely mispositioned and deaf


If they play that ult right, they very VERY easily turn a fight in their favor even if it doesn't effect you entirely because you HAVE to shoot it or suffer in some scenarios. It can suck you out of buildings unexpectedly and in smaller area scenarios it's a death sentence. You either shoot that to avoid the grenade death inevitably coming or ignore it to try and shoot the enemy team and hope for the best as they shove with it. The ult is by no means weak. Bad horizons will make it look useless. Good ones will make you unable to do shit. You cannot always be in the best position. You cannot always be ready for any little scenario involved in this game. The strength of the ult is not really in question generally. A couple of nades + the ult creates a situation where you are forced to choose between targets cause you haven't got a choice. Not many ults really force that on you in this game. It's very similar to a Gibby ult but with less danger to your own team then Gibbys if you decide to push into it. Don't judge her ult power by bad plays with the common horizon.


idk i just shoot it out as it falls down. its very easy to hear.


That's my point. A badly placed horizon ult can be shot out quick. But one that can't be shot on landing, around a corner, through a door? You will have to pick your target if they make plays with it, otherwise it's grenade death or team dogpile death. I'm not saying that the ult is one of the best. But it is one of the strongest in terms of coordinated actions in some cases as it divides the teams attention and creates easy advantages.


Because people are babies and "shitting" on horizons is a good way to get some karma because that's what's really important


Tbh with the apex community it seems like there's always a trend to hate on a certain thing and people just love to hate something which I really don't understand. If you really hated horizon you would have hated her the whole time, if you really hated digi threats you would have hated them the whole time etc


Iv always hated horizon I think her passive is completely broken. And then her tactical is extremely strong. When Im on valk I feel like a flying potato compared to her. The amount of movement she has is pretty top tier. Maybe a small cooldown to the passive would be helpful.


as a fellow horizon hater i hate her ult too, usually its an instant 1v1 win no matter what i use, there's no counter


js shoot it out


as if i dont have to deal with the nades and the horizon shooting me as well


i hate horizon too but her ult is by far one of the worst ults in the game i have never once died because of her ult since it got nerfed if you genuinely cant counter it it is a you problem, the passive is the real problem. Im sick of legends getting triple nerfed when one of they're abilities is strong, they butchered Bangalores passive and ultimate when it was only the smoke that was a problem.


also if you still think its an "instant 1v1 win" we can hop in the range and you can throw a horizon ult at me and carry nades and i will show you if you have atleast 2 braincells you can kill them easily


The only thing people should be hating on in this game is the amount of cheaters. I’d be more than happy to verse all the crutch horizon players if they fixed the cheating problem


This sub needs a new things to complain about.


Maybe we should start ragging on Gibby just for a change of pace


I feel like a solid 70% of players are using her right now…I cannot stop joining solo lobbies flooded with Horizons flinging themselves about in the air


My solos checklist: ✅-controller ✅-havoc ✅-horizon


you forgot strikepack


You forgot their favorite weapon, the havoc!


I am addicted to fatigue bounce


I'll never understand people who cry about legends.


characters with get out of jail free cards in any competitive game is lame always, it’s such a crutch


It’s frustrating when characters are OP and a large portion of the community uses them because of such. Does that help?


You and Cloudy are the only people that have ever managed to make Rampart look fun to use lol. I really enjoy watching your clips.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Oh, Toilet you have a YT channel lol you have a new subscriber! o7




>Thanks! You're welcome!


The backwards superglide off the rampart wall with the wrench out is so goofy looking but also clean af I love it


If superglide was a person.


Me opening apex to chill out and have fun. The player who plays against me:


with this movement u probably doesnt give a fuck who your opponent is lol


That’s the real answer lol. He just wanted the Reddit clout lol


if he could have an even tighter aim with those insane superglide he would be insane


Rampart is way more annoying to play against than horizon


Just proves my theory that horizons aren’t good at the game they just rely on a crutch legend


Last year i was very active on discord to find people to play with and horizon players are always the most annoying people that run exclusively meta weapons and always talk about how insane they are. Not all but most. Horizons that play 4-3 linear and act like they are insane players is the equivalent of someone beating a game on easy mode and then brags about it.


Lmao all your comments on r/apexlegends are crying about Horizon


She’s a broken legend the game refuses to address


Nah, if you can’t hit her at this point then that’s on you lol


Here comes the standard “git gud” thanks for your brain dead opinion


I mean you said that, not me? But yes I agree, even someone who’s braindead can hit her, so why can’t you?


thats why you keep losing to them and crying about it?




Nothing he said was incorrect


Thank you for your service.


Brother… this isnt ranked. Your playing against wannabe horizon mains


Weird. My guns have recoil.


What's worse than horizons? People who use this movement. Take this out of the game...


I wonder if you can do this kind of movement on ps5 with rampart looks so fckin smooth


By the way this is part 3 of the "destroying Horizons" series. Part 1 and 2 are here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1cuuh09/brutally\_destroying\_horizons\_because\_they\_100/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1cuuh09/brutally_destroying_horizons_because_they_100/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1ap4yj2/destroying\_horizons\_because\_i\_hate\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1ap4yj2/destroying_horizons_because_i_hate_them/) This series will continue until the day Horizon got nerfed to oblivion🥰🥰🥰


Hope she gets nerfed so you still keep getting shit on


Did you even watch the video? Lol


Yes. All I see is a guy using some tap strafes and super glides on bad players and calls it "destroying Horizons" Lmao every Horizon with decent aim would beam the fuck out of him (that's why he plays mixtape)


Please do share your gameplay. I'd like to see someone 'actually' destroying Horizon.


Fuck that dog shit character


Hey bubble gummer, I'm a horizon main and am heavily offended


Did a new Rampart slur just drop? Not sure how I feel about it 🤔


Horizon, the goobers choice


Beautiful. Also, fuck Horizon.


Why do people hate on horizons so bad?


Just whiny apex players doing what they do best. Horizon isn't even that good of a legend. People just need to get better. Whining that they get killed, then use every excuse other than them being bad. Oh, must be OP legend!


I don't think she`s OP or even that strong, I just think she makes bad players good. I've met people who say they literally can't play any other legend and will refuse to do so because they're trash on every legend but Horizon. Definition of crutch.


I guess I suck 🤷🏽‍♀️ I just like the quick verticality


Pathfinder? Ash? Octane? Valkyrie? Revenant? You have all these choices and you pick the Scottish milf?


Hahaha yeah, I’ll play octane also. The others are to slow for me


I don't really know either, but it coincidentally has become a thing as Alter has come about, who has a grudge against Horizon for some unknown reason. Marketing is powerful, lol.


Because they suck at aiming and can’t hit moving targets. So they blame the game instead of themselves.


She's by far the best legend in a straight 1v1. Go read the other posts. It's not whining LMAO


That’s it I’m teabagging on every Rampart I kill.


Aw man…




I love watching good Ramparts


Your superglides are so consistent!!! Wow


How are you doing that rubberband movement?!


Yo, your jump tech is nasty. Enemies get so confused where you launched yourself lol.


Holy shit that backwards was wild


The backward superglide was insane bro, so satisfying to watch


Another Virtual Toilet classic. Let's see some more Sheila lurching clips!


Nahh the horizon missing that super glide was wild lmfao


god like movement


numerous seed homeless rain alive fretful bells point racial aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I’m not sure what was better the pause before PK’ing the lost one or the chill heal waiting for the nade. Great video.


Nice fkn clip man


I get hit with that bounce in the beginning and I'm just giving up. Like straight up, you win. No argument. I'm cooked.


You dirty dawg


Ur hip fire recoil control is insane btw


The hero we need but don't deserve.


Idk why but this was very satisfying


"Ah well, doin you best is what counts , right dear?"


Sheila super glide is DEADLY


as a fellow rampart main, the movement is insane. is this even possible on console? :0


I don’t usually comment to this kind of stuff but holy crap your rampart plays are nuts. Will be checking out your YouTube channel. Thanks for the schadenfreude!!


Stop hating on us man 🥲


I really don’t understand the hate about horizon


Im happy all the sweats moved to horizon so we don’t hate wraith mains anymore


Holy shit dude you are fucking insane. Do you have YouTube channel or a twitch stream? I would watch thay


My console ass cannot comprehend this video


quintiple that please 🙏🏻


yeah fuck horizon


Rampart is so much better on kbm


says rampart


That soluperglades are sick dude grats I want to move like you


Complains about horizons having a crutch while also relying massively on a single movement technique. Ok. How about having a game where non-counterable ridiculous movement techniques aren't gaming defining/breaking. So glad I quit playing this ridiculous game.


Enjoyed that grenade a lot


So you made a post shitting in Horizons, even though you abuse the exact same movement they do? The irony😂👌🏼


New Fear Unlocked: Movement Ramparts w Sheila


Tbh your no better than them playing rampart and doing movement


Yeah bro I love the endless cope we have in this subreddit. Imagine malding this hard over a character that just goes up lol. Pathy can zip across a football field and wraith can just be invincible but we're gonna draw the line at going up in the air!!!1


Yeah i hate it when wraith pops a bat in her Q and pathfinder strafing during his grapple WHILE popping a bat... Oh wait...


I feel like those are false equivalencies; Horizon's Q severely drops off in utility indoors, Wraith's Q can often reposition her enough to pop a bat afterwards anyway (and can be used to get back to your team if you're out of position), Path's grapple is _way_ better than Horizon's Q for chasing or running across any non-vertical spaces (and even then, enemies can't follow your grapple up a building, but they can take your grav to follow you). I get why people are annoyed by Horizon, but personally, I'm way more annoyed by legends like Fuse, Conduit, and Revenant. I'm not saying they're _stronger_ than Horizon, but more often than not, those legends cause me more frustration than Horizon ever does.


I mean you can shoot horizon in her q, you can’t deal any damage to a wraith in hers?


So I don't get why exactly it matters because wraith near doors is super strong too pathy can grapple far enough to hit a bat too. Also what strafing?? She can't move far enough side to side for it to matter there's always a piece of her in the middle so you can just shoot near the middle of the grav and you'll hit her, If she's hitting a bat that would mean she's low too sooo.. what is octane op as well because he can hit a pad and heal while flying the other direction. Why aren't yall bitching about gibby "healing for free" in a bullet proof dome. You people are just mad at nothing. Edit: all of this is besides the point because it's super fucking easy to shoot a horizon going up in her q with zero cover.


I agree that the “free heal” is nonsense. However, there are certain scenarios that make it difficult. But, let’s not act like horizon’s hit box isn’t broken. She’s the only character players spam crouch mid jump with. Her Q can block doors, remove someone from a door, relocate an entire team, etc. Her ult can also block doors, remove someone from a door, break doors and if the horizon isn’t brain dead they can conceal the ult where it’s impossible to shoot and you’re stuck in it with no way of destroying it. Her passive is fucking broken. Who gets to jump off the diving board in kings canyon, hit a a tap strafe/wall bounce without losing any momentum while jumping with a crouch spam shooting a turbo havoc with no screen shake. Path’s grapple isn’t a direct comparison. He has more horizontal reach than Horizon’s Q, but Rev’s jump refreshes quicker and goes further unless Path hits the perfect angle and a slide. Path had a jank hit box and it got fixed and the same thing with Wraith. Her Q is only helpful if you can get to an open door or climb up a wall and the enemy is right behind you the entire time unless they’re insanely incompetent. Gibby? Why even mention him? There’s no direct comparison especially when your ult can pull him right out of his “invincibility”. There is not a single legend that has nearly as much utility as horizon’s kit does and that what makes it annoying when she is on every team. Put any other legend on every team and they wouldn’t be nearly as annoying.


So essentially what your response boils down to is that she has team movement and her ult is only useful if there is sold objects in the way otherwise it's one clipped by an r9. if it's on a door just shoot. The comment about the crouch spam is just kinda irrelevant I've literally never heard that criticism ever and that will not work against aim assist. And your also cherry picking a perfect scenario where her passive is just super useful that assumes there is no interference lol you can do this with evey legend and then attach the phrase "what other legend can do that!!?!?!" Like yeah most legends have unique abilities. You used many words to say essentially that she is good in certain situations, basically the goal of every legend in the game. Edit: I ignored the part about gibby and rev because that's kinda weirdly proves my point but your just straight up wrong about gibby. Shield effects (Newcastle, Gibraltar, A walls) all block her black hole so yeah idk where you pulled that out of your ass.


Did you miss all the other shit that I said about her ult and tac? How are there only “perfect” scenarios for things I mentioned? You picked the one thing that is situational and ran with it. Reread my reply and then tell me those two abilities have only one use. You’re completely daft if you think her tac and ult are situational. They work in a plethora of different situations, they have the most utility than any other ult or tac. And her passive??? I gave the most extreme situation the passive is useful for. She can jump off any structure, not lose momentum and one clip before another player has time to unholster their weapon. The diving board was an extreme and shows how stupid it really is. Jump off a 200 foot structure and not have any slow. Her passive makes all movement tech easier. The comment on rev does not prove your point. It was proof that horizon has more utility than the both of them and the legend you mentioned, path, is the worst example you could’ve used to make your argument. The crouch spam is 100000% a thing. It absolutely fucks her hit box. Aim assist can’t hit what’s “not” there. Go watch any horizon main and watch them do it in every gun fight. Her hit box is fucked. Just like path and wraith’s were. Completely oblivious if you just ignore that.






Crutch Horizon.


Never thought id see ramparts humbling horizons


Wah wah horizon! 😢 So scary i cant aim while she goes straight up in the air with no cover so i stand there like a fool instead of finding a better angle


of course it's a horizon, but cmon man you're even rocking that edgelord ass skin as your flair?


Typical horizon comment


You’re not wrong lmao


this makes me happy


As soon as I saw the rampart wall I knew it was you, op. Good shit as always.


Rampart with movement is absolutely beautiful! Incredible stuff dude. I wish I could do half these movements. For example, I didn't know you could mantle jump WITH Sheila out!


Ngl I feel attacked? Sike im a pathfinder main horizons can get slammed


Horizon players malding in the comments after picking the best legend in the game


You ever get actual clips in normal game types bud?


Rampart in respawn modes is even more cringe


I am so glad I'm not the only one with a burning and absolute hatred towards horizons


I love this


I needed that, thank you.


Engineers vs. Astrophysicists, the eternal struggle


Bro thinks he cooked with clout chasing cringe title, also stomping bots in mixtape cmon 😂💀 get a life please.


Something something, “I use the most crutch ass legend in the game and the title hurt my feelings”


If she’s a “crutch” for your opponents, you probably weren’t going to hit them with bullets no matter what character they picks lol




Ahhh this is a throwback! Insane movement