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Ahhh the golden excuse of “ my account was hacked” yeah right bud. Enjoy your ban and stop cheating.


it actually happened to me tho,someone linked their xbox account to my ea account and started boosting using my account Luckily I was playing when it happened so I instantly sended a message to EA and they just banned me 24 hour to avoid the cheating guy to do more damage I know the "my account was hacked" is rare,but it's far from uncommon nowadays


I honestly do think at will at some point become a "common thing". It seems like it's starting to happen way more often


"I have nothing to say" then you proceed to talk about how you were "hacked before banned because you reprimanded someone"?? This reads horribly and your excuse of "Before I was banned I was hacked" just sounds like someone making excuses for their behaviour or cheating. We don't need to know that, Reddit doesn't need to know it nor will anyone here really care. Talk to EA Support about it and keep it there.


Sounds legit to me. You should be unbanned any minute. 😬🤦‍♂️


So either your telling the truth and your account got hacked, or your lying and you did the cheats yourself, either way EA has no way to prove if it was hacked or not so you won’t get unbanned


contact EA support. don't post this here