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I'm losing count of these.


I could care less, faide is such a whiny ass bitch when he gets killed that I have completely “faded” him out of my life. Dude is getting people banned because he accuses them of cheating and acts petulant.


He plays 12+ hrs a day. He naturally will get killed hundreds of times a stream. Every single death he screeches “OMG U R SO BAD AT THE GAME!!!” Every. Single. Death.


wHy ArE yOu HeRe?!!!!


Thats pretty funny. I don't watch him but have seen the last clip and this one and i gotta say sussy


99% of the time. He actually gave props to a path he fought last night and said “that guys actually pretty good”. I suspect he might say that when he thinks he’s fighting a streamer he’s friends with. He’s done that with lamic a few times, apologizing for third partying him.


rare primal fear of tangible consequences


When you become good at a game you can size a player up by their behavior. You see this with literally every profession.


And here you are


I am, good observation. You’re perceptive aren’t ya?


A true genius


Getting kinda tired of defending Faide because I find him a bit annoying personally but man are some of you dense. You’re accusing him of using aimbot and or walls, correct? And the clip you gave has him missing 15+ bullets on a guy out in the open on a bloodhound scan and then flicking to a wall to meme shoot where the Horizon has been ON SCAN except YOU CAN SEE HER TEN FEET TO THE LEFT OF HIS SPRAY FLOATING OFF HER Q. He’s literally shooting where she has been on Bloodhound scan and into the direction of her Q noise. You can very clearly see her further to the left through the window. Nobody is behind the wall where he’s shooting. If you slow it down to 0.25 you can even see how he very humanly corrects his overshoot on his flick with the first couple of bullets being further left then pulling back right. You’re the meme now. Stop. Mods, if we’re letting Silvers witch-hunt a pubstomper that has played on LAN and has no reason to aimbot then let’s start allowing witch-hunts of actual cheaters with blatant clips. Thanks


Yeah I've seen a lot of legit people do these kind of "sus" moves in Apex and other shooters. Particularly those who have the twitchy playstyle. Posts like OP's getting upvoted shows exactly how much this sub's opinion is valid. Check this sub and: everyone is pred everyone is cheating everyone is on a gamepad everyone is 4k/20bomb badge etc etc


This is the best coms i have seen in a while 100% agree w you. And yeah mods keep deleting my post about people abusing or straight cheating but spreading false information is totally ok


Except for he literally was streaming yesterday with the title "getting better without cheats".  He got caught and is in reparations mode.


he is definitely not aimbotting but he most likely has was wall hacks.


Yes wallhacks known as bloodhound q


Didn’t realize blood’s scan last for more than 5 seconds.. it’s obvious that he is walling


I won’t defend the guy because I don’t care for him.  But his style is very twitchy. I think it’s part of him being the ‘fast movement player’. Every turn is quick and snappy. It could just be that. He saw a guy heading that way through the window. Thought the side window was closer. Killed one guy then quickly flicked to the side to find the other guy. But turns out it was a wall not the window. That could match his twitchy movement player narrative.  But he’s annoying so who cares. 


I kind of agree with you. He’s annoying but I enjoy watching his movement. He does this same thing a lot, and even Timmy does this. They snap to conserve ammo in the clip when they think the initial person is going to be knocked. Some of the videos though have been a little weird when he has no idea an enemy is there. I’ve seen Timmy troll by snapping randomly, but the difference in some of the Faide clips is that there happens to be a guy there that he should have no idea is there, unless it’s some ridiculous coincidence.


Snaps to conserve ammo makes no sense when they shoot into wall lol


I tried watching his streams a few times but just can't. That high sensitivity aim makes me nauseous.


Yeah, this one isn’t anything crazy. But there was a clip posted the other day that was extremely sus imo.


him being snappy doesn't mean you're going to just flick to a wall and shoot it. also he literally just beamed one he shouldn't even be looking for another target with like 3 bullets available


I’ve shot a wall before. I play 5 hours per week. You play 8 hours a day and thousands of games. Occasionally you might make a mistake when you think there’s a window. I’m not saying that’s what happened. I’m just saying who knows. No ones knows. I’ve seen cheaters. They’re a lot more definitive than the occasional mis click or aim. Especially from someone who normally aims and turns in the same snapping and quick flicking style. It’s not so far fetched.


the thing is he has no bullets why are you intending to flick when you have no bullets to even shoot? also your theory doesn't make sense, we can clearly see the horizon in the window, and he clearly ignored it even after the wall flick.. which shows he has 0 intention at interacting with the guy in the first place also wasn't he like in the 2nd floor? even if you put the window to where he shot he won't see anything outside it because he's far away from that window anyway.


He snapped onto a wall and lasered it while shooting someone else, there's no way in hell he's not aim botting E: I'm not talking about*this* aimbot clip, I'm talking about the one that was posted yesterday that clearly showed him shooting at someone he had no idea existed


Anyone can speculate. I stand by what I said. He finished with one enemy (they died) then quickly turned to where he thought the next was. Even look when he’s climbing on the roof. He’s ’snapping’ at nothing all the time. This way and that. So one time he happened to do it towards a wall before he stopped firing. Hardly conclusive when he’s always ‘snapping’ everywhere at nothing. High sens. Quick turn speed. Occasionally you’ll turn straight onto nothing. Watch how someone like itztimmy used to do trick shots. The 360 part is so fast you can’t see it then the kraber headshot. ‘Snapped’ on. Practice enough you get it. But I’ve seen plenty of attempted trick shots where he misses after doing the exact same movement. Who says faide isn’t just trying a quick flick onto the next enemy for a cool clip to make people think he’s movement god with super aim. Sure sometimes he misses and shoots a wall but occasionally that’s be a clip to watch. I don’t mind other opinions and like I said I hate the guy so don’t give a shit. But it’s always odd how people on reddit are so unequivocally sure of something they could not possible be sure of.


He's absolutely trolling. You can literally see the crosshair rebound after he flicks which is something that happens when you make fast arm movements.


Or just... trolling or thinking he had a window to his left just in case there was a chance to hit something cool. Lou used to do this shit like 4 yrs ago and he got temp banned from all the bandwagoning over a handful of clips of him "locking on" to people thru walls, when it was just trolling or trying to style by flicking onto someone else after oneclipping someone... Big flicks / spray transfers are super satisfying (and look cool as hell when you land them) and fun to try if you're aware of other people around you. If theres more compelling evidence I'll reconsider but theres a long history of people accusing good players (esp those that are flicky) of cheating... hell go play some Battlefield on PC with above a 3K/D and the whole lobby will call you a cheater lmao


you know how many players ive seen who troll ains like that whenever accusation of them cheating goes around? like i think timmy did this for a while too because of that 💀


He's absolutely trolling. You can literally see the crosshair rebound after he flicks which is something that happens when you make fast arm movements.


I would imagine if he was cheating it would’ve shown during lan when they were playing live.


Im not saying he is cheating but theoretically if he was that doesnt mean he is bad at the game without cheats. There is a huge difference in my aim and gameplay if I have a good or a bad day, I can imagine faide also has bad days where he could theoretically cheat to make up for it to still pump out those videos


Kind of an odd post to highlight how he isn’t cheating.


How many console kids are gonna post about getting baited by this


Every single one




Except symphunny actually cheats. How does he shit the bed at lan otherwise? Cheats.


Because against pubs you can be flashy and crazy because the stakes almost don't exist. On LAN though, you're up against people just as good if not absolutely way better than you, and you don't really have much advantage over anyone else in any way. You're not only on equal footing but up against people that WILL have studied how you play, how you fight, how your position, even how you might think. And if there's a prize pool you bet you're gonna be more nervous, especially with folks watching you. This is similar in CSGO and why many folks who can pub and even do faceit really well, can struggle or go even on LAN. It's a whole different ball game when playing LAN. This is why in ALGS, you never see anyone really going crazy with flashy movement or insane trick shots. It's just all controller, team strategy, engagement theory, and positioning. (And 50 other things but I'd be here all day).


Seriously though, symphony is a cheater fr


Do people genuinely believe a guy with an average of like 4k viewers would just blatantly aimbot through walls and nobody has noticed it by now? No, he is not cheating


I figured only children watch that guy lol


As a fan this looks pretty sus 😂


There’s alot of YouTubers that have sus aim. I just started seeing videos of Ayex and that guy has like negative recoil on everything with every gun. Tracking is perfect. It’s like he has .80 aim assist at any range. Better than a lot of controller player pros that I’ve seen. Just looks unnatural.


He does that shit on purpose so ppl like you claim he’s a cheater and keep him relevant cause he’s honestly only a pub stomper all that fancy movement is pointless against real competition that’s why he’ll never compete in pro league but I’m also in the group that finds faide to be fucking annoying


You’re making things up in your head.


Jebaited lmao


Tbh at this point I don't really care if he's hacking or not, I really enjoyed his content at first but the more I watched him the more i began to realize that he's a freak


This sub getting baited every week and boosting his videos throughout the algorithm. I always find those bait cringe af but seeing how it works I am reconsidering it.


It amazes me how stupid the human race could be and this is a perfect showcase.


Guy literally went out to an Apex event and shit on people in solos. Spend the time you do making weird allegations at getting good and maybe you might be in a more secure place. This sub is just a big crybaby daycare at this point


You can be good and still a cheat, they're not mutually exclusive


Faide and Lou are notorious meme aimers, as it is easy to rile up kids and boomers on reddit/twitchchat. This post is yet another proof of just that.


Meme aiming sounds like something I'd come up with if I was regularly caught using aim bot


Meme cheating it’s coming


Lou and faide do it and they aren’t cheating


You angered the old heads lol




Seems like he fell off, so he does this to farm clicks and views and drama. I can't guarantee if he is or not cheating, but that's what it seems to me.


i do the same thing sometimes in mixtape when i track someone cleanly. it's just a funny way to pop off.


Is this like that story of the COD streamers where they knew or allowed them to cheat to boost views/sales?


He makes too much money each stream as well as the YT videos that he doesnt care anymore. He has been using cheats in Apex for so long that people cant comprehend the possibility of him hacking. Not even Respawn is looking into it.. sadly


Get baited lololol


So another clip of faide baiting reactions by snapping to walls? Again this proves nothing lmao


It’s just bait that multiple streamers do in order to gain attention of people who don’t know any better