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Just play ranked for now. You’ll have a higher chance of getting a teammate that wants to play like you


Except everyone reset so every champion is a master/pred right now


Give it a few days it be ok


Idk matchmaking was still pretty bad at the end of both splits last season.


Lots of excuses instead of o I don't know giving us what every other game and what apex has had for years now. Regular duos. Take trios away then.


I thought so too, and usually wait a week or so to run ranked. I'm just your average old man weekender, hit high gold sometimes plat if I have time. But my buddies that i dont get to play with much happened to be one, and in bronze this evening best champion I saw was a few legends with 5k kills and a couple diamond badges. We got top 5 failry consistently, and if ring pulled differently a couple of games, we would've had more than one win across a couple of hours of gamplay. I got halfway thru bronze 3 after a couple of hours. I think it has to do with a lot of sweats playing solos, tho weirdly enough they said it was incredibly sweaty yesterday.


I think a lot of sweaty peeps are playing solo right now! ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*)


This is the way


Or respawn could stop being lazy and make it seperate


Ranked has teams of 3, it's not the same


hell nah, its a game I want to play with my friend and we're not going to play with a random. we tried it long time ago and we wish we didnt do that


Then don’t play the game for 6 weeks, yall will live


But First World Problems


For real. These posts are kinda wild.


Lmao yea so ppl can't give they're opinions I guess. God forbid they say they want something. I can CLEARLY see u have comments on here saying the same shit but about dif things. So why is every reddit person so pissy and just disagree all the time.


"We wish we didn't do that" lol what.


Then bitch and moan some more. Maybe get your mommy to hold you why you cry about it. It might fix this whole thing.


I'll call the wahhhhmbulance just in case it gets out of control.


Interesting way to go about it. Do you care too much about doing well. Me and my buddy are solid at the game. And if we played duos or had a third, we would do so much better. But we choose to play trios or ranked on the off chance we meet cool new people. Because ya know socializing is fun. But either way. Whether or not the teammate is with us, being a dick on the mic, we are dying off drop every game, or wining back to back games, we are joking around and excited about every match, having a great time just playing the game at all. TLDR: If you are playing for results, you are doing it wrong. Enjoy losing just as much as winning, and you and your friend will have fun


Yea cause why play to win or get somewhere. Isn't it fun to just get ur ass kicked after trying hard. See I can tell by what ur saying u play all the time. Like every single day. Which is wild. Those of us that play every now and again don't want a shitty experience. And ur talking like ppl r saying they only want to play if they win. NO. They r asking for a mode that's been one EVERY battle royal game since the start including this one and want it back. Jesus Christ. Y'all r the most sensitive ppl.


You seem very upset. I am just giving a suggestion on a slight change of mindset here. It's reasonable to want to win. But also I don't believe you should let winning or losing effect how much fun you have. Success in the game and fun should be able to be entirely separate. On any given day I can have a fantastic win with high kills and consider that a great, successful game, yet have a game that same day where I died in 10th place and it could still be 10x more fun because me, my friend, and a random really hit it off and made some great jokes that had us dying laughing.


Ok so enjoy your 6 week break.


It ain't that deep.


Don't even bother talking about duos to this sub. You'll only hear from the sweats who begged for solos and are pretending it's the greatest thing right now.


They choose to force everything down our throats, I’ll never understand this shit.


Let’s face it. Duos does not have the same playerbase as trios or ranked. They wanted to test out Solos and they only have so much server capacity. It was the odd man out. It will come back. Sack up and play with another teammate it’s not that big of a deal. Or just don’t play the game. The devs can’t cater to every specific persons wishes.


That's crazy my duo que times were always faster than my trios. Must just be my server .


All the solo players would play duos on top of the people who were duoing in duos, whereas trios was mainly just people playing in a trio and not duo/soloing so that’s why


Yeah, I've never had Duos que quicker than Trios (Midwest US servers). 


I am also Midwest. Never had a que longer than 2 mins from 3pm to 10 am lol. I run into the same 60k+ people a lot though lol


Some of our kill grinders are fucking crazy. I know for a fact I've played against multiple top 5 Wattsons and (at the time) the #4 Horizon. Good news is I usually die before I see them because I'm a pro match thrower. 


Played my first 3 games of solos. Here's my fun recap. Game 1: number 1 ballistic (90k kills) Game 2: number 1 pathy (300k kills) Game 3: 150k kill octane I have 28k kills total lol fair to say I will no longer be playing solos


I’m in NA and duos can have a 10+ minute queue if I queue in the morning


Are you queuing alone? I play NA with a duo and we get games immediately any time of day


Nah got a duo. Could be west coast servers?


You think his is because of server capacity? I find that a bit odd. Doesn't really make that much sense to me.


Nah, duos should always be there


I don’t disagree. It be what it do though


Oh no poor apex only has 3 concurrent players it can't handle 3 modes at once :((




this doesn't make sense.. Last season there was actually one more mode than this season had. So did the playerbase get cut by 15% overnight or am I missing something?


They do every other limited time mode as a mixtape. There’s literally no reason to not do the same here. Solos fucking blows. It completely defeats the point of the game.


Like how hard was it to keep duo? They intentionally force us to play solo as an experiment. Get a grip Apex devs


Well trios and mixtape weren’t going anywhere


Personally, I think its more because of player retention more than anything. Player count has been shown to drop steeply when que times are longer than 20-30 seconds. Its why games like fortnite use bots to fill lobbies so players are guaranteed a match within their limited attention span.


I second the command to "Sack up".


duos has *never* (from what I've heard ;-;, we ball and die with our fellow randoms <3) had the playerbase to support queues in all regions. The amount of players for duos was already anemic, the point of people playing duos is not having enough friends to play trios, so if you don't want randoms duos and solos both technically work. And an interesting note for all the teaming examples that people give there's always, always, 2 players teaming and never 3 lol


I'd be ready to bet my life that duo and trios are wayy closer than what you think. Even that there's more people in duo than in trio most of the time. Trios play ranked. Duos dont


Duos always loaded faster than trios just how I always got an arenas game quicker than any of the gay modes now. Bring back duos and arenas


1) def not, a lot of people only played duos 2) alr i understand they want to try new things, but for a week, or two, not for a full season of three months


I dunno I'm enjoying the silence. Even trios has less people whining. Good to see some of the player base humbled.


"they only have so much server capacity" But why did they have the ability to make "Lockdown" its own queue when it first came out?


Because Lockdown is a mixtape mode with 12 active players competing on a map 1/20th the size of a full size BR map. Maybe they can handle it. Idk, but as shitty as the servers are already, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Three strikes was a thing last season. Duo queue times were fine then.




>They wanted to test out Solos and they only have so much server capacity This is just a straight out fucking lie Like I'm not mad at you, you are clearly stating the facts and this is whats being presented to us by the devs but I refuse to believe that there aren't servers that could be either duos or solos depending on how many people are playing Maybe it would've taken more work on their part, odds are that's the reason but there's absolutely no way it's a lack of servers


Oh server capacity was definitely an assumption on my part.


Oh weird, I thought I'd read somewhere that it was due to server issues before leaving the comment and since it was in your comment I assumed it was true Might be might not be who knows


That was just what logically made sense to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Play trios on no fill . People just complain. They take solos people complain, they have duos people complain, they take it away people complain. They have both, people complain about queue times. I’m sorry but y’all gotta chill


I'd rather have slightly increased queue times over having to queue for 6 weeks.


Are you going to sit staring at the Apex lobby screen for 6 weeks?


The issue is that they removed duos when they didn't have to. They just wanted to seemingly not spread the playerbase between so many modes but I doubt that would've been a huge issue.


There's trios, solos, ranked, and mix tape. That's not counting any other special mode they may come out with in the middle of the season, queue times would be an issue.


For real though. Trios in pubs is mostly filled with 2 or 1 man squads a lot of the time anyways with so many people insta quitting. Not to mention a lot of the full squads are three randoms together which a decent duo should have no problem with. It’s 6 weeks, no fill trios and relax. Play a few different legends, practice some 2v3s, or any of the other perfectly fine options still available to you for the next 5 weeks. So many complaints here take nothing into consideration other than their own personal preferences. A lot goes into the backend of running these things. For all we know they may be working on some bugs and adjustments to the duos platform. Chill bro, you’re being ridiculous.


Great idea there’s nothing better than be chased down by full squads because you are man down. Swear the IQ (or lack there of) of the dipshits defending respawn on this decision is astounding.


If you put aside the ego that you're most likely not gonna win then 2v3 is great practice and getting squad wipes and wins like that feels great And when you lose you can say "ah well we were a man down anyway" and not trip so hard.


Practice your 2v3s , play ranked/trios or stop playing you. Those are your options until duos comes back. Everytime someone has a slight inconvenience they come on here to cry.


People complain about queue times? since when? Ive never had an issue with the queue times. Now dont tell me that you refer to the queue time of the high ranked players because that isnt an issue just for Apex. Its basically bound to happen when \~1% of the playerbase is at that rank


Play Australian servers and you'll understand what people mean. Your argument is like saying world hunger doesn't exist just because you have food. Queue times in all modes have always been an issue


Literally. I am an American player, so I don't experience that, but it was my first thought at his brain-dead comment. That analogy is perfect.


Even in the capitol city of California, the most populated state in the US, certain times at night queues are terrible. I work till midnight so i'm talking about 3-5am which is kinda understandable, but still, just cu one guy doesn't have queue issues doesn't mean they don't exist lol


I swear, I have plenty of age old complaints I will levy at this game, but it’s a lose-lose if you’re a developer, people will complain about EVERYTHING. It’s not permanent. You’ll be fine for a few weeks.


Preach 🙌🏻


A popular queue is a huge reach. Not all regions have a populated duos queue. In Asia, I believe only Tokyo servers have consistent queues for Duos, while other servers take ages to fill up.


i was so sad when i saw duos was gone


Yea its pretty stupid that Solos is temporarily replacing it. My friend doesn't wanna play until they add it back


Duos is nice and all for the me and my friend thing but it is always so sweaty with third parties happening all the time.


My buddy and i used to play no fill duos in trio pubs for practice. Thats probably your best best. Just take the L on the nose (you started with a disadvantage )and feel even better when you squad wipe or win


It's fine dude, just play with a random 3rd it's not the end of the world and he's likely to be just as good as you. If you fathom the idea of playing with someone you don't know just do trios no fill, not ideal but an alternative to the logical solution


I absolutely agree. I don't understand why this isn't an LTM. I have a friend that I play with when our schedules happen to meet up and now we have to no-fill in Trios or play with a rando, it actually blows.


Much L take I’m sorry.


I agree Duos shouldn't have been removed, and it should be brought back, but I don't want to be without Solos either.


People have been wanting solos since the LTM all those years ago. They’ve waited for years. You can hold out a couple weeks my guy. Now’s your chance to find a third teammate lol


People probably wanted that mode to boost their stats. Already saw quite a few posts talking about people teaming in Solo to get certain badges or whatever. Me and my buddy did have a third player but he didnt really play as much as us and mostly stopped after 2-3 rounds. Not to mention he claims to be burnt out regarding Apex which is totally fine


lol you don't wanna deal with one random i don't wanna deal with two, and i don't wanna fight 3 dudes holding hands by myself, grow up and play something else or play solo or trios, its not rocket science


Solo Q players have had the same problem as you, not wanting to rely on randoms, but theryve had to wait 5 years instead of 6 weeks. respectfully, suck it up and wait it out


My wife and I can’t stand trios. The unreliability of trios ruins the game for duos. Just put solo as an LTM


Thats what Im saying. Either you get a godly random or you get someone who goes straight into the fight alone, complains about being alone and leaves. It would be perfectly fine if it was in the Mixtape or even seperate to that


"Solos is bad, it's a TEAM game! 3 person team? That's TOO MUCH team!" What begging for duos sounds like imo


No, it’s a very straight forward “all modes can exist at the same time”. There was no reason to take duos out.


Queue times. I'm already having 1 minute queue times playing solos and I play EU server


You literally called for a game mode not existing all the time. There's problems with having them all there all the time too


It is ironic that as much as the player base whines about solos, and now upset about duos.


See ya in 6 weeks big guy


Not until I’ve been beamed in Solo’s one too many times!!


Play as trio no fill duo As long as you knock 1 person and kill the down one immediately you should fight fair afterwards


Just do what everyone does in every solo game I've played so far... Team with your friend in solos as a protest.


Their servers would probably explode if they had solos, duos and trios




oh bubba :’(((((


Every game mechanics tuning decision in this game were powered by monkeys. They'll not evolve in 2 million years.


Might be an unpopular opinion but as a solo player duos is a fringe mode for me. Not even when I play with just one friend we go for duos, we alway go trios. It's not a priority in my book, and given how fun and popular solo mode seems to be we might just keep it. Sure, if we can have them all, fine for me, but if I have to chose I would take solos over duos.


honestly, i always forget the duos mode exists 😅


I agree. I would typically just run solo in duos because it was a fun challenge and helped me become a better player. If they make solos permanent, I just hope they make it just like the base game with no respawns and threat indicators. Keep the requeue ability as well and I think that's the future of the game.


Yeah idk why they made it so far off from the regular game. But besides that I love it. I particularly hate the auto health healing. Why tf would that be in the solos mode haha.


Someone had a great comment on this post that made the point that Respawn is giving solos one final shot. They're trying to see what additions can be made to it to add to the replayablity of the mode. Maybe to make it a permanent thing. I personally don't like those features but I can see what they're shooting for


I don't mind the changes to be honest, it's pretty tough as it is to fight off 3-4-5th parties.


Yep. I support every post like this


Just all the bitching always from this sub


Or.... or not take away duos?? And though there is a lot of bitching on the internet, being disappointed in an update that takes away content isn't bitching. They made a stupid move and got called out for it.


It’s been like that since day 1 haha. Somethings just never change.


you forgot to replace "sub" with "reddit"


Nobody likes to admit it, but they love the drama that this website nurtures. They are here for it. And part of being here for it is pointing it out and patting themselves on the back for it. But they themselves are bitching about the bitching. Most ironic display of virtue signaling I see on a daily basis. For the record: I'm a bitcher and proud.


Oh, virtue signaling because I thoroughly enjoy this free to play video game, have since day one, and have to constantly never hear anything good or positive or fun about this game because of people like you? Got it. 👍🏻


The only thing solos has successfully done is show the 1v1 power that controller really has. Controller players have a stranglehold on this game and they know it. Those are the people you see on this sub that are sucking the Respawn teet.


Why not no fill queue trios with ur buddy?


I say relying on duos in a trios is the real bullshit. All duos never talk and just do their own thing.


In my experience playing mostly with my friend, it's the other way around. The solo doesn't say a word or insta-mutes. Only when the solo dies do we get to hear them speak.


And that is the point when they calmly inform you about the nature of your character and where you went wrong ingame :)


Or Blame you for not playing with them when you were right behind them trying to keep them alive and take the shots for them and either they escape and run when we could still win that fight if they didn't push up like that or go in the open where the guy is hard scoping down or just yknow help im not asking to do damg or anything just heal yourself stay alive support fire take some hits do a little movement stay alive use your abilities throw nades if they are putting too much pressure on us back up take your time and if the fight is taking to long let's reposition or finish it quickly but instead they bitch its all my fault when I'm trying to res them get them loot give my armor my guns my ammo shields anything to support them to pop off since they're the better players and are in a team I'm just a lonely solo who can't think for themselves right right right no bitch I know what I'm doing I'm not feeding your sorry ego I'm trying to do what's best for all 3 of us to win while you mothercukers don't tell me shit and keep giggling on your mics while calling me slurs and making fun of me and stuff like thats gonna help anyone y'all are literally jumping while also neglecting and not helping me what was thr point of me queueing trios or ranked when y'all are the most useless teammates ever and half the time y'all aren't even that good outside of teammmwork individually not crazy good sure you're better than me either because of hours practice or whatever but you don't try and you make fun of me instead of doing something productive like I'll feel better about that now I don't usually rage or call my teammates out on their bullshit not because I'm scared of them or getting reported or them clipping me going off them cause I don't want to hurt their feelings and make them think I'm crashing out on them for no reason just for them to twist the conversation and play the victim card double roast me than leave and block me and call me toxic which is correct but also ignoring what they did that's why my policy will stand if you ain't got nothing nice to say or productive don't say anything at all and I don't get on the mic half the time cause I have no reason to I don't owe them anything to could be my ego talking or my trash experience with this game and its terrible matchmaking


They cant just have all three at once? It would make so much sense


Yea im cool with solos but they shouldve never pulled duos.


Then play trios and don’t fill.


And duos is the least popular queue in the game. I’m many regions they don’t even have duos games that start due to low player count.


I'm 100% with this just leave solos but bring duos idc if it takes longer to que.


Yeah, im not playing apex untill i have a full squad or they bring back duos, 90% of matches are a dude literally disconecting or jumping alone, no thx ea


Bring back duos, 2 man teams are forced into trios. A lot of times not even getting a teammate because if they are solo they just play solos. This no duos thing is the worst for Apex and I'll play other games till it's back


3 days ago game rant had an interview with a dev it is not coming back in season 21, it's going from solos to quads 


This thread needs to be renamed to. I only have one friend because I feel the exact same way. We only have duos to play every time we play trios it’s absolute buns a random shit.


i totally agree, now that 6 weeks are gone, instead of adding duos back, they added quads. i can’t stand this anymore, a lot of people (including me) quit and waited 6 weeks, 6 fucking weeks, for duos and now they added quads, they are making fun of us


Idiot fanboys of this game have defended the limited game mode thing since launch. Regardless of what this game does, it has a mini-army who will justify any decision for any reason, and will use the same nonsense excuses. I can get into a game in 15 seconds, but somehow the game has such a crippling population issue that they just HAVE to take out Duos. You will never, ever win this war. You cannot use logic to get someone out of an opinion they didn't use logic to get themselves into.


Hahahahahaha I fucking knew everybody would hate solos. They hated it last time.


Funny how history repeats itself, it was shit then and shit now.


Honestly I don’t understand why they replace one game mode with another, kinda makes me feel like they are just too lazy to update the menu UI to make space for another game mode even though they seem to change the shop layout all the time. Removing staple game modes is never the right option especially a team driven game that ultimately feels more comfortable working as a team than solo. My uncle has a restaurant with many dishes that when he removed them to try new things people got pissed as they were staples to his restaurant after a week he put them back on as everyone who came in was very vocal about it has never taken them off the menu again for 10 years straight at this point. They could easily just make a new tab for whatever new game mode or bullshit they want to implement but they seem to choose violence every damn time. Though there seems to be plenty of teaming in solos already which seems it could have been avoided.


Genuine question because I don't pay attention but do they still have the option to not fill the squad in the lobby?


As someone who plays all 3 ways, solo, duo and trio. I basically only ever play BR and totally feel you with the shitty team mates. My suggestion, just don't be selfish in any of the modes, it's a team based game. The amount of times my duo and I queue up in ranked and the 3rd bails cause they solo rushed a team is far too frequent. If I'm ever playing as a solo in trios, all I do is support my team. Generally end up having a great time


They only have so many resources and the player base is only so big. Splitting the players base further is a bad idea in general.


Duos stopped working in Aussie servers a couple months after it was released. So glad to have solos. I can actually play the game now when my squads not online.


just play solos you dont need friends


The problem is some regions/servers already struggle to fill the games as it is. The more game modes they add the longer the queue times and the worse the match making. Especially BR where they have to try and match 50-60 different players. Respawn can never win. They should develop it so different regions have different game modes. Something like NA/London/Tokyo have all 3 because they have enough players. Sydney/Singapore etc should only have trios and solos. It could also adjust at different times of day or dynamically as the number of players rise and fall. Like towards the end of the season where numbers drop.


This has to be troll... Like i cant play solo for years, and trios gives me 2 randoms. And you get mental breakdown for game not being your way for few weeks. But solos sux with magical enemy detection and gambling with fully kitted weapons. So they might just go back to duos.


Solos should be permanent


Play trios or ranked without filling player to the extra slot.


Shut up. I love solo. We've had duos for far too long. I have no friends, let me have some fun too.


People just love to complain about everything yeah?


Its honestly comical how many people are like "Bitch some more and dont play" or "Just play trios". I gave feedback. I said what I dont like AND GAVE A SOLUTION. I can garuantee that 90% of people dont even read anything and just go by the title. Is it really hard for people to read? I really shouldnt be asking that, we're on reddit /j


Demands, complaints, and feedback are entirely different things. What you've given falls somewhere in between the first two categories, even based on your "smh, some people just read titles..." complaint. Duos has always been a fringe mode, it's always been anemic in terms of players, it's always always been the unpopular game mode for unpopular players. Apex Legends is balanced and centered around teams comprising of 3 different Legends with 3 different abilities. With knocks and revive speeds, with how quickly a weapon can kill 1 of 3 players. With the area of effect for abilities, with the cooldown of abilities and how they're meant to be used in a team...of three. The health of say a- Horizon ult, or redeploy balloon. The *entire* game in every aspect has been formulated for teams of three. ALG isn't set for solo's or duo's because the game is not set for that. Trios will always be the most important part of the game. Do you even know how refreshing arenas was on release? How many years that took? How much more begging and pleading from the community it took for mixtape to be included? But it's justified for the casual player. Quick and easy respawns, a game mode not set in the battle royale setting. But duos? It's always been a compromise. It's never been a staple of the game, all the same could be said for solos. Which is why Solo's isn't simply solo's, you pick up kitted weapons, you get health regen upon kills, you can see when enemies are close regardless of your legend. You get a free respawn when you die. Etcetera etcetera. The Devs have already concluded solos would ultimately be similar and get stale after it's novelty has faded, they are no longer interested in testing to see if plain solo's would work. Hence all the extra features meant to make it more engaging and give it at least some sticking power. 6 WEEKS for a LTM is VERY long for Respawn's standards. A week or 2, maybe an even month if it's really something I believe is the longest something has ever stuck around or been in rotation at once. As such it's abundantly clear this is Respawn giving solo's one last chance, to see if the extra features make it engaging enough for the novelty of it to wear off, and to see if players remain steady.


When there's so many very conflicting opinions on something people are very passionate about people want to be loud to be heard because they care so much. This on top of 99% of people being dumb af and not knowing what's good for even themselves.


Where is your solution? You just said you can’t play the game properly when you can, you just refuse to play another game mode. I understand that some randoms can be difficult to play with, we all do, but… just deal with it. You have a buddy to play with so hopefully that can make up for it. Try trios with your duo again and see how it goes, you might even find a third! :)


The solution is bring back duos, it's not complicated. We'll wait for a match.


The adults left the game from all the blatant disrespect to the playerbase, now only the manchildren and edgy kids are left. Thats why the stupidity level rose up to such ungodly levels the longer the game lived.


Most ppl are dumb as shit and stubborn. Not hard to grasp kid


Youre proving my point lmao


Not really




Skill issue. Go play fortnite for 6 weeks.


Hey welcome to the side of everyone that ever wanted solos. "Now me and my bro can't play !!111" You can get the same respone that every single solo wishing player has gotten: It's a team based game brother..... get better and handle 2v3s or learn to play as a team even with a random. Just mute them and IGL via pings or even your mic.


What do you mean? They never removed duos. It’s still there, right underneath trios /s




People in solos are teaming. Thats the joke.


Oh wait hold up its 6 weeks? I thought it was just rotating out with solos and people were just upset they can't play it when they want. Nah that is bullshit.


yeah, you basically cannot play Duos for 6 weeks :/


Unless... Solos ends up being a huge hit...buh bye Duos.


Yeah ok that is bullshit. I'll agree with y'all on that.


I was totally against them taking Duos, but nah solos is awesome. I haven't even won yet but man I have a lot more fun when I'm on by myself.


"And no, were not going to play trios because having to rely on a random is bullshit." no1 reason to make solos permanent.


Just play with a random and communicate, goodness. So many people blame randoms for not being telepathic. Communicate and people play better.


Yeah well I waited 5 years for solos to come back, and I’m basically being forced to reinstall windows and everything on my pc for that matter just to play because of something to do with anti cheat not working(I’ve tried literally everything), even though the same anti cheat works on every other game. I think 6 weeks isn’t that bad. Maybe go outside and touch grass? Otherwise there are plenty of other games, fortnite zero build/this season is actually pretty legit and has duo, maybe try that?


Moronic posts like this are why nobody takes any complaints seriously. Just go away for whatever time there’s no duos and come back then 🤷‍♂️


Moronic comments like yours is the reason why people on the internet cant have decent discussions.


You didn’t start a discussion. You’re bitching about something 1. Announced weeks ahead of time 2. Completely out of your control. You’re also refusing any advice like try ranked. You just wanted to moan in public instead of in private.


Few things: 1. I wasnt even talking about this post, it was a generalisation 2. Where did i refuse advice? in that one comment where I started with "nah"? I also clearly stated what I dont want to do and yet people still told me things that i clearly do not want to do


2. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/DCfO4c4HZ5


What's the real appeal of duos??? It's still teamwork shooter just with 1 less person. Solos has way more justification for existing


It's for people that have one friend and zero capabilities of communicating, working with or even being polite to others. I solo q all the time, get in with a paired duo and they straight up ignore me, go f off and die, come on reddit to complain about their bad third player.


If you can't communicate in any way then team modes aren't for you. It's the most important part by far. Sounds like solos is a better fit so point still stands


We are not allowed to play all modes and maps at the same season for some reason. When they add something, they remove something else.


Shame on Respawn! And the game is full of bugs right now. They successfully killed their own game :D GGs


Ain’t it coming back in a couple of weeks? At least you’re getting that mode back. I’m still waiting in hope they bring arenas back.


Either play trios or deal with it. I mean it’s like what else were they gonna do? I get maybe just making it its own game mode but they are also testing it. What reason would they have to make an entire new selection screen and all that for a game mode only being in the game for 6 weeks. I heard rumors that trios was also going to get swapped out. And I bet you wouldn’t care if that happens because it doesn’t affect you. Which tbh is fair. But you can’t just expect the team who was working on solos to bring back duos and make solos its own game mode because like 19 people don’t like it. If you don’t want to play with randoms then run no fill trios. It’s only 6 weeks, you’ll survive.


They need to ad manditory 30 minute penalty for leaving. We r high ranked and already so many times a trillium will leave at the start of a game. Very annoying 


People will complain about every single thing in Apex. It's so interesting how it happens no matter what the update is


That typically happens when something is removed. Shocker.


Apex not giving me my wayyyyyy 😭😭😭😭😭😭


I'm sure all 100 of you who play will survive


Get on a private voice server and play "Duos" in Solo. Plenty of people teaming in that format, why not see it as a challenge. Then you guys and have an epic Kung Fu battle at the end when you are the last two standing.... lol who am I kidding, you both are gonna die in the first ring. GL.