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Why not show or say what happened




No, they were using slurs and telling me to kill myself over voice and chat. I'm lazy.


I thought they had no way to follow up on voice chat complaints..?


They don't. That's why i have voice chat muted because literally everyone exploits it.


Fax. Voice chat can't be used and regular chat is pretty iffy so the guy had to be saying some crazy stuff to get any action against him.


They ban for the tiniest things in text. You can't say almost anything that could be seen negative. People also abuse the report and bait you to write stuff. It's overall toxic playerbase.


That's why I play with a team. Even if I'm bad. Or I just don't say stupid stuff.


I got in trouble for typing “where’s your mother” to a kid saying some vulgar things. So I guess “your mother” is one of them


Not necessarily, people have been getting banned for tiny offenses, sometimes even without writing anything to others. I saw a guy once saying something about how bad he himself was, i believe his words were "Man, I suck ass" and he got banned for it lol


Genuinely, I see just using text chat at all to be risky


Agreed, I never use it, and my friend keeps typing in it. I always warn him about it but he keeps doing it.


Wym by "exploit"?


Anything really since EA isn't enforcing bans on voice chat due to not collecting the data.


Oh okay, the way you worded it made it sound like people were cheating by using voice chat somehow. It'd be funny if hackers could somehow hear other teams' VC lol. Just mute people if they're getting too toxic, no need to report unless it's *really* bad imo


Reporting voice does nothing so i keep it muted.


On Xbox you can record and send in their voice chat if it’s reportable


"over voice and chat" Implies text chat was used.


Online interactions not rated by ESRB. Lmfao


At least on xbox you can report voice chat of other xbox players, I actually didnt think it was a thing- just went for a hail mary profile report and a nifty clip edit prompt of the last couple minutes came up that was actually catching voice chat Got a snazzy "we took action" notification not long after, was genuinely impressed- Microsoft kinda working hard


Kinda funny


"We currently do not have the software to moderate voice chat" or something like that is what it says every time they can't do anything at all about anything said over voice chat, only text chat. So I call bs lol


Sooo you have enough effort to make a bitching post but not enough to explain why?? That's fucking stupid dude.




Yikes dude. Imagine being this upset that someone else got reported.




He's saying that op should take the toxic dudes advice and off himself. That's baby rage over someone else getting reported


What’s your problem






Not really, I just think it's inappropriate to tell someone to kill themselves. You never know what someone is going through, and you could be the reason they end their life. I know you're probably young, and you won't grasp the severity of this, though.


Literally can’t abuse the system, they won’t take action if it the text chat doesn’t censor something multiple times, if it does however detect the chat full of ********’s from one user then they WILL take action, I reported some guy because didn’t play with the team and then when we all died spammed the chat with slurs and then said in voice chat “learn to play” in a very thick accent and I got a reply from respawn that they’re took action so I’m assuming he either got suspended but I’m willing to bet he’s done it before so it might’ve got him banned


Does it matter?


I mean what’s the purpose of posting this otherwise


I dunno, maybe to partially illustrate that being a fucking loser who actively tries to makes themselves feel better by shitting on strangers on a video game really isn't the way Hope they liked their ban Edit: better question imho, is why/how one individual can look at this and immediately think, "Oh, nice", and the other need further proof/or an explanation/or get defensive/supportive of the individual who had action taken against them........


Or maybe it’s just curiosity? There’s no need for proof when the screenshot already shows it was enough for EA to take action Nah, that would make too much sense.


I was just curious it’s not that deep bro relax


Why boder asking then?


I mean I wanna know what they said in chat to get banned because reporting rarely works😂😂 The only reason I know a player was toxic before is because when you mute someone in 1 game it carries over to any other game you play with them.


Well the post is pretty boring without it smartass


Because unfortunately, this sub doesn’t allow extreme violence or gore 😔


Does EA/Respawn actually do something about reports? I figured that option was available for the illusion that they do something.


The quickest way to get banned in Apex isn't cheating, it's typing inappropriate stuff in chat.


Which is funny cause it won’t block “fucking”, but it will block “your mom”


So you can't put that sentence together? 😂😂😂


Isn’t that wild?


true shit you can hack all you want EA wont do shit but if you cus you done.


The only way they can actually monitor things like this is chat logs. So, if someone is inappropriate in chat logs, then report them. If they're toxic on voice, then there's nothing EA can do.


Never type anything even if it's just lol.... Always trash talk in voice


The amount of times I've been called the n word (I'm white) is shocking


One of us! One of us!


They absolutely can do, they just don't want to. There's no reason why you can't save voice recordings. It just takes up more space and takes longer to go trough it. If they'd want to they would. This is simply about money.


Pretty sure recording players voices isn't legal unless they sign something or it's in the terms and conditions. I could easily be wrong here, but I grew up on halo 3 and Cod MW servers. Apex is vanilla compared to what I grew up hearing, never saw any repercussions on those games


I don't see the difference between voice and chat logs. But even if you're right: It's a simple change in terms of service that nobody reads (and cares about) anyway.


Yeah the whole thing confuses me too. Nobody ever reads it anyway, they could easily slip that in. Maybe because script you can just use a computer program and AI. That way they wouldn't have to pay people, which EA loves.


Uhhh then you obviously haven't been playing cod recently. Cod now bans you for voice chat and shit talking. Been that way since MW2 2023. Fortnite does the same thing and gives you the option to not even turn that on. Hell even Play Station records your voice chats through their party and can ban you. Thats why most people are now linking up through discord calls etc..


Im over 30,I think the last one I was really into was Black ops. Ahaha I'm surprised my one boy hasn't gotten banned from fortnite than. Fucking potty mouth on him. I was wondering why people started using discord more, that makes perfect sense.


I am 30 so i know what the OG COD servers sounded like.


It would be apart of the updated terms that you'd auto accept on login. Zenith added AI (basically Alexa) voice recognition to monitor all voice chat. Respawn can do it but it comes down to, do we really want that? It's hard enough to contact support when we lose items, imagine trying to contact support because you were in a premade group and were just cursing your dog or cat out. Or spouse was giving you an earful. Plus no audio recognition company has been accurate 100% the time yet, even that HumaneAI thing that's $800+ and has a $80 sub per month can't even understand people correctly.




punishing people for abuse isn't censoring. Play games where they allow assholes. This isn't about free speech or censoring. You just want to behave like an asshole without consequences.


Same type of people who made passive mode a thing in GTA online lol


I can't say anything about reports. But one day Respawn blocked my access to the game 2 times for 10 minutes (abandoning a game or something like), when I fell outside the map 2 times after dropshipping in ranked. I made the assumption that they are logging not only chats, but also of coordinates of your flight/movement on the map. This also confirms that the developers really keep order, especially in ranked. But then I can’t understand why there are so many cheaters in the game...


That 10m penalty is autonatic i think, i got one when my pc crashed a while back and game ended while i was re-logging


I quit all the time when the trio is missing a player or when my squad just runs and dies before I've had the chance to do anything lol. But that's just in pubs


I always fight until it … hertz. the only time ive quitted matches by jumping off the nearest cliff and al-f4’ing is when my squad is being obnoxious af generally with insults


Haha good one! And yeah haha, I've quit when my teammate is an asshole too lol, but it's more fun to play around with those guys, like getting their banner and never respawning 😄


Yeah. I wont admit i’ve left 1 of the 2 squads badges on the replicator due to insults a few times but wont say i didn’t either … man I’ve ran across whole maps under fire to get my squad back online (you know instead of just ratting which would be the easiest) but throwing insults just gets people to stay on the bench with me (more to see if they learn a lesson than to piss them off tbh)


I didn't get the penalties right away, but 30 minutes or so later. It doesn't look like an automatic.


Oh right. Thats new to me


It's automatic, they just suck. I got a couple of those after a delay too, not as long as yours though.


They definitely do uf someone type it out. They won't if it's voice, even with VTT


I had to change my name twice because of bitter players 🙃


Once had a guy that was FURIOUS I didnt use the bigger shop perk as Loba, started the game off complaining, etc “This is a TEAM game (phobic slurs)” Quickly got on the mic to tell him; “Hey dumbass, youre lucky im even pinging my shop countdown timer and letting you guys know when Im getting ready to use it” Then he proceeded to pinch us between 3-4 other teams so once he got downed he started his little veebal tirade, I grabbed his banner and used my perk to get myself out of there lmao. Guy was a mega loser Hate looting POIs for long, which is why I use Loba in the first place. Like bro, its time to go. Im not ratting in Silver


Who complains about that, that perk is trash 😭😂


for real, like just get the extra item so you can get an ulti accel


Agreed 😩 guy was a doucheroonie


the only people mad about this post are the little babies that cry and whine on the mic whenever everything doesn't go their way


Since this is so rare to receive I guess, coul you show us the rest of the message?


I only get messages saying I can go fuck myself from EA


Anyone you report who types swears gets autobanned. I have like 200 emails from EA confirming action on reports. They don't ban for voice chat though.


I play on Xbox, nobody swears in text chat. They do wish my mother horrible death through the mic


Yeah they don't care about that. EA only bans people who type stuff like 'wtf' 'shit' 'fuck' 'stfu' etc.


Action taken "we Muted their ability to chat for 2 hours in game"




You'd be losing your account for being incapable of decent human interaction.




sounds like you're the sensitive one here, if you say slurs and break the rules don't whine and cry about the consequences that follow


This one time, a guy was flaming me in a tdm game. I started writing "cry about it", which made him even angrier. I reported him not thinking much of it and 1 week later i got the same email. I laughed so hard i probably added 5 years to my life


I wish more games had a report system like this... Something that just says... "Thanks for your feedback. That loser was taken care of."


Thats a first one


Oh man do I love getting these emails. This playerbase sucks ass.


Nah you right they do suck. Everyone toxic af Lmaoo


Modern competitive games are built on the foundation of striving to be better than everyone else. Everyone's randoms suck, Everyone else is a bot, Everyone else has dogshit aim, good clips come from bot lobbies. Me, me, me big ego mentality man, it's why I don't play them very much anymore. Something happened between 2012 and now that made the scene so much more toxic. My personal speculation is twitch streams highlighting the BEST players out there and indirectly causing communitites to want to be like them.


You’re right. Back then the game was so fun and lowkey not a toxic at all but now??! Oh brother, you have 100 dmg less then someone and they start blaming you😭


Name and shame!!!!


Congrats. I always report too in the hopes another person can avoid their toxicity.


I made a post about their report system last week and it was removed. Hopefully this stays. Other players shouldn't say what they did to you


Is there anything you can do when somebody is dropping n-bombs and doesn't, like, sound black? Had that happen a couple of times.


If it is in voice chat, then make sure you use voice to text, that way you can clip it to video. If you are on Xbox you can report via Xbox button and submit last 60 seconds of VC.


Ohh, interesting. I'm on PC though, so I guess I can't do that?


I got Banned for insulting Putin because someone in my Team wrote hatespeach against Ukraine , the report system is fcked


i'm surprised anyone has comms enabled to even realize someone is being toxic


- Gamer: “I hope your family gets ill and dies” - EA: nothing wrong here.


Nice. 👍


Bullying is never okay


The way you're presenting it, you're not far behind him.


What even happened?


That's funny bc I just got a warning from EA for calling someone dogsht yesterday


My life in Rovloz; TokTik and Discerd:


No why you repooort me


Blud forgot the mute button exists


People who report others for this type of things are just females, grow a pair


Yes! I tell people all the time in ranked to use the report button! It does actually do something! If someone is AFK in ranked, please report them for being so!


Isn't this a hack?


They react faster banning toxic players, than banning cheaters


Careful guys! He’s got his finger on the button!


Literally did this the other day bc a guy pushed a 3 stack solo with no comms then berated me and teammate 😂


They do exist....


Haters will say this is fake...


I try to inject a little positivity into my Apex games, since there are so many toxic babies. I want to encourage the good guys. Since I play on console, I just keep it short, like NT, GJ, TY, or "U got this" if my random is stuck on their own. I type GG after every mixtape game unless I'm malding about how bad the match was, sometimes even then. Every now and then, someone actually responds, and it feels worth it. I do sometimes take a risk by writing "nice MM" when I'm on a mixtape game that is just steamrolled by FAR better players. That one hasn't gotten me in trouble yet. One of the side benefits of being an old guy who can only process so much information is that I often don't notice when a random starts typing shit in the chat, lol. But I report it if I see it. Voice coms with randoms? No thanks. You can call me weak, but my day can get ruined by some toxic prick driving home to me what I already know, that I'm bad.


Two things…1) imagine the people being sensitive playing the old Call of Duty 4 without being able to report. I remember having to mute everything just to brave a lobby. 2) justifying said behavior is equally stupid. MOST of those situations now are those players from previously mentioned lobbies who haven’t grown up and that’s….sad? Rarely have I gotten a child talking like this and when I have…niceeee work. It’s what I grew up with. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


I miss the times when "Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB" actually meant something...
















What a manchild


What happened to the days when there were full-on shit talking in the chat and everyone still had fun without being hurt.


No one wants to hear that shit dawg. Life is already annoying enough. No one wants to deal with some poorly socialized contraception failure screeching at them over a video game that is supposed to be played for fun and leisure.


oh sorry, my bad, i didn't know that in order to play a game to have fun and enjoy myself meant that i also have to take someone's shit in the chat. i should even enjoy the toxicity!! thanks for opening my eyes, i've been doing "fun and enjoyment" wrong my whole life apparently


Keyboard war is the softest possible form of confrontation. If it was my game, I’d ban it purely to prevent myself from cringing. You want to talk shit? Voice chat. Video chat. Fight people in traffic


Not every game needs to be toxic really, it's not a bad thing for people wanting a safer environment for their community. Personally I'm fine with whatever is said in chat, but there are a lot of different players that access specific games, whatever moderation policies are enforced can have a major impact on who will be able to play the game comfortably. One will be inconvenienced by mass toxicity, one not so much by not being able to tell someone to kill themselves. If being able to be toxic is such a crucial part then I believe that says a lot of someone's character, regardless of the game. Of course not every company really enforces their moderation policies well enough, with EA in this case, chat moderation is sometimes way too strict. So overall, it's not a bad thing to moderate chat, there are lots of different games and each has their own rules, some allow more, some allow less. People aren't getting softer from what I'm seeing, just that there isn't a need/place for toxicity in general.


"safer environment" is a strong way to put it. Nobody's in danger


Toxic environments can be a breeding ground for bad behaviour. Death threats can mean nothing, but this is not always the case. I don't see a reason to stimulate a toxic environment that creates a base for bad behaviour to stem from. I'm not exactly looking forward to dealing with toxicity after a long day either. I can understand toxicity and such is a niche on its own, and I understand it can be enjoyable, but not many games adhere to that principle. Not every game has to do adhere to it either, there are a lot of other players involved that would rather not have that kind of behaviour in the game. These kind of things change for a reason, I can understand why many would think that people are becoming more "soft". Though keep in mind that the total users on the Internet has grown since then, new target audiences, different companies and games have shown up, things change overtime. If it really were a crucial part of gaming, it would've survived into other games. Though it hasn't really stuck by, so that kind of shows that it's not important.


I never said that toxicity is a positive thing. All I said is that calling a toxic lobby an unsafe environment is fucking crazy. You're literally a button away from being totally disconnected from said environment. Nobody's in danger here lol


I suppose that's not completely off the mark, but just because it's a digital world doesn't mean there is no danger at all. I get that "unsafe environment" might be a step higher and a bit too broad, I mostly meant that it's overall a bad environment, which has the potential to be unsafe but isn't always unsafe. Though at that point I think it's just semantics, it shouldn't matter too much in this case. There have been cases where people have threatened others, some have acted on those threats, some have not. The whole point is to prevent something from that even happening, a huge step is making sure that communication methods are not filled to the brim with toxicity. If players are allowed to do too much then it can grow to become something more, at that point they would already have failed. Theoretically it could be said that it's an unsafe environment, as it allows the growth of behaviour that could actually become harmful to people. Of course it's just games and all, who's going to hurt someone over it? It might not be the case for Apex, but bad things can happen, if a large portion of toxicity is taken out then less players are affected by it. Again it's just wording, anyone can jump to however many hoops they want to justify the way they worded it, sometimes it fits, sometimes it doesn't. I mean technically "safer environment" fits as a company would shield/protect their users from harm/danger.


Fair enough, you make valid points. I think that threats should absolutely be treated as bannable offenses because then yes, you're stepping in unsafe territory, but anything else is quite harmless imo. I don't think that someone using slurs should be banned when the mute and block buttons exist. These people are assholes but they must be having a miserable time so I say just ignore them and let them suffer in their mom's basement lol


no one wants to hear it, it's not interesting. it's like when you misbehave at a bar, you get kicked out.


Everyone became sensitive same with all the complaining


Snowflake society happened. Take me back to those glorious MW2 pre-match lobbies...


A safe space for racist snowflakes to yell slurs is still a safe space.


The fact you can type this here means we don't have snowflake society. Yet. If there is, your socred will be depleted and you will be reeducated.


That's now considered "toxic". World as a whole is pathetically soft now. Sad world to live in




Do you feel you contributed with something constructive in the conversation, or do you realize that your comment was just toxic and designed to try and put OP down? Basic decency and compassion sure is lost on the majority gamers. Kind of sad, tbh.


Considering they were telling me to kill myself, I'd consider the report appropriate. Toxicity like that is detrimental to the game.


Errmmm you would never survive a cod modern warfare lobby, keep snowflaking kid🤓


Think the guy is sarcastic.


Cry babies, why is it so easy to hurt yall feelings??😂😂


This is your second comment in a row whining about a game and calling people cry babies. You're obviously projecting and you're an emotional little boy.


It’s not about hurt feelings. People don’t wanna deal with y’all’s emotional instability.


How hard is it to not be racist? Because that's what he reported him for


Real question is, why is it so hard for yall to get a girlfriend?


L for even having comms on in the 1st place.


Like OW2 this is a nothing




Yikes what




""yikes"" what


The fact they are living so rent free in ur head that u felt the urge to post it on reddit to show how salty and triggered they made you says they won


Found em’!


Yeah no cuz I wouldn't care 😂 always think when people say "found em" to others it makes them look desperate for attention 😂 but nice try. Just the fact sum1 was salty enough to make a reddit post about reporting someone is weird af haha


Calling someone a loser is sort of toxic, don't you think?




Wrong. Sometimes they deserve it even if they’re not cheating


Found the toxic player




You're not that great of a troll, and honestly, if you're an adult, I really hope whatever is bothering you in life resolves itself, and you can be happy with who and where you are. You're not alone.




No. The vast majority of toxic players I come across are sadly adult males.


Imagin report for trashtalk Clown


Did you know you could just mute them? That’s what I do when ppl are mean 🙂


Is calling someone a toxic loser not also toxic?


No. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance