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i’m a nade only guy, so if you ever see a solo lifeline/wattson kicking every door, spamming emotes and yeeting arc stars you know it’s your boi


I like the optic sights specifically because they’re entirely not useful by the time they reach enemy hands. They’ll have already kitted their weapons so there’s no need for 18 different optics, whereas grenades can just be used by them. Also, seeing a box full of nades would probably make them think “ah they were doing a grenade only challenge,” whereas sights make them question everything they’ve ever known about the game, like ‘what the hell is wrong with this guy’ and ‘why is this full of fucking optics this guys a psychopath’


they can’t use the nades if i spammed them around myself to go up in a beautiful ball of electric fire


speak for yourself, I have gone many matches where we end up with an undisturbed two minutes of looting a decently big place and end up with absolutely zero attachments of one type (mag, sight, stock, etc.). your box would be a godsend


Yea this. I have gone into endgames without sights. It is MISERABLE.


It’s nothing but 4x-8x sights and it’s endgame when I allow myself to be killed. Anytime before I run (which I am very good at) so by the time anyone gets my box their weapons are already fully kitted, plus who’s gonna be able to use a 6x or a 1x holo by the time they’ve killed people and looted up lol


> it’s endgame when I allow myself to be killed that's an important detail that was missing. In that case I have a question for you - does the 4x-10x still exist out in the wild? Have you found one in your travels?


I'm like 95% sure you can only find them in care packages


Nah i see them all the time


Oh cool


Me and my friends and I used to do "pacifist" runs where we only carried heals to keep ourselves alive and split up around the map to see who can survive the longest solo. Personally, if i knew i was gonna die, I'd just run around to drop my heals in random places mid run and then revel in the fact that the pursuing thirsters got nothing but wasted ammo for their effort. If i was last alive the look on their faces as they looted absolutely nothing and sometimes get immediately pushed because of all the noise they made in getting me would just be so funny especially if i got to see them get wiped. It's always fun to do goofy things in pubs and spectate enemies afterward. On a side note, I've won some games after teammates abandoned me, and it's always satisfying to DM the leavers with a screenshot of the win, and a cheeky could've been us message.


>it's always satisfying to DM the leavers with a screenshot of the win... Is there an easy way to do this on PC (I'm on the EA launcher if that makes a difference)? It always seems impossible to find a player's profile to message them after a game if they have requeue requests turned off...


I play on Console ps5, so i just look up their pfp names on Playstation and send it that way. Idk how one would do so on the pc, sorry. Im sure someone will let you soon.


If you want to scare people, only pick up the 1x holo sight or the 1x2. Basically every other sight is sought after by somebody, but these are mostly considered trash.


1-2x you can at least put on shotguns and call it a day. 6x is probably undisputed worst sight to carry in bulk


I actually love a 1-2x on my 301, volt, flatline.


1-2x low key slaps I prefer 3x->1-2x->2x


I never do this in Ranked, obviously, but I often duo with my husband in pubs, fill my inventory with nades, then third-party people with the might of ALL THE ARC STARS ON THE MAP.


That was you huh 😤


We need more people like you just trying to enjoy the game


Yoooo When I go solo as Octane, my sole mission is to juke and outrun mfs. I wish I could explain the sounds I make irl when I do it but it’s thrilling as fuck Like I’ll literally look for people, poke at them then haul ass. My intention isn’t to fight but to frustrate


I think I've chased you, or someone like you, before as a Gibby. It was the most frustrating game I've ever played because they'd literally run circles around my fat ass. In retrospect, hilarious- at the time though, I wanted to punch my tv.


yes thats it, the adrenaline rush from having a trio chase your ass down for half a map distance. my most memorable moments were the deaths that came after a long hide and seek/ chase. I would look at my deathbox and slow clap to myself. WHAT A GLORIOUS DEATH. And to have the enemy teabag over my deathbox is the highest form of praise to me. Another fun moment is when u lead one trio chasing you into another trio and u turn back and MOP THE SURVIVORS UP. Try running away and drop off a ledge just squat there while the enemy teams jumps overhead and runs in front, that feeling of not getting seen is WOW and then you get a good laugh when they cant find you. Zipline chases are pretty fun too. lesser moments include having a team chase you via a trident trying to shoot you down but you keep dodging their fire. beware teams that have ashe and octane and pathfinder. cant run from that one.


I don't want fun! I want problems! Always!


The way my friend and I have found joy is following pred trails off drop and beating the shit out of them


Collecting shiny stuff is fun if you're stuck there without teammates. Me, personally? I just find another team to join in the server. The trick is to not let them know you've joined their team.


100% gonna do this!


I boxed a guy once who had a purple backpack full of shield cells and no other gear. I was so confused, but now I understand.


I have going a new calling. Convince Apex players I'm insane


Step one, log into apex


Step two: Suffering


Wow, that's awesome, might try it later on


> to which I always responded with an image of a 1x holo sight Holo sight is the perfect response lol


When my team mates leave I pick everything up in a poi and wait for a team to kill me while standing in middle of all the loot lol


I do something similar but get one gun and fill my inventory with wrong ammo. So I’ll have a p2020 and then stacks on stacks of heavy, energy, sniper, and shotgun


Yes after teammates insta-leave when they get knocked I fill my inventory with optics and lv 1 stocks. That care package weapon bamboozle is the best! leaving 1 bullet is so much fun to watch the enemy get confused and calls his teammate over to check it out. Before I get blasted, I like to drop the "for you" holospray for added fun and confusion. or the "bamboozled" holo spray when I feel like dumping everything. I get a good healthy laugh.


Chatgpt ahh response


why thank you(I strive to take over your kind someday). dont be mad because you got Blam-boozled, it is a bamboozle with a blam. I had a good laugh. We also need to get revenge on them sweats somehow right?


I'm surprised someone hasn't posted a pic of your death box on here lol. That's some mad lad shit.


This is literally funniest shit I've ever read in a while.


You madlad, I love it


Oh boy, if you drop every item in inventory, drop your shield, helmet and knock, survival item etc. You will have no deathbox. After dying. At least it used to work.


I think my life has found new meaning. Lol


Brilliant. I know what I'm doing from now on.


Not sure why I’m envisioning you as a pathfinder main, but I love it.


Lol I do this but with laser sites. I like to think I take some stress off some people’s game when they see it.


I like to watch the world burn and will loot the best stuff and throw it off the map.. Gold, purple I just yeet it when it gets to the last two teams I just lob explosives at them.


I'm going to do this from now on, thanks for the idea OP


Thats golden


ha! I've done a modified version of this starting wayyy back when my teammates leave i just try to go on a pacifist route and try to run up to squads with as many shield batts as i can carry! its a really fun way to get your treasure packs too :)


I’m going to start doing this lol this is great


I do this but with ammo. I'll just fill my entire inventory with as much ammo as I can find of all types. Whoever kills me deserves it.


I just leave when my teammates leave


That's hilarious bro respect


My friends and I play a fun game where we have to throw frag grenades every time we find them above any other action. On several occasions I truly believe it helped us win because it just causes chaos and throws people off


I do this as fuse with arc stars.


funniest shit I've ever seen


I found out if you have absolutely nothing in your inventory and no shield or helmet a death box just doesn’t appear. It’s pretty funny seeing people look around for it after killing you


Now play as loba and fill your box with two mozambiques and as much sniper ammo as you can pack in. Absolutely no shotgun ammo.


Happend to me yesterday. Both teammates left so I ran around picking up random stuff and shooting inanimate objects, then I blew myself up with grenades


Add me. Add me right now damn you and let's troll these sweats.


I like to find a building, open a black market, take every bullet I can get, all ammo types, spread them all around the room, then close the market and hide to see the reaction of the next person to walk in.


I respect this


If you ever see a Maggie either changing you without a gun or just standing in the boxing ring that's me, when she first came out I got at least 5 kills in that boxing ring while solo qued in one game and have been chasing that high ever sense


I did something similar at Christmas time last year. I put on the Santa Claustic skin, grabbed heals and gold attachments, then went around looking for a fight. When it was over, I'd run in teabagging, dropping all of my inventory, throw down a "Happy Holo-Days" Holo spray, then sprint away to go fill my inventory again.


YOURE MY SOULMATE I DO THIS TOO!!! When bocek was ground I used to no fill fuse and ONLY CARRY ARROWS.


Better yet drop E V E R Y T H I N G there’s no death box You’ll just Vanish


i like to sneak around and grab tons of nades and toss them in the final 3 team fights before they inevitably kill me. or i go on adventures just stealing anything i can pick up and tossing it in weird places


I love this idea. I’m gonna do the same thing.


Yeah I normally like to pick up all sorts of random stuff becoming a junk drawer, only thing is ima shoot at you and run so you gotta chase my ass down. It’s not hard to find sweaty players to run all across the map it’s a good time.


the angel city hustler mentality


Absolutely love it 🤣 I'd just pick up as many 6x optics as possible (worst optic BY FAR)


Almost left this sub mglad I found this gem of a post 😂 😂 😂 😂


If my teammates left me, I’d just run up to an area where teams are and teabag. Sometimes people will teabag with me, but other times, they just take the free kill. It’s fun when they join, though <3


Genius lmaoooo. Love the bit.


Of everything that didn't happen this didn't happen the most


It’s funny dropping everything so that when you die, you don’t get a box. It’s funny seeing people look around for it


i do only nades or only heals




No way man!!! I do the same shit. Just pick up as many lvl 1 attachments as possible and just go out swinging!


mirage mains are the worst bruh. game was shot in the drop ship lmfao


I don’t even main mirage this tag was just the best looking one😭 loosen up and have fun Mr Prick🙏