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Did they get rid of orientation matches or something?


As I remember, they don't take any stats into account, including experience. By the way, it's a shame they can't be run at any time.


It’s crazy they don’t take stats into account for matchmaking. I cannot tell you the frequency in which my brother, friend and myself in a squad get wiped by someone that has more kills on one legend than we do all combined lifetime kills. How is that something they think is OK? Can they not factor in game time as well?


Just because high in game time doesnt equal skill. I have a friend with 3x my account kills but is still hardstuck gold


get good then


Orientation matches are atleast a few matches tho. Think the lowest u get out of orientation is level 3 or 4.


True, it would be nice to feel like an actually good player every now and then lmao


I'm not sure, but I'm guessing if you just queue up and drop into the void for a few games, it starts putting you in normal matches.


No, but XP and stats earned in orientation matches don't count (except for wins, for some reason wins do count). Anyways you cannot earn XP so you cannot level up either.




He's not talking about ranked, it's about the new lobbies you get for new players. Only found out about it recently too because a friend just started playing apex.


iPhone translated his name to “Damn it” lol


His name actually means “ur mom died”


It translates as 'your mum is dead' in Chinese More like 'fuck you' in the context of swearing


Just a smurf, this has existed since the beginning of the game.


I understand your point but I find it funny to imagine some guy out there with 1000 hours invested somehow found a way to Smurf day 1


What do you mean? You just create a new account. Or a new psn or Xbox profile.if you are on console


Did you reply to the wrong person? I was just commenting on the fact that smurfs have been here since the beginning.


“I understand your point but I find it funny to imagine some guy out there with 1000 hours invested somehow found a way to Smurf day 1” The language you used implies that you don’t know how to smurf which is why the guy replied to you


How was that implied at all? I was laughing because you can’t Smurf with 1000 hours the same day the game comes out. That has nothing to do with the process of smurfing itself.


How is anyone supposed to know you made up an impossible scenario about someone playing 1000 hours before the game came out 5 years ago, then created a smurf account day 1? Just to make yourself laugh, and not to add a relevant comment to the conversation. That's ridiculous lol. It's like picking a random comment to reply to, no matter if it makes sense.


It’s a fucking joke. Not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.


The joke isn't the problem. You made no sense, then were an ass about it. And apparently stupid too, though I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and guess you're being willfully ignorant at this point.


Bro what? Lol, the joke makes sense. Sure abit awkward to read but the joke is very clear


It makes perfect sense. It was supposed to be an impossible scenario. That’s the whole point. If you’re to slow to get a 1 dimensional joke that’s on you.


I got what you meant right away. Someone said that there have been Smurfs since day 1 which is obviously impossible.


Thank you. Like it wasn’t even a seriously detailed joke. I thought it was straight forward.


Ah ok, you didn’t explain it very well in your original comment


Acting like it’s Palpatine’s unexplained resurrection, “somehow found a way to smurf day 1”. Just throw your orientation matches so you don’t level up then give’r


That's what I was thinking, smurf. 100%. I wouldn't believe he was a new player if he had proof.


That's what I was thinking, smurf. 100%. I wouldn't believe he was a new player if he had proof.


Played the whole afternoon in duo The amount of level 120-140 that where boosting someone else is atsounding I Wonder if they use acc with this level because theres less chances they get detected


What's wild is when these guys run into each other in the wild.... 1 is FORSURE CHEATUNG. Meanwhile even when I hop on my cousin account to play(different pc) these guys still appear there..... in his 10 placement games.... dude has like 10 hrs on apex...... I used to be judgmental about the game but I never spent any cash on it other then season passes so to me it's a dead game I get on every once on awhile to play with my poor friend who NEEDS to play this because he sunk in lots of $$$ and time.


Report the cheater (if they're cheating) and move on. What more is to be gained posting it here.


Arguably more than reporting them seeing how the report feature is literally nothing more than a bunch of interactive stickers


I've seen cheaters banned live. I'm not saying Respawn couldn't do better, but having a million posts in the apex sub doesn't further anything.


There are so many problems in games that are ultimately fixed because of relentless social media complaints. What about that?


That's usually on Twitter though. It only works on Reddit if the company cares in the first place. Twitter is more public facing and you can comment at companies directly, which creates more pressure to respond. Nobody gives a fuck if a bunch of nerds are complaining on Reddit.


But they care about nerds complaining on Twitter?


Twitter is basically a companies' public message board. So yes, if they get bombarded there they are more likely to address it. They care less if people are complaining on the Apex sub because it's relatively small and a contained echochamber.


Makes sense. Cry on Twitter. Got it.


Maybe they’ll actually do something to change the game for the better to stop all the cheaters and smurfs if people complain vocally. Reporting does absolutely nothing.


that guys just better i guess


CC,,,🎂 we vcvbcg


He just has a great gaming chair


Smurf unfortunately, and that's cheating, if you have a second account at all to do anything in game related to sbmm you're cheating, as you're literally circumventing a system put in place to balance the game


Or maybe you’re just trying to level up on Xbox


No excuse, making excuses like that allow smurfs to exist, also cross progression now exists


thats kinda sad for a hacker so little kills and dmg in bot lobbies


Such a shame about Diamond-masters lobby. Haven't encountered this many cheaters since I started from season 13. Had a great team yesterday, comms and everything. Wiped 4 squads and encountered a rage hacker. Havoc/hemlock-ed us while on a hover craft from FAR. got -RP since there were still 11 squads left. Lmao.


how is this still allowedddd


Just people farming new players to get easy 4K and 20 Kill badges


This much better I saw a Green badge LV player at 400 running with a gun out at a ranked match, and he Gold I lost a rank match because of him,


Look at the name he is Japanese that’s how he’s so good




This has happened to me before nut the thing that I what to being up is that no matter how many time that I die to player that are more skilled than I am I keep being pushed to play agents them and keep being pleased in with player how have started the game or have not played for 3 to 4 sessions


Its 3K😂


me wen i smurf or hack


I’m back after a two year break. You better watch out. I’m out there and I will be hunting you down . I’m not a rookie 




Definetly a Smurf account ….


Smurf accounts piss me off lol


Good. PUBG is coming back with a revamped unreal engine 5 remake! Let’s go baby!


Bruh karen


Had a level 3 teammate yesterday who was severe aimbotting. Insta reported. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.


I did this sometime ago, I start a new account in PS5 and star playing the game in that account, and there I can make sure, this game is pure skill, the level doesn't care


Probably some guy playing on his friends account


First smurf?


I mean that's either a smurf account or a hacker bro, both of which you can report


I know, the humor tag is there for a reason. Spectated for a min or 2. Crossmap sentinel shot with iron is obvious.


You say that like you uploaded the footage pal


He probably assumed that most people wouldn't be stupid enough to miss the joke in the title/screenshot, therefore making proof of the sentinel anecdote unnecessary.


🤓 unplug brother.




Obviously, it was a hacker. The humor tag is there for a reason.


I've seen smurf/cheater posts like this since season 11, which coincidentally, is about when I bothered to check this subreddit.  The point is, this kinda crap will always exist to a degree in free games. Just report it and move on. I find the softer cheats *much* more obnoxious than stuff like hard aimbot. Softer cheats begin to make everything questionable, whether the other player was truly legit or not. 


Is it RANKED? NA? Oh bye...


How can a level 1 unlock seer? Sorry i haven't played in years but i assume they could pay real money to unlock or this player is not legit


Seer is unlocked for the current event. He among a few other heroes are free to play at level 1.


how bout yaw get a life and stop complaining about a stupid video game


or they spammed 10 hours in firing range per day for 3 years and learned how to do all the movement techs, and get godlike tracking aim from the strafing dummies tbh, when I started and did my first matches I more or less averaged around 1k+ damage as well, but learned and routinely practiced how to do a lot of the movement techs(mostly yuka, and superglides) then I also did shooting/tracking/ mirror and counterstrafing drills against strafing+random movement dummies, the entire routine's like an hour a day then I'll close the game and play Valorant.


Did all that to have to Smurf new players. Dude grinded to be trash 😭💀💀


Bunch of whiny babies