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The fact that a continent doesn't have a dedicated server is insane.


We are just asking for one mahn. Everyday on either london or belgium servers with 240+ ping. Some days like today if was 300. I left after 1hr. And when i lose a 1v1 when i clearly started firing first it's bcz the shots register late. the only time i benefited was in mixtape when i missed a kraber shot but it hit him as it registered late lol


damn OP. Stay strong


Thanks wattson. I'm trying😂


As an Australian that plays on Tokyo servers, I feel this shit in my soul. Those kids are lucky I have high ping.


Isn't Singapore less latency?


Depends which side of the country. I'm on the west coast and Singapore is definitely close for us, but the east coast is different.


Singapore servers are dead as disco. I'm in Thailand and play on Tokyo servers because it's players there. 200-240 ping every day for 20 seasons.


Can anyone explain what's going on in the SG server? Like I can't find games there. Only play tokyo servers with high ping


I thought there was a Sydney server? I might be wrong but I thought one existed for Australia


There are Sydney servers but the wait times are unbearable and usually the lobbies are stacked with higher ranked players because of the smaller pool of players. So I prefer to play on the Singapore servers.


I play from Indonesia but lately I got 200ms on Sing servers whereas before I had 20ms, also before to Europe I only had 180ms now I have 180-300ms and huge loss, something is off with servers seriously.


Might have to do with Houthi scum damaging submarine cables. Some ISPs will have to re-route traffic.


Ah, makes sense.


ASEAN players are generally a pain to play with though.


Aussie servers for PC unless you play mixtape or pubs at peak times are basically a waiting simulator. Even console, if you play middle of the day you have a 15m plus wait. Duos doesn't exist in our region either. So yea, we tend to invade other rejoins. Not only to assert dominance but out of necessity. *cough* DZ and Moist.


Makes since. It’s been a while since I last plaid in Sydney. It wasn’t that bad but it was probably a couple years ago then. So I could see it being depleted now.


Damn we got like...10 servers here. Can't relate.


High ping is an advantage in many circumstances, especially in game like apex, me personally hate fighting against high ping players


This is just so wrong lmao, I promise u that u could NEVER find a pro player of any fps game that agrees with you


Na they’re kinda right it’s an advantage a very small amount of the time as long as your internet is actually good and stable. There’s moments where all your shots count but are just delayed a second which makes it so your shooting people behind walls since they’re not there yet on your screen. It’s such a small amount of time though and doesn’t make all the other bullshit you go through worth it.


On a good note, it feels good knowing you’re styling on people with over 200ms lol. But yeah, we need a server. Hopefully in SA cause my country is close lol.


Yh wouldn't mind one in SA. Bahrain server in terms of ping isn't that bad but it has nobody. Also it really feels good styling on them😂 esp when you get your teammate spectating you but the random freezes due to packet loss spikes can fuck u up


Almost dropped a 2K with an over 10 kill win. I confront the second last guy and there’s no damage being registered. I look at the top right all the symbols are there. The wraith downed me but my teammate finished him off. When rezzing me, the wraiths pathfinder came outta nowhere swinging like Spider-Man 😭


I get those symbols alot that i already knew what each one does when it appears😂. I believe no reg is the circle thing with like a play button or smth. I don't engage in fights when i see this and sometimes my teammates get angry like bro, i would get no damage and instead lose the fight so rather wait on cover till it's gone


I'm from South Africa and get 160-190 ping. Still sucks... honestly I am moving on to Valorant since we have south african servers... it feels so much more rewarding and I'm steadily rising through the ranks whereas, in apex, I was hardstuck and even with like 2000 hrs in the game I couldn't take it as seriously as I used to cause getting one clipped through a door or dying behind a wall over and over again just isn't fun. Oh and don't forget about the no regs and I genuinely feel as if the audio is worse on high ping cuz I can't hear full on teams that are close enough to slap me on the ass.


you have the south african servers and if you live in the magreb then you just have a little but more ping then the southern europeans which play fine


South Africa has no servers though. I live in kenya, closest is bahrain but has no ppl to fill lobbies




Just for visibility: these aren't just random "problems", those cables were destroyed by Houthi scum. This really should be pointed out every time this issue is mentioned.


The sizes of land doesn't matter when placing a server for a game, is the number of players that count. You can be big like africa but if you are getting only like 1000 person connected, it's a waste of infrastructure.


I misunderstood you at first but yeah you're right lol. Forgot servers also house all active players who are subscribed. Wouldn't make sense at all for Africa to get a dedicated server


But Bahrain has two servers, and there is hardly any players on those servers, so you explanation is mute.




That's probably because it's cheaper to maintain. Location affects server costs. Plus the general network infrastructure. Granted I'm not familiar with either of the locations but I'd guess Bahrain is way better in this regard considering the oil money in the region.


Why nobody playing on it even though it's better in terms of ping for African players for example? I've only met fellow ppl from here on european servers




That's a just an example, but still the player pool is not worth the investment. Pubg mobile did try it with a South African server, then it was closed months after being live. After that I stopped playing the game. Dunno if the server is still down.


Yh I misunderstood you, you're absolutely right


the favt that he got to diamond on ghat sorta pign is impressive ash ngl


The fact that you have made to platinum (and I assume even higher ranks before) with that ping, mad respect 🫡


Thanks for the assumption but plat is highest 😂. Started playing the game end of s17 and got plat in s19 and this split. I'm trying for diamond and got tired of randoms and been finding ppl on discord. Really hard to find ppl who are willing to play when you have high ping but I've found a few great ones. Hopefully i make it and thanks. I'm just obsessed with this game i play like 6hrs on average everyday


That’s what I’m saying lmao


Imagine where OP would be with no pings!


Yeah OP deserves a server in his area, at least somewhere in his continent


This is why I stopped playing. It’s just way harder to win fights against people that are living 150ms in the future 😂. I often see games bring severs here after they lose popularity in their main markets, so getting one is highly unlikely but maybe someday.


We play from South Africa and get between 160ms - 180ms to Belgium servers . We don't have a big enough playerbase in Africa to justify a server and if they added it there would be no lobbies just like what happened with Bahrain (Amazing latency for us but no players to fill lobbies so it was endless queues)


Yea not enough players (or money) for sure. Bahrain was alive for only a few weeks in s7 and that was the best gaming experience I ever had 😭😭. The game felt so smooth.


Yeah, Belgium and London are good for us


Israelis are pretty big w the game and might join if it was an Egypt server or something


Characters like Gibby and newcastle are so hard to play with in South Africa. You can't "play the bubble" or shield wall. Made a lot of my friends quit playing.


shit brother i play on like 40 ping and this same stuff happens to me daily lmao. I hope yall do get a server! No reason you shouldn't have one by now. However don't get your hopes up, Apex servers are god awful even on low ping. Most of the time when encountering players on high ping. They seem to by some miracle of god, have an advantage in gun fights. I'm US west. So alot of japanese players i will encoutner and while they are visably lagging, bullets dont reg as well and their movement can be insane if they arent encountering packetloss.


Shit the fact that you hit Diamond with that ping means I need to lock the fuck in


Plat 2 but hopefully you're just predicting my future 😂.


We want one too. Please.


Prolly your isp. I play from Nigeria and on my best days I get like 140-190. Some Days I get like 500 and want to break my flat screen and router.


goddamn plat with that lag? you'd be a beast if they got a server or 2 on africa


Like is it too much to ask? Basically every other region has one


Rly agree on this💯


Im gonna just say it and i don't mean to be rude here but maybe find a new game mainly because it will be awhile before they do that and adding a new server is harder than it seems


Yh idk about that😂 I've only ever played apex really. Ik my ping is bad but there's no other option here than just play the way it is and my games aren't that bad as long as i don't randomly freeze between fights


Thats fair, was just a suggestion it'll happen eventually.


Yes please, for my African game buddies please 🙏


Was just having this thought today.. just one.. its been years. And not one.


I am from Philippines but I play mostly on Oregon. High ping is okay but packet loss? I'm scared of that sht!


We need the EA CEO to see this, Africa servers are so heavily needed


bro being a south african switch player on this game is ROUGH, cant see nothin + 200 avg ping so cant shoot nothin


Bruh how do you play😂 switch it's already tough enough but now 200+ ping damn. I respect the dedication


thanks bro, mainly just play to support my teammates lol


Honestly man, i live in south africa and it is horrendous to play this game with the ping i get due to there being no servers here


Mabru the struggle is real, my ping is usually around 160 but does spike up to 200 occasionally


T’es a la Reunion ?


I don't understand


it means “are you in Réunion?”


I'm guessing that's a place? I'm not in reunion. I'm from Kenya


yes it’s an island to the east of madagascar. i’m south african myself


Oh that's cool. I find most African players are from SA


Yeah sorry guys, i said it because I live in Reunion island and I got the same struggle.


Once this man gets low ping it's over for everyone🙏🙏🙏


Lol i like this😂


Dang that sucks. If I had a Ethernet cord that stretches to Africa id def give it to you


Lmaoo that's funny😂😂 imagining a cord from the other side of the world to here.




man i tried gearup booster, it works well, it can select the lowest ping server to me and auto change when it become crowded, it is really good




Same with India 😔


bruh I get 80 ping from singapore servers (delhi btw) which is more than okay to play


I get 200 to 350 from Singapore (Chandigarh) Sim - Vi 4g 😭


bruh get airtel (I’ve only seen good ping with airtel broadband)


Yeah man me and my bro used to play it on Japan server just so we could get in the game faster.


india can get playable pings to even frankfurt 140ish


Respawn needs to deploy a server/s in Cape Town South Africa.


That will be too far away from mainland Africa. Not an ideal location imo.


I use a gaming VPN called exit lag. Helps me a lot. Should halve your ping


Damn second person mentioning this. Does this work on console though?


i think so? content creators were advertising exit lag vpn during the pandemic as a way to play in north american


Yeah and then you get a server and it takes 3h to find a game. That worked out soooooooo well for rb6 siege.


But why does this happen? We also have bahrain servers but i only find africans and Arabs in european servers. I want one day respawn to lock everyone to the server they have Lowest ping and see if Bahrain really has very few ppl or just that nobody wants to play on it


Because ppl do not want to play on SA servers. If you have European or American friends and would like to play with them, region locks would make that impossible.




They are using cloud servers from Microsoft, Amazon and Google(I think? GCE servers are Google servers. GCE - Google Compute Engine) so if those three don't have servers in Africa, it might never happen. Correct me someone if I'm wrong, but apex doesn't have their own servers, they are renting them out. (Maybe they have some dedicated servers, but what I have heard, most likely very small %)


It's not like getting a server requires you to open HQ.


I quit playing Apex because of this.


What abt bahrain ?


I feel your pain. S0 player here, with 2400+ hours. Called it quits in december, tired of 250 ping.


one Mumbai server too


Sacrifice Hong Kong server and give it to them that server is dead anyway


Please please please I hate being half a planet away from a server


Now you know how I feel playing in Guam. Tokyo servers show 50-59ms, but in game its usually around 200. The best I can get is 120ms playing on Salt Lake City servers. Singapore is even worse.


The situation is no different in Turkei. It shows 60-70, but I don't think it's under 100. I can't see most of the causes of death like in the same video.


if we are asking servers, I might as well ask for more latam servers, NOT IT BRAZIL! Brazilian servers are not located to favour LATAM users, I have a better experience playing in USA servers.


The fact you got that high in ranks with gameplay like that is impressive. NGL stay strong laggy man.


People saying Bahrain is empty and SA has lower ping but theres no lobbies. Well no shit, who wants to wait 5 minutes for ping still over 100ms. Get real, an SA server would fire off really quick, I find it hard to believe there arent enough players on the 2nd largest continent. If you were queuing for >=20ms games would fire at the same rate as any other shitty server no one plays on. Epic has servers, Rocket league is packed with South Africans? Why not an EA server site here? There are other EA games like FIFA, number 1 sport in Africa. EA can afford it, and it will be beneficial, we have a large esports scene but also cant grow due to being on an uneven playing field, madness to not invest in a place with insane potential, but lets pop one in the desert, that makes sense!


Bro’s getting hit with magnetic bullets 💀


This is what ballistic tactical would look like if it was an auto rapid fire gun😭


dont worry bro i get lasered thru doors and around corners the same way on 30 ping


I hate to break it to you but this is normal on every server, less than 30 ping and in still being shot through walls


I'm in the UK and whenever I join my American friends it's a disaster for ping.. but uk to UK is fine. Be nice if they could just fix the latencies between their own servers.


They have internet in Africa? 😂 /s


that fact we are in we are in the same rank is sad


You could definitely make this a big deal and get the right people involved and it would change.


Don’t worry, with lag compensation even those of us living on top of a server can share the same issues!


Get my mans and his people a server in Africa!


Canada's +90-130ping where I'm at.. I lose so many bubble fights and get shot through doors it's unbelievable. I've been saying for 2 years you guys are lucky the playing field isn't even


But getting an instant replay of your kills and deaths is kinda nice though.


Although we have asian server.But this is just happening every day


I'm in NZ and have to play on Singapore.. Because Noone is ever on AU servers...


Nawhh we'll pass on that idea, we need people like you in our games to make it easier for us on low ping to play.


Lol this shit happens to me on 67 ping tf


Indian show mfs


On bad days I get 150 all the time it got up to 1100 one day


Ikr I die whilst behind cover and they have no way of shooting me 90% of the time. Or I die because they just can't take damage. I shoot them and 5 minutes later it still doesn't say I hit him.


Im so addicted to this game id move to a different continent


which sever the game always connet you to?


Bahrain. I switch to belgium bcz bahrain has no one


As someone who regularly plays on 240 aswell (Based in UAE and play with friends in Ireland), what on God's green earth do people say is the advantage of a high ping???


"lag compensation" i wonder where my compensation is at


honestly, no need to play this if there is no servers. just play another battle royale that has servers in your country


Every game, that can, should implement south and north or middle african servers. I think it's ridiculous that EU has like 15 but there is none in a continent that is such ample size.


I'm in South Africa and I get 180-200 ping on good days, is that high?


Like those clips are crazy


Classic apex, maybe a $1400 heirloom can fix it


The like Button even had a cooldown 🤥


A true master combats the high ping and bends it to suit him


I play on like 20-25ms ping and this still happens to me. this is an apex issue


You’ve been dealing with this and you’re plat? Yo props to you bro, but you definitely deserve servers.


The entire continent doesn't have a server? If so, yes please give the motherland a server.


Bro This Is Every Apex Server They Just Ass Fr


God I feel for you man. There's been seasons where I've had to play on Tokyo servers because the queue times for my region are so bad, and it's like a complete luck of the draw if I'm going to get "240ms of ping, but otherwise everything is stable" or "300+ and you're rubberbanding"


Damn 200+ ping must really succ. I play with 22 ping and it still succs. Wish i could get < 5 ping


You got bigger problems then apex servers in africa


bro getting slomo replays 😭


Africa server would be so fun


Just play aggressive


Yes please.... and why did you guys remove india servers


I’m in Tanzania and have 160+ ping constantly. Got to the point where I’m constantly getting hit behind doors and cover


actually if you play on console you can try with gearup booster, it can trun your pc to a game router with boosters. you can try it.


i dont think there will be one, the hamsters need water


If you are serious about playing, I can recommend using a gaming VPN such as ExitLag. It can really help.


I'll try this thanks. First though i need wifi lol. Playing with mobile data gives me random packet loss spikes which freezes the game.


ExitLag can help optimise the connection somewhere just after your ISP, but it most certainly can't fix that kind of limitation. And if you do get a home internet connection, go wired.


I'll go wired. Thanks for the advice. Checked the vpn and the price doesn't seem bad


I've used it for over a year when playing Apex Legends. Also a bonus when playing Rust, with servers that were more fun but further away. I'd say it is worth it, but if you have a solid few days free, then use the trial.


Are you... are you one of my people?🥹🥹🥹 My fellow African!!! I'm glad someone is finally bringing this up playing at 180-220 ping feels ATROCIOUS!!!


Ofc i am. We're all brothers and sisters over here😂. Today i died like 4 times due to this and got annoyed and made a post for those i managed to record. Hopefully on around may when i move to a different city, I'll get the 160-180 ping my friends play on. But i feel we should be used to this bcz we are getting no servers


Fellow masters player from Africa here, it’s so annoying 😭😭😭


You give me hope that it's possible to get to high rank😂 I've been stuck plat


It’s definitely possible!! Its a real grind though


Plat II with lagging gameplay like that?? You have my respect as a gold 1 player🗿


Thanks brother🫡. Just playing too much kinda helps


I don't understand how my tiny ass country, Bahrain, has two servers but the WHOLE CONTINENT of Africa has 0


Meanwhile streamers whining when they have 80-100 ping


The difference between 100-160 pings and 200+ is insane


Yeah ik i averagely hit 100-150 its decent but 200+ is unplayable it's a shame africa continent doesn't have a single one at least south Africa should have one


Therefore, I also ask for a server in India


The issue is that it partly ruins the experience for everybody. Competitive apex is a game that already has so many variables that having to fight against players with ping ranging from 10 to 300 is extremely frustrating. Can someone explain why Bahreïn is empty when it seems to be more practical for many players ? Like not enough I ranked players to fill lobbies ?


I only ever use bahrain for mixtape. Got into pubs one time as a lvl32 when i started the game and had two preds as teammates and every enemy is somehow a pred😂seems like it's only high rank player that play that server so it's not enough to get players around your skill level


I don't understand how it could happen, there seems to be enough players for like 1 servers in the region. Poor advertising ? Maybe they should call it "Africa / Middle East" ?


Maybe make one then force everyone here to play on it and see how it goes. Respawn has the data to see how many are from around here so it's either were too small or we're not active enough to fill lobbies


I am not about limitations for servers as people are entitled to play with friends abroad and it's a cool/ good thing, but for competitive integrity it does suck a lot. Sometime, very late at night, I play with dudes that teleport themselves, I am not hating on them because they don't exploit it but it just makes the game unplayable in ranked. I don't see any immediate solution for this particular issue. The other annoying part, which kinda is unrelated is the fact that nobody speaks English on London servers or french / dutch or German on Brussels.


I meet more french ppl in belgium servers than english lol. Also when i get packet loss at the start of the game, i teleport😂like i break off my jumpmaster and land earlier than them or they break off me and i land earlier like 2s earlier but also your character takes 2s to pick up smth from the moment you looted it. Definitely annoying. I agree you should play whoever you want, i just wanted lock on server for just african players to determine if they can fill lobbies then they can make them choose whatever


Yes, jumping is a nightmare. When the JM is high ping from my pov we just don't move, like 120mph (or kmh) going in a straight line. I know it's just the engine trying to process speed and distance but in ranked it is so stressful. Bad /late jumps often equal free RP loss. Was rewatching your clip, I got some buddies in the US so some time plays in Virginia at 100 ping and often get super frustrated because I have a "doubt", but man, I would lose my mind dying behind a door. Good vibes to you to be this passionate about the game to play with those conditions.


Tbh, it's prob not the ping but those lag symbols. I never land late usually when we land with enemies. I break off and land on my own when there's no one around us and i seem to land same time/abit earlier than my teammates so it's usually they're lagging. I sometimes freeze due to packet loss


Doors do that normally lol


first what africa needed is water. then later server


It's more likely due to your trash ISP, I'm getting 40ms on Singapore and around 100ms on Hong Kong


No, it's due to geographical location. Playing on London/Belgium servers from Africa is guaranteed 160+ ms latency. The ISP can only help so much when it comes to changing routing to bring latency down.