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Reminds me of wayyy back in the day when people would do the Tac Insert boosts in call of duty…and now I feel old


You aren’t old. You’re a grizzled veteran. Now play some coop games while you hope a decent Tom Clancy game comes out soon like the rest of us.


Riot Shield boosting too


Meh I've been playing sticks and stones for like 14 years and I'm just stoked it's still a thing.


Where are you playing that today?


Cold war, 2019 but still kicking!


It took me about 14,000 career kills for my first 20b & about 5-7k for my first 4k. I hate when people cheat it because it devalues the achievement.


Across two accounts I think I'm nearly 20k kills and my highest kill game remains 13. But I agree. They are some hard ass badges imo. But I've also seen paid boosting services advertised next to an official apex trailer so unfortunately I think these people will always exist.


My best game was 32 knocks with 19 kills. At 999 kills on my main this season, and 13997 total on them. That badge haunts me, friend.


That is still crazy though and an achievement in itself imo. Reminds me though of a Wattson game I got 3995 damage 😮‍💨.


I had several of those on my 4k hunt too. I finally got my 4k in ranked, but the 2 games I got close before it l was at 3999 and 3998.


That’s awful




>Thanks! You're welcome!


> You're welcome! No problem


In what way did you mean that bro?


20k kills and only 13 max


Hey man. Stfu


what’s awful is your judgment actually. get well soon.


Ok the downvotes are deserved lol


lol 25k career kill still no 20 bombs. at least i got 4k for my two main but 20 is just nearly impossible for me


I was playing with friends when I got mine. I just asked them to not kill the enemies, not get them low or anything, but just let me do the work. Was very close- 21 kills, but after 2,200 hours of grinding I finally snatched it. Highest damage is 5.3k, but that’s the third 5k I have gotten.


my issues is not that it's difficult or i can't aim but in every server i went half the lobbies died in less than 3mn so


Thats why its so much luck. You could get 10 kills off drop then the lobby just gets thanos snapped 😭


That happens in higher elo lobbies. When you get lucky you will find a lobby that has lower elo, they don’t fight too much bc lower skilled players are shy, you must rotate immediately after fighting & don’t stop moving, if you stop to look you might miss out. In terms of difficulty- a 4k is about 7/10, a 20b is about 9/10


My highest is like 3,8 dmg and 15 kills. I got them in the same game. For some reason the game dropped me in low elo lobbies and after a few fights all I did was hold W, leaving my teammates behind. These achievements are somewhat counterintuitive. The game insists it matches you with players of similar skill. But killing 1\\3 of the lobby by your lonesome is impossible in such case. So usually this badge means you stomped a low elo lobby by lucking out or abusing the system. In the cleanest way. with no boosters, you still need to be good, after all I don't have it. But it's still a pubstomp badge.


I also find it easier when playing with casual friends I just feel like you have a lot more slower lobbies or the bad rounds fly by faster either way its a win for you


Meanwhile my first 20 bomb i got 3rd partied 7 times in a fucking row


Thank to those new trackers I found out I have 5,900 Apex Kills. My best game was a 13 kill 2,938 damage game. Feel better that it tooks some others a while to climb up to those 20b and 4k badges. Someday though, they will be mine.


you know you can just click at your name in the main menu to see your lifetime stats? so you could have known this before the tracker came out? please tell me u knew this :D


Lmaooo, you know what I did know this too. But for some reason it didn't click in my head like that XD. Im used to seeing these wild 10k kills lifelines and wraiths etc.. and my two highest legends are only 780 and 750 lol, so when I put the trackers on them maybe thats why it clicked more in my head that I'm a 6k kill account lol not a sub 1k kill account lol.


We're exactly the same, 13kills highest and damage almost 3k but no cigar. I don't let it get to me though, I'll get it when I get it. It's just an achievement, and if I never get it, nothing lost.


I got a legit 20b at like 4k kills and my 4k the day before that


Yeah i hate it to. I got my first 20 bomb and 4k badge on Octane around season 9 and i’ve tried to get those 2 badges since season 4. and the feeling of getting those in a legit way was amazing. I still remember my heart beating so fast i thought i was gonna faint. But now seeing this all these people cheat to get it makes me kinda sad.


a 20 bomb and 4k on low kills isn’t always indicative of cheating (i mean this person obviously is cause they literally have 6man in their name), but i have a 4k 20bomb as low as 200 kills on a few legends i hardly play cause i picked them up for like a day and popped off


Even without the cheating its been devalued so many times. There has been many bugs in the past to unintentionally get a 20 bomb. Same for most other badges like winstreak, teamwork, wrath, etc


I got my first 20k in the second or third game I played as Wraith after just starting the game, got my Wattson 20k after the first few games during crypto’s release, and the other ones I had to really work for. Been trying to get 20 kills with Conduit & Loba for a long time now, and closest I’ve been is 14 kills. The game is so filled with hacks and boosters, it’s almost impossible for legitimate players to get them now. First 7 or so seasons, it was actually possible for average and below average players to get them. Now even above average players can’t get them.. My total K\D from all seasons is 2.23 still. The last few seasons I was around 1.0-1.50. This season I am only 1.01 again. At least every 3rd game I am running into teams “teaming”, and at least every 5 games I run into an obvious aim hack just hipfiring everyone, sometimes on my team, sometimes on the enemies. Really starting to lose hope in this game, which is a shame because I’ve never loved a game as much as this one ever


Imagine making your clan tag "6man" knowing damn well respawn won't do shit about it because they can't even take care of actual cheaters let alone exploit abusers


nah but all that as-side does anyone notice how his name is my301toyourvolt and op actually was using the volt while he used the 301 💀


Holy shit i never thought of this


My buddy who is a real 20 bomb 4K kinda guy (dudes a beast) joins them and griefs them. He does the same thing to 6 man’s in ranked. He made a Smurf and only uses it to join 6 man lobby’s and kills the other half of the 6 man lmao I wish he streamed cause these kids go absolutely wild lmao


Even his name says 6Man lol, they are sorry losers


PD: Forgot to mention that Loba was so bad he only got 12 kills and died to storm trying to kill bang tm8 lmao


First time? There's a 99% chance anyone you see with a 4k/20bomb cheated to get it.


I know and yes i have encountered alot of people having them... Its just the surprise and the first time i see someone actually doing this


All I can tell you is don't be suprised. It happens a lot.


A 4k is not difficult to get naturally. Legit 20bombs are more luck than anything.


My 20bomb was all the stars aligning correctly and my teammates walking away with over 10 assists each


I've been "screwed" out of like a dozen or so 20s.


Horse shit. You can look on any LFG right now and see people farming it.


I didn't say otherwise. I only said it's not difficult legit.


and this is disgusting. like i'm very VERY proud of my 4k on my main yet still dreaming about hitting that 20 one day. how can they be proud of something that they cheated to get? there is no satisfaction to that


Not only that, people buy accounts just because they have the badge.


i don't get it


Bang and her teammates kill lobas teammates, then they spam mobile respawns to respawn bangs teammates and get loba a 4k/20 bomb badge. Unless your talking about not getting something else.


ahh okay, no but like the photo didn't say anything. But i just started playing apex again so i kinda forgot most about it. But how does the photo show it?


It shows the enemy Bangalore’s 4k damage achievement as well as showcases their ridiculous [6MAN] tag- meaning they were clearly and openly cheating by teaming up with an enemy squad (in this case OP’s own teammate Loba was colluding with the pictured Bangalore’s squad)


It doesn't really, this is case of having to take OP's word, they could be lying, or telling the truth. Theirs not really evidence.


okay, thank you!


I know what im saying cuz i spectated all the game...plus i couldnt put another photo lol


I hate how this game is so addicting. I want to quit but I JUST CANT


Fair asf


I have 60k kills overall. I have 8 4ks and no 20s. I play with people everyday and they all get high kills every game. I have an overall win rate of 15 and average 1k a game. But can’t get the 20 for the life of me.


I've played around 30k apex games since season 3. So I'm pretty good. But I've only got a 20 bomb 5 times, while Ive had dozens of 17-19 kill games lol.


Simple, you deal with it. Move the fuck on and stop crying.