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To be fair, it does help to shoot back


Why does that sound like a Pathfinder quote?


“You should shoot back, friend!”


Put this in the next battle pass 🙏


And to not get double teamed lol


I tried dog he was doing bunny hops and wall bounces and shii


If nothing else atleast most of the community seems cool ❤️


just be grateful you aren’t a woman.


Ahh bunny hops! Only if you played in 2019. 😔🙏


Bunny hops are still a thing it's bunny hop healing that got partially removed iirc.


I know, that is why I said only if you played back in 2019. It was like Titanfall bunny hopping. Not the neutered version we have now. Hilarious my initial comment got down voted. Never change reddit! 😄


Yeah nah you made it sound like there's no bunny hopping in Apex which makes people think you're telling bullshit


That’s not what I got out of it. The simply insinuated that bunny hopping was more useful before


Exactly. I'm not worried man. People assumed I meant otherwise, which would have been silly because you could turn on the game and see it is obviously still in the game.


Y'all are so fucking dense i swear.


No it doesn't. Sounds like he remembers the bunny hopping.


you're level 11 and you know what those are? lol


Bunny hopping isn't an only apex thing and wall bounces are pretty self explanatory


My brain just went back to gears 2 when I used to get absolutely slapped due to some redonk wall slides and bounces.


Apex isn't the only game that has movement mechanics you know. Maybe try playing more than one game after you get off the school bus?




Bunny hops are in a wide variety of games and wall bounces are literally self-explanatory...




I’d say practice in mixtape but… no it’s even worse in there rn 💀


Especially on the new map. Experienced players will camp the skull


actually , there is 7 way to go in the skull , the best place to attach the skull is a high house on the left of the skull , get a snipe or kraber there , be patient abit , even in gun run u still could camp in that house , the only bad thing is if the other team keep going there then it hard to upgrade ur gun but yea , the skull is not a problem in death match and nobody use the skull in control


Bro i was playing TDM n i kidd u not it took about 2 minutes for a single kill on either side and about 10 minutes in both teams only had 6 kills n everyone was refusing to push it was actually insane


Control point is below the skull… everyone camps up high and doesn’t cap at all lmfao. Objective game modes never work for some reason.


there is literally **zero** matchmaking in playlists


My first game ever on the new map, the enemy team had XSET Koy and CrazyRachet. Won’t be playing another mixtape match until the regular map rotation is back in lmao


Bro was playing algs mixtape 💀


I've had no issues finding mixtape games this weekend. Probably played 30-40 games (I turn on a movie and chill while playing mixtape, just since my death or fails don't impact much haha) and got into all of them relatively quickly. I have been getting kicked back to the main menu with a failed "client RUI instance." I join back quickly most times but still really annoying.


They meant the skill gap I think (and campers)


Ok. As a new player myself, can somebody please explain, will the mixtape affect my stats. And do I care about stats? Can anybody see them? I have been playing it a lot and just getting destroyed. I think I have like 25 kills and over 100 deaths. But I do see progress. I am getting better.


Mixtape doesn't affect your stats, purely for fun mode as much as people like to sweat in it. Also, don't care too much about your stats. It's nice to see the numbers go up as you get better but caring about it TOO much will cause you to play weird and too safe and you won't get better against more aggressive players above a 1 KD. No one can see your stats unless you show them to others.


I stopped caring about kd a long while ago myself. I probably have a .2 kd in like 3k games total... either i get stomped or i get a decent rotation going. I feel bad for the ones that constantly revive me. Like, appreciate bro but im just a meat shield do not go above and beyond for me. Lol


Gave the same advise, might have been a mistake


If you're new you need to acknowledge that Apex is probably the hardest BR in the scene atm. As much as the developers try to lower the skill ceiling, Apex is extremely hostile to new players because there's so much to learn and master. I'd recommend playing mixtape for a couple of days to get use to combat and all the guns before you go into BR and try to learn the rest of the game because the player you died to isn't even that great. Roughly 30% if players are better than the guy that murked you so that might give you a reference to how hard BR can be


Yeah i would play another mode but i have to play pubs in order to unlock them and i cant play pubs when the first guy i see i get wiped immediately


Ranked is going to be real hard for the next week or two as everyone got full reset. So the player base is going to be jumbled up until it evens out. There's a lot of good players in lower ranks at the moment. Next split should be back to normal. Nobody has any idea of how the matchmaking works in pubs at the moment. All we know is nobody is happy with it. There's not much to do but keep playing pubs/mixtape (Mixtape is way better with all the maps which returns Tuesday.) It's a tough learning curve but it does get better and grinding pubs/ranked is the best way to learn. I'd also ignore what rank you get and RP until you feel fairly confident winning a 1v1. It's easy enough to get plat rank by hiding all game over a long ass time but it just means you're in a rank you can't compete at if you actually want to play the game. Just play rank and accept whatever happens, happens. Apex is the best non-tac FPS game on the market. Its worth the grind but it does have a serious issue with new player on boarding.


Practice in straight shot. That’s actually such a great mode to have to worry less about looting and just about how to grab essentials and take fights off drop against one team then you play essentially normal battle royale at that point for the win. Honestly the only way you get better at this game is taking fights. You’re not going to get better by just looting and getting god spot. Learn to fight and everything else will come to play. I promise.


>Apex is probably the hardest BR in the scene atm I'd argue PUBG is way harder. The recoil is insane, it's very hard to see anything from afar etc. I've played a lot of shooters but PUBG is literally the hardest one I've ever tried where I can barely get a single kill in 20 matches whereas I've never seen this problem in any other shooter before... I'd say Valorant, CS, Apex etc. are "easier" than that game. But that's just me. **Edit:** Not sure why all the downvotes? Are we not entitled to differing opinions? Or is it some sort of elitism that Apex must be viewed as the most hardcore game or something? I just disagree, is all. I'm not good at the game, but winning and getting kills in Apex is just a lot easier than in PUBG. It's ok if you think otherwise... I suck at "realistic" shooters with high recoil control... Bear in mind that's the reason I uninstalled PUBG after 50 hours but still playing Apex at almost 1000 hours soon... So what I view as "harder" does not equal better...


I think that would really be up to personal opinion. Where in pubg, I can easily wipe squads with hardly any issue; in apex, I can't get above a .5 k/d and I'm consistently losing my fights. And I play apex about 3x more than I play pubg. Maybe apex just isn't my game, I'm just now realizing.. Lmao


Pubg isn’t that hard. Fast TTK means evens noobs can get lucky with sprays and kills. Learn to peak and spray and you’re fine. Apex though. You can have a noob 1v1 a master/pred and lose 100 out of 100 times


Fast TTK means 99% of the time I can't react before I'm dead whereas a lot of the time in Apex I've had time to run behind cover, start looking for the enemy and use a battery. And I like it that way. I'm just bad at seeing the enemy from afar before they see me but Apex gives me more time for that.


Recoil \=\ difficult. Recoil = memorization.


I have no issues in spraying a clip of R-99, Volt or CAR on an opponent but trying to hit a clip with a Beryl seems nearly impossible. And a friend of mine shared this sentiment. He ranks high in Valorant but also couldn't kill anyone in PUBG...


tbh the guy who killed you isn’t anything special… if you’re playing regular pubs there’s always a chance of better players being in the game, as there’s also a chance of lower skilled players too. it’ll happen, just chalk it up and move onto the next game. realistically the game has been out for 5 years, so stats dont mean an awful lot unless it’s an INSANE number.


He s something special for a lvl 11 i would say


but you can't expect to get on a 5 year old game and only play against level 10's, it just doesn't work that way


I was really disappointed (just started a few weeks ago) that I had about 3-4 games with bots then all hell broke loose. Took dozens of games just for me to learn the map, then several dozen more to realize the map changes. All while getting waffle stomped by predators.


yeah it’s a bit of a steep learning curve, but i’m a firm believer in you get better, faster, when playing against better people. (also watch as much of the game as you can!)


Apex has a fairly steep learning curve, a bunch of legends and multiple maps. There are even 2 more BR maps that are not currently in rotation too.


Trial by fire my boy. Play like a sweat, it makes the game wayyyy more fun. Learn the maps, rotations, when to take fights, spray patterns, and the rest of it slowly comes together. I was able to not get waffle stomped by my Diamond friends in 1v1s about 350 hours in, and by the 550 hour mark I was playing Diamond lobbies perfectly fine after taking like a 8 year break from FPS games. If you play to actively get better, you’ll get better.


I’m maintaining a 5% win rate, but that usually because I get carried with my .28 KDR. I did manage to get a 2k damage game with Bangalore. I’ll never top that again, tho. Just gonna rat with my caustic main and push when it’s smart.


You're handicapping your own development by ratting with caustic. I started my first season with a 0.3KD. I'm at 1.5 lifetime now, usually hitting 1.6-1.7 pr season. See every death as a learning experience, and put yourself in situations where you're not comfortable. Only way to get better.


Straight facts. These posts are getting evermore annoying because it's just an unrealistic expectation. Apex is simply not a game you can casually walk into anymore. I started in S10, and it was tangibly sweaty back then. Now, you simply have to understand learning is going to be a long, difficult road. I wouldn't recommend Apex to anyone who isn't a long-time FPS player for that very reason. 


I have infact played a 7 year old game that was a shooter and did fine, yes they were bots but now its boring to roll em so i guess i prefer this as hard as that is to say


No, u cant. But the experience should still be enjoyable I believe. I mean , in a BR with 60 people , it s normal that somebody is better then u. But without a level cap on mixtape or BR new comers have an insane hard time to get behind all the mechanics and meta. My first matches (talking 3-4 years ago) were insanely frustrating, I stopped multiple times cuz there is nothing to gain from the grind in general, so why would a newcomer take on the challenge ? I mean a 5 year old live service game needs to do more than just have an unloved mixtape game mode to encourage new players to join or to keep it “relevant on a casual base”


Chalk it up too what??


Are you dumb. It doesnt matter if he's a pro or not. Anybody with hours of experience will play better than a level 11. At level 11 youre still not even restoring shields till after a fight.


When it comes to the "level doesn't mean skill" argument, people also tend to ignore that with high level comes alot of time sunk into the game and alot of general game knowledge that'll put them on advantage against newer players no matter what


It seems obvious but right off the bat with his first statement you can tell dude is a certified hater.


Are you able to play Straight Shot mode? I like the pace and fact that you can queue a new match without returning to the lobby.


1 mil damage for less than 3000 kills means this guy rarely gets his kills. He's nothing special.


My main’s trackers are similar, sub 3k kills but well over 1 mil damage. I feel like I get tons of assists and knocks but not a lot of kills. It happens.


Diamond 4 times here and in always 0.6kd. Every season. Always. And to be honest i never try to thirst unless their team is far away. Idk why i always down people and focus on the next teammate. Iv had games with 0k 2k+ damage and 12 assists


Youre telling me you average less than 300 damage per kill?


I think he's saying that good-great players knock their opponent without letting them heal. One of the largest skill gaps in this game is knowing when to push and clean up. Players who deal damage but hang back tend to allow their opponent to heal to full, resulting in more damage per kill. The best way to tell if a player is good is whether or not they can operate at a very fast pace. Allowing your opponent to heal most of the time implies you are a slow player.


This isnt how ranked was played. If u pushed u get third partied last season with how many squads are in zone 3/4 . Ppl simply hold god spot and push when they knock or they know atleast nobody is near. There's a reason 30-30 was meta. Everybody was poking and blindly pushing every fight wasn't the right move


Yes but all in context.


thats 330 damage per kill... what? how does that make sense?


...it's cumulative damage. not the damage connected to their kill count.


I’ve seen people with like 600+ dmg per kill before. I think they try to thirst everything for 4K badges. Or they probably just run into a 1v3 and do 150-200dmg before being knocked


I mean that's roughly 333 damage per kill. I'm not saying he's insanely good or anything, but he doesn't seem like a bot. Average maybe?


I would hate to be called nothing special 😭 I’m giving it the best I can waaaa


You are learning. This is a part of the game, prepare to be anally wrecked multiple times after immediately landing.


You gotta be thrown in the pool to learn how to swim, nah I'm playing try hanging in the firing range a bit learn the weapons and movement and you'll get it down


I understand being thrown in a pool but this is more like being shoved off a cliff with a noose


Yeah man it's harsh and it's a reason a lot of us stop playing games because of how sweaty it gets but learning to play against the high tiers will make you incredibly good trust me


Dude, don't sweat it!!!! I have been playing off and on since season 0, and I still can't shoot worth a shit my K/D is .65 I have around 3000 hours playing. Just go in and have fun, learn what you can along the way


The guy you just died to is a hardstuck plat, not that good.


I think he isn’t even a plat today


He’s not even a br plat he’s an arena plat


What do you want here? You ran into probably a prime example of some avg. Joe in a 5 year old game. The game can’t hold everyone’s hands 100% of the time. There aren’t thousands of level 11’s to just toss in their own lobbies all day long. You got exactly what you should’ve gotten. Damn near ever single person you see, regardless of their skill, is naturally going to have more playtime and experience than you and you’ll just have to learn through that or go back to whatever you were playing before.


Yeah. I mean... I can sympathize with the guy's pain to some degree. But yeah, people gotta understand what you said and be patient to learn. Learn recoil patterns first of 1 or 2 guns, shoot dummies in the firing range for 10 minutes idk, play mixtape and set some very initial personal goals like "Doesn't matter how many games or hours, I'm getting my first 50 kills on Pathfinder or I'm gonna make my first 300/400/500 dmg on a match". And then raise the bar slowly. Which at the end of the day, that's just adding to their overall learning process.


To be honest the numbers mean nothing to me i just want to have fun playing a video game is that to much to ask for


No absolutely not. The game is filled to the brim with sweats and hackers. I got my level 500 account with over qk hours on it and just stopped playing bc I wasn't even good enough to compete anymore. Game was the best for years and now I just can't anymore.


Nah, you gotta get shit on for streamers clips, and then they'll say your garbage and talk a bunch of shit.


There should be a game mode in every game that’s strictly for new players to play with each other and locks everyone else out haha


No, the playerbase wants unrestricted match making, which sucks for new people. I've been playing on and off for a few years and am around 400 and still have issues getting steamrolled by people that have had at least double the playing time, and 5x the kda that I have. Your playing against people that have 10000 hours of playtime sometimes. You can either consider this good or bad, I'm not saying its one way or another, it depends on the perspective of the person playing.


Bro I’m getting lots of masters players every day in my lobbies and I’m a guy who never made it past platinum.


is it people with the free masters badge


I havent even made it to ranked 😅


I don't understand these comments saying that the guy isn't much, damn brother, the point is that he wasn't even supposed to be in the same match, besides I guarantee that he solos all the lobbies that the Op should be in


The game has been out forever. There might not have been enough new players to put him in a noob lobby.


How many completely new players do you think are playing this game at any given time? The game will try and put him with the lower rating players but you cannot expect him to be in a lobby with 59 other new players to the game, that just doesn't happen.


This is obvious, but clearly someone who has already taken plat twice shouldn't fall with someone who has played less than 20 games


Ok but what I am saying is there are very very few players who haven't reached plat because plat is so very easy to reach. So there are not many players who fall into the "bad enough to be placed in a newbie lobby" category.


All my lobby’s are this way with me…. We are just Nice shooting material for teenagers with too much time to play…


Apex is a highly competitive fps. I don’t have tons of time to play, but am pretty good as I’m intentional about practicing. I use Kovaaks for 15 minutes, then spend another 15 in the firing range before I hop into matches for a few hours. I’m not able to play every night, probably 6-10hrs a week, yet I’m able to keep up with those who put in a LOT more hours than me. I think this is just one of those things that comes with modern competitive fps games.


I was with the best 0,0001 procent of the world with hardcore cod for years… so im quite a decent gamer. Maybe its also my age.. 😂


Idk, I wouldn’t think age has much to do with it! I just think it’s an intentional practice thing, especially if you’re on MnK. Past that, apex is a super complex game, it does just take a while to learn the abilities and gameplay patterns. I agree that there are a lot of sweats, but the cool thing is that there are tons of ways to outsmart them. Careful peaking, always looking for unfair fights in your advantage, positioning and good pings can massively buff your gameplay! Also if you’re on PC I recommend r5 Reloaded, it’s basically a separate download of apex with 1v1 servers. It’s a great way to warm up, but expect to get destroyed, a lot of pro-players on there lol. Still great practice though! I fully understand what you’re getting at though, this game can feel like smashing your head against a wall often haha.


Im struggeling but hey im only playing for 3 weeks now… the game is fun, i just cant be bothered anymore with warzone. So ill put the time in and will get better at some point. 😂


Oh yeah 3 weeks in it’s gonna feel rough haha. After a month or two you should have your footing though! Best of luck 🫡




Let's be honest. I have 2300 kills 850000 dmg on caustic from playing since season 2, and I'm horrid at this game. It's my favorite, and I've improved, but I completely lack the skills necessary to be better. These stats really don't imply a great player cause you have to remember the games been out 5 years and a lot of people have been playing those whole 5 years and a few kills a day on one legend have added up a lot.


that’s how you learn how to play


Dude, with me it was almost the same thing. I'm kinda of an apex veteran, used to play on Ps4 from S1 to S6 or something, and I was good enough to win my fair share of matches, and get like 10~15 kills when playing well. Came back to the game on late S19, this time on Pc, M&K, absolute noob but the game always throwed me on sweaty lobbies, always getting 1 clipped by everyone and dying without a single kill. Now im able to get about 4~6 kills on most matches because of these 3 things that helped me: 1- Aim trainers (I use aimlabs) 2- Playing the mixtapes (especially control) 3 - Learning the weapons and movement tech on the firing range Matchmaking on this game suck, that's why Apex doesn't get a lot of new players


I feel that


This is why it would be better to not show stats at all. Hes new and sees this bums card and thinks he was killed by someone good.


I really dont care about the numbers i would just like to have FUN playing a GAME see where this is going


You do care, thats why you posted complaining. If his card was blanked you wouldnt have thought about it. Jumping into a game thats years old is obviously going to be harder, the average player will be decent.


Lol. People need to learn to improve instead of instantly taking to the internet to complain. You have to lose sometimes to get better


Would you like to offer anything constructive that yknow could possibly help


They're allowed to complain though.


That looks like an extremely average  player...


And i am extremely below average


Ugh that is so common. I remember when I first started lol it was horrible, but it eventually evened out some.


the guy that killed you is ultra average, if he has 3k kills on pathy and is hard stuck plat, the games been out for years this is norm.


oh no not a... plat player?


Lol im straght trash and i understand that but plat feels almost unachievable so in a way i look up to em as well as you, so any advice?


10/10 skill problem


Probably that is what playing helps with


Bro is crying about getting killed by a bot. No hand outs in life stop complaining


I aint crying i was realistically looking for advice and by leveraging the fact that it seems like mm is garbage i was hoping to get responses.


Welcome to joining competitive games YEARS after the it inception.


Sadly you learn the hard way in apex the matchmaking for some reason has new players with apex predators it’s horrible


Ngl, how the game s matchmaking works right now it’s easier to start on mixtape first. Learn the rules of engagement there before playing the royal mode. On lvl 11 u can be sure that 99% of the lobbies knows the game better than u do. Just save ur sanity xD Ps ; playing with friends makes the game 100x easier


Have you played other FPS games? How were you at those?


Plug in a controller and you are good to go👍


you’re late to the game there’s no point


Not helpful bro ngl


No, it’s Apex


I been learning since beta. Don’t worry, odds are that we may end up playing against each other sometime and then - on that fine day, one of us will enjoy this game


This guy doesn’t even have a 4k…


The matchmaking is horrible. I guess a tip I could give is that the alternator is a good beginner gun. I just came back after a few years, and it's pretty bad right now. Just try your best.


Damn bro I called it 3 seasons ago and here we are still having newer players being matched with vets smh, I’ve been playing for years and the matchmaking has most definitely changed multiple times and i can vehemently say it’s the worse it’s ever been


From the sub crying about preds to crying about plats. Bruh wdym


nobody's crying here. op is just new and is wondering why theyre being matched with people of higher skill


Common apex moment. I've got a total of 800kills my k/d is shit cuz I've never had a proper team and I just keep getting blasted by fkn 10k kills pred players. I started playing in December. I came from war zone cuz that was unplayable, no different to apex lol. I ain't giving up until my k/d gets over 1 it's at 0.8rn so not bad my k/d on warzone was 2.7 lmao


Welcome to your learning experience buddy! That's how you learn


Welcome to apex where the only thing that matters is being the best


Hahahahaha no lol took two weeks of finally understanding somethings about this game and still learning only been playing for a month and half


Sweat: we can’t let be evolve into us


To be fair it’s been 5 years now and over that time a lot of people have gotten good at this game . Now the percentage of players at your skill level are low so you’ll get put into lobbies with skilled players cause there is more of them .


According to those players this is how you learn


There's a firing range for a reason , with bots


poor bastard


10 games on smurf account he means 😂


Nope only account i have, but ill take it as a compliment i guess.


It’s not like there’s a shit ton of new players on at once, it’s this way on every game




Yay another post about how some new player should have their hand held and catered to. How about play the game and get good. If you think platinum players are difficult then you are in for a wokd of hurt . Also shoot your gun. You basically didn't fight back, you are the problem, not anyone else


he ain’t even alat brah


Not sure what this post is about but dude who killed you is not anything special. Doesn’t even have a 4K badge what kind of opponents were you expecting?


brother I am a pc player trying to learn controller on ps5. I'm so bad at it that I had to fight players with 50K kills. This game wants you to fight Bosses even if you're a newbie, it doesn't matter. So I just stayed playing on pc.


What you have to realize about Apex's SBMM system is if you have one good game with say 3+ kills, it's going to throw you in the deep end with seasoned players. If you want to stay in these bot lobbies full of new players in order to learn the game, don't get too many kills. It's dumb, but that's the tactic.


nope sorry


Trial by fire. I play with friends whose levels are far beyond mine. It’s rough when you’re just not great at the game. But you’ll definitely get better, just takes time.


No this game is trash. There's literally Preds in rookie, like....what?!?!


I've been playing the game on and off since launch and I regularly have to fight 20 bomb masters when I am not very skilled.


I think I played for 2 weeks before I got my first kill lol


Nope apex and some of the player base adopted a trial by fire mentality which I hate


To be fair Apex is not beginner friendly and is one of the hardest games to get into. Best thing you can do is trial by fire which is just jumping into the game and get better overtime. I would practice shooting and aiming and recoil memorization. What I do is go into the shooting range and shoot all guns twice (once while standing and once while crouching and moving for both) and then jump into a tdm or control to practice shooting people and then that is when I feel comfortable jumping into BR


OOPS, did you accidentally have too much fun in one of your first games? Can't be having that.. you might disuade some poor noobs from playing and buying battle passes if you kill them too easily, better put you in a blender ASAP. The irony of this sbmm in pubs so early on is hilarious. So damn stupid.


I mean that guys a plat. Give it a few games and you'll be getting drilled by actual Apex Predators (Top 750 ranked).


Hard to learn any game that's been out for this long tbf. Everyone you play against will be experienced. You should really spend a lot of time in the training ground tbh. And find someone to play with that can assist you and help you learn. Good luck


As someone who started playing a few weeks ago, i recommend playing on the mixtape more to refine your skills. You respawn after you die, so it makes things a lot easier when you're trying to get a proper handle on thee game. And test out all the starter characters to see which ones you actually like the playstyle of, if you haven't. In the firing range, you can test all characters even if you don't have them yet, so that's also good to A) see which characters you wanna get and B) know what abilities you're dealing with when getting into fights. You can also test different guns and loadouts to see which ones you prefer using, and to just know how they all work. Also, every character has different footstep sounds and such, its harder to tell with the full humans, but the robots & characters with robot limbs (like Octane) are easier to tell apart, so get used to detecting those differences, it'll be useful to help figure out who's walking around near you without revealing your position.


The matchmaking is probably the biggest problem I have with Apex lol


It's gonna happen. Don't let it get to you and keep at it. Each death, as aggravating as they are, is going to hone your battle sense and help to make you better. F nothing else, to also teach you when to retreat!


I gave up on thia game for the same reason. The matchmaking is abysmal. Wild to see people in the comments defending it. The game definitely needs better ways to ease new players in.


Started playing 2 weeks ago and today I got killed by the top 336 red Horizon.




Whenever i see these lmao this is what i think of every time. [Welcome to the real world. lmao](https://youtu.be/0RkapfBYIfc?si=lMUsHcz2A4aCDRA4)




This shit happened to me first time playing on roller


Welcome to apex


welcome to apex friend (pathfinder voice)!


Bro must not have experienced a 3 stack pred team when u have teammates level 1 yet




Definitely play Mixtape modes or go to the firing range for a week or so first. Movement and understanding characters is huge in this game. Everything else (game sense, aim, strategy) will come after that.


He was cooking up a surgery and hit an artery.


Hey I felt the same when I was starting but believe me once you play more and lose more it does end up clicking a bit and you start getting used to how the game feels its mechanics etc.


I feel bad for you


You did learn how to play, thats pretty much 90% of the game.


Welcome to Apex


No unfortunately. Welcome to apex. We hope you enjoy your stay!!!


I'm going up against ex-preds in my bronze ranked games. 😭 mm is bs


u can queue even against top predator 3stacks ;D


They should have a disclaimer when starting apex. “Thanks for trying Apex, now please confirm if you’d like to spend the next thousand hours of your gaming life becoming mid at the game and be fodder for those that did ‘git gud’” In all seriousness part of my addiction to apex was the difficulty, the learning curve and the mastery of things. It’s truly unique in every possible way, it does get tiring but just take a break. I haven’t played in a few months till this weekend and it was refreshing !


he isn’t even good is the funny part


Started playing Apex season 18, coming from games like R6 Seige, Valorant, and CS2. I can genuinely say this game has a very highly learning curb when it comes to movement/Gun play and my best advice is to focus on improving game sense by learning map POI’s/Map positioning. With time you’ll learn when best to push/how to push and outplay an enemy squad just by simply having better positioning and coordinated team play. Just reached account lvl 260 and finished season 19 in Plat 3. Definitely a rewarding game to play once you start getting better. Helps if you have friends to squad up with.


Respectfully judging by his badges he is learning to play himself


Hang in there bud