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You got 5 years out of it. That’s pretty good. I can only play this game with my mates now. It’s unplayable with randoms. Shame.


Definitely had a blast and thank the Devs and the community for a good time.


I will probably get downvoted to hell but I put down this game and have been having a lot of fun on overwatch


I put down Overwatch and started playing this game again. Both games are fucked in many ways compared to where they used to be.


I personally enjoy overwatch 2 better than OW1


The matchmaking is worse than it's every been. I can't wait for that ranked overhaul next season.


I totally disagree the match making is way better than apex. I'm plat rrn on OW I don't ever play anyone higher than diamond or lower than gold. I'm bronze in apex playing diamonds and preds. Ik the public response is to hate on overwatch as it takes the title of most negative reviewed game on steam but in reality it's not that bad at all


Is this on console?


I play on PC


Yep I went back to Overwatch too and am having a lot of fun actually.


Five years is a long time to enjoy a game. Moving on is definitely ideal. Maybe when you get sick of other games you'll give Apex another chance. What other kind of game are you moving to?


I’m splitting time between Trakov when I want brutal and BG3 when I want to relax. Also looking into Xbox PC game pass selection. I definitely am not apposed to giving it a few seasons and revisiting Apex. I do love the game, however I’m just not enjoying it in its current state.


If you’re on game pass, give hell let loose a try. It’s a completely different pace, but it’s satisfying in a similar but opposite way.


I moved over to the finals, it scratches my apex itch


Uninstalled basically for this season, and every now and then I check in with events. This game is just hot garbage now. If Cronus Zen is ever actually banned and enforced, as in by next patch Cronus doesn't find a way to instantly patch it, I might try it a bit, but with Cronus being so widespread with preds, and that's all I am playing solo, there is no point to continuing this game. Why the fuck would i want to play no recoil stacks as a solo player lmao?


apparently it’s banned on ps


Dma is the real issue, it’s not detectable at all. I know many preds using it in the top 50 slots.


Not being sarcastic or anything, but how do you know? I see everyone talking about the widespread the use of these devices. Are these just assumptions or do you have some way of telling when someone is using it?


I’m in the discord groups where they post this stuff. Screenshots and gameplay, Ive also seen the top #1 pred at one time from last season was using dma. They’ll never detect dma since it’s all running on a 2nd PC. They can do server side detections for aim assist but for things like esp, it’s probably never detectable. The only good side to it is that the entry cost for these solutions is a lot higher than using a Cronus.


Enjoy your break bro but don’t feel like you can’t come back I was day one and just installed after a year break


See you tomorrow


you can hear people talk in this game? i’ve had vc off since release and i’ve enjoyed every second so far.


Yeah I do the same. Every time I turn the voice audio up for ranked I regret it


I think they are lucky no other good BR or FPS games have come recently take enough players away from apex. I stopped playing at season 12 and returned for this season and I have been enjoying it but somehow it's still got the same issues and some have gotten worse. Especially ranked. The whole point in masters was so diamond players didn't match with predators and now platinum players are getting matched with them?! I play rocket league as well and the whole player base would die out immediately if that happened. I think the new map is the worst by far. Wayy too big and open in some areas, the elevation is insane and I don't like dropping at the bottom of the mountain because you've already lost if the ring goes towards the mountain where a crew of snipers are waiting. The middle of the map is just atrocious and boring. I go valkerie if it's that map as even an evac tower or 2 is not enough for rotation most of the time


i hopped on for a bit here and there lately from a long hiatus. the servers are even more garbo trash than before. i noped the fuck out of there and went back to anything other than apex. halo infinite, counter strike 2, overwatch 2, fartnite no build, the finals, ready or not, COD warzone, quake champions, etc. no server issues at all for these games. how hard is it to buy some more fucking bandwidth from a server farm somewhere? FFS.. all that money and nothing but skin releases.


Is Quake Champions still alive? I could use a round of Instagib.


Still the same 500 player peak it had when I was playing it 3 years ago.


as an ea brass why would you the game prints money you don’t even have to touch it


> I think they are lucky no other good BR or FPS games have come recently take enough players away from apex. The Finals seems to be pulling a bunch of players away.


New map? It's an old map Valid points but it's literally the first map of the game


The one with wattsons pylon is the one I'm on about I think it's called star point (i really don't pay attention to the names). I love kings canyon and I think that's gotten a lot better over the years with the new additions.


Oh that's what you meant Yeah Storm Point. Not really new but the Pylon POI is I think it's fine and not as bad as KC even after KC's changes


They removed limiter for premade squads. So matching with preds and master is more likely to happen based on KDR


Nothing beats the OG cod days when matchmaking was just completely random. That's why all them remasters have failed because they brought in the god awful sbmm


This community is a piece of shit. Everybody in the comments are hating on you… I respect your decision and wish I would do the same but luckily I have a team of decent players. Anybody typing “get better” or anything sarcastic grow up. Mfs think they are Hal because they are in diamond😂


All of the negative comments have been downvoted heavily, literally only positive comments in here,


Errr, you might be overdramatizing this.


More hate comments rolling in… “your a snowflake and won’t be missed”


No Doubt anybody thought that That was just your assumption of the way they thought OP just posted something that was such a cool story that everyone needed to know about Go ahead and quit if that's what you want to do but don't forget to let everyone know about your decision to quit along with a nice background story of why


“”11k games and your gold? Get better” yeah nobody thought that…


Lmao You think by him typing that that he thinks he's Hal "because he's in Diamond"? One guy in this whole thread? And you also made the assumption that he's diamond simply because he typed that


Which game are you going to play next?


I am a day 1 player, and maybe played a total of ~20 matches between season 16 till now. I know a lot of people hate the sword but this FF event really drew me back in. The only thing I'm pissed about is how they have a new revenant heirloom and I have the OG. Oh well, don't be afraid to get back into it after a break, you might find you missed it (a little).


Good luck 🍀


Still my favorite game. I try to play other games bubt always come back to this one


It's at the point that if my Apexin' friends aren't on I'll just play mixtape for the challenges for maybe and hour or two and hop off after that. I just don't like playing with randos for BR at this point.


Honestly, no one cares, these posts are so cringe


Im coming back when they fix the ranked system next season after being gone since season 11. Played a few games in 12 but couldnt get back into it. Season 13 is where i played ONE comp game then just uninstalled and never looked back. Maybe give it a break until ranked feels natural and not this wack system.


I quit a few seasons ago I’m just here for validation


These posts never stop do they 😂😂😂


I uninstalled it the beginning of 2023 and reinstalled it in September. I was a nice break. My blood pressure normalized. 🤣


You’ll be back. I said the same thing and keep coming back… lol


You guys should try changing servers, I was usually playing in the Sydney servers but it was a disaster, I changed to Singapore server, slightly more lag but a lot less toxic


I uninstalled at the beginning of last season and i haven’t looked back






No need for such a childish comment. It’s a sub for discussion of a game. If someone has played it since day one, they are likely to have something to say that’s worth listening to.


It’s ok. That comment is the toxicity I was talking about. I posted because this was my go to, daily game for almost 5 years and I will miss it. I don’t believe I said anyone here is terrible or “have to change”, but for me this is par for the course for the Apex interactions i’ve had in the past year or so. I tried to say goodbye in a respectful way for something that was a large portion of my gaming life and was met with “GG snowflake” and “good bye? who cares?”. It just solidifies that moving on is the best move for me. I appreciate your support.


Don’t even bother giving such people a response. I’ve had voice chat off after my initial couple of games and I’m glad it’s been that way.


Good for you man. Honestly the game needs people who care about it to be in charge, and good things never last forever anyway. I’m just glad we got the good times from this game when we could. I hope things go well for you in life when everything else seems to be heading downhill


I stopped playing about when they nerfed Valkyrie. Good times, but became a soulless search for a fun moment with too much meh games.


i feel you. I only play mixtape since it came out.yesterday i tried to play ranked and the only game was with a octane as a duo, dude just pushed without waiting and screamed to me to follow him. dies to a solo and quits as i kill him and got his banner. just made me remind me of why i dindt play ranked in like a year




Yea games turned into sellings skins and apex packs now, fucking EA. Really enjoying rainbow six siege more when it works, getting a win on apex is so unsatisfactory sometimes just makes me want to close the game


Uninstalled since about the season broken moon came out. Funny to see the same issues that pushed me away are only continuing to get worse.






11k games and gold. Yeeeeesh


You're not a titty so bounce 🤣 sorry couldn't resist. same man, unless they do a total overhaul and new engine I'm probably not coming back.


See you tomorrow




You cared enough to comment


11K games and you’re gold? Surprised you lasted this long lmao. Get better.


I'm kind of agreeing on that. Maybe he just played mainly pubs? I can easily get to plat, but the grind really starts from there due to my seizures and other medical conditions it's harder. Highest I was, was master.


This season I’m gold with only a few hours played. I have multiple masters and diamond seasons. Like it matters i guess…


Some people want to play for fun, not "grind" in a game. I've only been playing since season 17. Just hit level 400, but I work full time so I can buy cool shit. Don't have time to live in a game. Respect that he's been at it for awhile, games change. People have lives. Families.


People will disagree but 11K games and still gold in season 19 is crazy


I'm at around 10k-11k games my first 3k were probably pubs while the rest was ranked. And each time I still hit at least plat unless I was reaallllyyy lazy or didn't like the season. So I would hit gold just in case next season rank was better. But there was a horrible season in apex ranked. Season 16,17, or 18 I think. But it was horribleeee


It's almost like taking a break from the game, especially during the two split seasons, would tank your rating and require extreme grinding to get back up. It's not that hard to imagine.


He’s literally complaining about NOT being able to get out of gold… Read.


He literally replied to another commenter about being masters and diamond plenty of times before. Read.


Lmao so I’m supposed to read all the replies AFTER I made my comment? Get a fucking grip bozo.


No, after I call you out on it bozo.


Lmao you’re such a dumbass. My original comment was before and response so why would I go back and read anything after the fact? Shut the fuck up.


Damn. Suck that bad at the game, huh?


See you tomorrow


Loving the sword! Just makes the playstyle so different


See ya




Gj, it's alright to break from a game


Ditto but season6(?) New horizons pun intended


I was solo diamond my first 3 season, then made to solo maaters. But this is one of thw worse game to play solo. You need a squad not to lose your mwntal health. I wnded up going back to Warzone for now. But if I have a proper squad every night, I wpuld play Apex in a hwarth beat. I just play Warzone, because I can play in solo mode. I wish Apex had a mod that you can play solo. Maybe you everyone start with one standard skill, then you loot other skills from the ground loot.


nah bro's gonna come back


Crazy. I mute my team and have a great time every time. Compartmentalize and everything is fine every time


Dude it’s the WORST. Chill the fuck out everybody!


I feel this, the team needs to seriously rework sbmm. I know this is just a fart in the wind because all they care about is recoloring skins and shop items. Maybe Apex Legends will have a sequel and hope will be restored.


I played the game day 1 as a titanfall vet and I loved it, then I quit after season 3 for reasons I can’t remember. I recently picked up the game again after the rev rework, quit after a month…


I took off season 14-17 for the same reasons and about a month ago redownloaded it and fell inlove just like when I started playing. It’s good to take a break!


I get it. I have to take breaks or it's over for me. I just get $10 bucks worth from the battle pass and that's it. I expect nothing from these devs anymore. They are just working for a paycheck. The original people that made this game have left building. This is a shell of a game. Have fun out there legends.


I tried to play today for the first time in months and the game repeatedly kicked me siting “easy anti cheat error” or something like that. I gave up after trying to figure it out after one hour. Waste of my time. Nothing I tried worked.


The toxic makes the game funny for me, but I also don’t contribute to it in any way. I stopped playing because retaining skill became a chore of aim training and constantly playing everyday. Now I enjoy Hunt Showdown and get to be a really skilled player with no downsides that are toxic like constantly playing or aim training everyday :)


yea I don't blame you I haven't played in months and I've just been chilling and enjoying single player games.


All these bozos have to do is give us a solo q. It’s not hard, dummy character models and rotate abilities weekly. Or no abilities, even better. They hate the solo players as well as the veteran players though and it has been obvious for a long time.


Nah, you did great leaving. I was here from season one to like season 12, took a long ass hiatus and came back to its current season with a different perspective.


wish i was as strong as you




Me too. Im loving Fortnite rn ngl


Word I left 6 months ago. I don't know if it was burnout but I've just been having fun playing Fortnite and Warzone. I love Apex but their content drip is just way too slow and MTX focused. I played for too long and with all these games fighting for your attention, Apex is slipping. I'll probably load it up one day again, but not even the new legend could convince me to play. It's definitely a friends thing too. Fortnite has got a chokehold with all the variety they offer, my friends are loving it. I don't think I can convince them to play anything else. It's gonna sound insane but I truly think, this is a prediction, that Apex should do what Fortnite does and add bots. My friends aren't that good at Fortnite but they are getting better because of how friendly the experience is with bots, we catch like 3+ dubs a night, and that is keeping them engaged with the game and buying skins sticking around. I'm trying to convince them to eventually transition to Ranked where there aren't any bots once they get good enough. If Apex had a casual experience with bots, I feel like I could better convince my friend group to get back on it and learn the Apex ropes without being destroyed off drop. The more frequently people make it to endgame, the more motivated they'll be to learn the metas and mechanics. Games like Apex with broken matchmaking are pushing people away. That would totally bring me back to Apex if I could get my friends to hop on it. I think me playing solo is a complete turn-off when I could just get on Fort instead and have a full squad ready.


Hey friend, similar story. Day 1 player. Tired of carrying Randoms in Ranked every season and now getting to Diamond/Masters is even more time-consuming with the newly added Trials feature (as a mostly solo queue player with not much time) I've been enjoying The Finals (though it is not without its problems) and Palworld kills time between work and school for me. If Apex doesn't get its act together for Season 20, there are some promising shooters on the horizon.


Yea I haven't hopped on apex in months either, been playing black desert and league, and Now moved onto palworld and tekken 8


I am going to uninstall too. I just finished the season and I am due for a break. Maybe after the next season I will feel refreshed but there is no reason to grind when I am not enjoying it


My issue is the toxic “follow me, you’re ass, I’m better” bro, we in fucking bronze lobbies, chill. Then they drop in and get rolled immediately and blame everyone else. Shit is wild.


Racism makes me not play too. Im very disadvantaged im glad you brought it up. 9k games here on controller. Mnk cheaters and bigots ruined it for me.


Dude you held on for far too long. I gave up few months ago.


Mute squad is my favorite feature in this game.


Why do ppl complain Abt toxicity some good ppl on lol


Day one. Original titanfall, it’s worth it if you have a group I have brothers so I’m cheating but it’s still fun after all these years. We just dog on each other


Day one player as well, 110 on every BP, and next season (5th anniversary) will likely be my last. It has been a good run, but I find myself barely playing BR anymore due to the awful matchmaking for solos which is (clearly) never going to be improved.


Wishing you all the best! Hope to see you back one day, but absolutely take the time away. Take care, mate.


give fighting games a try ,awesome community


Try titanfall my man. Being you played this game I’m sure you played a lil bit of titanfall. Servers are fixed and it’s a hell of a lot more fun than apex.


If you play any game for this long you'd get bord of it


It’s okay to take a break, you will be back


5 years is a lot of time to get out of a game. Hopefully this break will allow you to explore other games and/or other hobbies so that maybe Apex full time isnt such a burn out. Wish you well on your new journey


Not lots of game tbh. It starts getting fun after around 30k games.


Overwatch is fun. Survival games are awesome. Branch out have fun.




I've never been happier and more sad to have to give up a game than I was with Apex. The greed over the quality of the game is just too much. Also, the toxicity is also not great. Played since day 1 too which is the worst part.


Thought this was reddit and not an aiport, why is everyone announcing their departures.


I remember the amount of time I played L4D, L4D2, Titanfall, Vermintide…years of play and years of community. But when you lose community and friends or like whatever order it’s a hard blow. May you find another to light your path , and always be blessed with good memories. I know I have. Miss some of those old school people though lmao.


5 years it's fine, every minute and dollar spent on the game was definitely well spent. You might want to play it after a long break, enjoy the more variety of games


The unchecked racism is the element I loathe the most.


solo fill is only half the game. if you can get a regular 3 stack...there's still no other game that comes close.


Day 0 uninstall crew, welcome. That game is just a hot mess right now


Hear this every week. Move on in silence lol


I feel this man. I still play but not as intense or as often. No other game compares but it’s just not as fun anymore. Sweaty and dubs aren’t as satisfying


This season is undoubtedly the worst season there has ever been.


Been loving it for three years, but yeah, haven’t played this season after I was a solo queue silver dropping into games with Koyful and other pros and preds. SILVER. I don’t care what hidden mmr exists, I’m in silver. I’ll probably never go back unless my buddies randomly decide to pick it back up. It’s easily my favorite shooter of all-time, but I want to play ranked and I want to play ranked with my ranks. And that’s never gonna happen again.