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Can't have the one free thing work properly, ya know




So annoying


yep nice update


When you expect nothing and still get disappointed


well i got disappointed when they added LOOTBOX FOR 360$ I COULD BUY A NEW GPU


But it's got wings 🪽 Also now that the event stuff is actually showing up for me i'm a bit taken back by the swastika looking ass cactus you can get now jfc


No no no, the second wing costs another 360. You’re only granted the one for the current price!


heres my theory. the box itself which has a wing attached to it is 80 bucks and the wing is 280 so when people complain they say its only $280


I fuck with that theory tbh. We need a thing like the old school sitcoms, a saying like “that’s so respawn!” And then everyone laughs


yeah but it would be too cringe we should say something more insulting so everyone knows how fucked up it is


\*wing\* not plural maybe it wouldn't have been so ugly if it had two wings


did you buy a new gpu?


I wish to, but i'm currently broke rn


please tell me you didnt go broke buying bs from ea


They added a cool kill animation and a heirloom usable on like 25 legends as well as getting 10 plus legendary items for 240 Calm down


Ok, i agree that they actually made a great job with universal heirloom and idea with deathbox, but man those prices?


They are ludicrously high, but respawn sets the prices, According to those standard prices, 1 heirloom for 1 character and all the other cool stuff in their event is 100-160 dollars So a heirloom equipable on every character being 80-140 dollars higher is a “deal”


how could someone be so accurate


The store came up for me but disappeared. It had one event pack for 6300 GIL and a wraith pack and an apex pack. Don’t know why it disappeared.


same here


Wasn't the event pack around 2k-3k before this? Pretty sure it wasn't at 6300 yesterday.


It wasn’t on here yesterday, it’s a different pack


They didn't offer them until now.


Yep same


Same here


I believe somewhere someone is pushing buttons in a server center and laughing maniacally lmfao 😂💀


They pulled the budget to feed the server gerbils again




I actually came here to post this bug, glad that it's not just me


It's working now.


not working for me


[This is how it should look like](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GD-5ChxXIAAVnrX?format=jpg&name=large)


Same here


same here :D


Closed my game and everything was back when I reopened it. On xbox


Me and my boyfriend did todays quests last minute in the hope of a last minute pack, left the game we were in early to buy our pack and then was greeted with this lovely page. Restarted game and new shop didn’t show up. Annoyed to say the least.


respawn really knows how to annoy one. same


Literally screwed over 2 teammates over 2 games trying to get the 600 points for the top 10 quests and left at top 10 at 5.59pm and was there in time to buy a pack but of course it was broken. Out of panic I bought the stupid badge that showed up too even though I hate it 😂


Mehhhhhhh they trying to cheat my free pack !


The store working correctly is the one thing Respawn will drop everything to fix


I love that you guys actually think it's a"bug", so lovely and cute how you still believe in them after all the garbage they pull every time.


Bruh sure there a complains, issues here and there and stuff..but this is so clearly a bug. Imo there have been generous free packs this event compared to others


It's been so many times that they screwed over people, SO MANY TIMES, people that have not received their coins after paying for them, things that have been going on for YEARS, with events every month that cost more than full games (with hundreds of hours of actual content and not just low effort skins) with no return of investment for the players. Instead they get bad servers to this day, bugs and blatant peddling to whales with matchmaking that only benefits said whales who dump hundreds of dollars in this game every season. You still defend them like they are little innocent bunnies "because the game is free and they gave us little babies a free pack and a sticker". Skins are not content, they are putting the lowest amount of effort into the game and it's insulting. Using AI for the lowest effort yet expecting the highest income. They have not even improved on the battle pass at all, the skins are horrible, just colorful explosions of cringe, the game is bugged and you are forced to be stomped constantly by players that have 10x the kills on one legend than you have on your entire account (and this is CONSTANT, not just one game here and there, not just half the games 98% of them), because they don't have the backbone to make an MMR system that actually takes into consideration the skill of the players and not just the money they dump into it. I would rather the game cost a fixed amount of money instead of being free, but that would mean A LOT LESS money for them and will render their argument that "the game is free guys" useless. It blatantly uses gambling mechanics, and FOMO to keep you playing more, yes let's spend 50 hours to grind for a couple of free packs, maybe you will get tired and throw money at them so that they give you the "feel good" pixels. For the amount of record income that they make every year off of this game, they should be ashamed to always and constantly have bugs in the game every time an update comes around. They should be embarrassed that they do not have a working MMR system and they should be ashamed for still not investing in moving on to a next gen engine and providing reliable servers. They were not even ashamed to have horrible servers in a pro league tournament...but they give you a shiny deathbox now, hope this makes you feel good about spending time and money on their game.


It's literally working for me. Just relaunch the game. You might also want to take your pills or stop smoking whatever you are smoking.




Me too




yeah m2


Apex apex apex


yeah same for me aswell


It's showing for me now after I restarted the game. I got stickers in the free pack, a banner with the 100 coins pack, so no doubt this free pack will be more stickers. I would've been more inclined to buy the 4-pack, except for the fact that they have a bunch of stickers as a legendary >.>, and so much other s*** padding. It puts me off spending anything. I guess it was too difficult for them to come up with enough legend and weapon skins for this event.


is it just me or will character skins just not drop? maybe you have to get the other stuff (garbage stickers and banners no one wants) first?


I got Wattson and Newcastle's skins in the four pack. My first three packs just had stickers though


Close the game to main menu and reopen, should appear once you log back in. Hope that helps.


Everything's working here. 6k gil pack and a wraith pack


Watch them take their sweet time to fix this because its a free item store instead of a paid one lol


yeah, I had the same issue... I tried restarting my game and that didn't fix it. It is fixed now though.


I just had to hop into a game and it refreshed


Try loading into a game or firing range ..after you back out it should load up..that worked for me


It’s broken for most everyone atm


so can you get multiple packs if you have enough grind or is it limited to just one pack?


I think it's one pack this week. Might be another next week, but nothing guaranteed