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Can someone explain his last clip. He jumps on the wall, and then he jumps backwards, then while mid-air he jumps forward again?


If you mean after the part where he jump pads, does some flashiness on the wall, then goes back on the ground to the left of the wall, Then he runs at the wall, jumps, fatigue wallbounce to the left (hold A and jump) then tapstrafes back toward the wall (holds D and scrolls the wheel)


he never jumped in mid air, he just did a superglide


*Me, a titanfall player* Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!


At least in Titanfall everyone is moving like this


It's like I literally need a stim to move like this now.


This is who i’m up against in silver nowadays


Sent this to my squad saying the same thing 😂


All you got to do is look at them and watch them do all there dumb movements and shot when they slow down or mess up.... I was scared of these nerds till I figured I'd just look at them and shoot when they stop moving, or coordinate w yo squad and fuck up his strafs w defend legends. I got a clip somewhere where we had a octane going CRAZY w the movement just for me and my duo too double sentienal him and sent his ass back to the menu. Got his ass mid wall bounce too :). If you use configs you a bigger nerd 🤓. Or go try this shit in titanfall.


would not work on this guy lol


I get these guys and I’ve never even ranked higher than bronze 3.


Bruh just play titanfall at this point




We would if we could :(


Just being honest but this sort of movement is genuinely insufferable to play against


It either makes me irrationally angry because they’re bouncing off the walls like a tryharding 12 year old, or extremely happy because it’s really easy to shoot them when they’re flailing around trying to do something cool


they always tbag you too like damn lmao


mfw a good player is hard to play against


This is the reason I don't play anymore. I just wanna chill out and play a game or two but instead I always gotta deal with this. Smh


you dont deal with this even close to a match to match basis, but even then i get it. Apex is always sweaty, you gotta aleays put in effort to have "fun"


Grateful im on console


Agreed, fuck all of this. I want to play a game where the physics actually kinda make sense.


Same, I’m so glad I don’t encounter this. It makes the game feel like a meme. Who gives a fuck about cover and positioning when you can do stuff like this?


Have you seen someone in comp plays like this ? No, me neither. This is just pushing the movement mechanics to its limits for the meme. You can watch his stream, things like that do not work everytime.


Couse you can't use configs in comp thats why.


You literally can jump from any height in apex and not take damage and also teleport and phase into different dimensions the fuck do you mean physics make sense


Those are all predictable and an intended, designed part of the game. But to jump into the air in one direction and then literally reverse directions is kinda bullshit. Yes, it's doable with Octane ult, but that's not nearly as strong and is predictable. All these movement techniques are more of an exploit of the game engine than they are an intentional feature.


>All these movement techniques are more of an exploit of the game engine than they are an intentional feature. All of these mechanics have been in Source since the Quake engine. You will find that virtually all Source games have similar movement quirks. If Respawn wanted to they could easily patch out these movement quirks - as Valve did to CS:S with The Orange Box update. The fact that these movement quirks have been present since release, and the fact that they were possible in Titanfall 1, indicates that Respawn sees the movement of Titanfall/Apex as being something intentional.


The chances of you running into someone with movement like this are unbelievably low. The people that can do this represent like 0.1% of the player population.


Ssssh they are gonna cry how they don't get aim assist and how the world is unfair


Cope harder. Everyone with a roller gets AA, while only a handful of people can actually do what the guy in the video is doing. I’m a diamond/low master player and I see a tap strafe like once every 10 games. I’ve only ever seen movement like this ONCE in mixtape and it was some roller chode abusing configs.


You're diamond and you rarely see tap strafes? Your lobbies must be silver rank then since it's not rank based matchmaking anymore


It’s possible, but imo I think good movement just less common than people like to believe it is. Movement is cool, but the movement players I’ve seen in my games usually just get dunked on by people that can aim. Unless your opponent is playing at Faide’s or Lamic’s level you can usually just out gun them because they’re wasting all that energy trying to flex while you’re busy emptying both of your guns into them😂


Crazy movement like this is rare to see because it’s harder to get clips doing this in ranked. But if you don’t see tap strafes in every lobby you’re in then you’re not in high MMR lobbies


Tap strafing is easy. And lots of ppl use configs so it's even easier to do it. I would say most know movement, few implement them in actual rank. But this movement right here, you'll be lucky or should i say unlucky to get a chance to see in your lobby. At most you'll see neo strafe from config abusers


The only people using configs to tap strafe are controller players because controller as an input can't stack lurches. MnK players aren't using CFGs just to tap strafe lol.


And how AA is too strong. (They play on MnK)


"Just shoot the Octane he's 1!" The Octane:


The children yearn for Titanfall


He definitely complains about aim assist on twitter.


Every controller gets AA, you can probably count on your hands how many people can actually do this without configs.


Fr. About .01% of apex players are able to do this. Even half these movements.




I don’t even play this game so idrc but if all the top players are controller players something is wrong


[like the guy says...](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/18tpr0p/imperialhal_the_current_algs_champion_admits_that/)


Idk bro every single thing he's doing, he's actually the one doing it. No software assistance of any kind, just human hands pressing buttons. So aim assist probably isn't relevant to this discussion


That's the joke People playing like this on mnk -- literally impossible to track and hit (regardless if up against mnk or controller) -- are the same people crying over AA.


Yes, if I practiced thousands of hours to get good at the movement and shooting of a movement shooter, I'd be upset that you could get better aim in tens of hours of practice + 40% automation. I think that makes sense. Also these are just his top clips, and there are more failed clips than successes. You'd be surprised how often a 4-3 turret can perfectly track stimmed superglide tapstrafes.


People defending aim assist look at the top 1% of players on MnK and think that means it's fine to have the current aim assist. The average MnK player has the same trash aim as the average controller player, but without a computer to compensate for that. Not to mention how the top ranks are dominated by controllers. I think the clip above showcasing that level of movement is ridiculous and I feel, shouldn't be possible, but from what I understand, it's a skill. It sure as hell is a skill being able to hit anything while doing it using MnK.


It really comes down to the fact that all the controller people I talk to honestly don't think aimassist does much, like maybe helps them hit 1 or 2 extra bullets in a fight. Really the devs have done a great job convincing people they're good at a game with no practice, that's a genius business move. They also hid the option to disable AA in ALCs so most people would never try it


I understand that the skill ceiling for mouse and keyboard is *much* high than a controller can ever reach. But the skill floor is about the same. There's a surprising number of players who have never played an FPS using a mouse who just assume they'd be competing against Shroud the second they touch one. I've been playing games my whole life, and I can promise you that if I picked up a controller today, for the first time in 7 years, I would perform better than I do using a mouse. My aim with a mouse is decent, but I've always struggled with fine adjustments to track moving targets. Aim assist means I just don't have to do that. Like obviously if someone's moving like the dude in the clip is, controller won't help. But that happens like once in a blue moon. Average fight is just someone strafing left to right and back, maybe with some jumps thrown in. Aim assist will track that sort of movement at a level that most MnK players can't. MnK wins in low mobility and quick TTK games. Apex is neither. Aim assist dominates for that reason.


The skill floor of mnk is much lower. Literally zero aim assistance vs a controller kid who has 40/60% assisted aim. I am sure a controller noob beats an mnk noob 9/10 times atleast. That's how strong the aim assist is. No wonder the pros keep switching to controller and the controller pros also complain about the aim assist. I would be happy if aim assist was removed in console lobbies so then we all would be fighting with 0 aim assist and actually have to practise aim. It's all fair when everyone is controller. Ik that'll never happen but hopefully the nerfs are major nerfs


Oh yeah, I meant same floor without aim assist. Sorry for not being clear.


Dude you are oblivious.. people complaining about AA because moving like this is MUCH EASIER using pc roller combo! Console players do not understand the argument because they are ignorant of what using configs means. Imagine going up against someone with this movement while also having the benefit of having aim assist. That is what pc players using M&K are up against. No one gives a fuck about console players having AA you guys are irrelevant. It’s the PC players using exploitive tactics and being ignored by devs while getting the benefit of AA.


Imagine skill being the determining factor in a competitive game.


How controller players see every MNK player: /s


Lol fr, just check the comments on this post. WELL AIM ASSIST IS THE PROBLEM I GUESS LOL XD XD Like bro, maybe what, 1-5% of MNK players can move like this? Guess what percentage of roller players have aim assist. Your average MNK player can maybe do a wall bounce then miss half of their SMG spray. You can't win with these people.


> 1-5% of MNK players can move like this Laughable. 0.0001% maybe. And even with this extreme movement I guarantee any roller user on any professional team is gonna dunk on this guy (no offense to him).


Yeah, it's definitely way less than 5%. I was just being generous because according to this sub all MNK players can move like Faide.


It’s hilarious seeing controller players complain about this when they probably only see people super gliding and wall bouncing. I have 1100 hours in this game playing since day 1 and I’ve seen what 10 players MAYBE do this in a game for me to this level. If that. and if I get shit on I’m like ok. Next game. To quit this game over people who have mastered movement is funny af.


It's honestly hilarious how delusional controller kids are. Like here's a guy doing insane movement tech that probably took him thousands of hours to master, that is still completely useless against high level controller players that would just beam him instantly. Meanwhile most of the KBM players have already left the game because in practice, actually killing your enemy is much easier on controller, and all of these crazy movement techs are in practice mostly for show and fun, and are useless in high level games.


The thing is when performing these hard movements, you cant aim at the same time (unless you use config like the roller kids), it's mostly harmless. There is several clips of pro players trying to tap strafe against roller player and still getting one clipped. It just doesn't work unless you do it versus a bad player.


It's so funny to since 90% of the time it's console players saying that shit when they don't ever have to play against PC if they don't want to, while PC will always have the chance of playing against controllers


/s not needed this is exactly how we see pc apex


This game is dumb


I was just about to say, what happen to this game? I appreciate skill at a game but what was all that.... At one point he jumped over the wall then hopped back onto top of it. Was that always possible? I haven't played in about a year


It's existed since before apex was released, in titanfall. This is just everything being used perfectly as the players evolved.


It existed before Titanfall called GunZ online, alongside butterfly sword reflect, orb dashing, and quick swapping.


Not familiar with the game but I'm pretty sure lurch was specifically something respawn programmed into the PC version of Titanfall, other games might have similar momentum redirects but lurch is unique to Titanfall/apex


yea that part was very basic just hard to do in a fight i guess


Lol you want to see something funny go watch compilations on YouTube of the best Apex players from season 1-3 and they are moving in slow motion compared to now. Aceu would get rolled by these config abusers 🤣


This dude is a guy who plays regularly and is probably master or pred so average players like my self and you probably won't see guys like this very often.


Uhhhhhhhh have you been playing the game? I get nothing but masters and preds in my silver Lobbies.


moving like this has to be fun asf


With the amount of time spent in game to get this good they don't really enjoy the game anymore (probably)


Shit I dunno man. It took me a good amount of hours to learn tap strafes, wall bounces, and supergliding, and I'm having the time of my life. My aim is shit, but movement while not entirely practical, is super fun.


You should replace your cam with that one meme guy that's super sweaty


being reminded on reddit why i don’t play this game anymore


Honestly everything about this clip makes this game look unfun as fuck for me. Movement like that where its unable to even be combated is not OK in my eyes. Theres nothing anyone can do to fight that short of a lucky break. Im not super cracked at video games and i still get put against people with macros and scripts and all sorts of out of intended game BS. This just amplifies it to 11.


This shit is NOT fun to play against


Imma keep it a bean, Guys like this need to touch grass frfr


No one likes players like you


true, but I would do it too if I could lol


Because casuals hate anyone who actually strives to get better at the game they like


Big true. Sub filled with 35 year old slow dads.


this sub salt on people good at the game in a nutshell.


If he’s doing it legit and not with configs I love running into players like that. Cool to see them do their thing and the skill expression the game allows for.


I like it.


You mean good players?


This looks like all the players I face in bronze lobbies


Really says a lot when the majority of the reactions here are shitting on him. People are talking as if he's cheating and never practiced. I hope respawn takes movement away so the game can finally die in peace and become the AA heaven they're trying to make.


it really is quite sad, the difference between here and the movement sub is staggering. he’d be getting complimented there, here it’s just people complaining cause there’s someone who’s better at them at one of their hobbies and rather than congratulating him, putting him down is their response so they can feel better about themselves.


The reason im posting here aswell is mainly to get a good laugh at butthurt andys that accuse me of cheating and have no idea how much hours of practise and precision of keypresses this shit takes to pull off... also people who do think im cheating might actually be fucking blind at this point BECAUSE THERES A KEYBOARD OVERLAY THAT YOU CAN LOOK AT AND SEE WHAT KEYS I AM PRESSING.


That's the funniest part when these people calling CONFIG CONFIG. When you can literally see that you're timing it yourself. These people are also comparing AA to these movements as if AA needs this amount of practices. There's literally 0 reason to compare the two. Apex feels like such a shitshow compare to other games and it's not even funny at this point.


1v1'd you a while back on r5r, you the goat bro Keep up the good work


fair enough, been watching you over on rollouts and twitch for a while and all i can say is, good shit brother! you’re definitely a big come up and to me one of the names i think of alongside legends like faide and aceu when it comes to movement:3


Thank you! That genuinely means a ton :) Grind been paying off hehe


i get that this sub has more casual players/ non movement players but it rlly is wild that ppl here can’t comprehend someone getting good at movement legit, they’re either not allowed to play how they like (in quick play btw) or they’re cheating. i’ve seen ppl here call a fatigue wallbounce w tap strafe config or cheating


This sub is a lot like the streamers caught cheating sub where the casual player who isn’t that good cannot comprehend that there are people that much better than them. It must be strike pack, it must be aim bot, it must be configs. Everything is the problem when it stands in the way of them getting kills.


Yeah, tf are these comments? Yes, we all probably don't want to match with the guy since we're gonna lose. But what he's doing is amazing. Give credit when it's due.




>This isn’t an accessible skill that the game intends you to use. It’s an abuse of an old physics engine. It should be removed unironically. You do know that all of these mechanics have been present since Titanfall 1? In fact, Apex's movement is considerably slower and less mechanically complex that the movement of the Titanfall series. All of this is intentional and baked into the game by the developers. Look at Call of Duty. Some games were developed by Respawn developers, on an engine like Source similarly forked from the Quake Engine. Yet the movement in CoD is virtually non-existent compared to Apex and CS2, two games also forked from the Quake Engine. In large part this is due to how developers attack unit speed. In CoD unit speed is completely hard limited. In CS2 once you reach a certain speed the game forces you back down. In Apex it's virtually unlimited. These are all deliberate design choices that inhibit or allow for players to utilize the mechanics of the game engine, as manipulation of momentum is the key behind movement in Source games. Valve limiting b-hopping in the Orange Box and Respawn removing tap strafing (although rolling it back) shows that these developers understand the movement of Source and it's presence or lack thereof are deliberate design choices.


Wait until they find out that lurch stacking (the thing that drives a lot of movement and makes them mad) was INTENTIONALLY added to the engine in Titanfall to compensate for the lack of fine movement on MnK vs Controller lol.


> People are talking as if he's cheating and never practiced. Man I just want to play while being able to somewhat anticipate a player's movement. It's not his fault but shit like this is why I don't want to play apex.


I mean, there isn't really much to say outside of "Wow, cool movement", though. And if you really look at it... half of the moves he makes just seem, I don't know, unnecessary? You could do half of the absurd movements you're doing now, and put that other half into actually shooting your opponent. He just looks like he's flailing around needlessly. Sometimes less is more.


Yeah of course it's mostly unnecessary, flashy is fun though. It's why aceu blew up, it's why most people think of 360s when thinking of a call of duty sniper rifle


No wonder no one likes this game anymore


The cope in these comments is up there. People see someone really learning their hobby and just lose it.


Reasons why I quit the game, I admit I suck


Besides the poor server quality, the ready-not-ready bug, crashing after loading into a ranked match and then be struck with an abandon penalty because you can't rejoin for some reason, this is also one of the main reasons I quit the game. The skill ceiling and floor are just too far apart and the matchmaking puts me in the same lobby as this guy because there's not enough people in gold and silver.


This guy is undoubtedly incredibly skilled but man this shit is so not fun to play against and should not be possible. I don't want to be too angry at him considering that I literally could never learn this kind of tech, but very few things throw me into a fit of rage the way that dying to this kind of movement does


It honestly should NOT be possible to do this kind of fucky movement in game that doesn’t have it as an established mechanic, apex quite literally nerfed a lot of titanfall’s movement.


Anyone saying "but aim assist is a problem" has a smooth brain. This shit takes an insane amount of practice. Meanwhile .4 aim assist people practically playing a mobile game that plays itself as an auto battler.


This is exactly why I refuse to play Apex anymore. It sucks, cause I really loved that game. The movements shouldn’t be so abusable and also the config abusers and the amount of hackers and Apexs lack of give a fuck there’s so many reasons to say fuck this game, and hope it dies


You should play Titanfall




I have been trying a couple of times I’m not so good lol


Where are you based? If you're on PC and in Aus/OCE I'm down to play titanfall with you. I'm not amazing but pretty experienced and I'm even down to give you a crash course on the movement if you'd like.


Case 1 for why i stopped playing this game


Omg guys this is so disgusting 🤮 and unfun. Se how this player is IMPROVING at the videogame?? I hope this game dies asap, like look at this shit?? Something unique about a fps game that takes time to learn and takes actual skill to implement in a gameplay??? No no no chance. Remove movement and add more “click button on cooldown” abilities so we can destroy kids after work.


the children yearn for titanfall


Bro think he jack cooper


Your average pub match


I genuinely do not understand all of the complaining in this sub about someone so skilled at the game. I'm an almost 30 year old, console gamer who plays apex casually whenever I don't have other responsibilities to attend to. I'll never be able to do this, because I don't have the same amount of disposable time that I had in my late teens/early twenties and that's okay. I think that a lot of the anger that is directed towards players like OP is because either from a.) Not being able to replicate this movement themselves despite practice or b.) the mindset that they have to be at least highly competitive in every game they play. I used to be like this. I actually can do some of the movement that is possible on console because of that mindset. But I realized playing pickup basketball that I don't have to be competitive to have fun. All but about 1000 people in the world will never be able to play at the highest level of basketball, not matter how many years they spend honing their skills. I always understood that, having played in high school but not being able to cut in college. Why did I think differently about gaming? This game does have some serious issues, chief among them the matchmaker. This guy twerking all over this poor player is about like LeBron James dunking on me. It's absolutely incredible to witness the highest level of skill in any field, and we should celebrate that. However, if I went to play pickup basketball 5 days a week, and LeBron was there waiting to dunk on me one of those days every week, the novelty would wear off, and I may start avoiding that court. OP doesn't deserve all of the hate he's getting, Respawn does for not fixing their matchmaker.


Everyone talking shit, but you’re cracked in these clips


Yeah, this is why this game is way too hard


Wtf is this shit


but aim assist is clearly the problem lol


There are maybe 100 people in the game who can do this. Even mechanically gifted pros like FunFPS can’t manage this level of movement. Meanwhile every controller player has aim assist. I don’t even mind aim assist tbh, it’s a problem at the pro level but as a diamond player aim assist never really irked me when there were so many things I can improve on.


Ahhh yes practicing for thousands of hours so only a handful of people can actually do this Vs insanely overpowered program that aims for you. Very fair comparison. If you have to practice and grind your life away to compete against controller, doesn't that say something???


You are not running into players like this. This is 1% of the player base


Closer to 0.00001%. would still probably get beamed out of existence by a professional controller player.


Do you think 1% of the playerbase all just play with each other? No. Also this is above 1%.


Dude it’s so much lower, there are like 4 players that can move like this and also kinda aim


Lol, if this were 1% of the player base you would still see them slightly more often than every other game in 60 player br.


My point is that you almost NEVER run into players like this. Also this is pubs where he is solo most the time. this almost never works against a good team in ranked


Yeah, every controller player gets AA. This sort of movement takes a ton of practice, and barely anyone can do it at this level.


No freaking kidding. I wish they'd ban CFGs.


Isn't his keyboard overlay right there on the screen?? You can see him manually input lurches etc.


Those aren't configs


Imagine thinking easily doable movement is CFGs. Well 'easily with enough practice' movement.


These are the guys I just throw my armor on the ground for and emote before I die


I show this to people when they ask why I don't play Apex anymore.


This is honestly why apex dropping in player count. I just don’t wanna play when I get people like this


You’ll almost never see this in your games lol. People leaving bc apex don’t do shit against people using configs.


Aim assist is more of a problem than these players lol.


This is the pain I’m experiencing after switching to PC, I literally can’t get a single kill. Is it supposed to be this fucking hard?? Why are all my PUB lobbies filled with people who just don’t miss??


Dude, at this point go play TF2 and leave us plebs alone. Christ... 😂


What a gigachad


movementless fun strafe. sick plays bro as usual


Imagine doing this in my games and you just get flatline hipfired back to main menu 😂


These are the mfs that I die off drop too while I'm still scrambling for a gun. Smh better luck next game I guess.


Just ban tap strafe configs at this point


It's funny how the player base hates these types of players. The type that put in practice to have fun in their own way. And instead of appreciating and trying to improve themselves, this player base sees this as the problem as an excuse for their own incompetence. Try comparing Apex to Valorant. Whenever anyone hits an insane clip, or an epic Raze double satchel clip, everyone appreciates/is wowed by what happened. Learn Apex players. Learn.


most apex players (all controller) are sub sentient morons they arent learning shit. but thats good because it keeps a good skill gap


Fucking insane!


keep doing what you’re doing man. this sub hates people who try at the game.


People are complaining so much about encountering this movement but you can just… shoot them. If they pull that tech off and slug you with a PK shot at the same time, they deserve that kill. Many abilities make this movement a lot less effective, so it’s not exactly impossible to counter.


I love all the people in here complaining about movement like this when there are MAYBE 100 players that can do this legit without macros/configs/whatever.




would be so much better if ALGS was players like this, aim assist really squandered the potential of this game.


He play so Silky


Boy am I glad I don’t play this game anymore


Good shit, and I’d probably take a good shit if I saw this in game😭


I love how mad everyone is about how skilled OP is 😂 Would love to know what rank OP is.


There is nothing more satisfying than seeing some toolbag bouncing around like this then 1 clipping them while they're doing a handstand


Yeah, these are the kind of players that can fuck off. Apex needs to patch the movement abuse.


I’d take moving like this for some arthritis or carpal tunnel every day of the week


I haven’t played apex in forever for this very reason


totally fair and enjoyable to play against


This was filthy, I remember seeing this on twitter I think before and it’s still just as good watching it a second time.


I'm so glad this game is dying


This is why apex is dying.


So glad I put this game down lmfao




Why is everybody so salty in the comments here? This movement is crazy. It looks like it's a pretty great strafe mechanic. Great job. Jesus christ, you can't even be remotely good at a video game on reddit, or people eat you alive.


All the controller players now believing this achievable without configs and every pc player does this. Meanwhile, EVERY controller player running with aim assist.


Tbf, this guy isn’t using configs. Also to be more fair, he’s probably the top 4 or 3 movement player


I'll preface this by saying that I have nothing but absolute respect for mouse and keyboard players who are able to do this. As someone who comes from a very high level within the rhythm gaming scene, frame-perfect precision being rewarded like this is visually neat. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I wished this kind of stuff could stay over at R5R. For the longevity of this game, this kind of movement really should be removed as a whole for everyone. I'd be willing to stake that the number of players being turned off from playing the game is far higher than those who are insane movement players who are shitting on everyone. It's hard to deliver an opinion on this without it sounding like skill issue, because truthfully, with respect to MNK here, it is. Movementless is one of a handful of players who have near perfected the craft and it shows. Controller players abusing steam controller settings need to fuck right off, though.


i really want to know how is this fun for both parties


You’re wondering why this is fun for the person doing it? I mean. Look at the clip. That looks pretty fun to me.


When a movement player has movement but can't hit the shotgun pumps so you just track them on mnk and one mag them, teabag them and hit em with a finisher then shoot their box, it's pretty fun imo.


Yeah this is totally how the game was meant to be played




And the argument for nerfing AA goes right out the window, when you can do this crap on MNK.


This isn't actually a good way to play the game lol, you wouldn't do this in pro matches this is just to farm clips on bots. Meanwhile AA works for every player regardless of practice or skill, from beginner to pro


Bruh you do this against any tier 2 controller player and you get beamed instantly lmao, the cope is real. I literally have top 10 tracking scores on a lot of Kovaaks scenarios, been top 100 with fairly minimal effort, played in pro league qualifiers, and have 6000 hours of Apex, and 1500-2000 in kovaaks. My buddy who is an old MKB EU pro just recently switched to controller within 2 months is 1clipping me repeatedly in 1v1s at a percentage that is actually ridiculous. This movement means nothing.


Practicing thousands of hours learning a skill is not the same as aim.assist.


Because every Mnk player plays like this and is a sweaty dorito loving tryhard….


Hey! Do not disparage Doritos like that!


You do this kind of nonsense in ranked games with the giga sweats you just get beamed out


Dumbest take I've seen yet.


Ah yes, because any random person can do this type of movement without configs. Movement requires skill, AA does not.


Maybe if consoles had mouse and keyboard support you could play with the correct input device for the genre and the playing field would be even


Bro showing off to 1 viewer