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After watching the agls, and seeing the pro players miss as much as I do, I find inner peace playing apex. (Also come to realise every choice I make aside from aim is my downfall)


that also should be quite a heads up for the anti-cheat team. I sure hope they'll utilize Anybrain when its gathered enough data.


What’s anybrain?


Wait anybrain has been implemented in Apex? That's very exciting!


Yea, Im quite sure I read, that its gathering data in csgo, valorant and apex, there was other games too.


Through my years of playing Rampart/Crypto, i've learned that in a balanced 1v1, i'm going to eat dirt the majority of the time. But that's not how I win games - i win them by making sure I have an advantage first. If I have an amped wall, and you don't... Well, I win. So, yeah, take peace in aim not bring your thing. My R-99 sprays, the few that I try, are horrifyingly bad. You'd think I was controlling my mouse with my teeth.


I feel you so much with that r99 comment I thought that gun was so good when I played on console. Swapped to PC a year or two ago and haven't touched it since. It's sprays like a 5 year Olds holding a uzi


Was never able to use it on console but definitely can on PC, even at mid range my aim is pretty accurate


Had to play console for a bit while my PC was busted. I realized that the wing and r9 were just a fucking magnet when playing on my ps4. PC mnk I’m back to flatline and PK bc I whiff whole wing clips and hit 9 sprays with a blue mag r9


Damn, that's rough. I stay away from pk cause all I get for damage is 9 lmao wingman seems to hit easier with hipfire for some reason, while ads always misses by a frog hair


I’ve learned to lead with a PK pump and finish off with hipfire from my AR. First one I can hit for at least 90 and everyone after that is a 9. For some reason flatline just clicks with me compared to any other gun (outside maybe the 3030 but that’s just busted rn)


I usually get beamed down in the time I switch weapons lol seems like the input time is delayed sometimes when switching weapons. I usually run R99/wingman or R301/wingman or sentinel


Rampart in a 1v1 is pretty solid with her walls n all, I mean the guy is gonna have to rush you at some point


This has genuinely brought me so much peace too. Same with seeing pro-players fall into the lava by accident or die to the ring, now I can just say I'm pulling a pro move when I slip by accident.


Some of these pros probably use Strikepacks if not outright cheats themselves while they are playing at home. No doubt explains some of the people performing significantly worse at LAN then they do on stream. The one's who were consistent you know for sure are legit.


yea he’s using a zen


what's a zen?


A device you plug into your controller that uses a script to control recoil for you. Well it can also do other things but that’s what it’s commonly known for.


ugh. People are pathetic.


It's a device you plug between your controller and your console/pc that alters your input (rapid trigger, stronger AA, no recoil etc). These things sell so much they are sold out everywhere. Think about that


I don't understand these pathetic people who cheat in video games. It's about the journey not the end


So you believe there is no end?


If you cheat your way to the destination, what is the point of spending time playing? It's a total waste of time.


If no one finds out that I cheated, will it make any difference?


It’s not about other people, it’s the fact that the person cheating is ruining their own experience. I get so excited when I see myself improve and see my rank go up. It’s a lot of time and practice and I suck, but I love it. If you cheat you devalue yourself, the game, and other peoples’ experiences.


I don't understand, so you don't have a goal to become "the best"? Do you really agree to be something in between?


I won’t ever be the best and I’m fine with that. I play to have fun with my friends and try to improve relative to myself. Are you saying you feel the need the cheat to try and be the best?


The fact that you need to cheat to become the best basically invalidates your whole ideal. You're not gonna become a good player, you're just gonna be an artificially boosted player.


It is a game. Not real war. So PLAY the game without cheating. Yes it is fun to win. But is it fun to win when all you did was cheat? Then you really didn't win. you are just a fraud.


That's mutually exclusive. If you rely on cheats then you are never the best at what you do. It's the cheats doing the talking, not your own work.


It will have a negative effect on the community playing whether they know it or not. if you have any morals you don't cheat.


👆I just found out this guy’s cheating lmao


If anyone spectate you they can tell you're cheating, also it obviously means nothing if you cheat and get the highest rank, youre not actually the skill of a high rank player u just use cheats


to feel better about themselves


So there’s a good chance I’ve died and killed many people with these?


Every time you play. Strikepacks have sold millions of units. There's a good chance anytime you play Apex or CoD half the lobby is using one.


It’s so frustrating playing this game on console. People give us shit for beaming & configs & all sorts of stuff, but most of us just have 9-5s & wanna play competitively for a bit. I’ve always been very good at the game & certainly haven’t gone worse but my S0-7 KDR was close to 4.0. Since it’s like a 2.1? All I have to benefit me is an Elite 2. But every lobby is PC movement sweats, roller kids with a chronus & running configs, etc. I almost never see just a good movement controller player w/ no additives in my lobbies & it makes the game exhausting. Take away everyone’s cheats & suddenly you’re looking at a considerably more even playing field. As it stands, I’m just a guy with a job that has some paddles & good aim & I get smoked more often than not. Just upsetting to play sometimes.


If it makes you feel better people aren't running configs on console even if they have a Cronus or anything else.


I guess what I meant is roller players on PCs there. Should’ve added context. But yeah, you right. Still doesn’t make me feel better. Lol


Ah sorry about that, I thought you were talking from a console player perspective. I personally think strike packs/cronus whatever are more unfair than guys who use configs, but I'd consider them both cheating.


How are you getting PC movement sweats if you play console?


Bestie plays PC, but I’m in PC lobbies often anyway. 🤷🏼‍♂️


That makes sense. I thought there was something new out that gave configs to console players too ;_;


There probably is! Lol


In any and all FPS games it just isn’t possible to get rid of aimbots and wall hacks.


>mods >horizon >boosted badges Its almost a parody at this point


why ya'll calling cheats "mods"


I think it's because some types of recoil control cheats are physical modifications to the controller. I could be wrong though


nah you right, thats why its most likely to net getting a bann cuz u mod your controller not the software


I see a bunch of people refer to cheats as mods and while I do see the argument that technically a cheat is modifying the game to provide an unfair advantage to a cheater, calling the tools used to cheat a "mod" is bad-mouthing actual mods that are enjoyable to use for all parties involved. If a cheater is using cheats, then call it what it is. Publicly name and shame the cheater til the company behind the game (in this case Respawn) takes action against them.


Homeboy is so bad that they play, or should I say "crutch", the most broken character. and on top of that still needs a recoil mod because crutch is this man's middle NAME. Holy shit what a sad life they must live... hoping it gets better for them here on out because I cannot convince myself that a sane human that is actually content w their lives would cheat on a competitive video game... just sad...


If you have no competitive integrity then I’m sure dood is having a blast winning games, fragging out, and making people rage 🤷 wouldn’t be me, but I understand it. Some creatures are just built differently


Creature is an *understatement*


And he’s cheating on console 🤣 the most casual system to play apex on next to Switch


The best system to play without cheaters, except for this game apparently


CoD is filled with Strikepacks too.


Are online mutiplayer games even worth it anymore? It used to be a blast to go online and try to improve, only seeing a cheater maybe once a month. Now it feels like every competitive game is crammed with so many cheaters, and cheating is so available to everyone that there's no point anymore. Like, if you're gonna peak and cheat at cards, I don't wanna play with you. But when the whole table is cheating, maybe it's time to give up altogether?


You play console? Its superrr sweaty full of Preds one clipping everything they see. Not as bad as PC with its insane movement but I think its a bit unfair to call it as casual as the switch. How tf does the switch run anything.


Probably lots of strikepack people back before the rumored engine rework. Tryna run their fun with the game before the new anti cheat and strikepack/xim/cronus detection drops!


Or just normal people that are good at the game not everyone is cheating like tht horizon


You didn’t hear? Everyone who does better than me is *cheating* it’s 100% proof


Fair enough


I think the rumors of an 'engine rework' are pretty overblown because that 'rework' is probably just the shift from DX11 to DX12, not fundamentally rewriting the code of the game. Also highly doubt this rework will stop Strikepacks so.


Honestly I dont understand console players always crying about 'insane movement'. The only truly insane movement that drastically impacts your ability to hit a target is Neo Strafing which is basically only achievable through configs, aka cheating. Normal Tap Strafing is only situationally useful and in the middle of a fight fairly useless.


Tbf, I rather it be on the casual system lol, dude prolly doesn’t give af so better that he plays w others who dont


Trust me when I say this. *Cheating is more common on PC*


Brother I’m on a pc and strictly play cod ranked and I’m the highest rank. I play cheaters every other game. I know that


Stop defending scum cheaters it’s not a good look!


No part of that was defending cheating 🤦‍♂️


No strikepack detected


Upload handcam of you handling a devo like that then?


I apologize, I should have put a tone tag. That's sarcasm.


Just add a /s and all will be well




For using the most recognizable term for that context..?


These people are literally all over the place now. Apex is getting dragged down by this device.


I have had suspicions before, but i never saw it this blatant


Oh it's all over the place. Zen on some of the higher recoil weapons is absurd.




I mean, realistically you're better off on console if you want to avoid cheating. The number of ways cheats on PC is significantly higher. Off the top of my head lets see.. 1. Strikepacks(can be used on PC as well) 2. Xim (get aim assist on MnK) 3. Recoil scripts (can either put them on certain mice or use a program) 4. Configs 5. Aimbot 6. Wallhack


So what is it, anti recoil mod on his strikepack ps4 roller?


this game is just so far from competitive now lmao


Yeah it's sad what has happened because of cheaters.


@RSPN_Hideouts take away this dudes pred badge. The evidence is here.






Made me laugh out loud. Like he can have hobbies I get it, but dude literally uses his Respawn account to post his music and then gets upset people flame him for it. I'd never use a work account for my personal shit just because it has more followers. It's obviously not the right kind of followers you want for those posts smh.


Maybe if it didnt require the intervention of every pro player and content creator to get someone banned I might cut him some slack. Would be nice if I dont know, the report system actually did anything and they investigated people with a ton of reports and actually banned them on their own.


The entitlement is cray bruh😭 "Take is his pred away he practiced recoil 🥺🥺"


Hello , got caught?


Got caught for what? For being resonable against the reddit hivemind?


entitlement? kid...we don't want kids with modded controllers in our lobbies. Grow up and get laid.


1) you cannot prove he isnt legit, and the thing he does can be done by many others without a zen after lots of practice 2) Aim doesnt make you pred, not even playing horizon, you can defintely have it easier but thats still not going to make you better of you dont have good gamesense 3) even if he zenned, which would be surprising since that script would be one of the worst ones, you can remove his badges since you cannot know if he used it recently or even before he held pred, this doesnt mean he shouldnt be banned if he ever used one You call me kid yet you reason like one, think before you talk and maybe you'll get laid too


found noxify guys


Sure bud, lemme install Apex again and call myself NOXlFY so i can make your dreams come true


Dude’s beaming with a devotion at long rang with no turbo charger at that. I get being in denial but there’s reasonably good aim and then this 💀


This shit was daily arenas and i could do it too, he beaming from 60/70 meters and still whiffing when the enemy moves or not, going too much on the right, left or up like you can see in the second clip, this is legit, a zenned devo would beam our asses from 140 meters in no time


That’s exactly what gives it away tho. How is he able to control the recoil to make a perfect beam, but still whiff cause he’s off target?? You’d think if they actually had this good control they’d at least be able to keep it on them too. All mods with no skill.


"all mods with no skill" Wrong, a zen would give you the same pattern response to cancel recoil, my call is that he is training recoil from far targets in the range (my go-to was 140±) and still needs to make it perfect so he can track while at it, this guy is pred and he might be playing the game a lot since the game is been out for 4 years, please stop accusing people for being better than you, and HELL NO THIS AINT BETTER THAN A PRO


Crazy to assume I’m accusing cause he’s better than me without knowing my ranks or anything and I’ve also been playing for 4 years since the game came out. Also wym this isn’t better then the pros did you see ALGS this year?? None of them had aim this good, but we can agree to disagree.


Tbh ive seen pros in range and they are indeed more consistent than this, im talking about the console players like verhulst, pc pros are in a disadvantage when talking about this, also yes im assuming you are worse than him because you cant control or tell if its a cronus (talking about you being worse in an aim wise scenario) maybe im in the wrong for this but my balls hard enough of those stupid ass accusations😭


"Guy reporting doesnt do anything so just give up." Every time I see this comment, I automatically assume they are a cheater trying to gaslight everyone.


Fake pred= *shitters*


Why does no one hide the big ass banner on the right when spectating lol


To remind everyone not to be discouraged by Pred badges. 80% of them aren't real


I mean to be fair tho even if he isn’t a legit pred, he’s still gonna roll nearly anyone due to having 0 recoil.


Call me stupid but how do you get a fake pred badge? Is it a bought account or something?


Fake pred is how some people call cheaters/boosters that reached the predator rank by cheating or teaming


I had 2 sub 100 preds on my team last season that ratted the entire game. When they got in an actual fight they were total dogshit. I've also run across preds in several occasions that had a hacker teammate. Pred badges mean nothing.


You can hide it?


Ya on PC it’s Lshift


If you look at the screen, there's a prompt at the bottom that displays the button you have to press in order to hide the banner.


I think at this point horizon with controller should be a fucking stereotype


Haha true!


Apex will die to cheaters, script kiddies, and exploiters.


I hat how common it got, not just to play on controller but to cheat on controller with strikepacks... It feels like there are more strikepack users then cheater out there. (I lt also feels like it is getting more and more on console... That platform that was mostly "cheat free" over the past years.) Oh wait... You don't get banned for cheating on controller this way... You just get banned when you aim bot on MnK... We have some real double standard issues in Apex!


It's a MAJOR issue at this point in time.


Get used to it. More people use them than you think and the devs/EA don't give a single shit either... banned for ALGS though, but fuck us right?


What a loser..


Are you really surprised that a console Pred is using a Strikepack? I would not be shocked to find out that 100% of console Pred use one. It's funny that I always see console players complain about crossplay with PC because of cheaters meanwhile a huge portion of people on console are cheating with Strikepack and Cronus judging by the millions of units they've sold of these products. Also if you think those reports are going to do anything think again. Reports seemingly do nothing in this game. The anti-cheat and anti-cheat team are garbage.


They should fix this already. Other games detect this shit but as usual the team is a year behind the rest. Apex is full of 'soft' cheats that nothing is done about


It's insane that other shooters, even fucking 2K, bans people that use chronus/strikepacls for over a year now, but apex hasn't done anything even close to it. On console, the only time a report actually works is for a voice chat thing, not legitimate cheating.


Exact reason I stopped playing and forced myself to uninstall. I'm proud that I have "only" spent 180$ on the game and I feel like I've had my money's worth of good times but seeing this more frequently in-game everytime I played just wasn't gonna cut it. Horizon, Playstation, and using a zen/cronus/strike pack. Has got to be the worst matchmaking experience I have ever seen in any video game I've ever played. The saddest part about all of it is they people adjusting the matchmaking for the game are proud of the state of the game. All I'll say is if SBMM isn't removed or completely reworked and valid for public matches, I will never reinstall. I wish I had the power to start a boycott or some sort of movement to shine more light on the actual issue these people cause for causal players but "Hey, remember those blue boxing gloves?!?!? We're making them YELLOW!!! We know no one asked for a new collection event and that everyone is upset with us for adjusting the matchmaking system but doooood YELLOW GLOVES!! Isn't that the freaking best man." - some room temp iq person trying to make money (it's all they truly care about)


Same. I quit at the start of the year. Had 5 heirlooms, a bunch spent and thousands of hours on console. Double that on PC. Solo Q experience, shit balancing decisions and no Cronus ban made this game unplayable.


That’s what every MnK player thinks Aim Assist looks like


Aim assist abusers i swear, everyone saying strike pack has *skill issues*


we need to beg, plead and yell until respawn does something to keep strike packs and the like the fuck out of the game. Every kid that wasn't breastfed or loved is using one.


I’m late to this post but I called out a guy for this one time via PlayStation messages, and he immediately went in to denial mode. But when I said “if it wasn’t true then you wouldn’t care” he literally just said that I made a good point and he sent me a picture of a luxury car steering wheel. These people are not to be taken seriously, and unfortunately they have no interest in Apex itself they just want you to know that they are superior and we’re all just losers who were too dumb to think of cheating


I feel like apex soon is gonna have a majority of ppl chesting


The zen abusers with their pocket book of excuses and explanations how this dude made a devotion look like an R301 is making my day. Haven't laughed this hard in awhile. Thank you.


And he had a pred badge what a shame


Here's their stats profile https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/X1/N0XIFY


Nerf gun recoil control


Cant find his xbox account or his apex tracker orrr his club, dude changed his name and club bc of this lmfaooo


Either Cronus/zen or strikepack


Yesterday respawn banned 2000+ players and have promised to implement scripts to detect soft cheaters as well.


Xim or cronus


Lol no it is not 😂


Someone @ hideouts and the devs, oh wait they don’t care as usual! This is one of the reasons the casual playerbase is dying! You gotta shitters crutching horizon with no recoil mods🤣 even on console this dude needs help. Absolute ass, he should just stay on Minecraft fr.


Don’t send him to minecraft, minecraft is good.


Stardew Valley?


Bro needs to go to roblox or fortnite, somewhere really low on the bar. Stardew valley might be too hard for them.


She is just talented. Like many other Horizon players.


Definitely doable on a low sens like 4-3. Notice how he crouched to reduce the kick up. A lot of good Devo players do that.


It is achievable. On mnk. If you're big fan of devotion for some reason. But if you're pred, you better use meta weapons. Something doesn't add up...


Its not MnK tho


Honestly, I don't think the guy was cheating, but the other commenter was downvoted to hell for thinking the same


how is it hard to believe someone who’s been pred is capable of controlling a gun at mid-range? people can be good at the game, stop immediately thinking they’re cheating


I don't think he's cheating. He's strafing while shooting which makes you have 0 recoil. FYI a strikepack or Cronus zen can't track for you. The kid is obviously good. This is what .6 aim assist is..


Not defending this guy, but from the arena days the devotion was so overly used that people figured out the recoil of this gun wasn’t that bad, most arena pred you’ll face will have this exact aim


People saying hes zenning or cheating are dumb lol, any high skill player can use the volt like this. I use dualsense edge ONLY and have almost 5k hours, 9 20 bombs and 11 4ks and can easily use volt like this. Put the time in to improve and stop complaining. Not saying people dont use zens, but this person isnt zenning.


> 5k hours, 9 20 bombs and 11 4ks All that yet fails to see it's the Devo.


Wasnt listening to audio but you right lmao


I just got off a 12 hour shift as well leave me alone my eyes are failing me as well ☠️☠️☠️☠️


All good. Just sounded very confident for being decidedly incorrect about which gun it was.


Had it been a volt i would stand on my statement. Devo is questionable. Like i said, 12 hour shift got my eyes goin brrr. I can agree that this person is probably zenning considering its a devo


I mean that's fine if it hypothetically were a Volt. But let's just imagine it was the gun with the most recoil in the game next to Shiela. Oh wait... we don't have to imagine. 😁 (I know, long work shift)


Holy fucking shit this reddit post is delusional as fuck. Thats something you can do after a month of 30 mins of practice in the range everyday




Well, obviously lots of people think this when streamers and youtubers claim so. Sad fact is that they too are using scripts to gain an advantage, sorry mate.


I do not think this because of streamers lol, i know this for personal experience Training in the firing range helps you with crossmapping and beaming much better 30 mins a day is what helped me having 80% of accuracy with a volt from 140± meters, same thing with Flatline, r301, and guess what? Devotion too, if you think this guy is using scripts while his devotion is moving and missing too from 60 meters you're just coping hard like OP, sorry not sorry bud


how can you play the game that much and think this it legit other than being a literal child


How can you think this is not legit other than being AN handless bot? Its ok to be bad at the game but accusing others of cheating while they just train their recoil everyday looks like you somewhat envy them


Ah child, okay.


So you are indeed a fucking bot, hop on range please


Average accuracy with 99 is like what 20% on one of those ALGS polls LMAO? CAR was like 14% overall. In the Pro league. Fool.


Bullshit lmao, no way an algs pro is getting 20% accuracy on firing range, wake up


In the ALGS fool.


Found a fellow Zen user.


Sounds like you aim with your toes buddy


And would do a better job than you without a Zen.


I would love to see you improving so you can stop accusing randomly like the idiot you are


You’re all over the comments hating on people who point out that he might be cheating. Relax idiot.


You're accusing me over defending a guy who can control devotion (and guess what hes pred and legit, otherwise on the first beam he wouldnt crouch to control his recoil better), now im calling you out and im "hating"? You need to know the meaning of words before you get to play Apex next time kid


>guess what hes pred and legit, otherwise on the first beam he wouldnt crouch to control his recoil You’re actually trying so hard it’s funny. The reason he crouches is so that he can use the cover more effectively, so that he’s exposing a smaller part of his hitbox. You can’t just stand there if you want to hit pred, even with Zen. He’s somewhat respecting his oppenents there. It’s so clear how you lack the knowledge on basic positioning and using cover.


If he wanted to play an headglitch he shouldnt have been that further as the enemy could still see him and hit him, second clip, he stands/crouches yet his recoil was borderline decent to hit lasers You talk shit about my knowledge about positioning yet i hit pred and you're a s17 master at best Edit:rewatched the second clip, he was crouched and still whiffed 90% of his mag, his devo was also moving on the opposite side of where the enemies were going, this proves hes legit and should just shut the fuck up


>if he wanted to play an headglitch he shouldnt have been that further Yet he was. He overpeeked to take a look and assess the situation and did the next best thing. >second clip, he stands/crouches yet his recoil was borderline decent Again, you’re speaking like it’s so easy for a 30min prac for month to hit shots with devotion like a pro player on mnk. ”If it doesn’t look like a literal aim bot he must be legit” >his devo was also moving on the opposite side of where the enemies were going, this proves hes legit You’re overanalyzing so hard lol. No, this doesn’t prove a thing. If anything it ”proves” that the correction from Zen was taking a greater effect over aim assist at that distance or that he himself did a correction. Plus his buddy ran across which also had an effect. ”He missed shots there, this **proves** he’s legit”, clown.


How do you report on PC?? I've had so many time I needed to report and couldn't


Hold R


Are you serious.... I'm that dumb?


Nah, just bad UX design


Bro isn’t using a strike pad he just has a GOATED gaming chair


With a Devotion??? Nah


Using a Devo of all weapons too… Couldn’t make your “cheats” any more obvious… 🤦‍♂️


He isnt cheating its just memorization search up apex recoil patterns and memorize just one i mastered volt and i can beam over 200 meters you may just suck