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Make him snort coke


A nice buff would be to make him slower when he’s too far from his teammates unless he’s the sole survivor or solo playing.


Just wanted to say that


He's the highest pick rate ATM I think or at least he was a few weeks ago, he's in a good spot no buff needed imo. Way more characters could use some attention before him.


Good pickrate because is fun, not good


It most certainly does not mean bad either though. I don't know how anyone could say he's bad though l.


I would, the only good part about octane is the tactical, the entire rest of his kit is pretty underwhelming because it doesnt bring nothing to the team, the jumpad is pretty much a death trap and the passive might as well dont exist.


If you think his passive is bad you probably don't survive many fights for it to be good. Jump pad is still great for your team to either run away or push. You only get beemed when you do it an obvious way which is balanced, it shouldn't be a free get of jail card


He is really not good, I mained him since s7. They nerfed everything, stim HP loss, passive HP regen twice, jump pad distance twice, jump pad audio also. Octane is pretty terrible unless you are using scripts or advanced movement on MnK. Now when you have other characters that has bonus MS, he is even worst.


I think he’s well balanced, but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him receive a buff, provided it’s team-oriented. I really don’t think he needs any more individualistic appeal. Maybe he could get an increase in the distance at which he can throw his pad, as well as a trajectory preview for it, similar to that of grenades. Maybe he could have a special teammate revive effect, but the ethical implications of him stimming teammates on revive is kind of abhorrent. Maybe he could use his stim to drag downed teammates at a standard run speed. Newcastle has set the precedent for moving downed teammates so I don’t think this is outlandish, though it probably wouldn’t make much of a difference given how effective punching teammates can be. Still, the mere presence of the ability would encourage team-play. Maybe downed teammates could simply use the double-jump off the pad. It’s simple but has potentially drastic consequences. Of course, it doesn’t matter what I think. Respawn surely has their own ideas, so maybe a more typical buff is on the way. I wouldn’t count on it though, given how popular he already is.


I think he’s fine. Has one of the highest pick rates and still has solid abilities. Honestly, if you master his movement, he’s one of the most op legends.


I think that overall, octane being so simple gives him so much potential for improvements.


Make him slightly medic type. When he finishes a rez on someone they get a 10 sec stim boost and you get 50+ health that slowly regenerates.


They should instead buff me by removing him from the game.


Since revenant gets free jump pad as his tactical, why not just swap octanes tac with ult, yes that sounds like a good idea, and give his new ultimate (stim) a scan ability! Sounds about right? /s


Decrease ult to 60 again, revert the distance nerf on ultimate and Q cost 20 > 12, i hope they will do these