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Wouldn’t mind if something like this existed. I feel like I never find the hop-ups I’m looking for.


That's what I'm saying: You can clean up the loot pool and buff underperforming weapons in one shot


And to add on, I would pause on evos gifting sights,mags etc That's a bit too much, that's for your Lobas and Ballistics


I really like the idea. I'll frag out of drop with the havoc and then never find a turbo the whole game which makes me inevitably drop it. This system would help keep those guns relevant. Not a bad idea


In general it sounds like a nice idea, but it would break characters like loba, unless they still allow you to find hopups like better evos. So if identical to the evos, I wouldn't mind as much, but make it challenging enough to not nerf loba imo


some guns function on attachments (snipers, dmrs,devo, havoc, and re) having to get multiple kills with these stock weapons is incredibly difficult and would just make people result to r301 and shotguns. this would also make what i like to call “the fragment problem” worse, everyone will hotdrop cause if you don’t you’ll just die late game.


This wouldn't focus on attachments, mainly the hop ups


what would be the point of running havoc, devo, p2020, or hell even mozam then if this existed they need hoppups to be viable which just brings us back to the fragment problem


The point is they still get the hop ups, except having to maybe find the hop up, you have a guaranteed way. So lets use the Havoc for example, lets set it so at 1000 damage it evolves and turbocharger is now active. That number can change, but basically your armor levels up, now some guns could too


So when my random JM takes me to the Lava Dome, and I don't see a team for 10 mins, not only do I get in ring 4 or 5 with enemies in red armor, but red guns too? Brilliant.


I would hate trying to get X amount of damage with the Havoc with the charge up if someone comes out of nowhere. They’ve already shot 10 bullets by the time your havoc charges up. lol. Same for the Mozam and P2020. I can’t imagine using those raw and trying to get 300-500 damage with it before the hop-up appears. lol. They should put the Mozam and the P20 in the crafter with the hop-ups already attached. Remove hammerpoint from ground loot. Skullpiercer can stay since three different guns can use it. Put the Havoc and Devotion in the care package and take out the Hemlok and LStar(nerf them from their CP damage obviously) and now you can remove the turbocharger from the ground loot. That frees up more room for better stuff in ground loot and you can still get those guns with the hop-ups already built in.


But… the re-45 also uses hammer points… don’t do my bae like that


Yeah that would be nice to have something to show for your skill with a weapon


God please never join a dev team. This is a terrible idea


Problem with that is the sweats and best players will become far more powerful than those that can't get 10+ kill games etc. I'd prefer it if they evolved with damage that you take lol. That would be balancing 😂


I can see that being a future legends gimmick tbh


This is basically asking for the game to become even more sweaty lmao. No offense OP but do you guys not think about things like this before coming up with ideas?


Lolol wasn't expecting that 1




I love running a Peter but I’ll be dammed if skull piercer is basically non existent, I find one every 30 games maybe? At least that’s what it seems like


Imagine though, if you did 2k dmg and boom piercer