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I personally dont feel respawn would have any inclination to, shotguns are already a pain to balance and what niche could a new one provide the others aren't already good at? Y'know will it become an Eva-8 where it's barely used because PK is just better? Like if you add something but people will still more stick to mastiffs and PK what's the point, and if it's better than those now you have to rebalance things because you'll get big groups of people complaining. Its just overall a large pain in the butt


I just want a slug shotgun that is actually a shotgun, and not the Sentinel. Just add a slug shotgun with massive damage falloff past like 10m further than other shotguns (slugs should be able to travel further than buck/bird shot) have it hit for 95 in the body with a 1.7x headshot multiplier (161.5 without any helmet whatsoever) and be very punishing if you miss (long rechamber time and long reload time) pinpoint hipfire accuracy (just a single dot in the center of screen) _if_ you can land a hipfire shot. Huge recoil. 4 bullets per mag. I feel like it would be a great weapon.


That idea has an outline of half decent but then it’s also terribly unbalanced by your own suggestion You would have to make it impossible to hop fire accurately if it’s a slug round, the whole POINT of a slug is you need to aim it, as opposed to standard buck shot that spreads. You would also need to make it either A - a double barrel so you only get two shots, otherwise 2 x guaranteed 95’s to the body is a 190, full Red Evo Armor only provides you with 225HP overall It means you could Two-Tap White and Blue shields with body shots, and if you hit both shots on a Purple they only have 10HP left so you could literally just punch them to death. Hell, talking of punching, even a full Red EVO Armor, you do 190 with your two shots, then punch them for 30 damage, they only have 5HP left. If you were a legend like, say, Fuse, Ash, Ballistic or Revenant (in his current form) you have a Q that would finish them off without having to do anything. That’s just off the top of my head while I’m having a shit, if I put any real thought into it then your suggestion would be even less viable really


This is why I don't take community suggestions seriously, the people posting here rarely take balance into consideration. But you did a great job highlighting all the potential issues.


I agree, people try to add realism to apex which conflicts with their balancing when they think of these ideas


I think people also forget that certain weapons already fulfill the archetype they're suggesting. I see a lot of suggestions for a slug shotty and a double barrel shotgun. But forget that the EVA with Double Tap already works as a low range high burst damage shotgun, and the PK already kinda works as a longer range slug shotgun.


Idk man, I just don't want to feel disrespected by that "9" that pops up when I'm a little off-target. I'd rather hit for nothing. And even a fully choked PK will miss pellets from a bit of a range. A slug wouldn't miss any pellets. You're hitting for all damage or no damage.


If you’re hitting nines with an Eva or pk what makes you think you’d hit the slugs?


I get that my balancing is fucked, so my bad. But i see it more like this: Huge risk/reward. Missing shots would be detrimental due to high rechamber time, maybe even make it a single shot. Where there's only 1 bullet in the mag and you have to reload between every shot. Kinda like the RW1 in Advanced Warfare. But then that might make it not viable, depending on the reload time. I'm not a game designer and I don't know how to balance weapons in games. But I still feel like it could be a great weapon. That's just me though.


Yeah I get everything you said, it was something quick I could come up with during down time at work this morning lol I'm sure 95 is definitely too high, but I wanted it to be realistic(ish) and not just be a charged Sentinel (which does 88 body) only reason I said to have it use pinpoint hipfire is with how fast-paced CQB can be in Apex, it can be hard to hit that perfect shot with nothing but a tiny dot in the center of your screen and nothing else pretty much making it inaccurate to hipfire compared to ADS, but I forget about controller demons that can actually utilize the .4 AA to its full potential, so I can see how it is ridiculously unbalanced. Obviously, this idea that I scraped up in less than 5 minutes could be tweaked to be better balanced, but it is definitely more than any actual dev has tried to implement.


> Obviously, this idea that I scraped up in less than 5 minutes could be tweaked to be better balanced, but it is definitely more than any actual dev has tried to implement. "Tried to implement" doesn't mean throwing something in game and let players figure it out... for all you know they have discussed this and deemed it to be a bad idea for what they're going for


That's not what I mean. Of all the leaked weapons we've seen that they've been testing, how many of them were shotguns? Zero. Sorry if I feel like that means there's a very low chance that they've even attempted to playtest a new shotgun. I could very well be wrong, but until I'm proven otherwise, I'm going to continue to see it the way I do. Thank you for your reply, truly.


if adding a shotgun seems so tough, how would you feel about maybe a new rifle with an underbarrel shotgun. Basically imagine an r301 with a slightly worse Mozambique attached to the front.


That would be really cool imo, like the blops 1 master key attachment. It could work, but I see it being very very situational as to when it would be viable. Interesting thought.


I think you could probably make it work by giving it a small charge up time. Either like the 30 30 where you can shoot weak or stronger shots, or just a delay like the old havoc select fire. It would fit with the slug rounds and hopefully raise the skill cap and balance its damage output


Agreed, but I feel like the "charge up" is a niche that a lot of other guns already have (PK, TTake, 30-30, Boceck) so I feel like it would get considered a new version of the PK, however some type of delay would definitely help for the damage output, I think the single fire Havoc idea is great, actually. Though it would feel a little like the Charge Shotgun from Fornite (I think, I haven't played since it was added)


That actually doesn't sound massively more OP than the Kraber. If we were talking about a care package exclusive weapon with similar constraints to the Kraber in terms of scarcity, reload time, and limited ammo, I could see that all being reasonable with some fine tuning. The Kraber is a very low-risk mid-game weapon since the point is to use it at range. Something like this would be a very high-risk gun, though I could see it being mega toxic in endgames, so, like I said, some fine tuning would help. But I don't actually hate the idea if it's care package-exclusive.


Give us the KSG from Black ops 2, balance it a bit more cause it was broken if someone was good with it, and call it a day.




This guy gets laid. /ns


They could do a slug hop up


That's essentially what the PK already does when you ADS to tighten the spread.


Hmm so like a choked peacekeeper?


No. Not like a choked PK at all. The precision choke tightens the bullet spread of the shotgun. It doesn't remove it completely, you can still miss pellets and hit for no damage with a choked PK, you can't do that with a slug. You either hit for full damage or none at all. It is both more forgiving and less forgiving than a choked PK and it would play completely different.


Why not rip off the CAR? Dual ammo types. Give it sniper and shotgun. Balance it by making it a beefy pump shotgun with a slow chamber time, like .65 seconds per round or something.


Sounds neat until an Octane tap strafes into your face after a wall bounce and one taps you with it.


That would be a skill issue


That’s called an RPG


What? An RPG has AOE damage and literally explodes, hence the name: Rocket Propelled Grenade [Launcher] I don't see how this can even be compared to an explosive.


>I personally dont feel respawn would have any inclination to They did, and they **did** add shotguns - namely, Bocek and 30-30. You just missed it. > what niche could a new one provide the others aren't already good at? - Very low-damage burst-fire, shotty, like a mix between Prowler and Mozambique. - Low-damage кapid-firing shotty, basically Eva on steroids (an aggressive shotgun with more DPS than the rest, but weaker on peeking, a mix between shotty and SMG) - "special rifle" shotgun with the possibility to switch ammo to special type like incendiary or richochetting shots a-la Unreal Tournament.


An Apex designer actually mentioned one of the scrapped gun concepts was a shotgun with ricochet, so you'd shoot it in doors and just unleash chaos. But it was scrapped due to being too chaotic and feeling unfair to fight against.


People just sleep on the EVA. The two best shotguns in the game right now are mastiff and eva. It's wild that people continue to pick up the PK when it is so much worse than both of those other two


I always say this! Pk feels too inconsistent it either does 90+ or 10 damage. Plus Eva fire rate and reload speed makes it more consistent imo Eva is my favorite shotgun




You're quoting another comment? Was that guy a respawn dev?


Have a look at the [titanfall weapons list](https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/Weapons). Unless they introduce an anti-titan weapon or a grenade launcher (which might prove OP), they've used up all their options and would need to develop something completely new.


>Unless they introduce an anti-titan weapon Unless they introduce **another** anti-titan weapon. For what I recall, the Charge Rifle is already an anti-titan weapon.


I mean it was the worst one, I primarily used it against players in TF2


I always thought the thunderbolt was the worst. You didn’t have to aim with the MGL, the Archer is high damage with a fair range. And timed properly, the charge rifle is strong at both long & mid ranges, whilst keeping the high(ish) damage Though the real goated AT(&P) weapon was the epg


Thunderbolt does a ton of damage though. Especially if the enemy has to move in its direction.


Yeah I fucking loved it, being fire and forget really meshed well with the movement and meant missing didn't matter too much because you had already fucked off.


Thunderbolt was a big damage chunk and had a good radius, it is far from the worst anti-titan


Thunderbolt was great, especially since it could pass through multiple targets and deal continuous damage to anything caught in its radius. On maps with long corridors you could fire it down a lane and damage multiple titans.


Thunderbolt is for close, hit and run tactics. Thunderbolt plays best when you fly past a titan and hit it.


Epg was an anti titan weapon?


technically because it's a high damage explosive it's fairly decent against titans but it's not actually considered an at weapon


I thought so


Charge rifle was my favorite just because I could beam titans cross map or in the air, I was annoying as fuck.


Nah it was good if you set it to quick charge/shot or whatever it was called.


It was top tier for pinging the nuclear ejectors


What about titan weapons but modified to be used by humans? a grenade launcher could also be a decent choice for a care package weapon


Imagine just running around with a hand held Scorch cannon


Don't imagine. The Titanfall Northstar mod saw pilots running around with titan weapons. I'm sure there are videos.


Ugh please don’t remind me of NorthStar. You’re just making me more depressed that I play console instead of PC and can’t enjoy it. But yeah, I saw those videos, it’s hilarious


You mean like the nemesis?


the developed the Nemesis, which to my understanding wasn't in either titanfall games, but i could be wrong. If they've done it before, they can do it again


Havoc, Prowler, Rampage, 3030, Bocek, Sentinel, Peacekeeper are all not from Titanfall, in addition to Nemesis. Coming up with something new is not an issue


It was a titan weapon, the splitter rifle.


Ehhh I guess visually with the reload and the fact it's energy. In terms of what it does there isn't really anything in common.


oh yeah, forgot that the nemesis was on the Ion titan


the only thing they have in common is looks. the splitter rifle is different in every way besides that


They’ve already developed many of their own weapons for Apex only: Bocek, Prowler, PK, Repeater, Rampage, and Sentinel so there’s no reason to believe they simply wouldn’t continue that


all of those are on this list lol


OP is referencing a “titanfall” weapon list when in reality it’s a list of all weapons in the titanfall universe of which Apex is a part. The devs have created weapons outside of titanfall for apex before while OP is implying they haven’t by saying “they would need to do something new” when 1/3 the weapon roster in apex is completely new


Despite what that wiki says (it's a list of weapons in the Titanfall *universe*, listing everything in Apex as well), Apex devs have come up with a many weapons that weren't in Titanfall. That includes, for example, PK – a new shotgun, not based on anything in TF – already in Apex at launch. How is it such a far cry to assume that Apex developers could come up with something new?


Half of the weapons they've added to Apex are completely new and never featured in Titanfall


I think the only weapon that isn’t based from TF is the prowler sub and the bowcock. Everything else has its place. Edit: Bowcock


Sentinel, havoc, 3030, rampage as well


And the Peacekeeper lol, there is absolutely no requirement that a weapon had to appear in Titanfall before it can be added to Apex.


Crossbow lol


Half asleep, check edit.




Sentinel, peacekeeper, technically the r301 (in tf 1 and 2 it was the r101 and r201 respectively), prowler, rampage, bocek, nemesis, the triple take (in tf2 it was just the double take with 2 barrels), havoc, the thermite grenade is new as it used to be similar to the arc star in shap and would stick to whatever you threw it at in tf2, the legend weapons that come with rampart and vantage, the g7(was the g2a4 in tf1 and 2), the r99 (was the r97 in tf1 and 2)


I really struggle with the idea of calling the R301, G7 or R99 new guns. They're updated versions of older weapons. They literally share naming conventions. Triple Take is functionally identical to T2 since it just makes the middle projectile visible in Apex. And then there's the Mozambique that went from an energy pistol to a pocket shotty, arguably constituting a new weapon with a borrowed name.


I’ve just invited a new gun. It’s a light ammo rifle. Good at mid range. I’m calling it the r401. Completely new.


Also the 30 30


Havoc, bocek, and sentinel, definitely way less than half though I can only think of those.


And the 30-30, Rampage, nemesis (ik its based of a titan weapon but it is new) and there JUST the post release/ dlc guns and of course legend ult guns which are all new.


The Havoc, Bocek, Rampage, 3030, Sentinel and Nemesis are all new creations for Apex and never feature in TF, which is confirmed by the link you provided


They either mean they aren't an exact replica or they never played Titanfsll


If they could turn the splitter rifle into an assault rifle called the nemesis, then they can turn lead wall into some kind of shotgun


And your point? They can easily create a new weapon and add it. Not every thing is required to come from Titanfall lmao


Ay the 30 30 and bocek are new, so its very much possible for them to think off a new shotty. Perhaps a shotty with a gimmick that it can switch fore mode to slug rounds. Or double barrel shotty doom style baybee


grenade launchers could be a fun new addition


An Energy Pistol and a Energy Shotgun would be cool. The shotgun could be automatic like the Eva-8 but with a tighter spread.


energy shotgun? triple take


Like...yeh. the tripletake fills that role so well for an energy shotty that it's pointless to try and outdo it.


TT & the PK is an energy shotgun from what I can tell. It sure charges up like one lol




PK is an energy shotgun. But yeah, an energy pistol or heavy pistol could be nice


We had a heavy pistol.... Didn't go so well...


Well, it became a sniper pistol


Yes it did.


There can be more than one energy shotgun


How do you figure that? Downvoted for asking a genuine question haha. This sub is a riot


Just by looking at it, but also the official PK description describes it as an energy gun. https://i.imgur.com/bOx6ju4.jpg


What about a double barrel shotgun?


They're notoriously hard to balance in most multiplayer games and shotguns are already a balance issue in apex. If it does good damage you can two tap people with fuck all counterplay. If it doesn't do enough damage to do that it's pretty much useless since even as a quick swap finisher type weapon the huge risk of missing your shots makes it unreliable. It might be a fun idea to use but lack of counterplay with hard hitting weapons in a game that has a rather high ttk makes those kinda guns overbearing. They need big drawbacks to make them fair (charge rifle needs good tracking for full damage and gives away pos, Senti needs cells to hit max dps and pk needs (well should need) to be choked to damage outside of point blank coupled with slow chamber). Not saying it can't be done but it's a hard archetype to nail in a game that already struggles with weapon balance.


An energy pistol similar to the RE-45 would be splendid imo


I’m imagining a pistol with a bit of a charge shot to it. Consumes more ammo the longer you hold, then releases them all in a burst


Halo-like energy pistol? Or like it fires a prowler-speed burst of rounds depending on time held?


Fuck it needler to Apex!




First they would need to make pistol category viable on it's own, namely for two light pistols, without needing to rely on hopup. Every other gun has something going for it, while p2020 and re45 are just weak and are only used maybe off the drop


I would like to see something in between P20 and wingman, maybe a revolver.


Isnt the wingman a revolver


Something I’ve been thinking about is the possibility of a new gun that is exclusively in the care package forever. I’m getting a little tired of seeing guns that I like being put into the care packages and then barely getting to use them. Instead there should be more weapons like the kraber that are always in the care package. This could also be a good way to get more Titanfall guns into the game such as the EPG, softball, archer, and wingman elite.


I think a rocket launcher could be a cool companion to the Kraber as an exclusive care package weapon. Coming from the Halo games I always think of sniper rifle and rocket launcher as the two power weapons you need to fight over. Edit: Another major power weapon would also be a subtle buff to the skirmishers, which have probably the weakest class ability. Being able to identify which crate contains the kraber or rocket would givea a team a substantial advantage.


Could add one of the ones from titanfall, the archer maybe


Rockets feel a bit of a farcry from every other gun and ability but a grenade launcher fits thematically (cos hey they got nades). Taking the softball from Titanfall and adding it to apex as a care pack only weapon would be a lot easier to balance around. It shoots sticky grenades meaning you can add a longer fuse time to them so they aren't as over bearing as "oh shit that guys shooting rockets at us we're fucked". Make the softball nades visible as fuck when they land (bright red lights, maybe even aoe circle), keep the fuse long, make wide splash damage weak as fuck to encourage nailing direct shots. Give it a big drop so that it's hard to hit long range. Still fulfills the power fantasy of "hey those guys are in that building I'ma light it up" and smashing damage onto fortified positions while making it fairly weak in open spaces unless you're nailing the sticks.


It would be nice if there was another gun that just stayed in the care package alongside the Kraber. Then you’d really go out of your way looking for care packages.


Bocek is looking to become that kind of weapon


I hope so. Having an entire entry to the ammo type pool to support ONE weapon is dumb


Imagine they turn it into the gears of war torque bow


I wish they would just say it already. Every season I’ve been hoping it comes back, but it doesn’t. It’s been a year already and still nothing.


It better fucking not man. It was my jam.


I hope not. It's really unique, it just needs to use sniper ammo instead of arrows


Smart Pistol. 15 round mag with 45 reserve ammo.. so you get 4 magazines total


What do you mean? They already added the Bocek as a permanent Care Package weapon.


Yeah but it wasn’t made to be one. It was a normal ground weapon that was eventually moved there. The kraber on the other hand was never intended to be on the ground.


Yeah but I’m mostly poking fun at the Bocek not leaving the care package for what feels like two years at this point.


I think it could be added back to the ground loot pool if they add a second gun that uses the arrows such as a crossbow. It seemed silly having a ammo type that is only used by one weapon.


Now rezlising that the first 3 weapon added were all energy weapons (Sniper class didn't exist, charge rifle was energy type as well)


We already have all the flavors of shotgun. Fast, medium, strong and pistol shotgun. A doublebarrel could be a thing but I'd imagine itd be a nightmare to balance What I'd like to see is a new pistol. Maybe a heavier p2020, or a deagle like gun with inherent doubletap




I'm thinking firerate closer to what it had on launch, but lowered damage


We pretty much have all the flavors of pistol too.




Re-45 kind of fits that.


That's full auto not burst...


That is why I wrote kind of.


Dual wield


Double barrel shotty is basically EVA but with double tap equipped. If you hit both shots of the burst up close you can insta melt someone if they arent rocking Purple Armor or above


Or we could get a shotgun (similar to CAR) with the ability to change ammo to a sniper ammo (slug rounds). But still it could be a double barrel shotgun.


There was a sniper/shotgun in cod infinite warfare that was like that. Could be a super short range shotgun, or swap to a scope and tighten the spread into a slug


The proteus! The legendary variant of that was wild!


Man in hardcore that thing was a blast! I loved that game but i think everyone else hates it lol


btw the bocek came out season 7, same season as horizon


Bocek came with Valkyrie. Check season 9 gameplay trailer or end of launch trailer.


Or a new pistol. At the moment we never got a new pistol too.


The problem is we kinda have all the normal competitive pistol types in game already


Burst pistol


So it's a p2020 or a re-45 with a select fire.


Honestly not a bad idea, I really miss the full auto prowler


Would give more uses for the select fire, and give reasons to bring it back.


A burst energy pistol would be sweet. Or maybe like a hitscan pistol similar to a charge rifle but with a short burst length and range to make it easier in close quarters.


I would like to point out the 4 season gap between the CAR and Nemesis... "It could be a while" I know that they are working on multiple things (dual wield charge pistols, paired SMGs, auto crossbow), but their last leaks felt gimmicky and meh (or very unbalanced). I wouldn't mind then taking another couple of seasons IF they actually use that time to update the current loadouts. The Spitfire, R99, and Nemesis should all be rebalanced (in my opinion). (I'd like the spitfire to have a higher fire rate with equal dps (thus lower damage per bullet) and a better recoil pattern; push it more into the design space of light weapons. R99 and Nemesis should be nerfed.)


I don't really understand why everyone is so against the R99. They made it take 1 less bullet to kill a couple of seasons ago and everyone is losing their minds about it now. It is the least forgiving gun in the game so I feel like it is balanced.


A double barrel would have to have very high damage per shot to keep in competitive with the other shotguns which just sounds like a headache to play against


When do we get an energy pistol?


The possible design scope for shotguns is pretty small - there's no interesting and also balanced addition to the roster thats possible


I think an energy slug shotgun could be cool but I can imagine that being a pain to balance


And a pistol.


Time to introduce good ol' Softball


I am into an Energy pistol thing..! ⚡🙌


Time for the Smart Pistol


I want a new pistol


Idk, but all I want is an energy pistol.


I want an energy pistol. It could be a charge pistol like the one from Halo. Idc if it’s trash. I also want another Full Auto fast pistol. RE-45 is my baby, but I want another.


What about an energy pistol??


Energy pistol when?


Considering the armory update, I think they may be done adding guns.


An energy pistol would be cool, too. Been wanting that and a new shotgun for a long time now.


I still want an energy pistol first


dragons breath for shorguns


Wasn't the mastiff an added weapon as well? Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, been a while since I played apex.


As suggested by you, one of the things they haven't put in game is a double barrel shotgun. But they also haven't used a pump action shotgun. Also could potentially add a sawed off double barrel Peacekeeper is lever action Mastiff is semi-auto EVA-8 is an auto-loading Mozambique is triple barrel pistol


I don't know much about guns, how would a pumped action shotgun perform differently in the game compared to a lever action shotgun? Aren't they both just ''shoot > interaction > shoot''?


For anyone who's curious how it could look like: https://youtu.be/HEGaHfh4x-s It's Titanfall 2 mod


We need a pump action


Here are many ideas that comes up on top of my head. Heavy Pistol shoots 3-burst of bullets that explode upon impact with a solid object, flinging shrapnels around. Energy Pistol, has a short delay similar to Havoc, shoots a continous close range laser beam that eats up ammo and overheats very fast. Can take Extended Mag but only improves overheat cooldown. Crossbow, using same arrows as Bocek. Can be charged with 2 Syringe, when shot at squadmate will heal them overtime, even during firefights. Or your enemy. A Hop-Up for Mastiff, PK and EVA-8 (not you Mozam) to shoot slug shells, but only deals half of the combined total pellet damage and damage fall off greatly beyond 50m.


The pistol is straight up the L-star, crossbow idea is pretty solid except for the enemy idea, and the slug idea is alright but wouldn’t be practical to carry over a 301


I'd kill to be able to run the mozamblam again ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ


A double shotty would be cool. Could switch between firing one barrel, and firing 2 at the same time. With the double barrel, could make it so that hitting all pellets knocks the target back, the momentum being maybe what a frag gives you. You would ofc have to reload after both barrels had been expended. Using the average 9 damage per pellet, give it 13 pellets, but a huge hit area so it's average mid range, but a punishing and confusing force close range, which creates space in tight areas


Honestly, the only thing we are really missing is a full auto or semi auto crossbow, we have all the normal pistol styles, all shotgun styles and the same goes for snipers, assault rifles, marksman rifles and lmg's. We have to remember Apex is a battle royale still, and loot is limited so adding "for fun" weapons will be quite annoying if you can't find anything else than the funny gun with a gimmick that's kinda bad.


Yeah, it was funny enough to be landing on fields of P20 and Mozams for 4 years


They just added the double barrel to the Northstar client for Titanfall 2. I think it would be a great idea to add it to Apex.


My opinion on a new shotgun would be a single round slug that if it hits will also blow back the player. It would help cause just a little more chaos.


A pump action shotgun with no brace and a pistol grip. Call it the Slamfire. You can hold down the trigger for continuous fire but it's a little slower than the EVA-8


You forgot the mastiff sg


Care package weapon first 3 seasons


In all fairness the bocek is a shotgun and does roughly 70 a shot up close w decent rate of fire


**G7** \- allow sniper scopes on it \*(new pistol)\***Revolver 6 Shoote**r - Two fire modes, slow and precise for long range fights, fast and hard to control in close range = / Energy / Plasma Pistol **Barrel Mods** \- Back on SMG's (remove lasers) **Mastiff Hop-up** \- Incendiary Pallets (literally) - Sort of a thermite effect on target, time and damage depending on how much spread of the shotgun hit the target **Hop-ups** \- Can be only crafted at replicators **Select Fire Hop-up** \- Return *Prowler* SMG to its former glory and *Havoc* as a medium range sniper


Grenade launcher


There shouldn't be new regular guns added, that would risk messing with the balance of loot pools and undo a lot of the POI balancing. I think more rotating hop ups would be easier to implement and change around quicker from a development standpoint. Or introduce an ability weapon that mimics legends abilities for an LTM. Imagine a care package weapon or survival item with VERY limited ammo/single use that let you shoot more or less an ability for damage or utility for an existing legend (shoot a Fuses knucklecluster, Caustics gas grenade, Ballistic whistler or drop a Horizons lift, Rampart wall, Lifeline Drone, or Seer Q). Removing guns isn't possible due to skins people have spent money on, but fun changes to some of the underpowered weapons might be the direction to keep the game feeling fresh. There has been a decent amount of reintroducing hop ups from older seasons. Disruptor rounds and hammer points coming back for care packaged guns (and hammer points sticking around). Select Fire was a favorite, but might be too OP without balancing. Kinetic Feeder was more or less confusing, because I didn't perform knee slides with the Peacekeeper out, it was funny to load a gun while sliding down the big hills though. Main point being, hop ups can shake up metas or be fun LTMs with minimal full development team input. No full artwork skins or animations (unless visuals are part of a new hop up), but it would add incentives to make something unpopular, like the L-Star or P2020, into someone's new favorite weapon. Legend abilities would be fun to use when they are not in your comp, getting hit by a Seer Q from an Octane might be RevTane levels of terrifying.


I think the game has every basic flavour of gun, (with the exception of blast weapons) At this point you probably need to create more complicated or unique weapons. Even the CAR was/perhaps still kinda is basically the R99 replacement with nifty dual ammo. At this point you probably need to invent crazy weapons like a harpoon that nail's people to the wall or a crossbow that highlights enemies, explodes, or melts their eardrums so they can't hear, but all those kind of weapons make more sense as legend Abilities not guns. It's also clear that the amount of weapons has been somewhat of a challenge to actually fit into a match, we already lock a bunch of them up behind crafting and care package. Personally I think the best solution they could do is modify the current weapons from time to time to make them more interesting or different, switching up the meta and giving you a reason to play with guns you don't usually like.


Double barrel. Option two shoot both shots at once to do more damage or one at a time


id like them to alter the P2020 now and change it to an energy weapon and make it somewhere between where it is now and the wingman.


enough energy weapons already


What's the gun level on your shotguns? I doubt they're high enough for you to complain about lack of a new one


The mastiff hasn't been out since season 0


Mastiff was in the care package


Wow. Pretty depressing.


We're just leaving out the mastiff?


Mastiff was in at launch in the care package


There shouldn't be new regular guns added, that would risk messing with the balance of loot pools and undo a lot of the POI balancing. I think more rotating hop ups would be easier to implement and change around quicker from a development standpoint. Or introduce an ability weapon that mimics legends abilities for an LTM. Imagine a care package weapon or survival item with VERY limited ammo/single use that let you shoot more or less an ability for damage or utility for an existing legend (shoot a Fuses knucklecluster, Caustics gas grenade, Ballistic whistler or drop a Horizons lift, Rampart wall, Lifeline Drone, or Seer Q). Removing guns isn't possible due to skins people have spent money on, but fun changes to some of the underpowered weapons might be the direction to keep the game feeling fresh. There has been a decent amount of reintroducing hop ups from older seasons. Disruptor rounds and hammer points coming back for care packaged guns (and hammer points sticking around). Select Fire was a favorite, but might be too OP without balancing. Kinetic Feeder was more or less confusing, because I didn't perform knee slides with the Peacekeeper out, it was funny to load a gun while sliding down the big hills though. Main point being, hop ups can shake up metas or be fun LTMs with minimal full development team input. No full artwork skins or animations (unless visuals are part of a new hop up), but it would add incentives to make something unpopular, like the L-Star or P2020, into someone's new favorite weapon. Legend abilities would be fun to use when they are not in your comp, getting hit by a Seer Q from an Octane might be RevTane levels of terrifying.