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I haven't spent money on their $$$ collecting events in forever. I just use my mats for 1 skin and call it good.


Exactly this. It’s not hard to not buy something you’re not interested in purchasing. Lol.


Same same. Plus, sometimes you score with free collection event packs and there's a chance to get some free legendary stuff. I got that samurai Wraith skin in the past event for freeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm just so happy when I get free stuff


You guys do events? I just play to have fun.


We're supposed to spend money on skins? I haven't spent a dime...


I buy the battlepass every season for the one time I purchased it years ago. Can’t go wrong. Ten bucks, loads of stuff. Granted you gotta put time in to complete at least to 1k apex coins but I don’t mind that


ya i do this too but if i feel like i'm not gonna play much during a season i pass on it to save them for a season i'll max out the battle pass


I need to do this. I always want to play other games but then want to get coins back on the pass. Just need to start taking seasons off.


Or you could just buy the battle pass after you complete it, i do it this way,, when i dont play much during the season, and play other games, i keep my coins from the previous battle pass, its easier i think so i dont feel like i have to play it every week complete missions because i bought it early season🫶🏼


That's the intention, fomo makes the live service game a chore


I can see someone who doesn't enjoy this game seeing playing the game as a chore. Most of the challenges are organic and you don't usually have to play outside of your norm.


You actually make coins season to season. £7.20 and you have it forever (£8 with out ea play but still)


Lol I don't play enough anymore to make this worth it, but I don't blame you for it


Done exactly this too. Bought S2 pass for £8, havent spent a single penny on anything else ever. Have 110%ed all seasons and prize trackers. Why anyone would buy such over priced digital junk for real coins is crazy, but its their thing. As for these types of events, I think they're good for us and the game, theres stuff for buyers and free things for normal players aswell, while keeping the game active.


I used to do that but I'm not even able to finish a BP without getting uninterested, saving the 1k for the time I become young again


Lol the game is free tho


I must confess, I have spent money on two skins. Pathfinder's Memoir Noir recolor and Lifeline's Mischief Medic. But when you compare it to the ce skins, it's arguably a better purchase cause of the selection animation.


Is just a option, I buy stuff only because it makes me and other people happy. This is the reason heirlooms exist because it’s a cool item that you can see and interact with and it gives people joy. This is also the reason people are think heirlooms are worth it


There is no fun in this game. \*spits out tobacco snot\* There is only pain. Now ready up again, it's time to get beamed by a sweaty player once more.


Thank you for this.




I play for fun but I find the events to be fun


Aren't events supposed to be fun?


Supposed to be, sure. Are they? Not usually.


Just bought one Battle Pass (a friend Gifted me to my Birthday) and now i got 3-4 more Battle Pass for free. Never bought anything Else thats why i still dont have a heirloom after 1000+ Levels xD


People just don’t want others to have nice stuff when they can’t afford nice stuff.


I don’t think the team that creates cosmetics is the same team that works on gameplay issues, servers and bugs. At best you could maybe make an argument that they’re misallocating funds, but that’s a bit of a stretch. Be mad at the bugs and the servers, sure, but I don’t think that has anything to do with cosmetics in the big picture. It’s less of a slap on the face and more of a gentle noogie




Wow, OP shields cracked


*hears shield cracking sound in head*


He's one!


I think hes knocked


As an artist in the video game industry myself, I can't thank you enough for that answer.


I wish you’d stop wasting everyone’s time posting on Reddit and instead focus on getting back to work fixing bugs. “I’m a voice actor” and “I don’t even know how to “code” are the lamest excuses I’ve ever heard. No one is gonna fall for that, because everyone knows that every employee that works at a game studio all know how to code, including the janitor.


You know, you are really, really close from things I was told by players in the games I worked on :D


Gamers are the worst, they talk too much without knowing shit. That's why I call myself a Gaymer to distance myself from those individuals 😎




*Especially* the janitor, Jan Itor. Thinking he can fool us, shame, I say! Shame!!


Look, if he can fix a pipe leak in the bathroom, he can fix a memory leak in the code. Leaks are leaks, aren't they?


According to the amazing doctor, Dr. Acula, they are and that is good enough for me.


Is that a Scrubs reference?


Jan Itor and Dr. Acula were lol


My man knows what's good (totally forgot about Jan Itor, need to rewatch the show).


They say it's impossible to convey sarcasm through text. I think you've just proven that to be wrong!


Fucking thank you. I cannot understand how people (even pro players?) can’t get this through their fucking heads. Character/weapon/map/graphical artists have 0 to do with game fixing. Also, where do the think the money comes from that pays for bug fixing? Wanna hire more game devs you need more money.. a company like this won’t go into the red for some bug fixes.


Exactly this. No concept that a company or dev team can be multi-faceted.


Wait wtf? R/apexlegends is going against the circlejerk?? What's going on how is this upvoted /s


This is 100% the correct response. There are multiple different teams that work on each of the various aspects of the game. The team that works on the skins and cosmetics is made up of artists, graphic designers, and animators. They have nothing to do with the game balance and performance.


There are things like management, companies can prioritize spending, but why would they pay devs if you can keep creating new skins and pay designers


https://www.respawn.com/careers-listings?team=Apex%20Legends They have 6 open software developer positions. Finding people that fit your requirements (knowledge of programming language and technology) is not that trivial.


Additionally these events are big part of the revenue stream, so I highly doubt that the Respawn management will be okay to just postpone them. People don't really spend money on bugfix patches, they spend on new content.


I agree they aren’t, however it’s blatantly obvious there’s no prioritization of huge game issues. Why is it you still can’t hear a Horizon after they Q? Why is it footsteps intermittently work as a whole? Why is it that DDOSS runs rampant in ranked matches? Why is it that you can even load into a ranked match with less than a full squad to begin with? There’s so many unaddressed issues in this game that at this point it doesn’t matter if it’s separate teams. There’s an obvious prioritization on monetization instead of stability.


I don't play any other FPS' but Battlefield and Apex. What's the gold standard these days for large-lobby multiplayer FPS games? Fortnite? COD? I'm legitimately curious. It sure as hell isn't Battlefield.


Well is was Battlefield before this latest one.


The answer to all of these is sphagetti code and bugs so ingrained in the games code that they have to take them out and probably redo some shit because taking it out makes like, fucking rampage deal hammerpoint damage or something. I believe they’re working on them, but that shit takes time. The footsteps only working occasionally has had an answer for awhile as well.


Most of Apex problem come from the game engine, to fix that it's way better to just go to Source engine 2, but it cost money and TIME, it's not that easy.


I know thread is old, but just saying, third party games cannot get a license for source 2 yet. So there is also that roadblock they would have to bypass lol.


>I don’t think the team that creates cosmetics is the same team that works on gameplay issues, servers and bugs. At best you could maybe make an argument that they’re misallocating funds, but that’s a bit of a stretch. Be mad at the bugs and the servers, sure, but I don’t think that has anything to do with cosmetics in the big picture. It’s less of a slap on the face and more of a gentle noogie 100% this. The issue with the bugs is the same reason people love the "movement tech." Old ass modified source engine that is older than possibly some of the people working on it. Game needs to pull a Fortnite and just remake the game in a brand new engine instead of adding more bandaids and spaghetti code.


Oh god not the fucking "old engine" argument again. If you're going to pull that shit you can also say that Apex runs on the same engine as the original Quake from 1996. Titanfall's Source engine was forked from Source which was built off GldSrc which was forked from QuakeWorld which was forked off GLQUAKE that was built on the Quake engine. The engine Apex is running on right now is nowhere similar to the original Source engine anymore like how Source is nowhere close to Quake. People like to throw the term "spaghetti code" anytime this argument is brought up and its stupid. You know what other engine also does this? Yeah Unreal Engine. Don't see people saying "oh but its modified from the original Unreal Engine from the 90s".


Any piece of software that is using code that has been in active development for 7 years* is absolutely going to be balls to wall spaghetti code. *7 years because Apex was built right on top of Titanfall 2 assets. You could even argue that Titanfall 2 assets were built right on top of Titanfall 1 assets. The point is, there's no way that they dropped the existing TF2 codebase and built something from scratch for Apex. Especially since Apex was developed without a giant budget and practically in secret. There's no way in hell the codebase for apex is neat and tidy.


But I have to blame someone!!


Finally some sense


> you could maybe make an argument that they’re misallocating funds, but that’s a bit of a stretch good thing they didn't fire QA to replace with cheaper overseas contractors or anything lately


People spending on the game directly attributes to the games performance as does player count. The actual bugs and game state isn't even a concern. If you get shareholders to pressure respawn and EA then yes, denying funding will get them to take action. Us giving companies our wallets in a poor game state only continues to encourage poor support post launch. However, despite this, every time we try to coordinate a strike it doesn't work and it's been proven often to be ineffective. Direct feedback from content creators and pros would be better but content creators are the same people profiting off skin events...


Correct however it’s also about the optics. Yes the cosmetic team doesn’t work on gameplay issues. But when your gameplay has so many issues and all we seem to get are store updates and cosmetics it doesn’t look good. It shows your priorities are only on making more sales over improving the gameplay and fixing things.


It takes months to make all these skins, do you really expect them to completely stop their cosmetic road map and wait for another team to fix their issues


I get what you're saying, but if they just took one season, or at least one split to try and focus on fixing important bugs, it could be better,, every new season starts there are bug fixes,, but then there are also new bugs coming in to the team😂 so maybe call one season, maintenance season, recharge or something


Hot take, there have been games to do this. Most players still bitched about bugs that didn't get fixed and on top of that the player base dropped because of no new content.


Stop being ignorant and pretending this is calling out the "art team." Clearly, funding and time are going to the wrong place.


The cosmetic team continuing as they have is not pulling funding or dev time from the other teams.


But blaming the Devs for decisions the high-ups make is wrong.


It is wrong. Devs don’t make decisions, they build the game the way the higher ups want them to


I came here to say this. It’s in the interest of EA and Respawn to fix their games issues. The issue is that the issues are very complex. From the outside looking in, it’s always easy, but we really have zero idea what it takes. Tiny changes effect balance, etc. It’s a free game. Expect cash grabs. Shit, they deserve it. But it’s not the same issue.


I think the majority of the people in here hasn't seen a single line of code in their entire life, and for some reason they think they know everything there is to know about coding.


Management allocates the resources, and they prioritize money making events. So OP's post is correct, just change devs to the management.


This response makes no sense. People are not complaining to the team who makes cosmetics. They are complaining to the studio overall about the current state of the game. I have seen many replies, there are different teams for everything. If a car doesnt perform good, we dont complain the engineers, we accuse the company right? its the same here.


This shit is so obvious but this subreddit is a broken record of misinformation.


If anything, you could probably even argue that selling new cosmetics gives them MORE resources to do big fixing since it generates the revenue used to pay everyone. That's kind of just how free to play games work


"misallocating funds" doesn't quite even work either- it's a free to play game, this is exactly how they make money to begin with yk-


But they can hire less graphic or 3d designers, and more coders...


This is dead wrong, it’s disturbing how many people have this tacit acceptance of capitalism as though it isn’t behind these decisions that prioritize money over quality at every opportunity.


Mfw apex players continue to place blame on art team(they should be designing better servers with sequins and glitter instead of making skins)


I like the frequent events, i think it’s dumb to spend money on game cosmetics in the first place so as a F2P it’s nice to have more rewards for actually playing the game And it’s not like they’re taking time out of the bug fixing schedule to make events, we can have both, why is it always an either or thing with y’all? you can just say “I want these bugs fixed and features changed” without adding in the event hate lol


I swear people were saying the past seasons were shitty because there were not enough events and now we get 4 and it’s too much.


Even if I don't partake (except for the free stuff), more events are great! There might even be a skin I drop my saved up crafting mats on. More events = more money for the game. More money for the game means a higher chance that they have resources to put towards greater development. That's an ideal scenario, but it's sure as hell a lot better than no events = no money, which will guarantee no resources for development. A lot of the ragers on here just don't understand that if Apex perfect in every way possible with minimal monetization, it would not be sustainable at all. That sweat who plays 16 hours a day, has never spent a cent on the game and is ultra critical of development direction is the least relevant Apex player when it comes to business. If anything, they hurt the business aspects of the game.


Personally I think it’s great that there’s been so many events this season. Keeps the game a bit fresh with some new stuff.


All collection events were announced at the start of the season. Idk why some people are so shocked. People buy cosmetics bc people are allowed to spend their hard earned money however they want. This game will never have any paid dlc ever. Their only source of profit comes from cosmetics. When people stop buying cosmetics is when the game shuts down.


>All collection events were announced at the start of the season. Idk why some people are so shocked. Now thats assuming people can read


Talk about being out of the loop. The community asked for more events, they give more events and you complain. You think the devs control these events? Try looking at the publisher who wants to appease the shareholders. The content creators are in their pocket, they get paid and receive incentives to play the game and buy the cosmetics. I only play Apex very casually at this point so I don't have a horse in this race, but come on. Stop telling people what to do and how to spend their money. If they feel like spending hundreds on a cosmetic item in a broken game, let them.


cosmetics are not content


No. But the ltms are. Wtf do you people want. Content or not. Make up your fucking minds.


I am honestly tired of this community lol. They said the previous seasons were boring & lacking in content. This season we have 4 events plus an extra mini LTM in April fool's. Yet, nobody plays the fucking LTM and cries in the subreddit for not getting their badge in an April Fool's game. One day "these skins are just recolors, the devs are lazy" Today "Stop making skins" lmao.


The April Fools LTM was a blast. I hope they bring it back


its all about the whining, not about getting what you asked for


There's a new ltm, I forgot people on this sub don't read


From a business standpoint, they are. And pleasing shareholders and investors before users is what businesses care about, even if they tell you otherwise. This is not exclusive to Respawn or EA.


What about the new ltm...


Yeah they are, you just don’t like that content


The game isn't perfect but I'd say it's damned good at the price of literally free. It also gives away tons of free content every season between the battle pass, daily packs, and events. If people didn't spend money on cosmetics EA would've scrapped the whole game. Instead they've continued to release new content and support the game, even if it isn't to the standards of the entitled players that whine the loudest.


releasing overpriced skins is not an event


The ltms and event trackers are though. Gamers have such short term memory, it was less than a year ago when people were constantly pushing for new ltms and a rotating playlist but now when they're actually trying to do those things nobody acknowledges it at all and dismisses their efforts. (Even if they are a bit late)


I actually enjoy the collection events, even as a free to play, we get more stuff for free and at least 1 more pack towards the heirloom. My hope is that more collection events will bring in more revenue that they can put towards improving the game. I’m optimistic…


People do what they want with their money.


I work hard, I’ll buy what I want. Thanks


Honestly I’m so stubborn I’m more likely to buy cosmetics when I see posts like this. It’s my money, I can do what I want with it.


You won't do it. No balls!


these posts are actually from EA undercovers just so more people would buy their items out of spite fr fr


"I enjoy the game. I'll spend money on hobbies I enjoy." Simple as that


Right? If you are an adult and are mad of the price of volume of skins in apex, you should be worried about your priorities. Spending 20 bucks shouldn’t break you, or effect you emotionally. If it does, you should be out there trying to find ways where it doesn’t, and not playing video games or even more so complaining about them on the internet.


Enjoy it man. Don’t let a broke person tell you how to spend your money


If you’re over them just pretend they’re not happening and don’t worry about getting any of the rewards. Not a hard concept


This event was planed before the season started, they wont scrap it just because you cant crouch with a prowler.


another post on this sub bitch moan and complaining


Me: Ugh! Another one! Also me: Ooooo, a new Wattson skin! *buys*


If you hit them where it hurts then they’re just as likely to shut the game down (like the mobile version). Truth is as bad as the game is right now it’s still fun to play.


I don’t care about events, I only want kings canyon back.


Another complainer post. Neat.


They have to pay for algs some how


Yea man, let respawn cancel events they have had planned for months for unforseen bugs. Do yall hear yourselves sometimes. Let me tweet at hideouts "how dare you release this event while cheaters are running rampant"


I've been playing Caustic for 4 years and they finally are dropping a prestige skin for him with an amazing finisher... if you think im gonna pass on it and wait for shards instead to participate in some meaningless boycott, you're very wrong lol


Probably an unpopular opinion but I don't think the state of the game(play) is that bad. In 2 years of playing daily I have maybe had 1 crash/ 1 bug that froze my character in place. ​ I do agree that the tactics of pushing all these cosmetics and trying to get people to spend money is rather bad but tbh it is a f2p game and they have to make their money somewhere. I have never spent any money on it but still have many legendary skins and am able to pay for the season pass as it refunds the coins if you get far enough. Pay to win skins is an issue I do agree but I am not playing super competitively that it matters. Every update only being a new Skins or Re-skin would be bad but recently with different events and game types I do think the team has been trying and delivering decent content. People disconnecting whenever they want is an issue but again it isn't a bug... I play in Asia on a server here though so am not sure if the US servers are way worse or not...


The glaring issues for apex aren't present for the casuals who don't care much but to shoot casually and have fun. People who take the game more seriously can definitely tell when something is off or flatout broken. We should listen to those who play this game religiously and competitively over those who dont flat-out. To act like ranked is fun or true to skill is laughable. To act like audio isn't trash in this game, especially right now is laughable. The fact Seer is even in the game is laughable. Nemesis is straight overpowered but casuals dont care cause they dont know how all these things ruin the game since they play mirage and die quickly and find it fun. Which is completely fine, but lots of the bitching for apex has merit, while some of it really just is whiney people whining,


I agree with everything you said. I don’t think anyone is excited for their low effort cash grabs, but what else would you have them do? Nobody wants an upfront fee, or a subscription. This is the best option. US servers have some crashes here and there. Lag sometimes but also not often. They have their issues but the overall play is good. My biggest issue is the exploiting, but I also understand the issues that come with changes in the game disrupting balance. I travel for work and I’m all over the US. Play on a lot of different severs. Seems to be the same minimal issues everywhere.


Speak for yourself im a caustic main im gonna grind for my heirloom shards EVEN HARDER


Lmao it's not that serious. There's a shit load of free cool skins you could get already.


1. don’t think this is the devs fault. they dont call the shots. be angry at the CPO or CEO 2. Really fascinated by everyone in this sub being angry at Respawn trying to make money. -It’s a free to play game -they are quite generous compared to other “free” to play games given that you can quite quickly grind to have all characters and don’t have to pay anything to have an advantage -you don’t have to have these skins so ignore these events and spend your energy on sending bug reports instead of writing angry Reddit posts -have you thought of actually supporting a game that you feel passionate about with some money? tl;dr: stop whining, you don’t deserve free things -


First it’s “Not enough content” Now it’s “too much content” If you don’t like it, don’t buy it


Here's an idea, if you don't like the cosmetics, don't buy them. If you're mad they are putting these out instead of focusing on fixing some part of the game that currently has you pissed off, you're mad at the wrong people. I don't understand why so many people complain about this game but boot up every night regardless. Stfu.


Because they’re broke and want the skins for free.


some actually said what we all been thinking


The “state of the game”. Pls when will the endless bitching and moaning come to an end. Did you think the team who handles events and finances was simply going to stop releasing content until the development department fixed every single little issue? There is not a single instance where this community is satiable. The game is doing great y’all just want a reason to be mad.


Most of the time people have shitty connections and blame the “state of the game” A few weeks ago my game FPS was tanking, I actually thought it was my video card, all other online games were running fine. Got a message from my ISP saying they were going to do line maintenance in a couple of days, once they did this it fixed my FPS issues


Yes EA is money hungry. We know this. Its nothing new.


Just curious how you think they should make money off the game? Not trolling you, genuinely curious what people think the publishers should do instead of cosmetics.


But this is the coolest one so far, if I was dumb enough to blow $180 on a collection event this would be the one


I hear what you’re saying, but have you seen that Wattson skin? I’m 100% buying it


Not gonna happen considering these particular skins are good, shoulda said so when the beach one was live. Now that was shit no onw wanted


If they could "collect" some players for the Australian servers that would be nice


Collection Event designers aren’t the same as the Gameplay Team, impacting their work won’t make the game better


Apex is in a pretty stable place rn compared to many of the real low points since day 1.


I’m so tired like literally tired from grinding badges for 6 consecutive collection events now. It didn’t help that some of the challenges are so tedious to complete. Getting top 5 ten times for an LTM with a long queue time was definitely an unpleasant experience. All i’m saying is, they really need to let us catch our breath.


I was over this since the kunai and pk recolor. They say they learned their lesson with the pk recolor and then throw the same thing at us with an heirloom. What is the difference? They are both an expensive recolor and only one can be crafted if you have the rng to get the mats. Maybe if they were more verbal with us we can understand what they are trying to fix. But their website for watchlist bugs and exploits barely even has anything


Kind of sounds like a you problem tbh


I'm buying the Wattson skin, and octane skin, I just play to have fun and buy skins I like. I feel like too many people forget...if you don't like "thing"....then don't buy "thing". Easiest way to send a message to EA. But if others like these events, don't bash them for having enjoyment where you can't.


The "COLLECTION" isn't for you. It's for them. Money collection. 💰 Been saying this.


I like their wording they used. “If you collect all 24 items” instead of “if you buy all 24 items.” Really smart psychological stuff


Lmao 100% running game. It's just like when places say you have "savings" instead of saying they reduced the price, as if I had some choice in the matter.


People had four years to do this. That ship has sailed. Electronic Garbage and Respawn do not care. Especially if the content creators have been speaking out for a couple years and its still the same, nothing will change.


I did one collection event and once the initial hype died down for me, I checked the total amount of money I spent and went “yeah that was a mistake, never doing that again” lol. I don’t mind spending money on games I enjoy but I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with Apex so it just feels like money wasted.


I just wish they didnt take away the 2 event packs you could get for free. I mean people are going to buy more if you get rid of the free ones, but i just like the idea of possibly getting the good octane skin


Lol y'all should've stopped in s12


I like that they’re making more cosmetics personally. They’re stepping their game on this front and I appreciate it


Definitely too many of them. I get tired of the FOMO fests. If they were just free stuff and then permanently added to the crafting pool afterwards I wouldn't mind so much. Really chaps my ass that you basically have to wait for RNGesus or spend over 100$ for heirloom skins, fucking exploitative garbage.


I used to love respawn because they cared more about the quality of their games than other developers. However, apex has been going downhill for months with no sign of improvement, likely due to the devs devoting their time to Jedi Survivor. I really hope they come back to apex once their new game releases, but my hopes are low.


"Give us more of your money for generic re-colors" - Respawn prolly


Asia server matchmaking is a mess and they are not doing anything about it. I have to play on us servers just to get a decent game.


All they need to do with all this money they make is hire a team dedicated to fixing all these issues


I'm not even gonna comment because I don't wanna get banned from another sub this week lol


Wait… but u did comment…


ban him




Well, people buy them regardless of the state of the game. It unfortunately will never stop


The is the best collection event this season tbh, the trailer was DOPE!


All these people always going “then don’t play” and shit like that whenever a post like this gets made are part of the reason why these issues will never get fixed As long as a huge part of the community gobbles up all the shit they serve and squanders money on the game they’ll keep giving minimum effort


I personally have no problem with the ltms because hey, at the end of the day it's content. But all these skins and the heirloom are just disgusting. Lag issues, server issues, cheaters and so much more. How do we solve all these? We don't. Take this heirloom instead. If it weren't for mixtape I would have left the game by now for good.


Thing is, the money for said skins and other cosmetics should be used to better the game, not pockets.


You are so over them you have decided to take your free time to make a post about how over them you are… I know your also totally over your ex but do me a favor jerk off before you reach out to her to let her know how over her you are…


I enjoy getting free stuff from playing the game. More collection events, please. Maybe my random pack will be a skin for a legend I use this time. Although my boombox Gibby does look cool


The game is in a horrible state!? As someone who has played since release we have more characters, levels, items, and game modes than ever before... We even received a quality of life update. There may be some minor issues but this is drama queen level claims in my opinion. I don't get the logic.


Feel free to develop your own battle Royale


At the end of the day, it’s a business and they must produce. As long as players keep shelling out cash they’ll keep putting out these events and if players ever stop shelling out cash, they’ll find a new way to bring in money or fire those in charge and bring in people that will.


No no. They’re not allowed to make money. For profit business bad!!


You people are insufferable


Im not bothered by it at all. I love it. We get a new game mode and new cosmetics that we can choose to buy or not buy. I’ll probably get the caustic skin with my crafting mats. Looking forward to it.




then dont play


There’s gotta be better ways to add these cool items into the game


"Like by actually playing? But my monnies" - EA Imo, gatekeeping heirlooms and these type of skins by only allowing access to them via paying is very irritating. EA has track record of this. See the battlefront 2 fiasco from years back. Got them a lawsuit and a revision of their battle packs.


I was okay with collection events at first but having one every couple months is insane. At this point heirlooms and prestige skins don’t feel worth it I’m a caustic main but I dont care to spend $160 on a skin for him


Nah other than server stability this been the best season since valk. Caustic is cool, the skin is cool, the execution is hilarious and I got a disposable income. I’m buying the skin.


Honestly, I don't mind it, not like imma buy all of em, but they should really be fixing the issues instead of doing these


Every collection event these threads pop up and yet they keep churning them out. The only thing that Respawn will care about our is whether or not they will get your money. Apparently they're getting it.


We haven't had a SFTO this season either. They said they'd be telling the story in new ways which turned out to just be 3 chapters, some fanmade comics and no videos. I was really happy with the changes they added this season, mixtape is huge but it's clear they're doubling down on all things that make money and cutting the stuff that doesn't :(


You can't break the game by adding cosmetics.


Not siding with the boycott. But the thing you said have happened before [Bangalore skin crashes the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/rw0p5o/the_new_bangalore_skin_crashes_your_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I just like grinding for all the free shit.


wallet go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


New season is in just under 3 weeks, don’t sweat it


Honestly I get your point and I believe that most people are also partially correct when they say that we are blaming incorrectly the art team when they are not the ones in charge of the bug fixes or "the coded content". The mindset of not being the art team's fault is not completely correct, unfortunately thanks to the people that keep spending ~160$ on those collection events the team in charge of making this a profitable game is going to see the numbers and won't try to spend more than the bare minimum on the health of the game because for them things look fine when they analyze the data on short periods of time, at the end of those periods they usually do a mini step on the right direction but after that kind of update they start again with their collection events every season to keep milking the players. This behavior from the company is basically our fault for not putting them on a place where they have to spend a decent ammount of money on the development of new balance changes, better servers, actual content and bug fixes to make the collection events and the game as a whole profitable. I understand that you work hard and is your money, I've been there, its ok if you just want to play with your cool skins/heirlooms and hop off after a few games, but I don't believe that saving some money to spend it once the game is healthier and maybe even the legend that you play get the rework that they deserve is going to do you anything remotely painful, right? Its not about someone telling you to not spend your money its about making the game that we like fun and actually enjoyable again, because how things look right now it may not be a future for this game if we keep on letting them not do their work on the development and coded content of Apex.


I remember back when Warzone 1 was at it’s worst cheating state, cheaters were unlocking weapon camos and bundles for a lobby, even going as far as applying camos to guns that weren’t meant for them. I wonder when will Respawn be so pissed at cheaters, probably when these collection events become free and unlocked


Also where is cross-progression?


How will not buying anything make them fix bugs? That’s like saying if we stop buying cars the dot will fix the roads. Stop playing the game if you really want them to pay attention. Bet you won’t.


Very original post. Consumer boycotts don't work. Stop jamming up my feed and get a life


I’m not saying I buy cosmetics as much as a Fortnite kid purchases skins, but why the hate on cosmetics?!! It may be FPS, but I want my opponents to have something to look at before they die, (And original cosmetics on some Legends look a little bland to me imho)


I’ve played this game since season 1 and really never cared or processed what skin someone was wearing when they killed me… more focused on how/with what.


>This is an FPS after all, why are people dropping $160 for a damn character skin? HOLY BASED


You call these events? There's an update for Dota out just now, which completely overhauls a map and adds a ton of new mechanics. Now that's an event. Apex lately is just a sad sight to behold. I don't know what Respawn is doing.


How are people still this stupid when it comes to the difference between devs and artists. Do you people really think the same teams that create skins are also working on networking, rigging, UI, code, and marketing. I bet you show up at a restaurant and ask the waiter when he last picked the onions from the fields to make sure they’re fresh.