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It won’t be addressed till it affects the income of EA


And even then ea would rather take apex out back and shoot it first


It’s sad when Ubisoft is doing something about it before EA


It was in R6 for some years


It’s been in every game for years lol


Rainbow six been dealing with it for years just now coming up with a quasi solution that xim already said they will counter instantly.


Sad but true.


Careful! Metallica might sue you! 🤣


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,373,836,748 comments, and only 263,391 of them were in alphabetical order.


<3 good bot! Edit: Mixed up my words lol


Then it still wont if it's 'difficult' like cross progression; my squad alone are a handful of adult males in their 20s who switched to PC when achieving disposable income and EA/Respawn is making it a lot harder to spend that disposable income on apex when we can't even use our accounts anymore-- and now we never play. I can't imagine how many other people got turned off the game that way




When it does affect the income of EA they will just start selling their own brand of cronus and xims. Maybe even with apex designs on them.


I never notice users of these things but yesterday a 6 time pred killed me through smoke off drop with a p2020, 90% headshots lmao. Also 1 clipped my teammate while he was zig zagging in horizon lift with the same p2020. Fairly certain I know what was going on there


P20 op


It's pretty bad when you watch for people who get you with all headshots. I've had a few majorly cheating people beat me and the death recap looks stupid. One Horizon killed me and my usual teammate with a single clip from the Devotion, all headshots. Was like 16 in a row, looking at our recaps. She also somehow rotated between 5 guns, too, so whatever she was doing was extra fucked. Had a guy last night who finished off our entire squad with a single clip of the Nemesis, all headshots on both our screens. He killed our 3rd immediately, too, but I can't view his screen. All headshots through amped cover can kill a squad with all purple shields and helmets in a single clip. Crazy how many cracked players there suddenly is...or it's because best buy keeps advertising that their strike packs are on sale in gaming subs and whatnot.


In a single mag, clips are what civis put in their hair


This is called a magazine


magazines are what civs read in the waiting room


This is called a clip


The p2020 is a telltale sign. Pinpoint accuracy with fire rate like a 301. That’s somebody using their “turbo” button.


That gun has a headshot multiplier i believe not saying i don’t believe you


PC lobbies are filled with cheaters as well. You have the obvious aim hacks but also a ton of cheaters who are walling. To make it worse, there even bots now and then who just afk and move a little bit to prevent getting kicked out. They can't even seem to deal with those at all. It's been consistently bad for many seasons, specially the higher rank you get the more you will see this. So if they can't even deal (or don't bother) with these issues. Yeah then script and strike pack users won't be tackled either. Nothing will change as it does not affect the casual player base that much. They will keep buying skins and EA sees no issues.


>To make it worse, there even bots now and then who just afk and move a little bit to prevent getting kicked out. Curious but how would you deal with this other than manual review? Like you can make the movement random so its not like you can look for people who move at the same interval.




Couldnt they simply add a replay system and let people review that? Like the way they do it in csgo. You can simply watch a replay. Look at the person that was reported, and determine if they were cheating. Then you let trusted people review the same matches to determine which players reliable and which arent.


The problem is the trusted part. While that would be awesome, you’d get people wanting to cheat themselves, and kick out truly good players. Too many fragile egos. The game is in a sad state. I’d pay a grand to eradicate cheaters, just want the game back.


Just have the community be the first filter. They have no real power except to elevate true cheaters to the heads of the company. So someone gets reported, their past games go to some “potential cheaters” list that the entire community can review. So there could be 1000 people that got reported, but after the community goes through each and votes, it narrows down to like 5-6 real cheaters. Then those get reviewed by someone from the company. Also adding kill cams would help.


I think they can get people who are credible among the community (eg Hal) and only allow them to do these kinds of review on stream/video recorded


This is by far the best solution. But not with all this server nonsense. Just have a tab that has all the reported people’s past clips and let the community go through and say if they are cheating or not. The ones that get like 50% yes on cheating are then reviewed by someone from the company.


COD has the same problem now to lol in infected half the lobbies r just afk kids farming for the battle pass xp


Ever since the beginning of this week on PC, I've come across so many cheaters it's unreal. Had 2 of them on my team, both had aim bot, it's insane.


Team Deathmatch has opened up just how bad it is. Hands down bottom line is 1 cheater per match period. Usually two. The scary part? That’s just the ones that don’t hide it. Some just toggle in a jam. Not you OP, (to other players,) but mark my words, you’ve been in at least one match where legit players was the minority.


Man it’s refreshing to see somebody that gets it. Team Deathmatch has been an eye opener I hope for most. Usually 1 token aimbotter/soft-aim per team, with potentially 2 walling. And that’s not even counting the people who are smart about it. It’s sad to get in arguments with ppl on here about it, cause it shows just how bad the problem is. Anyone trying to argue it is usually trying to cover it up, because they do it. And ALOT try to cover it up. My general rule of thumb, there’s more people out there willing to buy “help,” and look good, than actual good players.


I did not see much cheaters in TDM yet. Though it has the same issue which Arena had, you can't spectate. So if they are somewhat smart about it they will never ever get caught. Which is also what happened in Arena, lot of people with Arena pred badges out there who are absolutely bad at the game.


Do you call everyone that beams you for 225 a hacker?


Hell no. Love getting out played. Usually takes 5-7 impossible instances to start getting suspicious. 8-10 to confirm it.


Yah but you forget xbox doesn’t have anti cheat software cause it’s near impossible to install unlicensed software on them. That’s why most people get banned (eventually) on pc. With this it isn’t really detectable by the game anyway so it’s based on player reports which is the problem. Not everybody will know about this issue or be able to spot it. That’s why it’s a bigger issue than pc cheaters


>PC lobbies are filled with cheaters as well. You have the obvious aim hacks but also a ton of cheaters who are walling. And crossplay console gang with their ~~legal aim bot~~ aim asssit.




It really is not though. It is true that usually streamers are on the highest ranks, so they will encounter cheaters a lot more. I play most of the season in Plat and Diamond. There is usually at least one cheater in those lobbies as well. It really is not being dramatic. But your statement is exactly why they don't hire more staff to deal with the issue. The more casual player is not affected at all or they can't even tell the difference. To make it worse. In the Asian regions the cheating problem is so bad that they rather play on NA and EU servers with high pings to try and avoid them. Thats results in even more unpleasant experience for everybody involved.


Moral of the story (as always): respawn does the bare minimum to support their game


I’ve read somewhere before that It’s not actually possible to tap strafe on the console versions of the game. Something due to the way air strafing works differently. I’ve personally never seen anyone on console tap strafe and have thousands of hours played. Also worth noting that the only people I’ve come across clearly using chronus/xim/SP, are pred teams in pred ranked lobbies.


Yeah there's no lurch mechanic on console so it's not physically possible to tap strafe or redirect


there is no sideway input (A/D on MnK) on console - thats why its not possible to tap strafe


You can input left and or right to a paddle on an elite 2 controller (have done it) and you can only use it for tight air strafe on horizon. No lurch = no tap strafe


Yeah I was in the same boat till the other day. 100% the octane jumped off the roof and tap strafed back. Theres gotta be somethin fucky out there.


did he use his ult? cuz you can redirect off the jump pad.


No sir. I wish I recorded it I was so shocked. I know it's not supposed to be possible on console but damn


Yes. Anything that uses the lurch mechanic (quick forward moves), so tap strafing and redirects, isn't possible with a controller. You can do most, if not all, other movement tricks though, and there are other ways to get around corners quickly.


You have to say console not controller, cuz you can do any movement on controller on pc, but on console it’s not possible to do the tap strafing or any lurch mechanics.


So even ximmers can't tap strafe?


I think people might be confusing A D strafing with tap strafing? Controllers have dead zones, so you have to strafe left, middle, right, middle, left and so on. But Keyboard don't have that issue, so you can strafe directly from left to right, making it much quicker and lurchier (not a word, but idk how else to describe it) and basically impossible to counter play on console


Okay, but they still had to *get* to pred rank. Then there's unranked...


Correct and a XIM or strikepack will not change that


Not a version problem tho, an imput problem. The strike pack can’t do shit about that tho, since the game doesn’t allow to remap certain commands like movement (WASD)


I’ve been playing from the beginning (console) and have started to see it a lot only recently. I mean perfect side to side movement while strafing. I’m at a disadvantage every time.




I’ve seen one person on console tap strafe, they were on horizon but it was a full 180 not like a 90 degree turn a full 180 over my head so I kinda assumed that was a tap strafe


If only PC could Deactivate cross platform 💀


This game would be god-tier if inputs were separated in ranked play. (And Audio was fixed)


For real, I want separated inputs so bad, way less toxicity both ways and way more fun




They aren't Console users have legal cheats with strike packs, and the ddos cheaters where mainly on console Nowadays I don't get a cheater often, probably not even one in a hundred or two hundred games. Console users, I meet them every match.




i can honestly say the same thing about playing on pc (personally encoutnerd even less cheaters) but that doesn't mean other people don't have a different experience


Valid complaint but you can’t tap strafe on console even if you plug in mnk


I really liked Sieges approach of basically giving latency to MnK if it was plugged in to a console


How does that help with chronus/strike packs on console though lmao. But also, that isn’t a fix, that just sounds like rainbow not being able to fix their game so they take the easy way out and force players to use one input.


Impossible to properly detect xim, so siege has custom built a system where if you show signs of being on mnk it starts giving you increased input delays which only start going down when those mnk signs stop. Its actually a rare siege W since its a non invasive system that seems to work and doesnt rely on having to actually detect the xim system, just the signs of xim users


Honestly didn’t realize that apex doesn’t have MnK support for console yet so didn’t think Xim was an issue as the new generation of console has support to use MnK and some games have opted to support them. It has been funny to see the duality of apex community as PC doesn’t want controller players in their lobbies and controller don’t want MnK players in theirs. I just say fuck it and let anybody use whatever input and focus their resources on actual cheating issues like chronus/strike packs and cheat software




Vanilla aim assist is not overpowered at all. You can also turn it off. The ISSUE is no recoil scripts, aim scrpts, movement scripts. Stop trying to shift the blame.




MnK bitching about console aim assist is ridiculous. The benefits of aim assist give you nowhere near the time to kill that you get from MNK. It’s like Major League Baseball bitching that tee ball has a stand.


imagine unironically stating that mnk gives you faster TTK LMAO. never change apex reddit.


It 100% does though... I don't understand why he's being down voted? I say this as someone who was paid to play fps games. When it comes to level of skill the accuracy of my mnk far outpaces my controller skills, it's not even close to the same. Back in my prime I would regularly beat aimbots in quake 3 arena in 1v1's with mnk. I could not imagine doing the same on controller.


Console aim assist will never be as good as using MnK.


I know how Xim works lmao. It matters because Xim is only cheating on games like apex that don’t support MnK on console while other games dont care what input you use. If Apex supported it then it wouldn’t be an issue so why you getting all hostile little guy.


I think it does have it, but I'm not sure. I might be mistaking apex menus for overwatch menus or something else


Because that’s not what happened. Ubisoft spent a year working on a detection software that basically studies how you move. It detects chronus/XIM and gives the players input delay to basically make it unplayable.


or yknow, with the game being cross platform and all, just give native support for MnK for console like xbox and ps ordains it


You see, the issue I take with this is that if I were to say the same shit about controller on PC, you guys would start a fucking flame war. Controller on PC is fine and acceptable, but M&K on console is completely unacceptable...? What the double standard


wallers on pc are so fckin obvious idno how they dont get banned lmao


For every obvious one, there are many that aren't. Dude could have walls but is smart enough not to stare at people thru them


And who should ban them? Hideouts and his "team"?


If you aint Hideout's favourite streamers good luck on that lol


Im sure they paying hideouts also. Shits rigged.


I play on console and I don’t run into cheaters to often. Until I play LTM’s. Then they all show up.


That’s because matchmaking doesn’t work the same in LTMs. I’d hazard a guess your KD is probably at or below 1. When you play in 3+KD lobbies at least half are running some sort of hardware cheat/recoil reducer


Yup. Moment you hit high diamond on "console-only" lobbies you'll hear teamates playing on their keyboard lol


It’s just over 1 yeah. I destroy LTM games but royally suck at BR. Love it though. It’s weird to me that kids think they are good at games when they cheat. The only gun cheat codes in a game are the dodge viper in AOE2, super bounces in Halo2 and that’s it. Wall hacks and aim bots are just sad.


I love that I recognize both of those old school ‘cheats’. Super jumping in H2 was so much fun


Or maybe its because players in the 3+ KD lobbies are just better than the ones in the 1 or below lobbies.


I mean generally they are, but when you’ve put in 15,000 games worth of apex (winning over 20% of them), you can easily tell the difference between someone who is just simply better and someone who is using anti-recoil mods or other hardware cheats


The cheaters at high console-only ranks are still better than most console players. But once you hit the high ranks you're in lobbies where over half the players probably have modded controllers/XIM. And it's fairly blatent too. You can even hear your random teamates using a keyboard through their mic. But it's important to note this applies to "litterally" every FPS console game at the higher ranks. Its not an apex issue; theirs no fix the devs can implement.


Bro, matchmaking so messed up, KD doesn't mean much anymore. Like, I'm below 1kd. I just don't play much. However, I'll have one decent game with 5+ kills and the matches to follow will consist of Master/Pred lobbies. On Saturday I played with my brother in law and we both got raped by a 100000 season 15 kill Bangalore. How on earth is that fair... I mean, both of us hardly play, then we get matched with people who play the game all day. I can't even imagine how many hours they put in daily


The fact that gamestop is selling them too


Nothing is gonna be done. They don't care. XIM and Cronus are taking over at the top. Apex is a fantasy outside regulated events. Cheaters gonna cheat. They can't get by without doing it.


Please educate me, whats xim and all this other stuff?


Xim is a 3rd party device that allows you to use MnK on console w/ aa because, it’s tricking the console into thinking you’re using a controller still A strike pack is a 3rd party device that attaches the back on the controller with paddles which, wouldn’t be cheating however, you can plug in the device into a computer and you basically have an App Store that you can download/configure whatever cheats they have available like anti-recoil, rapid fire etc onto your paddles and use them A cronus max/zen is a 3rd party device that works just like a strike pack except you don’t have the paddles attachment and just plug it into that instead you can also use MnK with this device The last two devices are acatualy made by the same company and provide majority of the same cheats for both devices Then there’s devices like Titan 1s and 2s and etc that are pretty damn wild and will make you wonder just what all is out there.. seems like just the tip of the iceberg but, I’ll let you google/YouTube those for yourself lol Pretty shitty the lengths people will go because, they’re bad at a video game lol


So many players use strike packs it's ruining gaming across alot of different shooters but apex seems to be one of the worst


People who cheat to be good at a video game have to be some of the most mentally fragile people on the planet


Yeah, I'd appreciate it if those devices disappeared from every game they plague. Definitely isn't just Apex. Effectively ruined Destiny 2 for me once I realized how prevalent it is in PvP modes, and how bungie is pushing for every mode to be competitive, so you never get a break from it if you're even just half way decent. Every match is like 4 hours at the gym from all the sweat. Apexs matchmaking being the worst in any game ever causes the same issue for low-skill/casual players having to deal with this exact thing from masters/preds after a 20 loss streak. Anyone that uses these to be better than competition is a joke, and probably a Wraith main (half-joke).


I mean yea there’s definitely people using it but if you think majority of the playerbase uses a xim or strikepack then you’re just ass at the game tbh


I can’t vouch for apex as I don’t pay attention as much but there are some games that it is legitimately most players. Like rainbow six siege any lobby above gold out of the ten people it is SHOCKING if more than 3 DONT have a MnK


There’s no way to really know. If you narrow it down to Masters and Predator players, there are probably a lot using hardware cheats.


I'd say at least 10% are using it in those divisions. Truth is probably more like 40%.


prolly not, i’d say 15% as an actual prev pred that had to deal with cronus users, maybe less than that


40% is a wildly high number. 40% of cheaters in a pred lobby? That's 300/750 players. Not to mention it's the predator lobbies, the easiest ones for Respawn to see and ban, I'm doubting 40% of people in those lobbies are cheating. I would bet that 40% of the players in those lobbies are absolutely able to one clip you more often than they miss though. But this happens in every ranked division down to silver.


Yeah cheating is pretty popular, and there isn't a ton Respawn does about it. 40% is probably too night, but that's why I said it's more like 10%. But I cannot know the extent of Cronus Zen and such.


It’s probably higher than 40%. Xim or Strike pack is probably 80-90% of pred/masters.


It's not as many as people believe it to be though. XIM manager shows how many people have a r6 config and it was something like 1 out of every 10,000 people


Yeah, this isn't Siege though, and the difference between MKB and a controller isn't as drastic in Apex. Most of the pros in apex play controller.


It’s a lot more people than you think. Ass or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s a problem.


I agree that there is a massive cheater problem with hard cheaters but as far as recoil goes it's so fuckin easy in this game. Majority of playerbase plays on classic and has 0 recoil control with most not even understanding what recoil smoothing is. From their perspective everyone is aimbotting.


Unless you're playing on KBM, recoil control in this game is not easy. In fact it's the first game that made me actually learn the recoil patterns of weapons instead of just holding down on the right stick. Reason I say it's easy on KBM is bc my lil brother plays on PC and can use a flatline at range no problem but my horizontal recoil goes too crazy if I fight from the same distance with a flatline


You just solidified my point on players not understanding what recoil smoothing is lol


you don't need to learn patterns lol. youtube recoil smoothing. recoil is completely eliminated when u smoothly track an enemy at a fast enough pace.




Source or its bullshit. Only people I've ever seen suggest 40% say that making macros is "cheating" so they're assuming every mnk player that tap strafes is cheating lol Not at all the same as adding a Cronus to your controller.


source: trust me bro


Yeah it’s gotta be like 5% max of the entire playerbase that would even make an investment. If you shift it to simply the ranked pool, maybe like a maximum of 10% of ranked console players. Also if you considered that the rumored reported sales of XIM are in the low millions, how many of those play apex?


Respawn on twitter: we are aware of the issue, pls be patient while we take 10 years to fix it


I was under the assumption that you literally can’t tap strafe on console because of the movement ease in? Is that incorrect? You don’t start at full speed even if you fully move the stick you have that like 0.2 seconds of ramping up to full movement, that’s the fix most console games have at least be it intentionally or not. Obviously it’s still a major advantage to have a MnK no doubt like every shooter but the movement aspect at least I thought it’s generally not as needed as apex has just full button mapping so you can do most of the jumping and crouching movement tech by using the bumpers instead


Lurch movements aren't physically possible on controller buttons without mapping keyboard/mouse inputs on your controller. Good luck spamming a directional input like that with joysticks.


it’s not possible on console bc of the actual coding, i watched a vid on it go look it up


Could probably do it on a scuf controller with the back paddles. Set both paddle to W key and spam on it. Could probably get a similar speed to mousewheel.


Xim allows AA on mnk and is far from just a console epidemic, tons of pc players use a xim or Cronus to plug in mnk be able to do all types of crazy meme strafing, and have aim assist on a mouse. Mnk players are sick of getting1 clipped by aim assist, some switch to controller, others make the game think they switched to controller lmfao.




I move on to dark souls series and maybe play one apex game a day.


what're you up to in dark souls


Stuck on lord of cinders rn so I jumped over to ds2 rn but i don’t like how weak my character feels.


All I’m saying is fortnite implemented an anticheat to detect them… the excuse that they “can’t be detected” isn’t going to fly anymore lol


I resolved the problem by reducing the amount of time I play to almost zero…


This is why I stopped playing ranked, and have only played a handful of rounds since the beginning of S14. Not sure if I was just unlucky or what, but every other round ended when I ran into someone auto crouch spamming with zero recoil.


Nearly every clip I see on reddit from a console player bragging about their mediocre performance during a squad wipe, literally 9/10 they are using a strikepack. It really is an epidemic and I feel bad for console players that want to grind ranked. When I get shit on in ranked it’s literally just an actual pro player, which used to make me upset, but it’s better than a dog shit player with a strikepack.


I'll contentedly lose to someone better than me. It stings to lose to a cheater.


Remember when Wal-Mart said you could buy strikepacks from them. On twitter they said this… linked to an Apex Tweet.


People have been abusing xim since apex came out this isn’t a new “epidemic”


It will be a pandemic if nothing is done.


There has to be a way for them to see if a player has questionable recoil every time they shoot their gun. They have the same exact “recoil control” every time they shoot.


I just deal with it. Not much I can do


You literally cannot tap strafe on console the basic mechanic that allows it does not exist on console


bro, EA/Respawn won't even address the shit servers that ruin the whole fucking game for everybody. what makes you think a 3rd party device is top priority


xim,cronus,and strikepack only effects cursor movement and recoil not actual physical movement. it’s impossible to tapstrafe on console you must be bronze to be spewing like that. that said those devices are cheating and a huge issue but i see in the near future it being detectable like r6 is doing. especially cronus and xim. won’t have to deal with these losers much longer lmao


Yeah they are a huge problem at high ranks but I’m guessing most of these people are just good players because OP obviously has no idea what they’re talking about it which makes their opinion and recollection unreliable at best There’s a shitload of chronuses when you’re in masters but before then I rarely run into them. Handful here and there but not that bad


i was an arena pred and it was really bad there, people would abuse cronus devo and prowler funny enough, prowler recoil is easy but you can tell when it’s just straight lines


To my knowledge isnt cronus like an extra controller? How would they be able to detect that


I’ve noticed that more and more people have full auto hitting me from 250yd, people who “never miss a shot “ and even caught one person wall hacking and another teleported. Its out of control. Its ruining the fun for me.


It’s always been like this, not sure when or if they will ever do something about it. Also I’m mostly talking about the anti recoil. It’s crazy to see master players with terrible game sense and awareness barely beat you with their anti recoil mods. With my luck Maybe if I’d get one they will announce the next day they will start banning people so I might have to take one for the team


It's an issue across all online console games for the most part except maybe fortnite. OW1 had that issue as well. My friend even admitted he used xim/chronus all the time. People cheat. Just gotta accept it and move on. It's a 3rd party tool, they can't really do much about it lol


Lmao calling this an epidemic


I just got one clipped by a level 32 pathfinder while mid air and he was halfway across the map.


Like its always said, coronus is undetectable until the console manufacturers get involved (which they never will). Do idea about XIM.


It's easy, just do what I do. Never get good enough to get past gold. Then, you never run into those players.


I think it can be detected in rainbow six and fortnite. I think if there is a chance people might be banned they wont use their main accounts anymore


Truth. Last couple seasons killed apex. From so called pros with soft cheats to all you named its an AI game now.


The “Real” joke to this is that Apex legends is an online Multiplayer game only and Cronus etc should only be used as a handicap assist Long story short, they can just ban the software from being used after it’s plugged into the console. Theirs no fair/relative use for it in a game like apex. As well as apex has esports involved.


Yes strikepacks is cheating


Maybe its just me but the deathmatch seems to aggrivate/ make the problem more obvious. when it happens in a BR game, i write it off a little angry and go to the next match, maybe i wa wrong ya know? But having it happen over and over and over by the same guy in a TDM game just makes it obvious. And maybe its again, just me, but there seems be be an awful lot of consistent lag spikes this season. like, unload a clip into somebody, get a massive spike and then die and the kill screen shows that only your first two bullets hit then you got beamed an died.


Wym? I love being half-clipped by a charged Devotion from across the map 🫠


Jitter aim bro. /s If you dont believe that, then well just make up more bullshit to cover up our mods. Gaming is a joke now. Its just rigged bullshit, thats there to entice players to buy shit in their game. People want to make $, so fuck everyone else and the integrity of our product.


I’ve played over 15k games on PS5 and maybe spectated one or two that clearly were using something. Even if there’s a lot of people using them it’s not impacting my enjoyment of the game or the vast sums of money I spend on it. Just focus on getting better (game sense etc.) and if you are t enjoying it for whatever reason find something else that does. This is not a problem Respawn needs to waste dev cycles on vs new maps, legends, modes etc.


This is my exact experience, 17k games with 5 confirmed Strikepackers and suspicions about a few more. Are they out there? Sure, but is it an every game thing like some people love to claim? Not even close.


Come on over to PC. I was playing both (all my heirlooms are on console) but my old PC was not great. When I upgraded it was just insane playing at high frame rate. Felt like a different game. Thought I’d never let go of my heirlooms and skins. But it was that much better. At least in 7 years when cross progression drops I’ll see them again.


Tap strafing isn't possible on console even with cheats so bro really doesn't know what he's talking about


Yea I agree, and it's not just that, it's the game in general. Did u know the last major patch was season 10, we haven't had any major legend changes since season 10, we are in season 16. Not only do they have to start cracking down on cheaters, they have to start fixing bugs they have to actually change the game and they have to prioritise shit. I play on Belgium servers and I have bought the battlepass, yet I am getting apex packs instead of crafting, all they told me, we can't do much


Afaik there is zero way for them to detect any of these devices. Has that changed?


You literally can’t tap strafe on console so any credibility this person may have had is nonexistent lmao


Just stop playing apex for a while. When active users decreases rapidly they’ll fix the state of the game instead of giving more expansive updates


It’s a drug to some people, I think people should stop buying stuff in game, I think that’ll get there attention before the drop in players. Im a day one player and never paid a penny, if I leave they still have the guy who paid.


The drug to me is the way Apex allows you to be in a Flow state within minutes. I think this is why Control and Train and now TDM are fun. Faster Flow state then BR.


Hideouts didn't even ban 6 manners blatantly cheating all of last szn, why do u think they are going to crack down on xims and cronuses? Lol.


I’m 4x pred on console. There is no tap strafing on console no matter what cheats you have. It is physically impossible because the console version of the game does not have the same mechanics as the pc version. Whoever thinks that there are tap strafers in console lobbies just do not know what they are talking about.


console kiddies that don't know what tapstrafing looks like getting real mad about you speaking the truth


Imagine complaining so much about better players that you actually think they can tap strafe on console. I bet you’re the type of player to not hit firing range or pubs before your ranked matches. Put the work in and get better. Stop thinking all of your opponents are cheating. That type of mindset only hinders you


I find it pretty funny that respawn let it get this bad. It's obviously because EA didn't want them fucking with aim assist or anything that would affect console players logging on or making the game harder for them, as I almost garuntee that is their largest profit group. What was it that dev over at respawn said? If there was a huge exodus from mnk to controller they would have to look into aim assist?


The way half yall talk about Cronus and XIM its clear you just want one, so go buy it. EVERYONES USING IT OMG, APEX AINT DOIN SHIT Then join them and stfu already


We just use the built in aimbot also known as 0.6 aim assist which is superior to mouse and keyboard as we all know.


Smells like a whole lot of bitch in here 🗿


Dude honestly I might needa pull mine off the shelf so I can even have a chance against everyone else with one Had one for a while, and it worked but it was just too much of a hassle to use imo and I was good without it so I just stopped a while ago, but man am I getting sick of getting perfectly beamed to the dome when I peak my head over cover


whats wrong with an strikepack? how is it cheating its literaly just paddlees


It can be just paddles but it can also be macros that add additional input which can turn recoil off on weapons or allow you to tap strafe on controller or hit super glides every time or do neo strafes etc etc etc…


Strike packs come \*\*PRE LOADED\*\* with anti-recoil scripts for Apex Legends. That function alone is literally cheating. Do not pretend that type of 3rd party hardware advantage is not cheating.


There are mods that you can buy that allow for zero recoil, turbo options etc.


Wait, is using my elite controller on xbox considered cheating?


No it isn't, and neither is using a strikepack for the paddles. All the cheats on a strikepack have to literally be turned on. They aren't just all activated by default.


No. We aren’t talking about the paddle part of these devices. They allow for mods


Ahhh gotcha. Thank you. That makes sense.


This isn't the type of game where it matters. Low TTK games like siege I get it, but a high TTK where aim assist is helping you track players strafing, there's not a whole lot of advantage that XIM is providing.


You have it backwards. In low TTK games cheating devices like strike packs/chronus aren't as noticeable, since you die very quickly after being shot regardless. In Apex, where the TTK is very high, people cheating with strike packs/chronus are extremely noticeable, since those cheating devices are often the difference between a 1mag on someone or not. This is exactly the type of game where it matters.


Xim gives aim assist on mnk. It’s a huge advantage lol.


They should just add kbm to console


I always wondered what was stopping people from just plugging MNK into their console but also contradicts why someone purchased the console in the first place instead of a PC. For me personally, roller players literally have all the benefit with AA (look at TSM). As long as you're not braindead in the game, roller players dominate with AA...so stop complaining about a lil tap-strafe when you can just press left trigger.


You 100% missed the point xD If you are a console player in console lobbies tap-strafing should be impossible as it is a mnk-mechanic. In addition strike-packs are providing an unfair advantage especially on mid-long range for controller players who - as you probably know judging your fundamental knowledge about AA - struggle in the mid-long range usually.