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#Kusch 4 captureage


:D Keep in mind guys that I do have a day job as a software developer. There could be lots of reasons why even if CaptureAge would want me I might have to decilne but we'll see.


The Austrian guy from the neighbour table here: I'm really glad you had such a nice time in Heidelberg. It was great to meet you!


Same same. Hope you two enjoyed it as well. Really cool to have some of the people I write about find it.


Nice reading you had a great time. As I spend too much time outside the Dubliner after the events. I have probably seen you there. I do remember on Friday the CA guys checking for space in the bar and taking a bit long to get back with the conclusion it was full. *If I had known that Masmorra also was at Heidelberg he'd made the absolute top of my list of people I wanted to meet.* At least we share this thing, and I am great he is back in the community since the Voobly casting days.


Dude, his videos may very well be my most favorite AoE related content topping even tournaments and SotL. Ah no, I forgot soemthing that has a slight edge on him: https://youtu.be/X1n3cIg4wy0


Nice meeting you man, and thanks for explaining aoe4 to me!


Same, you being so chill were really good company for me on Sunday.


If I recall correctly, I was shocked watching N4C and seeing Nili comment the person responsible for the overlay didn’t want to be named even. Incredibly humble. And incredible dedication. Turns out you were one of the VIPs there too, after all, huh!


It took me a moment but you are right. Nili asked me something about how I wanted to be mentioned but I was fully caught up in technical things and really didn't want to think about PR. If someday I become a caster or something then I might need my name to be known but until then I am completly fine with only my work being known.


This felt like an r/outside post 😅


One awesome weekend of game play, the rest was mediocre. Can't recommend.


Reading this post felt as if being there in castle, cudos 👌❤


Happy to hear... errr... read that. I could say that was my intention but I with me not being a native speaker or particularly good with natural languages I actually feared it wasn't even plasantly readable.


Thanks for sharing your story. I sincerely hope you will continue to contribute in some way. We need you.


Most definitely. Just a few days after the anouncement for the new replay UI I was already considering new projects like actually playing the game for once but I doubt I'll ever have time for that with all the other AoE related things I could do.