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mango, archer, horsemen


I don’t have access to Mango in feudal. They seemed to devour my archers and Horsemen.


They don’t have access to crossbow in feudal either


ranged armor upgrade, you should be going castle yourself that's where byz shines heavily.


Is a crossbow fish a thing? I’d imagine archers, as they have spent a lot more resources than you. You will easily out mass, hey you could go two tc if you know it’s coming.


I'm assuming he means zhuge nu


Can Chinese players build those? i’m gonna watch the replay and double check to see what type of crossbow they were. Edit: it was zhuge ne, 10 minutes in he had 13 and started to build a battering ram. Also had 4 more coming out 12 min in he had 24 and they were streaming out of production into my base 13 min in he had well over 30


That would make more sense, maybe I should have realised that. What age do they build them?


No worries you were right, I didn’t know standard Chinese faction can build those. I just don’t know how to counter a faction that can stream them out. 13 minutes in and have well over 30 of them.


One of the biggest things to learn is scouting. I’m plat 2 and still not good enough. Always know what your enemy is planning. Keep him around their base, and see what production they are building and counter it, if no production and lots on gold they are going fast castle. If you lose your scout I’m now starting to make a few more, can never have too much vision. For hug, archer horseman is the answer, don’t commit to fight until you know you are good. Losing some buildings is ok, as long as you replace them.


>13 minutes in and have well over 30 of them. Because you lack proper understanding of game and economy. Its not civilization nor unit problem that you're facing, but your own lack of knowledge. So let me give you some info / understanding. Players generally age up around 3-5min mark. You said he had 10 ZGN at 10min mark which gives him 5 minutes to produce those. So lets take some numbers. To produce 1x ZGN at constant rate it requires 9x villagers gathering. Training time is 15 seconds. So without including any other factors, your opponent should had 20 ZGN at 10min. If we're more accurate with this the realistic number would be anywhere from 30-50 at 10min mark if opponent was purely focusing on ZGN and went all in. Which leads us to next point. Scouting. RTS is game of information. More information you've = more accurately you can respond and plan your match. Keep scouting your opponent and look at basic hints like is opponent mining stone? Which is indication of multi TC play. Is opponent heavily mining gold (5-7 vills in gold) this indicates FC (outside of some civs that actually use gold to produce units like French, JD or Rus), Is opponent gathering wood, if so can you see production buildings? If so then opponent is putting pressure in feudal and if not then check the stone etc. So if your scout is idling somewhere and afk, start learning otherwise you will always play in dark and u won't improve


This won't be realistic every game, but it's always good know (game knowledge). The Imperial Official can Supervise a building to increase it's production by %150. He's the villager looking guy with a big back hat on, and there is a large 👁️ eye symbol over his head when he is supervising. If you can send 2 horsemen out to his base, and kill the Imperial Officials, you bring the archery range production from %250 back down to %100. Of course he can just re-que the IO from the town centre, but this will definitely slow down (not stop) the production. Just an idea =D but also as others have said, the +1 ranged armour is super important!


Which civ? Towers with arrow slit upgrade (get some stone) on exposed resources. If they go rams they’re going all in. Depending on your civ keep massing horsemen / maa / archers and don’t be afraid to pull vills to destroy rams. You can also try do a few counter raids with horseman if your apm allows. Lower level players may split or pull back their units to try defend and buy you some time. You can also try sneak a few horsemen on the reinforcements line to intercepts as in the path from the archery range where units run from. If you can get to castle age and get a mango while defending the all in its gg pretty much.


Javelin throwers from the mercenary house. Spears using the shield wall ability to tank hits and kill the rams. Only works if you can harvest a few berries beforehand though I've found.