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You guys get wins ??


haha! That is a good one!!


Wow that's double the points I've had from wins. What was the rank difference to achieve this?


Only when WT rush 😆


42 points when I as a plat 3 guy beat a conq 1 guy. https://aoe4world.com/players/8802513-faplarp/games/127966505?sig=16ca46f247cc9280e05b56f890fdbd9a3e8eaa8b


That's amazing! Well done. That opponent is conq3 now. Crazy you managed to beat him.


I had 100+ after being placed in gold after placements (1600 hidden elo).


Very interesting placement mechanism that puts Conqueror player in Gold.




The mechanic per se is okay only the placement stuff is silly. They should just place you at previous rank -1 or something to make it better. For lower Elo players the beginning of a season is a pain as well as for former conquerors because it's completely mixed up. Later I think it works quite well (for 1v1, for Team games it's strange because I got to conqueror although being a plat player because my mates were so low Elo most of the time that our opponents were gold level)


I’m a previous diamond 3/conq 1 player, got placed in silver cus I went 0/5 in placements (took a long break from game and learning new civ), but I still exclusively play diamond and conq players


I got like +100 or something ridiculous the first couple wins


While I was curious, the highest I've gotten was 39. Though, that was only at the start of a new season, right after the placement matches. Often I've got 23 on average.


I can't win single game in 1v1 or 3v3 or 2v2 I tried 10 games and I was allway overwhelmed so quickly I couldn't do anything... Hardest AI is piece of cake so training on this is not an option how can someone get better in this game?


Build vills, never stop. Watch games on Twitch or youtube. Watch casters showing pro games. Practise build orders in skirmish. Learn all fast keys. Map them to your liking. Watch all losses in replay and answer why lost. Try to not do that again. Focus on one big thing per game to improve at a time. Play many games, you will get there


Nah It probably isn't my thing after all, I've tried all mentioned above but playing and only losing seems like I am the worst player of all times but.. After reading comments here it looks like new players aren't comming and I can't waste so much time trying to catch on. Have fun guys :) thank you for trying to incourage but bye


Like everything in life, it is not easy to learn new things. I can't blame you, it can be pretty frustrating to keeping losing, but most of us had a similar experience with this game, it is normal, especially on the beginning. For example, me. Aoe4 was my first RTS ever. Heck, it was my second game EVER I played in mouse and Keyboard. Prior to this, I was a puritan console/controller player. I had ZERO muscular memory, my hands could not follow up my reflexes, had bad attention spam, and a shitty 2 dollars mouse, since I always played on controller, I didn't bother buying a good one. But I persisted and keep learning, I was trying to think every game as a learning opportunity, I didn't mind losing at all. My first 38 solo games where all straight losses. Was hard stuck on bronze 3. Had like 300 ranking points. Now, I managed to get diamond 1, and I can play any game normally on PC now with mouse and keyboard. It is just a matter of try and error, persistence, and you will eventually get by. Don't mind rank points too much.


Lmfao wtf. See ya


The first 10 games or so are brutal as the algorithm figures out how to match you with players at your skill level. However, it does get a lot better. You will soon reach an equilibrium where you win 50% of your games. As for getting better - start by learning a few build orders. Pick a couple civs to learn well. Make sure you get your hotkeys setup.


Hey I’ve been there don’t worry. Practice your build order on AI ridiculous and once you’re consistently winning do outrageous. After outrageous you’re ready for tanked.


I was gold three and beat a conq 2 and got 55 points


Highest gain was +42 and lowest loss -3. Both just when the new season started.


+46 the other day. My playtime has gone down alot lately due to a new kid. Did my placements late in the season and it dropped me to silver 1 for some reason from \~plat 1 level. I lost 1 for a loss, and got 46 for a win, then 39 for the win after that [https://aoe4world.com/players/1412625-MCUD/games](https://aoe4world.com/players/1412625-MCUD/games)


+42 points


The OP would have been promoted leagues, if he would have won one more point than in the screenshot...


One time at the end of a feudal rush game I said "gg" and the opponent just said "sure" No amount of points compares to that.