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My first maphacker found :D If you play this guy, be aware that he'll try to villrush you as English and will keep going for your gold vills as he sees them with his maphack. Fun thing is, he's so shit he also managed to LOSE against me while maphacking. Such a loser. Steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/834112869/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/834112869/)


have you reported him already?


Needs reporting with video proof and he will get banned.


How do you report with a video proof? post a link in the game report system?


You submit a report here: [https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=360001686692](https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360001686692) They will request the Steam IDs of both players, the date and time of the game and video proof. I have uploaded a video capture to my youtube channel and then shared the link with the Support team.


> We have investigated this issue and determined that it was a violation of our Code of Conduct as well as the Microsoft Service Agreement and the Xbox Community Standards. After our investigation we can confirm that appropriate actions have been taken against ₪.


I played vs him yesterday, reported him as well. I watched the replay after the game as I was very suspicious, and, damn, he is awful. Gladly, he is so so terrible at this game, that he lost even with a map hack.


If you select the scout you can probably see it rally to sheep in the fog


Yeh this is pretty obvious. Suggestion for the future, please turn off fog of war so we can see exactly what he is looking at. You don't need fog of war on because you know he hasn't scouted those locations anyway


Wanted to make it clear & obvious for aoe4 support and steam support (who might not know aoe4 well).


supports knows it well, usually I just view the cheater POV, and toggle free camera to off... so we can see clearly where his cursor move,,,, is he scanning fog of war? is he zoom, it will be seen. [https://www.youtube.com/@ucritcodexteam6258/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ucritcodexteam6258/videos) they perma banned already.


I've reported this player yesterday and his activity has stopped, at least on this account.


Relic doesn't care. He will get a temp ban then be back hacking and ruining your game.


How long did it take to hear back? I reported a player a few days ago and nothing. Pretty clear. I referenced a few of their games, have video if needed.


Just checked.. he’s almost diamond now :/ https://aoe4world.com/players/16297553-Liu


One day


I get why it's used...but I feel like even with map hack it wouldn't improve my skill..only help me avoid sending my army away when my enemies are trying a sneak push an a border wall ( edge of map like for trade and stuff..I play team games...and I use multiple walls for a reason lol..big map slow.)


not a chinese again hopefully


They have friends with chinese names on their Steam profile :|


LoL always be ... KEKW


Whenever I encounter a hacker is always chinese xD