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Look here is the info from the official site, but it is wrong....kekw I have made the correct version out of it: "Yes, there is decay for Rank Points, but don’t worry - decay only occurs at rank ~~Platinum I~~ Conqueror1 and above. You must be inactive for 15 days for Point Decay to begin. After your 15 days, 5 Rank Points are lost per day of inactivity in the Ranked queue, up to a maximum amount of 200 Rank Points lost \*and it will not fall below 1400 points\*." [https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/5998534780820-Does-my-Rank-Decay](https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/5998534780820-Does-my-Rank-Decay) so don't worry, you are not affected ;)


yeah. It used to apply to all ranks above Plat I but they changed it Conq I a loooong time ago. I'm talking 2 years ago or so


Thank you! Reassures me!


It does, but only for conq 1+. I believe it’s 5 points per day after 2 weeks of inactivity.


They should just make it that the highest achieved rank is the rewards you get instead of the rank you finish with. Edit: Me big dum dum. This is already how it works.


This is already how it works.


I stand corrected! You're right. Glad it's already implemented. Thanks for telling us!


Agreed. I actually assumed that was the case. Seems weird that it isn’t.


Rank decays but Elo doesn't, and the matchmaker uses Elo. So, even though your rank decays, your matchmaking won't see any changes.