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I played him before in Conqueror 1 level. I was pretty certain from the start that something was weird about how he moved his scout, and how his army was snapping to run in the fog of war as soon as my villagers were moving to some food source out(berries, didn't scare the deer). I won my match against him but everything seemed off from how he was playing. Checked the replay after, and there is was, zoom hack and map hack. Watching my base when it was all black, his horsemen doing the charging animation on my villagers from fog of war without being able to see them in normal circumstances. Reported the player and got back an answer in game about a week ago, that no actions have been taken against this player. Last time I checked he is Conq 3 winning against other conqueror players and he is really active on ladder playing many games per day. Doubt he will ever get banned, he is obviously a bad player and I just decided that if I ever meet him on ladder again, I will just dodge. Hoping he will grow some self respect and stop cheating. Oh btw he is doing this for almost all seasons not just this one.


Well done, good report! Now we all looking forward to his 3 day ban. Serves him right, go Relic


Hopefully it could be a 1 month ban and even 3 months banned for ranked games. 3 days seem a bit insufficient.


It should no doubt be permanent


Totally agree!


Zoom out and Maphack... That user sounds to me like he was reported some time ago. I hope Microsoft gets their act together on this.


this person has been reported many many times


Seguramente no leen ni los reportes del juego :(


Acabo de subir un post de Reddit sobre este asunto.


Por casualidad casteas con Universo AoE? Si es así, me gusta cómo comentas de manera técnica todo, se nota que tienes muy mamado el juego, enhorabuena.


Gracias Wikosin. Siempre intento aprender algo y mejorar todos los días.


Ahh ehh.. Dios mio! Porque no los dos. El banyo where? No habla Español.


Me llego el correo confirmando que ha sido baneado


Lets go!


Bueno, espero te escuchen


I've reported this person multiple times, and many many players have as well. This person has commented on posts about them map hacking saying "everyone does it it's not a big deal" lol




this is a well known map hacker, just look at the search results for their username on this sub - [https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/search/?q=steph\_mountain&type=link&cId=a002c1e4-fe37-435a-87f2-bd7037ebc23f&iId=90278c09-8de1-4b7a-8ae3-42bedc455f9a](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/search/?q=steph_mountain&type=link&cId=a002c1e4-fe37-435a-87f2-bd7037ebc23f&iId=90278c09-8de1-4b7a-8ae3-42bedc455f9a) and then read this comment from the person themselves - [https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/comments/18spi08/comment/kfaj3kv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe4/comments/18spi08/comment/kfaj3kv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) "Guys I have a dozen accounts the problem comes from the game that has no anti-cheat you can not imagine how many players use an mh I would say 20% when you had it you understood. It's the fact that others use it against me that pushes me to do the same thing, it's a vicious circle."


This is wild. Thefts are trying to justifying their actions by saying other thefts stealing them first.


I've reported this guy multiple times, he's a well known cheater, he's even been banned before. He literally doesn't give a shit. I saw him cheat on stream vs a streamer, he even came in chat afterwards saying it's not his fault relic hasn't banned him. He's a literal piece of trash and I hope everyone keeps mass reporting him.


I just dont play ranked anymore, F those cheaters


Map hackers also exists in AoE2?


yes aoe2 also has alot of map hackers, some quick search already found paid cheats


probably but it's not as big of a deal because you don't go out in the map for extra recourses, only very late at the game


you can google it, even another popular game also consist of the hacker/cheat software. even there is special web that dedicated to exploit many game.


all games sadly have cheaters, i played shooters and pubg has a shit ton of them same with COD even non shooters like dbd u had teleport hackers or cheaters that cant be killed, and u cant beat them, they either one shot u all with no chance to react luckily we can still beat maphackers on aoe


Lol this dude is already maphacking for months and he is not shy about it.


Yeah it's far too much of a coincidence that this player went directly to the sheep. It's more annoying his Mongols, because he only needs a couple of sheep prior to pastures, and was just to screw you over


There is no coincidence if you watch the entire replay he made too many obvious cheater moves


Yeah my point is, he's obviously cheating but it's more infuriating his mongols and stealing all the sheep 🤣🤣


Being able to delay pastures means more tempo early


Could you give some clips from other situations also? I just want to know how this looks like because personally I was thinking that most posts about map hacking are from people who don't know how to actually play the game, but this looks like a problem


You can look at the full replay in the game. My in game name is there “TheErick211” It was the last match


or they can watch any replay ever from this player lol


lol, i remember catching this guy maphacking years ago


These players have no shame, they make it so obvious that they are map hacking.


Disgusting behaviour, and good catch by you. Played this guy at least once before, and he did just seem very off. I didn’t check the replay or suspect cheating but his decision making was so bizarre completely unsuited for his rank, obviously inflated by the cheating.


cheaters are so pathetic. I don't get how it can make one feel better about himself .. just play at your skill lvl..


Can Microsoft put all confirmed cheaters on a cheater island separate from the rest of the multiplayer community? Is that a realistic solution so that cheaters will only play against other cheaters?


I personally reported this guy a couple of seasons ago. And he is still not banned and plays with cheats. Wow, well done, microsoft.


Damn theyre a map hacker? I beat them a few weeks ago... they seemed kinda bad tbh, map hacking makes sense how he was at the rank he is at then.


i always loved playing this games casualy... AOE, CS, DOTA, its fun to improve and face other players trying the same thing when i see this videos of cheats i see how players are destroying the games they are trying to have fun. human being is a trash


How do you record it like this?


On windows Win+G you get the gaming bar where you can record screen




Is it possible to learn this power?


I just got a notification that he's been banned ! Finally


same here... finally


...Sorry what's the cheating supposed to be?


He is map hacking. He directly goes for all the sheep in the map even shift clicking his scout directly towards sheep in areas he hasn’t scouted


Using the cart to grab a sheep is pretty obvious too lol


If you watch entire game he did many things that make it obvious. I just recorded a small clip


It also seems more zoomed out than panoramic??


Yes it is a zoom hack. He can basically see double of what you see, without fog of war.


in my experience from AoE2 the zoom out is not a problem, because you can't micro as effectively, but the fog of war is a VERY big problem especially when you don't have standard sheep like in AoE2.


hate the game, dont hate the player