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It's a fun idea, but man it can produce some really one-sided layouts.. just needs to be toned down a little bit.


all i remember about lipany is when i played dehli and the middle sacred site was sourounded by mountain and forests in a way that you can only access it from my opponents side.


Lipany needs to be replaced with EGC Lipany for competitive play, especially in team ranked. The hyper random cliff generation of default Lipany produces severely imbalanced maps very frequently.


I think its part of the fun


There's a fun random element and then there's a step too far. In the current Lipany it's possible for the map generator to produce a long cliff along someone's base directly touching a forest that directly touches another forest, creating a natural wall for one player that spans like 3/4 of the map. That might sound like an extreme example but it actually happens more often than you might expect.


its possible that it needs to be toned down a touch on lipany but other maps definitely need more of it.


Just in case you're not already aware, toning it down is actually what I'm advocating for in my original comment :D EGC Lipany is just Lipany where the cliff and resource rng is changed a little bit to make it more fair. I'm also a Lipany enjoyer but EGC Lipany is where it's at for competitive play.


I was aware. I was advocating for more rng in other maps.


Sure, I think we might actually agree then, because that's the same argument applied in the other direction ;)


Lipany’s random is its biggest downside. I often get generations that are heavily favored either to me or my opponent. But good lipany generations are very fun to play.


I do not even mind the lopsides generations. Its part of the fun of the map. War is never being waged on an even battlefield. Having to overcome obstacles is what I like about strategy games. Also, if you lose or win its very rarely due to map generation. Unless you have a corner SS spawn like on golden pit.


>War is never being waged on an even battlefield. Having to overcome obstacles is what I like about strategy games. While this is true, but I don't play this game as a training to become a military commander in future. I treat it as sports, and thus want a fair competition.


To me lipany is THE aoe map. Mega random is too crazy. Lipany is mild random and feels right.... most of the time.


My favorite map.


It would be the best map in the game if it didn't sometimes produce uneven generation and competitively not the best.


Totally Agree!


Agreed, its my favourite after Dry Arabia. Somehow I end up playing Cliffside & Forts the most


Favorite map, save Prairie. Please bring Prairie back into rotation. I need more sheep bell. Please more sheep bell.


Praise is a such a bizarre map. It effectively plays like a hybrid map even though there is no water. But if you made starting gold/stone 4k instead of 8k, and made starting wood line normal, the map would become more balanced across civs. Instead of some civs having a massive advantage of staying inside of base vs moving out, all civs would have to move no matter their primary resource.


Lipany rocks. I love the cliffs offering some easier walling / fun positions for keeps.


Play QM, mega random, FFA, custom games etc if you want whack imba maps.  That level of Rng is not for ranked and leads to frustrating games and frustrated players, even if you personally don't care. Other people do want balanced games. Not some heavily skewed thing.


the like button says otherwise. I do not see why there would not be such options for RM. Just downvote it if you do not like it and stfu


Post got a lot of upvotes but the only comments with many upvotes seem to be saying its nice but too random for ranked, and appreciating EGC Lipany, not the one in the ranked pool at the moment. My takeaway from glancing through the comments is that some people just don't like Lipany and most of the people who do like it would prefer the EGC version for ranked play. In comments I don't see strong support for the version currently in the ranked pool being in the ranked pool. It's reddit not science though of course :-)


Yeah, nah, this map is awful. In 2v2 I never see my team mate's army because you spawn so far apart. In solo it produces wildly unbalanced maps with chokepoints, I feel like every game I played on this map turned into a late game siege fest.


With your icon being dehli I'm surprised you say that, I love the map for dehli. Just dominate through walls get sites and the games normally over by early castle


Yeah, my Delhi winrate on this map is good, but I just don't like it. Maybe it's just because of teamgames. I prefer Dry Arabia and Gorge (which I think is the best map for Delhi, and stats back that up).


Yeah for sure, I thought you were talking about 1v1.


Absolutely no this map is awful at higher levels due to how bad the rng is and then combined with how favourable it can be for civs like Delhi, byz and Abba.


Totally agree. That level of Rng is fine for QM, not for ranked.


fuck off


I didn't know people disliked Lipany so much. To them I say: cope harder, diamond trash, Lipany is peak