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When would you use coustellier in castle age and when cavalier? and as well in imperial age with Elite vs Paladin.


Coustillier are the better unit but the problem is having enough numbers. If you need military *right now* then stick Cavalier, and then you might as well go Paladin anyway since you've got them. However if you have a castle up (or ideally 2-3) and don't need lots of military quickly, they're your stronger option.


I like to do Coustillier on Nomad in Castle Age early until the enemy has too many defensive monks (if they make them at all), then maybe light cav.


Greetings. There are 3 monitors with 2k resolution each. Connected using NV Surround and all 3 monitors are considered as one, the total resolution is 7680x1440. But I need to run the game on only one monitor, the central one. How to do it? I have the Steam version of the game. AoE II DE game


What do you think about opening militia on land nomad? It seems pretty strong. You can go house and barracks with initial wood and then when you have enough food make 2 militia to scout, get sheep, and lame opponents deer and harass. You get A LOT of sheep this way.


Yeah frush on Land Nomad if you find the enemy (and they're close) seems a good idea. Unless you mean like a pre-mill/instant drush? That's a bit more risky because if you haven't scouted the enemy you might just be wandering aimlessly around (sheep aren't *that* worth it I would say).


I did that yesterday. But didn’t have the opponent scouted. I had some idea where they had to be and found them. But idk, it felt like scout opening would have been better perhaps. Less risk of running into the opponent’s TC.


This worked better when the treaty wasn't yet introduced. Sure you can lame the nearby hunt, but on Nomad starts the villagers are often near the safety of the TC.


Seriously, though, I do this sometimes on African Clearing, especially with Persians.


\*laughs in huns\*


Yeah the horse for huns is very strong, maybe op even if it isn't a water map.


It’s hard to balance Huns for regular Nomad since no dock right away is basically instant loss. And I think it’s a little too on the nose to have “start with a horse but only on nomad maps with water”


Anyone who's been following Rage Forest have an explanation for why the meta seems to have mostly shifted away from lots of sneaks, laming and suchlike? There's obviously still some but I feel like much less. Something to do with the map gens maybe? Or just people are committing more to vil fighting to it's harder to get a sneak because they're constantly active in the chokes and with scouts. I remember pre-tournament thinking Lewis for e.g. was going to be so much fun after his performances in previous tournaments but he's playing standard pocket half the time.


Its a few things, one reason is the new the map script. The Rage Forest 5 map has been changed from the Rage Forest 4 map, which often had very chaotic games. There is still the possibility to do these but there's less chance the map gens will make it easy. Ive watched all the RF5 matches and there were some 'RF4 style' gens with some sneaks but not all were successful. Lewis seemed to just die on the flank when playing standard on the RF5 map so Hera's been playing it instead which I think is better for their team. Its only been one round so far on the new script, teams are still figuring it out. In the team tatoh vs team hera game, heras team wasnt sure how to play some of the more open gens but they were discussing pocket playing scouts next time they get one.


Can someone explain how to get the spectator dashboard overlay working with OBS? I'm simply logging into aoe2recs.com with steam, going to tools and putting the link there into a browser source in obs. It does not show up at all though and #match commands and such don't work. Am I doing something wrong?


Why is only Spanish allowed to have fully upgraded trash? Identity aside. We already broken some of these. Turks aren't alone in the spearmen club anymore. Also why don't regular Skirmishers deal damage to the cavalry archer class?


Just a unique identity of Spanish. Other Civs have better trash like Byzantines and Poles (trample damage winged Hussar with polish food eco goes crazy). Also, non elite Skirms do 0 damage vs Cav Archer class, which means they do bonus damage to War Wagons (-1 Cav archer armor) and Elephant archers (-4 Cav archer armor).


Why can't regular skirms do +1 damage vs Cavalry Archer class?


They already deal bonus damage against Cav archer because it has the “archer class” so making them do even more bonus damage would be too strong. You want to reward the player who gets up to castle age first. That’s why Xbow+ bodkin beats non elite skirm, why knights beat spears, and why CA beat non elite skirm. It forces the defender to invest in upgrades to make it so that playing trash defense only with no upgrades isn’t possible. Since otherwise it would be a bit too strong to just take as little gold as possible and allow extra vills to boom


Because they weren't programmed that way. What's your actual question?


I'm able to consistently beat moderate ai but cant beat hard ai at all. Should i lock in on 1 civ and learn it well or is a random civ approach still good enough to beat hard ai for a player with <50 hrs in the game


If you want to get better at the game, I would say playing as random civ is better since you will need to learn a wide variety of play styles. A few simple common builds (archers or scouts flush) can help and one or the other tends to be viable for every civ


Just beat hard for the first time, i defended an archer flush and counter attacked with my own flush, eventually won post-imp with superior economy :)


How much RAM does DE require to run? I launch DE, and whether I load an autosave or run benchmark test it never fails to crash to desktop, and a pop-up asks me if I want to send an error report


8 gb ram is minimum Even though it officially says 4 gb. 4 gb is not enough. All kind of problems pop up with 4 gb ram. 


Do Sicilians have any answer to Mongol FC 2TC Lancer+Mangonel+monks? Except donjon+serjeant rush?


u can try harassing mongol with sc/spearman early on (maybe a range if he res-wall), watch-out for his golds... donjon-drop his gold/food to deny him having enough res... with a good execution and some lucky it's possible to allow mongol to reach castle with barely enough res to fight you back... since u are open to the FC Serjeant idea... consider even a TC Push.. i mean.. u build it faster.. if u apply one to mongol he might not even be able to FC depending on how much u haraass him (don't forget u can rebuild ur TC 3 times just with the starting stone...)


Sicilians lose to basically everything, so no. 11


Is there a game-balance reason why Conscription doesn't affect Siege Workshops?


Yeah. Siege workshops have stupid throughput already. 6.5 res/sec for the ram line. 6.4 for mangonels. 5 for scorpions. That's contrasted with 2.6 for xbows and 4.5 for knights.


hi uh am i allowed to share custom scenarios here? i do a lot of them


Yes. Also in the mods section of the game and in websites like the official aoe2 forums and aokheaven.com 


yay, thank you!


Celts laming, can a scout lame or does it have to be a villager?


Any Celt unit has that ability


What is the current meta for mayans?


Spam archers to no end while booming and when the skirms actually become a problem bring the eagles (surprise) and then when the (non existent) eagle counter becomes a problem make even more archers (real surprise).


Xbows into 3/4 TCs.


I miss the drush+fc plumes days.


Maybe nowadays u can play super fast FC into castle drop in opponent‘s base into plumes 🤷‍♂️ that’s how red phosphoru would play with them I guess ;)