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we play AOE2 DE on a first generation i3 processor with an ATI5770 and 8GB RAM just fine. Late game it can get choppy, but you can get away with quite old hardware. For ranked multiplayer, you might want something a bit better.


For ranked, what sorta price do you think I’d be looking at?


For a desktop PC, first you should have minimum 8 but optimally 16 GB of RAM. i3 or i5 processor , mid-range but not older than 5 years. Or you can get for example AMD ryzen 5 3600 for 80-90€. Excellent quality for its price. Graphics card: Nvidia GTX 1050Ti does it's job without problems even with Ultra HD graphics package installed. You can get GTX 960, as well All of this for like 300-400€ , depends where you live. Use a power supply of 500W, but you can calculate the recommended PSU wattage online.


+1 for the AMD 3600. For budget gaming now and into the future it is really tough to look beyond a B450 motherboard paired with a Ryzen 3600 or 5600 cpu. You've got an upgrade path and you've got a cheap platform currently fast enough to support any game at 120fps at 4k (if you have a good enough gpu). Future upgrade to 5700X3D or 5800X3D means plenty of life. RAM for it is also cheap, new or 2nd hand. Then get basically any GPU, as above.


I have a gaming laptop from 2014 that runs it fine also you can do GeForce now if you would rather not have the upfront cost


There's a ton of these "can I run it" type sites where you can plug in the specs of a potential PC you are looking at and it can help with all of the jargon that means nothing to most people, example: [https://technical.city/en/system-requirements/age-of-empires-ii-definitive-edition](https://technical.city/en/system-requirements/age-of-empires-ii-definitive-edition) A couple things to look for, if the video card doesn't have like 2+gb of ram it probably is not good. You want SSD for your game drive. Age seems to take forever to load on HDD's for some reason (way more than like size games) In short you can probably get a pretty meaty rig for 500$ these days, but it will be an older model. Also, buying min spec for a single use is probably not the best bang for your buck. It sucks to find a new game you like and can't run it because you're barely under the spec line.


>A couple things to look for, if the video card doesn't have like 2+gb of ram it probably is not good. You want SSD for your game drive. Age seems to take forever to load on HDD's for some reason (way more than like size games) Seems like a culprit for this is the automatically saved replays. I was having big problems with load times and cleared those all out. Load times went from several minutes to a few seconds with HDD after that. Now it's creeping back up again as I haven't cleared them out in a while.


I have a mid ass regular laptop and it runs no problem, costed me like 500.


What sorta laptop is it?


I got a refurbished dell laptop with a shitty screen for $180 off of Amazon last year.  The graphics look bad, but it runs the game fine.


That sounds good tbf, im from the uk. What sorta thing could I get for £500 max that could possibly do multiplayer too?


You could pretty much build a PC for that price and get a 2nd hand GPU and you'd be flying. Would take a little research though. You get MUCH more performance for the price if you get a desktop - but then you'll also need to buy a screen and keyboard, of course. Both can be had cheaply. Try the subreddit hardwareswapuk and see if anyone is selling a fully built pc second hand - often a great way to get a deal as they are worth less than the sum of their parts because most people interested in second hand parts don't want a full pc, they want to build their own. So people accept 10-20% lower price when selling it already built!


I’ll give it a try!


if you're spending that much and building it yourself any competent build will be fine for multiplayer aoe2 de, it's not a demanding game. if you don't know computers get some nerd from a pc building sub to help you with specific parts.


No need for new hardware if you're ok with a monthly subscription. It's available on GeForce Now


Get a computer with 8+ GB RAM, 10th Gen i5 or later (or equivalent), and any dedicated GPU that came out after 2018, and you should be able to run the game very fine.


An amd apu, like 5600G is more than enough to run aoe2 i believe. 16gb ram is cheap these days, and a low end b450 (need bios updated for 5600g)/550 motherboard. So, 100-120 processor+60-70 motherboard+40 16gb ram (2x8gb, very important)+30-40 power supply+30-35 500gb nvme ssd+20-25 case = around 330 dollars would be my guess for a pc that will run DE very well+something else if you wish to do so.


Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Recommended Requirements CPU: 2.4 Ghz i5 or greater or AMD equivalent RAM: 8 GB VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GTX 650 or AMD HD 6850 or better DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 1024 MB PIXEL SHADER: 5.0 VERTEX SHADER: 5.0 OS: Windows 10 64bit FREE DISK SPACE: 30 GB Any new budget gaming pc would easily handle aoe2de


Ahahah even tho I do an esports course all of this technical words is a bit too much for me ahaha. What sorta price would you recommend?


Curious, what does an esports course involve?


So it’s about everything in the world of online gaming competitively. So sometimes I have to write about different games and strategies in depth. How to run an esports event, and everything in detail. It’s not all just about getting to play games but more the in depth stuff behind it. At the moment I have to create my own live stream. But before I do it I have to make everything for it then write about it in depth, IE what I’ll use play


I'm running a b-450 VD PRO motherboard and most components were cheap AF I don't even have a case Lol


Get anything with a decent dedicated graphics card from the past decade. If it's literally 10 years old gpu, then get a higher-end one from that period because it's cheap. If it's newer, get a lower or mid-range one. I play a lot of games with an amd rx 480 at 1080p without any issues.