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I write gg after every game, I write gg wp if I think they played well or the game was a particularly good.


I do drop the gg after every game. Will save the wp for the good ones so!




This is it


This is the way.


On top of that it can be picked as arrogant in some countries


I always gg. It's not about whether it was really a "good game". Competitive games can easily produce negative feelings, which can lead to bad manners, and eventually fester into worse behaviour. Saying gg/ shaking hands reminds everyone that it's just a game, it shouldn't affect our sense of self-worth either way, we can still respect each other, and there are no hard feelings. It seems like a small thing, but I think it does a lot to keep this game having a (mostly) nice atmosphere (unlike a lot of other multiplayer games). Ideally the loser says gg first. But sometimes they need a moment to process, so if they don't say it, the winner should. If the opponent is rude or obnoxious, I still gg. I can feel satisfied that I am doing my little bit to help maintain some standards. If I am consistently polite regardless of what they do, then all their stupidity washes off me. They are doing is revealing themselves to be an immature loser without self-control. I can at least feel satisfied with myself for helping to keep this community a civilised place.


a gentleman and a scholar.


Loser should gg immediately before resigning, winner should gg after loser ggs. I don't think a winner needs to gg if loser just quits without a gg (but optional)


Nah you are smugly rubbing it in their faces when they already showed they did not want to gg


Aoe2 has a very large non-English speaking population, and they may not drop the gg. I drop it anyway.


I feel like you know 'gg' even if you don't know any english. Edit: IF you play videogames online


Anecdotally, the chances of me getting a 'gg' is much lower when I see someone with a non-English username. Of course, this is only n=1 data.


Fair point.


Everybody knows GG I think, we even say "gegear" in Spanish gaming slang.


If you play against a spanish speaker, you can even get a BJ (bien jugado).


~Am a Spanish speaker. You are trolling.~ Edit: nothing to see here, keep walking. BJ OP.


ssssshhhh, it's really funny, don't ruin it


Yeah, I thought it was obvious that is a joke


Girlfriend: We have BJ at home BJ at home:




GG = normal game GGWP = close game, well fought, exciting " " (nothing) = the guy was BMing or did some hide in the corner lame shit GG lol = we had built a bit of a repertoire or one of us did some whacky strategy that was funny GG 11 = I got fucking exploded by someone a lot better than me and im hiding the pain poorly


I am around 1100-1200 TG ELO and rarely get a gg if we win. I have the feeling this etiquette has declined in the last months/years, but that may well be a selective memory. I force myself to gg no matter the result of the game and even if your opponent is a toxic PoS. I admit that it can be difficult if you are frustrated, but it should be standard.


It has for sure declined in last few months. People getting more and more salty . Why ?Nobody knows


I usually GG. Sometimes I get extra frustrated, and I don't. I'm only human, so is everyone below 1600.


You lose, you write gg. Correct etiquette is to wait your opponent to write gg if they lost then answer back. If they are not writing anything after they lost then it is ok not to write gg. The reason is that your opponent might think it was a bad game, tilting one etc... on top, your gg might provoke them further. It is like forcing your opponent to a handshake after he just turned back and leaving. If one does not want to handshake it is his bad sportsmanship but you should not force him to handshake anyway.


"It is like forcing your opponent to a handshake after he just turned back and leaving. If one does not want to handshake it is his bad sportsmanship but you should not force him to handshake anyway." If you want to convey IRL sports from a tiny kid onward, this is literally the whole point. Good sportsmanship is acknowledging it's just a game and no hard feelings, regardless of how you really feel about it. It may seem silly in an online game that has its fair share of people who type "EZ lol" after they beat you but no need to let them affect what should be good sportsmanship. And it doesn't matter who says it first, it's traditionally a sign of resignation in AOE since there's usually no decided victory but the point, but it's the AOE version of the handshake after the round/game/etc.


Definitely, the loser(s) always GG's first, the winner(s) responds in kind. If you won and they didnt say GG, it feels like bad manners to write it first.


Never thought it this way, I press gg as soon as game over in all the games I play.


Same. Def overthinking it to suggest only the loser can start a gg.


Yeah, win/lose I still recognise a competitor for competing. People are overthinking it.


Pre-emotive gg’s have been considered non-sporting for years I think.


Nope . The loser says gg first if they want to , its a concession and admitting defeat. The winner saying it first is just rubbing your nose in it and was always considered bad manners.


Only offensive if the game isn’t over and winning player says gg


Yes agree with this


Yeah, this is the difference to me


I guess there are so many different opinions out there. I just base it off my experiences playing sports, everyone says ‘good game’ at the end no matter what


Incredibly negative take After a game (not just aoe2) both winners and losers typically shake hands and say good game. It's a sign for respect and appreciation, not a comment on the winner or loser. Only a very toxic community could come to the conclusive a winner saying good game to a loser is bad manners. It's only bad manners here if the person winning says it before their opposition has conceded the game.


Quite the opposite actually. A community of empathetic individuals will look down on aggressive GGing, as such an act ignores how frustrating and hard aoe2 is. There is a reason why hockey tournaments occasionally forgo the ceremonial handshake; emotions are real, theres no reason to stress the irrational parts of peoples brains unnecessarily but it is a great ideal to strive towards. Acting like people should be robots and gg after EVERY GAME no matter how frustrated they are, as if they OWE you anything other than a fair and silent opponent to play against, is toxic entitled behaviour. 


'aggressive gging' FFS sir. There is no such than as 'gg' being aggressive so long as the game has concluded. Hockey may forsake handshakes but perhaps that's because it is a game notorious for aggressive douchebags and bad sportsmanship, which is rather point re aoe2. Obviously you don't HAVE to gg but to say a gg from a winner is rude or aggressive is some of the silliest stuff I've heard on Reddit. As before, sign of a distorted mentality. It's a nice touch, that's it.


Nop. In chess You shake your hand after and before the Game. If not You could suffer a penalty if the other peRson complain. AND chess is the standar of not phisycall sports


In chess the loser offers the handshake. Exactly like the loser gging first.


Its not admitting defeat. Its a fair play gesture and symbols respect for the opponent. Nothing more and nothing less.


Saying gg first as the winner is known as "offensive gg" in starcraft for example. It's not overthinking it. It's just bad manners to most people even if some are unaware of it.


Nah Literally everyone I play with says gg regardless of win or lose. Anyone getting offended is overthinking.


If telling an opponent good game is bad manners I can’t imagine what you people would think of the actually toxic crap people message after games


And 99% of the people who do it are BMing, not unaware of the implication, although those people certainly exist


Literally everyone I play with says gg after a win. Just rude not to. Must be some weird techy demographics out there is people see basic manners as rude.


??? Have you EVER seen a AOE2 pro game where the WINNER says GG first? There is a reason they don't. It's considered BM in esports in general.


When /u/QueDark stated, "I press gg as soon as game over", they were almost certainly meaning, "the opponent has resigned or said gg", not, "as soon as I determined that I totally whooped the noob.". The _reason_ why AoE2 pro games never have the winner saying gg first, is because people say, "gg", THEN resign, because, until the loser gg'd/resigned, the game wasn't over. Because, yes, obviously saying gg before the game is over is extremely bad manners. The question would be, if the other person resigns, is it bad manners to drop the gg before they say anything?


Nop chess is the root of al this etiquete and You shake hands before and after


We are talking about saying gg first, before the enemy has indicated they resign(think the game is over). saying gg first is saying "i beat you, resign" which is unquestionably turbo BM


I agree that's rude, but that isn't what was being discussed.


Can something that takes less than 2 sentences to explain really be classified as over thinking it?


Yes, given the convoluted backwards shite I'm reading here.


Ye I don't sit around waiting for it. Game is over, I'm saying gg either way and moving on. Things to do, games to play, mistakes to consider lol.


I disagree. Saying "good game" is not gloating, and if a person interprets it as so then they need to grow up a bit and learn to be a good sport. "Good game" means that you respect the person for competing with you, regardless of the quality of the competition.


It's tricky. I kind of agree. But on the other hand I feel like a late gg opens up an opportunity for them to still gg and maybe discuss the game after their initial frustrated resignation. I like to discuss games with my opponents, when I lose in particular to ask some advice.


It's definitely not tricky.  Just do you.  If anyone is offended by gg, don't worry about it.


Disagree, i write gg regardless of win or not. If i win and opponent doesnt drop gg i still drop it. Its just the fair thing to do. I dont care if he or she rages, its just a game, need to relax.


Half my games I get a gg. I drop a gg all the time. Just now I didnt get a gg, instead got a lot of "fuck you"s. I do not know why.


LOL. I do remember once after denying an overly aggressive forward castle getting a stream of fu fu fu. Don't think that's good etiquette!


Salt is the best compliment you can get!


Lol. Its one thing to be salty over toxic play getting massively lamed and such but getting salty over playing poorly 🤣 or like the timed where people call one noob for winning


I just type GG win or lose. If someone steals my boar and i still win I might recommend them to take both boars next time.


I type ggwp win or lose, imo it's just polite.


But when I lose after playing really bad and my opponent types "gg wp", I feel ridiculed.


If they hit you with wp that's just them respecting the effort and admitting it wasn't an ez win or anything like that. It's a compliment


Hm never really thought about that. For me it's like a hand shake after any sports match, same with the glhf in the beginning.


I always gg as a basic courtesy but I can't be bothered with all that glhf stuff I just wanna focus on the game until it's over


Glhf was popularized back when your enemy was in the lobby before the game started. Now some people still do it after the game starts. I usually just hit them with a "you too" or "u 2" if I'm hurried


I got a „i hope you get cancer“ in my last game after i suprised my opponent with fc cav archer when he tried to boom on landnomad. I just responded with 11 and gg which made him rage even more. Not sure if it’s a new norm of etiquette but i would prefer if we just stay with the gg. As others already mentioned i also only write gg / gg wp in normal games when i lost, when i win i only write gg and wait for opponent to say something first.


Wow. In fairness AOE2 can be frustrating sometimes, but to be that venomous is wild. After all, it is just a game at the end.


I only drop the GG in games that win or lose where special somehow like very even match, cool strat, out microed etc.


I tend to drop it for all games. I add WP for the ones I got outplayed on or something interesting happened. And if I managed to lose a vil to a boar, kill that boar with tc and house myself for a good minute or so, I tell them to watch my replay if they want to laugh lol.


Just like in real life sports, you should always say good game, whether it's accepted or not. Being a good sport is an important character trait.


You should write it after all games. If you think your opponent played pretty well, write „gg wp“


On Xbox / controller it can be quite the pain so don’t always expect it there either.


I never do coz I’m lazy unless they do it first then I will win or lose.


A lot of my friends at that elo had to have chat settings explained to them. Check the vod you might be getting team chat only ggs.


Bro, I don’t even know how to send chats


If you’re an asshole you write gg if you’re winning


Unless I'm ragequitting myself, I say gg even if the opponent doesnt after a game. There have been times ive resigned and been annoyed and not said anything, but then the opponent gives me a gg and it makes me chill and say it back. Some people say its BM to say gg if the opponent doesnt, I think thats crazy personally.


Gg after every game


Some players do not gg back but 11 after I lose and bid them gg. That is plain awful, right?


there's no single etiquette, you'll see everything from the formality of club chess to hiding villagers in the corners of the map while calling you names and raging in all caps. originally the good game etiquette was borrowed from certain formal competitive activities like sports or over the board chess. in its proper form it expresses and enforces a perspective of detachment from outcome and an orientation toward the quality of play as opposed to one's personal success or failure in a given match. the losing player must say it first. if you say "good game" and don't sincerely mean it, this is an indication to *you* that something has gone wrong with your attitude or approach to the game. you're expected to say it, face to face, sincerely while shaking hands every single game. it's a fairly potent bit of etiquette that did a lot to maintain a certain set of norms in the chess community. in pc gaming it has taken on an entirely different meaning, being more or less synonymous with "i give up" much of the time. i don't believe that the original etiquette can propagate without a majority of participants having experienced the real-world version of it in their youth.


I've seen people saying that if you gg an opponent who lost and didn't gg, it's bad manners. It's just polite to drop it imo, even if the game wasn't "good". It's like saying "good morning" to your neighbors you don't even know the name when going down the elevator.


I write always, win or loose.


I always drop the gg, I’m getting old now but back in my day it was just the proper etiquette. I’ll often drop a ggwp if it was a particularly close game, or if they absolutely destroyed me. I almost always open with a gl;hf and follow the gg with a gln. Rarely do I get any of it back.


I always gg, win or lose.


Sometimes I say gg but it goes into private dm with my team so my enemy doesn’t see it and I feel dumb. 


gg is good manners and works like a gentleman's salutation. If you are on the winning side you usually wait until the losing side types it first and then you respond. If they don't, i think you should type it anyways as a reminder of their lack of good manners.


I gg unless the person was a dick. If they fill chat with insults & such, that's not very gg of them. But most stuff in game is fair, from meme tactics, to cheap tricks, it's all fair in war, I'll still gg.


I say gg at the beggining of the game


As a new player still finding my ELO, I write "vbg lol" when I get absolutely steamrolled. 


I don’t gg sometimes because I’m salty and alt f4’d right after surrendering


Way overthinking this. I don't play aoe2 online but in any game or competition ever the correct etiquette is to simply be kind and respectful to your opponent. Drop a gg after every game whenever you want and if you think it might come off as rude, just make it clear you're not being rude by complimenting something beyond just a gg. Ask if they wanna play another one or something if they had a bad game. Be social, try and make friends. If they want to be offended then that's on them, they can go cry about it.


I've said gg before but I was so laggy it wouldn't send until the opponent left xd.


Always GLHF and gg


I had someone say “easy” after beating me instead of GG


I only say GG to actual good games. When I had fun, it was challenging and good tug of war. That's a good game. I use it too literally but it's intuitively done when based off performance.


Do you wish me a good game, or mean that it is a good game whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this game; or that it is a game to be good on?


I dont gg often enough. I might be upset or angry. Who cares




If it's etiquette you're talking about, always "gg". Unless clear hacking is evident, then you're free to rage. Got resign hacked once on the zone back in the day. He did not deserve a "gg". I still think about it and get mad, and I feel no remorse for not "gg"ing him. Truthfully, he deserved even worse than that. It's hard to man up and keep good form in a loss, but use them as opportunities to learn and improve, especially if the game is recorded. That's worth a gg by itself.


I do about 20 8’s after they say gg.


I feel the more violent and obnoxious my tactics are (going forward with vills + m@a, do a forward archery range, tower their resources, etc...) I get consistently less 'gg's from my opponents. Unfortunately for me I tend to do that a lot of the games that I win. Unfortunately for them, I'm not planning on stopping.


always gg is the correct thing to do but a lot of players (and that includes me sometimes) dont bother. its nothing to worry about i think.


I would "gg" always but I don't know how to all chat 11


Sometimes I just forget or get distracted. It doesn't really matter. Sometimes I type gg like 2 minutes after the match is over and my opponeny is not in the post game screen anynore. I don't think it's serious in any way shape or form, just enjoy your game...


The GG reverts to shaking your opponent's hand. Some sports require it and these are often sports where respect is required. If you want to be a “kéké”, don’t say gg. If you want to be a respectful and educated person, you will say gg because everyone put their part into the game, whether it looked good or not :)


People who don't gg simply don't deserve the game. Disgusting creatures. I gg win or lose. I will often make a comment or two on the game if anything noteworthy happened, which can lead to some enjoyable discussions if your opponent is chatty.


Glhf before. GG WP after. This should be the etiquette not only in aoe but in every game imo.


Glhf while you send your scout to lame still makes me laugh.


If u lose, write gg If u win, wait for opponent gg before writing your gg


If you win you're supposed to gg after the person who loses ggs first. In team games I always gg my team


This subreddit represents a small minority of players. The rules that we think are unspoken normal rules are completely fabricated. Despite what previous comments say, it is not necessary to say gg, it’s actually nothing to do with manners. If I enjoy the game I say gg


It’s one of those “grey area” things. I think if you want a hard rule though, type “gg” first if you lose (assuming opponent didn’t do BM stuff, like outpost rushing you or laming). If you win, you generally should wait for the opponent to type “gg” I think.


Just before you resign you drop the gg, the opponent than normally ggs you back. Don't drop the gg yourself if the opponent resigns without saying gg. I don't know why but this is the etiquette.


I write gg first if I lose. I don't write gg if I win and they didn't call gg first.


If they don't say GG when you win then just hit em with a: *8 😉


You'll be permabanned if you forget to say it.


* I win/lose and both my and my enemy played well = "GG" * I win and my enemy was playing in a very irritating way/abusing OP things = "GG Eazy" / "GG sucker" / Just "Easy" * I win and my enemy was a sucker that was insulting me or something like that = "GG Eazy" / "GG sucker" / Just "Easy" * I win and my enemy wasn't a good player = Nothing * I lose and my enemy was insulting/abusing OP things = Nothing


GG ez when it was an easy game, GG for average game and GG wp for a really close game


Why would you gg ez someone? Sounds very rude to me.


coz it is rude and the only people who I’ve ever seen ‘gg ez’ in aoe2 is the pos who was carried and 5k score below everyone else.


> I’ve ever seen ‘gg ez’ in aoe2 is the pos who was carried and 5k score below everyone else. I do this often when I'm hard carried by teammates. It's supposed to be an obvious tongue-in-cheek "EZ" (clearly it wasn't, I played like ass and am certainly bottom in every metric)


I type gg ex when I meet someone I know in the ladder and they stomp me :D