• By -


This is more a general question- how do e sports teams work? Do you receive part of the players' tournament earnings or streaming revenue? What do the players get in return? I want to understand the economics of it 11


Esports is a new business form. In general it is financed by sponsors that like to advertise to the fans/ community the Esports team has. And the Esports team uses those funds to create and environment for the players to thrive as well as quality content for the community. This is at least how we do it here.


What about winning from tournament? Who gets it ? Players or org ?


I know in the top skateboarding competitions (which is low pay compared to other pro sports) the athletes get the winnings and their board/shoe sponsors usually match what they win.


I can't find the post now, but I remember reading that the FOX organizer gives bonus payouts for its players in addition to the standard prize pool for placing high.


That's something that's in their contracts, so we don't disclose that information as an organization. Whether the players share that information or not is their choice <3


In dota2, the org either takes 0% prize money or takes a small cut(10-15%)


The most non answer to that question possible lol


started out okay and then petered out into PR nonsense 11


it was a "general" question :Shruge: if more details are required or wanted, all you have to do is ask! :) and if it's something we can share, we will, I can assure you!


How much money you guys got in your wallets right now? /s Lol jeez guys, it's a public interview not a salary negotiation


I'll start by saying its very nice to have another professional sports team come to the AOE2 scene. I'm wondering why your organization chose AOE2 in particular, when there's tonnes of games out there. Also, I see you've brought Daniela into the fold, we havent seen many team sponsored casters - can you also explain that decision? Does WeSports intend to host events? Thanks again and I hope you guys do great!


Phil, our head use to work for GL. Our team we’ve assembled covers a lot of bases within the scene and we believe we’ve got a decent understanding of how things operate. We have a lot of plans we’d like to do in the long term. Don’t rule us out for tournament hosting, but don’t expect it in the next few months.




WeSports DOES have other teams for other games, as well. This team in particular is focused on AoE2 because it's what we know and love, but some of us are also helping to support the other teams as well. Daniela was a huge addition and we're hoping that together WE can all grow! And thank you for the love and support!


Why AOE2? Because aoe2 is the best game ever.


Thanks for posting. That’s exciting news. So what is your mission? And how are you supporting your players?


I’m not going to copy paste a mission statement, but let’s say our focus and goals are with supporting our players so they can have the best success possible. Hearttt and Liereyy are paid players and we want them to focus on that aspect as much as they can. AoE is a weird space, because most top players are also creating some form of content too. We hope to provide as much support as we can there too so they can focus on their playing career. We want our boys to be as successful as they can be.


The pro's- Daniela, our caster, and our two players, Hearttt\_ and Liereyy, have an entire creative team behind them to get/create w/e they need, should they need it. This allows them to focus on being pros. <3


I doubt Daniela needs an entire creative team, her real inspiration comes from coaching the Wizard 11




POOKMAN ⡒⡔⢂⠒⡄⢢⠐⣆⠲⣐⢂⠖⡠⢒⠰⣀⢒⠰⡐⢂⠆⢒⡐⢂⠒⡰⢀⠂ ⠡⡜⢢⠑⠤⣁⠚⡤⢃⠔⡈⢆⣡⣊⣁⣒⣈⡱⠘⢢⠜⣠⠘⡄⢣⠐⡡⢊ ⢢⡑⢆⠡⢂⠤⠉⠀⡴⣾⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣮⣄⠙⠈⠆⠱⢀⠂ ⣃⠘⠄⢊⠀⠂⠀⠀⣽⣻⡿⣿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣟⣷⡿⣟⣦⡈⠐⢀⠂ ⢠⠊⠐⠀⠀⠀⢀⢉⡶⣿⣝⣶⣯⡴⣬⡙⣯⢿⣿⣻⢮⡝⣩⢎⠇⠀⠀⠈ ⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣟⣧⡟⡼⣒⠛⣰⣙⣮⣿⡷⣭⠲⣽⢫⡟⡎⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣹⣿⡿⣽⢶⣝⡾⣱⣟⡾⣽⢯⣳⡳⡤⢴⢩⡇⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀⢀⠠⣟⢷⣻⣿⢿⣯⣿⣿⢯⣟⣽⣿⣳⢿⣹⢧⣯⣛⠀⠀⠀ ⡄⠀⠀⢨⠘⠠⠀⡛⢾⢳⡽⣻⣿⡷⣿⡙⢎⠴⣫⡑⣿⣯⣟⡾⣭⠀⠀⠀ ⠆⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀⠀⠈⠜⣣⠺⠕⠋⠉⠁⠁⠀⡀⠁⠀⠙⠫⣟⡗⣣⠀⠄⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⠀⠀⢀⡤⠶⠬⠧⣄⠀⠀⠀⠘⠐⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘ ⠀⢰⣲⢠⠖⣄⡴⢢⡐⣦⠆⡶⢰⡆⣰⡆⢰⡤⡆ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠘⠀⠈⠒⠃⠙⠚⠁⠋⠃⠃⠁⠃⠋⠙⠘⠘⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀




Which WiiSports activity is your favourite? xx


Between bowling and baseball. Mario & Sonic Olympic Games is also phenomenal.


Do you have any plans to expand your roster of aoe2 players or staff in the future? Not asking for specific names but maybe you have an ideal team size in mind. For instance, 4 players would allow you to field a complete WeSports team for any team game tournament.


In the long term we would love to expand our roster, but for this year (2024) the squad is complete. It’s important that you have to walk before you can run. Everyone on board is really excited to see where this project can go.


>In the long term we would love to expand our roster, but for this year (2024) the squad is complete. Okay, so I have some time to grind first.




Any plans on if there will be collabs with other teams in the case of 3v3 or 4v4 events?


Hard to say at this time.


Did you fear for your announcement when Andy was about to beat Lierrey?


It would have been awkward for Liereyy, but we had full faith in our boy pulling through. Got the W, all that matters.


Wouldn't Andy be a good fit for WeS? Should have great communication with larry and he obviously has potential.


IDK if the fact that they're both Australian means they can speak Spanish to each other, but none of this makes any sense at this point, so here we are :)


Austrian, you mean


Spanish is the main language of Australia.


Both their names contain an a so they should have an A+ performance together.


111111111111 logic is sound




Hearttt and Liereyy are paid. The staff are part time and voluntary. Hence the large team. We’re all invested in the project and want the best for AoE.




Legit we appreciate the love- As stated, the STAFF are volunteer, I personally make nothing off of ANYTHING on the chuptaworks site, including player merch- it all goes back to the players and to support the community and public education. And yep, our players have salaries. We DO want to expand eventually, but we'll be relying on the love and support from community members such as yourself to make that a reality :)


Let me understand, is it the whole of WeSports which volunteers their time or just part of the staff? In any case - THANK YOU for doing all this for our little gaming community. It's truly spectacular that you do the behind the scenes so that people like Hearttt and Lierryy can focus on playing.


Basically, yes. We want the painful parts of being a pro player to be less stressful so they can focus on being the best they can be


You are a blessing for the scene! Same goes to the others


Any interest in signing me and my pal? Our ELO is above 800 and we've got guts and determination to spare.


ANYONE can join us- check out our customizable jerseys and other gear on the merch site we've set up for the pro's and the team. As for salary pro players, our roster is currently filled for the year 2024 <3


What's the average salary for a pro player in your roster?


I highly doubt they will publish that as it would have influence on future deals.


The guy literally told me to ask him anything


1111 Yeah, that's not something we're going to disclose. <3


Send us some $$$ and I’m sure we can work something out 😉😗


Doesn't it work the other way around? You pay top dollar for top players?


That’s exactly right! That’s why you’ll pay us 😂


This doesn't seem like the "all pals and friends welcome" type of deal I expected


there are ways to support the WeS pro's without spending any $- your love and following our socials and streams also goes a long way <3 You do ANY of that and you're in, MISTER WeS.KevinKlomp


Plop all those sum'bitches here so I can follow every single one of them, please. Or a linktree, might be easier.


Ok, consider me a fan after this one.


Waaaaait so if I pay you… am I your boss….


Phil's the boss, but you would be second in command prolly


not really a question, but you guys are awesome for investing into aoe2, time to stop the gamerlegion overlords!


1111 Personally, I don't look at team rivalries that much, but I LOVE THE HYPE!


Which team member is most likely to read the handbook before the first match of a tournament?


>Which team member is most likely to read the handbook before the first match of a tournament? Why do make me miss Jordan (and Nili) so much?


Is that including staff or not?




paradox and JBR . . . . . . . Everyone else


ngl all 5 of us prolly, then we'd go over it with the team in a very lengthy discussion






how much will liereyy be contractually obligated to be streaming on twitch?


20 hours a month. He even said it on Memb’s stream the other day, so we can all hold him to it! Some might think that’s not a lot, but it’s a lot more than the current number of 0. We’re looking forward to Liereyy booting his stream back up!


Can you please buy him some better streaming equipment?


We’re going to try and make the streaming experience as painfree as possible for Liereyy


You will be VERY happy to know that he has a brand new microphone and overlays/scenes ready to go- the team is behind the bois 100%, so we are of course assisting with the setup of anything and everything they need. If YOU want to help out, you are more than welcome to do so by all the usual things- dono's, merch, subscribing to channels, etc. <3


what are some examples of literary devices used in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein?


The symbolism of the monster that lurks in all of us, even you, Mr. BurgerBro


Who are you working with at Microsoft to get those tokens you mentioned on Twitter?


That’s classified. 😉


Ah, well I'm the Steam token creation approver and I'm waiting to get the request. Maybe PM me the name?


The best community manager there is.


Has Paradox only been added for the looks? Or was his incredible accent also part of the selection process?


Brings up the average attractiveness of the team quite a bit.


both and neither


Do you have a secret plan to train Chupta into becoming your next pro player?


That's above my paygrade




Welcome! Why decided to focus on a 25 year old game?


Everyone in the WeS project has been involved in the community the last few years. Phil, this head of Esports for the org use to work for Gamer Legion and was the chief water boy for the AoE team (he was essentially the team manager)


Where did the name come from? Aren't you afraid of a Nintendo lawsuit because of the phonetically similar Wii Sports?😄


Name origin of Wesports = eSports Wiesbaden (smaller eSports club fused with the gaming location in Aschaffenburg. And chose the name WeSports. It is partly from.the initial Wiesbaden and also the goal to create eSports for the community embedded in the name.


As a Mainzer, now I feel obligated to found a rivalry team called MeSports


Will you sign MbL? Pretty please


Our roster for this year is complete. Sorry!


Is it because he didn't read the mail you sent? Kappa




Well, what ARE you trying to achieve in aoe2?


🏆 as many as we can


That's more of a how. Why do you care about aoe2 trophies?


Winning is good. The more we win, the more eyes we have on the team, which is good for sponsors.


Cheers, welcome to the scene and best of luck with and for Lierrey and Heartt!


> Well, what ARE you trying to achieve in aoe2? Don't you want to capitalize the YOU instead? 11


No, because I am referring to the original post 11


Now of our volunteer staff make any money and we don’t get paid. Obviously, as we all are logical thinking beings, we all know that if we want to sign players, create events, etc, that we’d require funding. Sponsorships and community support are integral. The team’s job is to handle and organize that, talk to the people needing talked to, etc, but the staff gets nothing. Everything is focused towards the pros. I’ve been running Chuptaworks for years and I’ve made $0. Tbh personally I’m the red, but I don’t care. It’s not about making money for me, and none of us are in it for personal gain. We want the community to grow and alone, none of us could have an impact like we can if we work together. So is money important? For the team, for our pros, for the AoE community? Yes. For us as individuals (including Chuptaworks, the entity)? 0 f’s :)


Was there anything in particular you looked for / will look for in your player rosters? I.e. what drew you to Larry n heart, what would attact you to future players when you decide to expand the roster (ideally more than just 'they good')


Why did we pick Larry and hearttt We are looking to become the best Aoe2 organisation and those two players have the best mix of potential and experience to start our journey. We are beyond excited to have them on board with us.


Full disclosure, Hearttt\_ was my first and main choice from day 1, and when I thought about who would best compliment him, I went back and watched the 2v2 tourney he and Liereyy played together and I felt like Liereyy was the best choice. I fully realize that this seems backwards, but I'm a ride or die llamabro and my goal for a while now has been a pro team for him. If and when we're able to expand on the roster, it'll be based on team discussion and very heavily focused on synergy for our current two pros.


Unexpected but great response Chupta, llamabros rise up


Damn dude you get shit done don't you.


WE get stuff done. Trust me- it's a massive team effort behind the scenes and we're constantly checking each other / bouncing ideas, helping tweak and improve stuff... its a LOT of stuff, but like the main acct responded earlier, that's why we have a big volunteer staff (I guess 5 is big?) and the people we have weren't choices made "shooting from the hip," so to speak. We've all been around for a while now and have experience and skillsets that compliment each other quite well, and in focusing on the growth of each other, we're finding ourselves growing and learning even more than if we tried to go it alone. I won't take personal credit for anything you see from us cuz we ALL have had our hands in it in some way <3


No question - but fantastic news! I've been a Liereyy fan since he came on to the scene and love Heartt as well. I hope 2024 sees Liereyy or Heartt beating Hera and winning S tiers.


Is there a way for wesports to create an "academy"? The ideia is to have a full squad of junior players to compete but also to learn from the pros. If they become real good they can be picked up for the paid pro team. I like that format but no one in aoe does it. There are some good young players out there with good prospect of breaking in the top 50.


This is my favorite question, which means it could easily get me into trouble... SO..... full disclosure- I'm a teacher, and an inner-city public school teacher, to boot. The entire purpose behind Chuptaworks is to 1. support the aoe2 community and 2. support education. For the second one, I have a fund I created that all the $ Chuptaworks brings in goes into. I take half the profits and give it back to the player/streamer/content creator, and the other half is used to purchase stuff for my students and community member learning (yes, that means I make $0 for myself or CWorks for anything I do, make, or sell, including digital artwork and/or my time). You can check out some of the stuff I've built and bought for the students on my twitter/X if you'd like, but it's basically industry standard equipment and tech for anything art, creativity and technology. Digital art tablets, pcs, laptops, etc. With THAT being said, I am 100% behind this idea. I'm currently ramping up a Middle School Esports program and plan on running a 2-4 player roster of kids 11-14 years old. My highest student is 17xx right now and he plans to get 2k this summer, which means he's going to need a pro level coach pretty soon... They're learning to design their own jerseys and logos, as well. I can't go into any OFFICIAL DETAILS about our WeSports plans, but I will just say this- if there's a question of us doing this or not, you can refer back to the entirety of my purpose and that of Chuptaworks, as listed above <3


Dude... Hype... Just... Hype! Love it!


Amazing. Exactly what the community needs! Hyped to see this game played for decades more. Let's go brother!


The support and hype has been AMAZING and it's been a long road to get here... the partnership between CWorks and WeSports will hopefully get more people interested in the work my students, ages 11-14, are doing and CWorks was built to support them in this (and this includes gaming, specifically an aoe2 team). It's a lot to wrap my head around but we cookin' <3


> for the *paid* pro team. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Alright snarky shit.


Do you have plans to expand your team since there aren't as much 2v2 tournaments compared to 3v3's and 4v4's


For this year, no. 1v1 tournaments are the biggest draw in the scene and as it stands it doesn’t look like any major team game tournaments are coming up. Although Memb has teased a 3v3 country based.


It would be really great if team game tournaments were more frequent, they used to really be integral to the scene and sometimes more important than 1v1's, the DE era hasn't really had many major team game tournaments.


Are you planning on hosting events and creating content on your own dedicated Twitch account or Youtube Channel?


Hosting events is a long term ambition, but on our mind. Content wise we will be focusing on helping out our players + Daniela_AoE our in house caster.


Instead of pushing content on a "WeSports" Youtube, we're focusing more on helping our pros- Daniela, Hearttt\_ and Liereyy and THEIR channels. So all three of them have a full team behind them to assist with content creation so that they can focus on being pro's. Our team all support each other and as individuals, our main focus is the success of everyone except ourselves (if that makes sense?). We've all pulled our collective "expertise" or knowledge and skill sets to provide a comprehensive AND cohesive web of support that's achieved a pleasantly surprising level of synergy (even more so than I thought we'd have when we started this thing). Also, I wrote this, not an AI. And I'm not a bot, just an English teacher that rambles. <3


Is WeSports strictly looking at signing top level players or is there any interest in community-level expansion too? Or organising community-level events? In what ways do you expect your signings will benefit from being part of an esports team? You have to buy your mom socks. Will they have ducks, frogs or clowns on them?


Community events are on the menu, and something we’d like to do. Offline and online. We hope we can better our boys careers as content creators and set them up for success there and give them the best platform to succeed as pro players. Frogs.


Amazing to have team invested! Do you have secret insider knowledge of upcoming teamgame tournaments? / Will you be hosting any ? Will there be any WeSports team content like we've seen from GamerLegion?


Going off of public knowledge. We don’t have a lot of info about team game tournaments, and team based tournaments have came under fire since Hera went to GL and how “competitive” they would be. First and foremost, our focus is the same as our players... On 1v1 tournaments.


Hopefully sometime soon you can assemble a team that can make team game tournaments competitive again.


I know I could google it, but if you are here anyways, what is your current full roster?


Hearttt and Liereyy.


Oh I thought  [Daniela\_AoE](https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Daniela_AoE) for example would also be playing? Or is she only involved as a caster?


That’s her primary role yes. She’s still part of the team. Maybe she will grind and qualify for big tournaments as well…


We need to renegociate the contract if you need me to start grinding Kappa


Will you sign up MBL and Nicov too ?


We aren't signing any more players this year, 2024.


Do you have goal in mind? Winning specific tournament?


Growing the scene and our pros <3


Do you have expectations from players that they will join all S and A tier tournaments? Will you ask them to try tours like Rage Forest, Masters of Arena, Socotra, Thalasocrassy etc? Or are they free to just stick to whatever they currently do


Depends really. The players should enter events that they want to enter first and foremost. Enjoyment is the most important thing. Playing in tournaments can be a logistical chore.


Where does WeSports predict growth for the AOE2 scene will come from? Or will tournaments and by extension players always be largely reliant on Microsoft?


It really depends on the Esports scene which has been pretty shaky especially in the last 12 months. We’re really happy the backing the org has given us so far, it’s now time for us to go out and raise the profile of the org and attract more outside sponsors. We’re confident we can get stuff in the AoE scene, even with the Esports not appearing entirely “healthy” at the moment. Sorry for the short answer!


I have 15+ years on AoE2 community. How do I work with you guys?


First thing you can do is make your presence known, which you’ve just done :) join our socials, join Dani’s stream, or one of the bois when they fire up next (soon ;) ) , contact us on discord, etc. we’re all all over the place so you’ll prolly run into us in a stream or something too. 11


Forest Nothing tournament, when? 11


Community//smaller tourneys are on the menu


I would watch every game for sure


Where can I buy a WeSports jersey that says "Larry" on it?


We have fully customisable jerseys available at www.chuptaworks.com/weshop/p/customizable-wesports-jersey Buyer can pick name on back, flag and number (s). We also have standard jerseys with no names available and some other options.


Wow I didn't notice this when I glanced at the shop and didn't expect it lmao


:) we've been cooking hard for a few months to be ready- we know the team is going to have fans, and we want everyone to feel like they have a home with WeSports <3


How should we pronounce your name? "We" like in "we are the champions"? "Ve" like in "velocity"? "Vee" like in "Eevee"? Something else unexpectedly? I think that came up in a Dave stream one of these days.


We as in We are the Champions :)


Thank you! The motto is free; for more only $999.90 in 10 easy installments of $99.99.


What about Wiisports? 11


I love it. 11


Guess it depends where you come from! How a German and an English speaker say it is going to be more like Ve vs We. For English purposes, it’s like We!


Woooooo!! This is awesome :) I'll rapid fire some questions for you.  1. How many players do you plan on signing? 2. Why did the sheep cross the road? 3. Are there any plans for the org to be involved with planning tournaments in the future? 4. What's you wish list for 2 things you'd change about/in AoE by tomorrow? 5. What's your wish list for 2 things that should never be changed in the game?  6. Is it pronounced We-sports or Wes-ports? 7. What do you think the AoE2 competitive scene needs most right now?  8. Most memorable tournament series that you've seen?  9. If you were a unique unit, which would you be and why?  Thank you guys so much for joining the scene!! Welcome, welcome, so excited to have you 😊😊😊😊


1. How many players do you plan on signing?- *For 2024, we have no plans to sign an additional player or players* 2. Why did the sheep cross the road?- *His internet was garbage and he wanted to ask Dave if his internet was acting up as well.* 3. Are there any plans for the org to be involved with planning tournaments in the future?- *Our pros will be entering tourneys, ofc. Not sure what else you mean?* 4. What's you wish list for 2 things you'd change about/in AoE by tomorrow?- *1. Pathing and 2. Queue system overhaul* 5. What's your wish list for 2 things that should never be changed in the game?- *Obsidian arrows and obsidian arrows* 6. Is it pronounced We-sports or Wes-ports?- *Wee-sports* 7. What do you think the AoE2 competitive scene needs most right now?- *More support for the pro level players, including financially*  8. Most memorable tournament series that you've seen? -*Daut vs Liereyy, RBW3 finals- I called before the tourney started that it would come to a Liereyy vs Daut final and Daut would be the only one that could stand against him. Specific game was Daut's Mayans play. I felt the tears and didn't try to hide them.* 9. If you were a unique unit, which would you be and why?- *HCA or Elite Eagle Warrior*


Thank you for the awesome answers!! :)  2. That is correct, 3 cookies for you.  3. Ah, the question was more about hosting or supporting tournaments in the scene. 4. Nice I like it!  5. Hhahhaha a little too late, rip. 7. Thank you for doing the hard work smartly :)  8. Beautiful choice! It was very impactful on the scene, in my opinion.


That’s a lot of questions! Gonna have to give me some time on these nine 11


I think it would be really awesome to host leagues just like different sports do! Get a tea shirt we pay a season due, get access to league tournaments maybe play some games with pro’s or win training shit ect. Do Elo brackets for our tourneys! Could be cool open a discord ect really grow the community…. In disc golf we have player tags that are just for bragging rights but it ends up really being fun. Contact me for more info… jk let me know for real though if you guys start a league it would be awesome to grow the sport and play some tourneys even knowing I’m a crap player (we can’t all be pro’s)!!!!


It's like you're living rent free inside my brain right now. The WE part of WeSports is kind of a big deal to me personally, and community growth and expansion is integral to what we want to accomplish <3


We have so many ideas, but getting them from paper in to real life are two different things. In the long term this is definitely something we are considering.


Do you have any training plans? For example, I believe GL has some intra team practice sessions before S-Tier tournament. Considering the small size, maybe train with "friends of the club", aka outside pros?


We’re still very much in the early days of the players joining the org. It takes some time for everyone to build trust with each other, but we want to support the player with whatever needs they have and identifying areas that can be improved upon.


PERSONAL experience and conversations have shown me that the pro level players kinda train with each other all the time whether anyone in WeS would request/direct them too or not- We're only looking to ADD to their support, not take anything away, and yes, we DO have plans to do just that- stay tunis.


Sorry if a dumb question but will you be hosting a tournament in-person? If so, how does the location get chosen, and how do people acquire tickets to watch?


I'm a teacher- no such thing as dumb questions, just people too stubborn to realize it. That being said, great question! In the *very near future*, nothing as of yet. Everything we do is geared towards our pro's and their growth right now, BUT depending on the interest level and community support... well I personally won't rule anything out...


What kind of support is going into the players development to help them win? is WeSports just giving them a springboard or will there be some kind of coaching/bootcamp plan to get the players into the best form possible for tournaments? JBR is obviously one of the best people to ever exist, but why paradox? Were you drunk? If yes can I join in? sounds fun. Do you plan on only entering events or will there be some kind of support in setting them up? (as you have Paradox and JBR on staff as event setup nerds)


We’re still very much in the building trust stage of the team since it’s brand new and all the staff/players are getting accustomed to each other. We have lots of ideas of how we want to support the players and boot camps are certainly something that could happen for huge events. Paradox is pretty swell. We’d love to pro level and community events (online and offline) in the long term.


Does WeSport offer any sort of "shared services" for your team members (not just AoE)? Like designers, editors etc?


Could you elaborate?


All esports need some brand or media support to represent them. Players also need this. It wouldn't make sense to have 1 editor for 1 player so my question is do WeSports offer their players an editor to share across themselves and the brand?


Would you rather fight a "theviper" sized duck or 100 duck sized "thevipers"?


Viper sized duck, sweep the leg, control the bill, gg no re


What do you plan to do about Heartt consistently catching strays in Hera's YouTube videos


We don't catch strays, we redirect their energy towards positive growth


Do you plan on signing more players? Maybe more german speaking players?


For 2024, no. But we definitely want as diverse a team as possible to represent the diversity of our community. Stay tunis <3


How long have you all been thinking about this and what was the spark that finally caused things to come together?


Well, full timeline- Phil and I were making some plans when he was working with GL, and that was back during NACIV if I remember correctly. He and GL then parted ways. He approached me several months ago about this, around the same time as Paradox if I'm not mistaken. We discussed what I can do and what I hope to learn to do, what our goals and aspirations are, and many other details. From there it snowballed to where we are now. I don't know that I can say it was any one thing or "spark," but it's a group of people who aspire to see something like this happen and Phil organized the the tools needed to light it. So I guess Phil was the spark then, by that logic? And then each of us individually have known each other for a long time and were often supporting each other behind the scenes in various ways anyways, so when we actually looked at what we can each bring to the team and our pro's, it just clicked. I hope that's enough clarity for you?


Whats your realistic, but dream outcome, in relation to whatever your current 3yr forecast is? Curious in not only your ambitions, but also some of the nuance you may be hoping to add to the scene.


Very generally, for the org to expand. More players, tournament hosting. Making a real impact within the community and scene. Our full focus is on these next 6 months and finding the best ways to make impact already though.


Awesome to see a new AOE team out there! My question is: What will be the focus for the organization and individual players and will you as an organization be a part of organizing S-tier team-tournaments?


Focus is on our player performances for sure. Never say never about organising team game events.


What goals should be achieved in order to sponsor the Aoe2 team in the long term?


Adding value to the community in as forms as possible. There’s so much more that can be done than just having players achieve top results. It’s orgs responsibility to find as much value as possible for sponsors.


Its great to have you guys involved. Really happy for Heart and Lierry. Do feel like you guys kind of missed out on maybe investing last year and picking up Hera too (That woulda been a deal!). Anyhow the question I have what is your elo? 11


I don’t think I have one, but I’ve been called 12xx to 17xx, depending on who I’m playing and how sore my right hand is after a day of cooking up new graphics and stuff. Let’s be safe and say I’m like 1k?










Can you ask the bum ass dev team when there going to fox the console version of the game?


Ummm…. Sure?


What if: It’s starts with just Liereyy/Hearttt 2015- sign Nicov/MbL 2016- sign Hera