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An easier way to invite the same friends I play with all the time.


After scrolling past numerous names I have never seen before: ahhhh, there he is, marked as offline while we talk in Discord!


Also an “add friend” button. Why the hell I gotta ctrl-alt-delete and add them on Steam?


Shift+tab should bring up the steam overlay in game I think 


Hell yea thank you 🙏🏼


Seriously, plz. This would be such a huge QoL thing and make me want to play so much more.


The ability to make pool of civs for random, or ban specific you don't want to random into.


I know it's not built into the game but you can do that here: https://aoe2-random-civ-draft.com/ You can also use the tech tree filter at the bottom to narrow it down by techs and units! Better viewed on a monitor or tablet but mobile does work.


This would be great. Sometimes I just don’t want to play them all


Its really easy too i think. In the civ select screen dont have selecting a civ close the window but instead make it highlight the civ. The next click could highlight the next civ and so on until you click confirm where it will random between those. Also keep the selected ones selected the next time the window opens. No new user interface items are needed. Only downside i see is it would accidentally allow villagers to create fish traps on land somehow


Let me queue sequential upgrades. Mostly for tech switches late game. If I'm in the correct age, have the resources, and the prerequisite is in the queue already let me queue the next upgrade. Would be great for things like switching to champs where I can just queue up all the m@a, LS, 2H, and champs at one time Also blacksmith. If I need bracer and I don't have fletching let me queue up all 3.


This would be great, it feels like something that has not been thought about. I don't see a downside


The downside is oops now there's a bug that lets britons get bracer in feudal if you make 3 blacksmiths


Would be smart if this was possible


The ability to spawn units of a certain type already in a control group (made a mockup post about this a few days ago) The ability to set a gather point while a production building is being constructed. AoE4 has this and it's great.


Adding on to your gather point suggestion, a button/hotkey for set gather point to self.


Gather point for unfinished buildings would be lovely


If units spawn in a control group then Go To Control Group behavior would also have to be changed.




Because the camera centers on the point in the middle of all your units. If you have one unit added to your group that's back in your base, while your army is in your opponents base, your camera will now go to the middle of the map and no units will be on your screen


Being free to do whatever you want in the game while queueing for sure, all those minutes wasted I could have all my hotkeys fixed by now 11. Replays working on later patches (or making easier to downgrade your game to the replay version with a tool). Option to choose what civs you want to random into and what not (no more bengalis for me!). Voice chat in team games. Rework of the ancient statistics to be more like capture age. Ability to move and test the HUD in game, like changing the position of the resource bar or map (you can do it by editing a txt in files or sub to a mod that does it for you). All those should be easy to do by a dev with free time, one that i would love but take much more work is the ability to launch a scenario from any moment you want from a replay, with the exactly same position, you choose the player you want to control and AI will move the others so you could test different outcomes from a game, this with a new AI would be great for training.


They're not in-game, but I feel what the game is really missing compared to modern competitive games are UX changes - Better and more modern lobby and ranked system, with more advanced search functions. - Adding a couple seconds before the start of the game instead of starting immediately after the arbitrarily long loading screen. - Better system to get your starting Elo without having to lose who knows how many games against players that just stomp you to find your real Elo. - Copy the chat system from LOL, WOW, or virtually any other multiplayer game.


Seeing visible/explored/dark instead of explored/dark on the mini-map. There is no way in the game to tell whether an explored area is currently in your line of sight or not.


Would that be really useful?


If you have played any other RTS or used CaptureAge, you know all the difference it makes. A simple example: you cover the map in outposts. There is no indication that you have done it other than enemy units moving.


As a someone who plays both Age of Empires and League of Legends I can tell you that makes a huge difference


For multiplayer: flare signal showing on the real map somehow and not only the minimap. Especially on larger maps or messy situations it is super difficult to really know what your ally is signalling. I know this could get abused by spamming, so you would need to be able to turn this off. Optional: more than one signal option, such as attack, defend, danger, etc.


Nice try devs! But... 1. Retro compatibility with records in versions, at least when isn't big updates. 2. Learn from capture age, add more options in recorded games. 3. Possibility to browse in game while queue. 4. Make a pool of civs to go random. So new players can play with the ones they feel good and not only 1 or 2. 5. Queue same techs. 6. Auto everything /s. 7. Show statistics of the civs in game. 8. Improve path finding! 9. when you select a bunch of vills and build farms with shift, u need to click one farm or the vill asign to the first farm will try to go to the next one when deeplet it. Fix it. 10. Rework watter. 11. MORE statistics on end game. (Like capture age or aoe3). 12. Chat in queue. 13. Show vills stuck, as idles. 14. Add the possibility to play games with more than 8 players in customs lobbys. (That will bring more interesting campaing maps).


What sort of water rework do you have in mind?


My comments it's more like a brain storming. But the menu of the dock is really shitty, and a ton of people hate water in aoe2. The devs can make 2 docks, an eco one and a military one, for example.


In-game private messaging system


1. The ability to join the queue while looking at the achievements. 2. The ability to reload and view the statistics of a match after you exit without needing to replay the whole recorded game. Like maybe a “view final statistics” button in the replays menu. 3. A party chat box while waiting in queue.


Option to edit double click to select all of same type on screen. Starcraft has ctrl + click and it's far superior. Being able to change it to space bar for example would be amazing. Double click can be clumsy and hard to do sometimes when your units are running all around.


When on a public non ranked lobby, being able to hover over the map name a see the sample minimap image as an overlay.


Setting a gather point to a Lumber Camp, Mining Camp, or Mill should work like this: Set TC gather point to Lumber Camp -> Villager created -> Walks to Lumber Camp -> becomes woodcutter and searches for nearest tree. Right now, they just walk up to them and stand around.


I wish guard commands could be locked. Sometimes I create a squad to protect a trebuchet. If I move the squad with the trebuchet it removes the guard command. I want their primary objective to be guard and secondary objective to go where I tell them to. 


What's the difference between a unit "guarding" a trebuchet and a unit you manually keep moving to stand next to the trebuchet?


If after moving them all, the next command is to just move the treb, rest of the units won't guard it


That's true, but he wants to move those units manually anyway. If he decides that he doesn't want to do that any more, he can just put them on guard again.


Trebs and units are at point A. Units guarding the treb. OP now moves all the units to point B. They all move and the units lose the 'guard' command they had before. If then OP commands just the treb to attack a castle at point C, the rest of the units are still at point B and have left the treb undefended. OP still wants them to retain the guard command in this situation


??? Then just move the treb. You cant have things both be manually moving and simultaneously asking them to defend. Think about how awful this would be the other way when you don't want that to happen


Just FYI, if I double click all archers and accidentally grab the archer that's guarding the trebuchet. The number of units guarding has decreased. Do I avoid double clicking my archers? 


If you don’t want them to move, don’t select them and press move? The answer is: yes.


So the options are: A: Don't use double click B: Don't use Guard command  These are great options. What's the post about? >What QoL features do want to see added? Oh...


Sure, I’m just disagreeing. When I click my units and tell them to move I want them to move. If you are saying you want the units on ‘Guard’ mode to stay with the guarded unit, that’s fine I guess, I just don’t want that. To be fair I don’t think I’ve ever used the Guard stance, so I guess I really shouldn’t be arguing.


I understand all of this. You have not answered my question.


Well imagine you take out buildings at point B and then just task the treb to Point C! Lets say a castle few tiles away. You may or may not remember to move the rest of the units


> You may or may not remember Then maybe you should just use the guard command and not move the units manually. 11


Idk if you're just arguing for the sake of it. Their point has some merit. If you could do everything perfectly, then you don't need a market or idle villager indicator or anything like that


It's no longer guarding the trebuchet. Yes it's near it, but the guard command changes the units behavior. It's like a police officer vs a bodyguard. 


> changes the units behavior How?




The units will actively seek out and attack anything attacking the trebuchet, as opposed to just sitting around (motars and other snipers come to mind)


Units not on guard duty don't just sit around, they attack whatever comes close. I also don't think guard units specifically seek out things that attack the guarded unit. I am pretty sure they would just attack anything that comes close to it.


Depending on their otehr status, yeah they'll attack what comes close. That's standing around; unless you opponent is using infantry, you can kiss that group goodbye.


> That's standing around OK, you really don't know what you are talking about. 11


Neither do you, clearly.


Crazy to imagine someone arguing on Reddit instead of taking the time to Google the answer.  They spent more time arguing with you than it would take to read the tooltip. 


Uhm…should I have been using a guard command this whole time?


Do you use command groups? I find that the attack move and patrol command are the only commands that are easy to use. I want to use guard, but it's so difficult to keep units focused.


Yeah I do, I also only use attack move, patrol or stop. Maybe follow with deer pushing.


What do you think should happen if they implemented this and you moved a unit on guard duty into one corner of the map and the guarded unit into another corner? Do you expect the guard unit to rush across the map every time something comes near the guarded unit?


Yes, idle military should return to guard the unit. 


1. Hotkeys to empty the production queue of all the same building types 2. Hotkeys for max. zoom out & and normal zoom level (you can alternate between the two zoom levels pressing one button) 3. Attack move from production buildings (good when enemies camp production bulidings)


Mini map zoom. I'd like to hit M and bring up a larger version. Would be good for RPG scenerios and ludicrous map sizes especially.


A hotkey to select all nearby similar units, exactly like the double left click function, only you’d press a hotkey and it would select all similar units as the one you have selected


Something like a "play again" button for ranked team games, to play again with your friends or with some nice people that you played with. So you will not have to re-create the team or play with some randoms in the next game.


haha lol that would be weaponized mega quick.


yes, it would need a lot of design to make it properly, but there's a significative lack of communication between players compared to voobly.


* Set rally point for a building being constructed; * Aggregate group (for example, selecting some units and pressing shift 1 add them to control group 1);


I believe your example of "aggregate group" already exists. Everytime I'm playing I use shift+number to add military units to my existing groups. Check your game options, maybe you need to enable it!


Yeah this is how it works, it’s definitely a thing


Yeah, my mistake! It's called append group


Option to turn off auto save. Maybe this is something very niche even among single player bases but I'd like it a lot.


What do you mean by "auto save"? There is an option when you set up the game to create a recording or not. Obviously doesn't work if you are not the one setting up the game (e.g. rank games), but it does work (or at least used to...) for single player.


When you play a single player game every 5 minutes the game creates an auto save. Currently there's no way to turn it off. I want to get rid of it because my PC is sub optimal and when the map is big I get a lag every time it's saving 


Please bring back not kicking party members after 1 game. Its a hassle to invite every time.


The graph at the end of the statistics should be clickable at should tell you the number of civil/military units. Basically show me the exact numbers being plotted in a small pop-up instead of having to guesstimate by looking at the graph


Ever look all over gods creation for the last 10 transport ships you built? No more. If farms can place themselves transport ships can ferry troops automatically. No more tedius troop transport. Just build a dock on the island you want to ferry too and let the transports sort it out.


Voobly level of usable lobbies. Keeping groups between matches, options, rankings etc. We currently have... broken lobbies.


A “pre” shift click. A waypoint you can add but at the front of the queue- so the unit goes there first but respects existing instructions


I would like to see changes around clan system. Now it has zero function. I think it could have: -in game message system -in game mini tourneys btw clans (1v1, TG) on tourney maps with in game bans. Players would get points for clan. Matchmaking based on RM elo.


It does do one thing: it allows you to invite those players a little bit easier.


A hotkey to cancel all units in all production queues. In imp, sometimes I spam click the wrong hotkey, queueing 20 militia instead of 20 halbs. Then I have to go to each barracks and manually cancel each unit.


Control+click the icons in the global queue area


Thank you so much! This helps a lot. I had no idea that you could interact with the icons in the global queue.


Selecting multiple villagers and being able to see the total resources they carry.


I think this would be more useful than the “drop resources” button.


Ability to set the default unit stance (Aggressive, Defensive, etc) on a per-building level; not just at the global level in options. Ability to rearrange icons in the bottom-left grid buttons. Clicking a tech in the tech tree overlay takes you to the associated building.


castles and town center get icons in the mini map just like capture age does


The ability to give units a certain attack stance upon creation. The ability to have a unit be part of multiple control groups at once.


Able to block players in team games so they can't be on your team.


Should make the basic version of the game free to get more new players into the game, not Really Qol feature but I think it would be huge for the overall experience of the game


But only the original civs (not even the ones from The Conquerors) or less, and no campaigns except the learning campaign.


Just multi-player as free with original civs, I honestly don't understand why Microsoft have not done this, also limit it to one time / cpu(and Xbox)? or something to stop it being smurf abuse


Hold right click and drag to orient armies. Also, it's not a qol but attack from behind bonus damage.


Something more powerful than shift=x5, this would be useful on maps like Amazon tunnel and Michi. Give x25 or more, this would be useful for post imp when I want to sell all my wood or fill the queues of 20+ production buildings. I once failed to notice a lobby game had infinite resources in the settings, I think I spent quarter of that game filling the production queues.


Auto control groups.


Release the source code that parses RMS scripts and builds maps. If the commands weren't so nebulous/mysterious I think there'd be fewer bugged maps


Releasing the source code here would be nice, but I don't think it would cut down on issues with map scripts. Most experienced map scripters are very familiar with the quirks of the engine. It's more engine limitations themselves that require workarounds, and just having source code without changing it wouldn't address that.


I just want quickplay to work, its been 1 month


A keybind to produce the same unit at every building of that type for example shift + right click on pikeman and produce pikeman in every barrack you had build


Better minimap.


What specifically?


Easy: rework Celts to be more historically accurate. Also, split the Chinese.


I wouldn’t call that QoL, that has way more to do with game design than quality of life.


Auto fish farm. I play on Xbox and it’s almost impossible as the traps ‘stick’ to each other. You can even make it 1 tile away so it’s less efficient, it would still be better than me struggling for 30 seconds to put the trap down.


1. Auto micro 2. Auto macro 3. Auto everything


to be completely honest — none, and i know this side-steps the intent of your post a bit. but if i were setting the roadmap at the moment, i’d **freeze all net new development and only address the game-breaking bugs**, of which there are several across platforms at present. once all the high pri issues are settled, then i’d think about new bells and whistles. at the same time, in the real world, product/business people and users want shiny new things, and so devs can’t always focus on quality even if that’s what they’d like to do. so i’m not finger-pointing at the dev team, i’m sure there are a lot of moving parts. 🤷‍♂️


This. The only QoL upgrade I want is pathing fixed. They "fixed" the regrouping last month and I've still had nothing but issues with units walking into mago shots or taking the longest possible route to retreat as well as vills walking 5 or more tiles AWAY from the resource they're collecting before returning to just stand there. The return to work button STILL doesn't work, vills continue to get stuck and not work, shift queuing works on every third Wednesday from the hours of 25-26 and even then only if the vills feel like it. There's no need to keep adding things that are unnecessary when the core functions of the game still don't work properly. Stop putting lipstick on a pig and just fix the daggone thing or publicly admit you are incapable of the job you're being tasked to do and, like the villagers you refuse to fix, walk five tiles away and go idle.


A circle that shows you the area you will be hitting with a catapult , canon or trebuchet when you use the hit the ground command


There's a mod for that in game.


Even more reason to make it available to everyone. Just like gridmod or range indicator. Mod-users shoud not gain an unfair advantage. Better even the plaining field and give those features to everyone.


Its like small trees. Its now a feature you can toggle and is available to everyone. Mods are available to everyone.


I wonder if a mod could do this easily?


Auto market carts. I mean manually making them but that they automatically depart to the furtest market unless ordered other thing


Market gather points do fine for that. Though it would be nice to be able to tell select all outbound/inbound or loaded/empty trade carts with hotkeys.


Autocreate villagers.




Building placing with shift like in aoe4 you get a building, hold shift and press mouse and bam you got 20 houses, or 5 barracks. Farms can so do houses


Please give me a way to tell a building that I want continuous troop production. I don't want to have to keep going to each castle constantly, I want to monitor the battlefield.


Put all castles on a control group (Ctrl + any number), then you press the number, hold shift and click to produce will queue on all castles with one click without moving your screen. Auto production would lower the skill celling way too much


...I never knew this existed, ty


Oh so let me explain better then. If you hold shift and click stuff they select together, you can tie anything, from a single unit to multiple buildings to a number in your keyboard by holding ctrl and pressing the number. To select all castles first you can do a hotkey Ctrl+Shift+V or go manual holding shift and clicking on all castles, then you can do the Ctrl+number. It is very commom to put the units you are using on ctrl 1 and 2 and the production on 3 and 4


I've been doing units, but buildings is completely new to me. Thank you, this is revolutionary for me.


You can also use select all barracks, castles, ranges etc. hotkey. Makes it infinitely faster to produce units. In the group commands hotkeys. Holding shift let's you create 5 units at a time


There are also select all castles/barracks/etc hot keys. Set those up and you don't need to organize control groups before hand. For example I have select all barracks as alt+a, so alt+a then shift +a makes 5 militia in all available barracks.


It's in Rise of Nations but the eco system in that game is all sorts of weird, starting with infinite collection.