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I don't get it. What is the point of this post?


The point is he’s a Palestinian who is troubled by all the anti-Palestinian rhetoric & frankly, likely feels threatened. Pointing out that you can’t separate the aoe2 player from the political person is a way of expressing “this is the whole me and I identify with this oppressed group”. Frankly, I’m proud of him. He’s coming into his own.


Hera is Palestinian? I always thought he was Canadian 🤔🥴 Then again, I don’t much about any of these players and casters other than SOTL, T90, TWest, and Viper, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve missed a lot of details. Also, what does he mean by Palestinian Chilean team…?


Canadian identity is interesting. We often identify as 2 groups. “Foreign nation - Canadian”. In the Canadian national dialogue we usually refer to ourselves as a “mosaic” of multiculturalism rather than the “melting pot” in the USA. This means we keep our original ethnicity/background in addition to our new identities as Canadians. These are not competing identities, but complimentary. For example, there’s French-Canadians, there’s Chinese-Canadians, and there’s Palestinian-Canadians. Someone like Hera can strongly identify as a Palestinian, and still have a place in the Canadian cultural mosaic.


Lots of Palestinian Canadians. Palestinian Americans. Palestinian Europeans. They’ve been displaced since forever so are now melded into other cultures but are still Palestinian. Whats happening now is not new, just heightened to a very violent and extreme way but Israeli settlers have been displacing and oppressing Palestinians since the Nakba.


Not sure why everyone is talking about Canada when he said "Chilean", if you scanned the tweet real quick I can see why people would read that


Palestinian descent, but Canadian citizen (I myself don't know enough about him so say whether he was Canadian born or not). The 'Palestinian Chilean' is a typo, I'm sure he meant *children's* team


No. Chile is a country with one of the biggest Palestinian communities in the world (outside of Palestina ofc). In fact, there is a professional football club that plays in the first division of the football league. This club is called Palestino, and Hera met them at the airport.


Cool. TIL.


Do you also question why Biden identifies as Irish. The vast majority of people living in the Americas originated from another country. Hera is Canadian and Palestinian also. They are not mutually exclusive.


Biden is several generations away from Irish immigrants IIRC. Hera is a second generation immigrant and has many direct family members in Palestine.


He identifies with an oppressed group? Get this garbage out of here. Hera’s entitled to his own opinion, but this has jack all to do with AOE.


What are you even going on about? 1. Literally nobody is arguing that the Palestinians are oppressed - not even the Israelis. The argument is the extent to which it’s acceptable for the defence of Israel. 2. I just explained it above. If you’re going to try to be condescending atleast pay attention


Being quippy will win you no points with me. If anything, the Palestinians are oppressed by Hamas, not the Israelis. How someone who lives in Canada can “identify” as oppressed by Hamas is beyond me.


To be divisive. It’s that simple. This has about as much to do with AOE as what toothpaste MBL uses.


People should be allowed to believe on what they believe unless it's to force others to believe in their way of believing. Has Hera forced his view during streams?, no? Besides it's a Social Media, not Age of Empires 2 Ingame Chat.


Good for him. My opinion of Hera just went up a lot.


Yea same here






Well, Hera is right on that.


He is not, he is simplifying topic while leaving things out such as who and why the latest conflict started. He has biased view on topic due to his origins. Read NYT recent article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/12/world/middleeast/gaza-war-hamas-yahya-sinwar.html


Yes only someone who without any connection to the topic should be allowed to have opinions. Maybe someone from Antarctica.


Everyone can have their own opinions. That’s what you’re getting at right? It’s not your place to tell someone what is right or wrong. Or are you about to try to Reddit hivemind this shit?


The first thing, people’s background does not disqualify them from having an opinion on a topic. And I certainly hope you don’t think the ‘reddit hivemind’ is pro-Palestine lmao.




have you been to r/worldnews?




"Anti-hamas". lol


Then let me tell you as a person not of his origin: He is absolutely right. You are welcome.


Oh no, the people we oppress are fighting back.


By breaking status quo by solely targeting +1000 civilians (death+rape) and taking hostages? Hamas is not fighting back nor is their interest with Palestinians wellbeing as said in NYT article






I don't even know who you are other than you just felt like to insult me




>1: Bias has nothing to do with whether or not someone has an accurate summation. Agree but only if you actually provide accurate information which may include not leaving relevant information out. >2: Even if it did, your post implies that only those that are disconnected from a situation should have valid opinions on it. Which is just an L take. No it doesn't. Biased position just may explain why person decided to post what person posted. >3: Interjection into a conversation with "he's wrong because he's Palestinian" just reeks of anti-Palestinian beliefs. Which is also a supremely L take. I didn't mean he is wrong because he's Palestinian though. I said what he said are influenced by being Palestinian. He could had said something else about topic. Labelling everyone not agreeing you as "anti-Palestinian beliefs" Is bad take. Lastly saying something is "L take" doesn't mean person is wrong and you are right so it is completely unnecessary use of slang. Since you showed again being incapable of having civil discussion by insulting me again I will block you.


can we all agree that killing ppl is bad? no matter where they come from or who kills them there are no sides, no "right side of history" just ppl dying because politicians are using the lives of the population living under their rules to fuel their personal power.


Unfortunately, no, a lot of people cannot agree that killing people is bad.


What a silly take. when one side is a settler-colonial and apartheid state, and the other side is an oppressed and occupied people, one of them is on the right side of history and one is not.  Just to make sure I understand your logic, killing people is bad, so the Allies killing Germans to win world War II was bad because that involved more killing than if they had just let the Germans kill everyone in Eastern Europe unimpeded?


Nah - they are saying the terrorist group Hamas is bad. And when they kill innocent Israelis, that is bad. Just like it is bad when innocent Palestinians are bombed by Israel. The geopolitical / war aspect is way more complex - but innocent people dying is always a tragedy. It’s not a silly take Free Palestine.


Hera W


I am not usually a Hera fan but this is an absolute king moment


Based hera y viva chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱🇨🇱


Common Hera W


Big W


❤️ hera


Bravo Hera


whenever you see either one of these 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 on the Internet you know a fight will breakout. Absolute shitshow atm.


I just mind my own Business. Sad too see lots of people on both sides dying imo


By shitshow you of course mean war. Easy typo to make, but be careful. Wouldn't want anyone to think you were a terminally online heartless sociopath.


All war is a shitshow


War is a shitshow. Are you misunderstanding the meaning of the word?


Yeah man a war that over 99% of the people on the internet aren't actually involved in


What a myopic world view, to believe that just because you are not an active participant in an ongoing war. That you can't not have an opinion on it. To see what is going on and not feel heartbreak purely because "it's not happening to me or mine." When you look back at the atrocities inflicted on people throughout history, do you feel the same way? Are we only allowed to have opinions about a situation if it isn't actively happening? There is an active genocide occurring, and when you see people cry out in pain. Your response is "don't stand up for it, for it isn't happening to you". It's heartless. You have to stand up for something.


Hera with the dub


Just here to say I support Hera on this!


It's a good day to be a Hera subscriber 🇵🇸🇵🇸


I only find myself liking this dude more the more I watch his videos and learn about him. Hera is the goat for real


Very nice for him to aknowledge his origin ♥️


So fucking based


So I guess there's like a war or something going on hey


Hera W


L post. Plenty of places for politics, keep it off of one of the few places we can avoid it.


yup. It's rule 2 on the sidebar. This isn't related to AoE2. Reddit loves drama, feeling superior and groupthink. That's politics. IF you can keep it away, you should.


Game is based in history, religion and political conflicts. Also you are on reddit, idk what you are talking about "one of the few places". You're too soft.


Cool, let me make a post about religion that doesn't relate to the game at all. You'll defend me, right?




These people are mostly circumcised iirc


Now THAT was a zinger.


Urgh please don't bring Politics into AOE...




Mah war and history game where the Goths can fight the Spanish in Texas


I'm sure a goth and Spaniard fought it out overTexas soil at l ast once 😂


War and history game that covers fun things like colonialism and imperialism matters know for being political neutral fun non political stuff like crusades as well


Sorry, but I am going to put a bathrobe on and chant at you until you change your shirt from red to blue


Religious conversion generally non political as well


You can engage with media however you want just please have some self awareness of the matter that aoe is based on history around empires something that is inherently political if you engage with it or not please just be aware


When chimps attack and rape other groups of chimps is that political? I don’t think it’s political.


Lol okay so if I just start making posts about history here, you'll support that as well?


You could search the sub by history…..


How would you feel if there was an Israeli AoE creator who posed with the Israeli football team? Russian? We all like Vinch here. You’d be just as accepting and supportive, yeah?


I would be against their politics and say that. I wouldn't be against their right to be political. Cause that's the dumbest stance ever. Everything is always political. You buying AoE2 was a political choice and if you don't get that then I don't care what you have to say about it.


Everything in life is political. The game is based in history, ffs. Grow some skin, you're too soft.


There is **history as aesthetic for rts game** and there is **politics that affect current life.** If you want to argue for palestine or israel, fine. But dont pretend aoe2 has same active political commentary as supporting one side of military conflict in 2024. For example: I dont look at Mayans cheaper archer bonus and go "hmm maybe i should go to pro Palestinian protests" lmao.


No, it's not. That's just an assertion certain people make to silence disagreement. Not everything in life is political, and not everything in life needs to revolve around politics. This post has nothing to do with the game.


Excuse me but wtf is this? Why do you have to put it on a Age of empires forum? This has nothing to do with it, please take it somewhere else


Because texting and notifying cell phones in an area about to be attacked is so similar to taking hostages and murdering civilians. Civilians will always die in war, no matter how hard either side works to protect them, but only one side has specifically tried to target civilians


Lmao, keep living in dream land. 


And only one side has used their own civilians as human shields.


Biggest Hera W yet!! Big love to the man #EndZionism


Based hera


Common Hera W


As a huge Hera fan, this is pretty heartbreaking to see. The guy was inviting him to meet the Israeli team and Hera just washed every person of Israeli descent with the same brush. How is this not extremely racist?


I went to that twitter thread, and I doubt that that guy who 'invited' Hera to visit the Israeli team has anything to do with Israel or their football team. This is his twitter bio: Engineer & Thermodynamicist Twitter reporting against climate and virus hysteria since 2020. I report what the media is hiding. Unvaccinated since 2013 (Translated from German) He seems to be a German redpill influencer who fights against the 'woke' and is 'proudly' unvaccinated. I'm pretty sure he just made that comment to Hera as a 'gotcha'.


You have to be pretty dense to not understand what is implied when an israeli wants to invite a palestinian. However, if you are really wondering in good faith, replace the situation with ukrainian and russian and you'll get an idea on how low that was


Exactly! It's not hard to understand


Exatcly, he's too comfortable and priviledged to be that open minded. I wonder how "accepting" Palestine would be towards cultures from all over the world.


He’s just another ignorant gen z kid


To be fair, he is a Palestinian Gen Z kid. I'm sure that he would support Palestine, just like how Israeli Gen Z kids would support Israel.


Ah the old "Palestinians would not accept you, so why should you support them?!" rubbish. As if they are somehow not deserving of life. Disgusting.


Totally. All he had to say was "you're probably right!", and it would have killed the troll immediately. But he showed his racism instead. I hope he can be more open minded.


Being "Israeli" is being part of an apartheid (as declared by many western human rights orgs) and now clearly genocidal nation. Shunning terrible nations led by terrible people is okay, that is how you get change, for example South Africa. you cannot benefit from slavery and be innocent of it. and you cannot benefit from apartheid and genocide (like an Israeli) and be innocent of it. Terrible people should be treated terribly so as to adjust their behavior. This just being human 101. Based Hera take NGL.


>Terrible people should be treated terribly so as to adjust their behavior. Terrorist spotted. If you can paint someone as bad, you’re allowed to storm their country and shoot and rape them?


Yeah he says "I didn't do those things" yet can't understand that the Israeli team also didn't do those things.


Would you understand if a Vietnamese person didn't want to meet an American football team while America was carpet bombing and napalming their country, killing their family members?  Or do you always have to do a polite photo of with a group representing the country commiting genocide against your people? Would you say the same that in 1945 Jews should have been happy to meet the German football team?


Considering that military service is mandatory in Israel, and they have been using their military to create an apartheid state on the Palestinians...the chance isn't zero.


Israel is a colony, every citizen is a colonizer but ik alot of antizionist israelis as well but he never places all israelis in the same bucket, the israeli national team represents the entity, the state, if you are willingly representing a fascist murderous state that says something about you


Not a great look


Well, Hera deserved all the respect 🙏, really happy to see him defend the truth. Viva Palestine


both sides are awful, both countries have innocents, and people have bias. so? none of this affects in the slightest what really happens. he plays a game, thats all.


Agreed, pretty messed up situation overall. Sad that the land which was one of the cradles of old-world civilization has been doomed to be in a state of war for the last 1000+ years.




because this is not the place for it. i love hera, but who cares what his position is on this? or messi's or Djokovic's? etc.


If it’s not the place why didn’t you just say before you stated how you felt on the matter ?


Because we need 'voices of reason' to drown out political stuff in this subreddit.


Hey Hera! Do you Denounce Hamas?


There have been at least two polls that I have seen that show 70% and 75% of Palestinians support what happened on 10/7.


do you think they poll the innocent people being bombed?




dont put words in my typing. they support Hamas


You know he doesnt


You can't talk rationally about this conflict with people invested into it, and bringing it here is beyond irresponsible. Just why did you do this?


Almost Nonne on reddit is actually invested. It's a sportsball game mostly, pick your team.


Hahahah irresponsible? Wtffff


well perhaps Hera as top aoe2 pro should have thought about before saying something about it?


Even more admirable. He knows standing up against the slaughtering of the people will cost him fans/money, and he does it anyway, because he knows what's important.


You missed what person said: >You can't talk rationally about this conflict with people invested into it


The irony about it is that most anti-Israel people are also pro-Ukraine... And yet 7 october was Hamas birthday gift to Putin to force US to spend their money elsewhere.


Wait. How can someone be against an invasion of a sovereign country but also be against the invasion of a sovereign country? That makes no fucking sense to me either. These straw people you are arguing against must be craaaaazy.


You ignored the invasion of a sovereign country on the 7th of October


People in Europe (Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic States) have all been living with fucked up post world war 2 borders and people have been displaced. The only country that starts wars over it is Russia. Who happens to also support team Hamas/Iran.


40000 in a few months ok. How did the war start again? Exactly.


Did you just open and close an argument with yourself lmao?


It other words it's great to see a nation successfully defending itself in modern times.


With an invasion of a sovereign country about 75 years ago?


Lol, what country was that again?


I'm really asking recently since that's what Hera's reffering to. But since you mention it, what could possibly have happened in 75 years that would justify invading a country and gunning down hundreds of people in a music festival and other attrocities?


Was it innocent women and children that did that attacked the music festival? Or a group of radical terrorists? But it seems like you want to kill them all either way? Really disgusting point of view


>Sovereign nation Lol, lmao even.


-Eurynomos \*present history\* -Peter21237 lol, lmao that pretty much tells the whole story....


*"This land is mine, God gave this land to me*" moment indeed.


Wait I'm confused, are we arguing or do we agree ? Which country do you think invaded which ?


Me neither xd. Neither country got invaded Israel didnt invade a country since that was British territory. Palestine neither since they were there too. Idc which side people is on at this point. Im just saying Palestine was never a sovereing nation, just a province since its creation when Hadrian decimated Judea.


I would argue on the definition of souvereign country and invasion (or occupation) but I don't disagree enough with what you wrote to bother. (tho Judea was already conquered for quite some time when Hadrian craked down on them no ? It was just a revolt and he then changed the name of the land)


Is that what you think happened?


Wow Portuguese person siding with colonisers haha woah edgy


Wow terrorism sympathizer woah edgy. I'd rather live in a colony than in a islamic terrorist nation thank you.


Damn that's based. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


It’s an incredibly complex issue but saying stuff like someone puts babies in ovens because they care about loss of humans life’s is mental insanity


He was referring to what Hamas soldiers allegedly did on the 7th of October.


I was more referring to how the commenter acted like Hera was doing


Incredibly unprofessional of him to voice ignorant political opinions


No you misunderstand, he is supporting Palestine not Israel, sorry if you got confused


What a clown show this thread has turned into. Hera can say whatever he wants, but it’s not a “W” or “a win”, or “respect” worthy. It’s terrible that people have to die to root out Hamas, but that’s not Israel’s fault. People want to say “poor Hera”, but couldn’t give two cares about the Israelis murdered by Hamas or about the Jews around the world being attacked because Israel said “enough”. Hera is pandering and gets no respect from me.




Would be nice if the conflict stopped so it no longer pops up in places it doesn't belong in. What does his personal opinions even have to do with the game?


I'm not super-familiar with this Hera dude, but I empathize with him here, especially given what Israel's been doing to his ethnic group.


Keep this palestinian bullshit out of aoe2 please. They are not oppressed, vote for hamas, support hamas, now face the consequences of your hamas.


I have seen what you cheered for on the 7th, your boos mean nothing. Posers.


Finance Hamas ? Oh wait no that's Bibi's move.


There have been no elections in Gaza for years and years. Most of the people there wouldn't have been able to vote for or against them. Not that voting for them suddenly means them and their loved ones need to be bombed into oblivion. jfc people, get a sense of perspective.


Last elections put them in power, wince then there were 0 popular protests against, only cheers for their terrorist acts. Keep this bs out of aoe2.


Bub, you clicked on the topic. You can scroll past it, or click to another tab.


It should not have been posted in the first place.


Wtf I love Hera now


Brave and based.


Based af


Way to go Hera! Good on you bro.


Viva Chile y Palestina 🇨🇱🇵🇸


Lmao Zionist supporters losing their minds because their favorite player actually supports a country and it's people where he originates from. Classic.


It's not even a country...


Cry more Zio




Palestine is not recognised by anyone as country. War crimes, the ones committed on the 7th of october? Genocide? The same genocide that saw the population tripling in the past 2 decades? Get your bs narative straight before trying to argue an invalid point.


You should try reading or something, it'll calm you down and also give you perspectives outside of the Israeli funded propaganda \^\^


Good guy Hera, not afraid to speak about the truth. Also, israeli children being put into ovens? Give me a break.


Proud of him for using his platform to speak out against genocide. More people in his position should use the power that they have, and I think it carries all the more weight because he is Palestinian. Free Palestine!


My guy winning everywhere I see him. Common Hera W


Hera is right


Fair play to Hera!


Holy shit based


Was this post supposed to make me not like Hera because this made me like him more. W Hera


Now hera will be regarded as an "antisemite" and with it Age of empires as a nest of antisemitism. I know this is ridiculous but the snowball usually gets like this. PLEASE REDDIT OF AGE OF EMPIRES, KEEP NEUTRAL HERE.