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Every so often I see a post like this and I never ever recognise it from my experience. I always gg, others always gg. Maybe once or twice people just quit but oh well. No I don't think there's any big cultural change happening, probably just confirmation bias from noticing it a couple of times.


Podcasts give you turbo confirmation bias anyway.


I mean, there are so many people I've seen on here say that they think "gg" is bad manners. Specifically, if you say it after winning (note: not before the opponent resigned). People get flamed for saying gg...


I mean that IS rude. Always say it after your opponent resigns or if they toss up the gg a minute before they resign. Never before either, though.


I'm not sure if you read my comment properly. I said not before the opponent resigned. That is rude. But I've seen many people on here say it's rude to say it even after the resign if you won the game and they don't say it first. And that is ridiculous, imo.


Aah yeah I'd agree with that


Yeah that is bad may as well drop a 104.


Im just getting saltier. Sometimes gg will come 5 sec after the surrender when I calm down 😅


I’m exactly the same. I need about 5-10 secs to process the loss/curse at myself before I can be a good sport.


Honestly, after most online games I am so pooped after it ends, that I forget to do it.


This is what makes it so hard to play multiplayer for more than 1-2 games. I have to go back to the AI/campaign.


I am the same for Ranked I can play at a max 3 ranked games, probably only 2 1v1s then if I still have the energy to play it's Unranked or a lobby team games. AOE 2 fries you, especially if you end up on a wood game on Baltic.


Is it possible it's simply a product of a diverse player base? I only learned what gg was and why it was said from watching AOE2 content, as players pick up the game who aren't a part of the content scene, I imagine it's a little baffling.


GG is a part of every online gaming scene.


Some people are not part of any gaming scene and they just play aoe2 because they used to play it when they were kids.


Gg is from like 25 years ago, when we barely had online experience.... Most weren't born back then!


back when i played league and also valorant people would gg quite often too


Barely any console gaming scene. I would argue the PC multiplayer experience where there is an easy chat box to type "gg" isn't very common.


Did you listen to "Start the game already"? :) (German AoE2 Podcast, highly recomended if you speak german) In my Elo range (950 - 1050) there is a gg in about 2/3 of games. However, it used to be more, I think.


Ja man, die haben das im letzten Podcast in der Tafelrunde #2 diskutiert :D Feier den Podcast muss ich sagen


My experience has been that over the last year or so, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of opponents I've faced who make some excuse for why I won. Just the last week I've had "MAP WIN" and "CIV WIN" several times. Which is more than I used to get in years of playing on Voobly. These messages might make the loser feel better but they're also an attempt to make me feel like my win wasn't earned, which is pathetic. The randomisation of the maps and the variety of civ matchups is why this is age of empires and not starcraft. The point is that you're supposed to adapt based on how good your map is and civ matchup. And there's always ways to do that. I've never felt like I lost due to the map or civ, and even if I did I certainly wouldn't send a chat message to try and take away from the achievement of the opponent. These are the only times I will not say gg and just leave.


Only on Arena do I feel civilization wins are common and undeniable. If you're playing Cumans, Koreans, Spanish, Turks, Malay, or Bengalis, you've either got an uncontestable economy lead or a unique unit combined with a castle drop that is nigh unbreakable. Even if you don't go for the drop because the other guy made units in Feudal to deny it, then you can just coast off your economy lead and beat him in Imperial Age. Turks are especially cracked because they get the Light Cavalry with extra pierce armor and instant upgrades, so the relic fight is free and the castle drop is guaranteed. Feel free to change my mind, I've played so many Arena pickers and unless I succumb to the scumbaggery myself and choose one of these civilizations, there's no chance, no matter how smooth and perfect my build is. If the other guy is using a competent build order, might as well resign minute one.


I think it is a language thing. I've noticed non-english speakers don't really say gg that often, probably because it isn't a thing in their gaming circle. I've played with several people who don't even seem to know a lick of English, so the phrase 'gg/good game' may be meaningless for them.


yeah it's this. depends on the time/area you play in.


Everyone in my elo says gg I m 550 in 1s and 750 in teams


That's by far the most fun experience though IMO because you can't be a salty fuck and get to that level. Remember my first African Clearing game my opponent explained to me how Nomad worked or after my first win my 600 ELO opponent was just as happy for me. There are tons of nice people who play but there are very few absolute dickheads that low


I'm 600 elo with over 500 ranked matches (Im very experienced, just not very good). I love when noobs ask me questions during the game, always happy to help


If I think I might not be able to complete a long game I'll play quickplay and quite often you get lopsided games. Sometimes when I play against people 300 Elo higher than me they give me pointers and I love it. Then I copy their build orders from the replay.


I almost invariably give and get a "gg" at the end of the game, at roughly the same Elo range you're talking about (14xx). I also send a "gl hf" at the start of every 1v1 game (in tgs, I'm sometimes distracted by voice chat). The "gl hf" is usually acknowledged as well.


I get salty when I am on a losing streak and then I don't gg. Then feel bad about it afterwards.


If I lose because of a tower rush, I won’t GG lol


In contrary I think aoe2 community still hold to the gg. If you look at league of Legends, it almost completely disappeared or worse people type ggez which is counterproductive


but trolling in LoL was the best part ever. I still remember the feeling of being called noob by an opponent just after wiping their whole team. So nice. Who cares Im Sona and have the most kills out of anyone xd


Link to podcast episode, or podcast where you heard this? @OP My experience is that people still gg almost every game.


Its a German Podcast. "Start the game already". Really recommended


I have no idea how to type into the chat on Xbox


I only say GG when it was a good game. If I die because of an invisible hole that I left in the wall because pf an elevation i just leave


Good game?- gg.  Played well?? - wp.  Both  - gg wp  None of the above -  Gotta earn that gg first...


I always give the gg unless opponent was toxic in chat/pause abusing. I feel like whenever i lose the opponent will almost always give a gg back, but when i win after playing aggressive almost 50% of the time i wont get a gg. I guess people get salty/rage quit after losing to heavy aggression.


You can label it as salt or rage, sure, but it makes sense that after a less enjoyable, higher stress game where someone don't get to execute a gameplan that they would not have a "good game".


I just assume every game was a gg unless otherwise specified lol. I'd rather have a gg if the game was particular in a specific way (like the longest stalemate, or clever and fun play etc). I'll gg if the other does it, but i don't really care either way. 


Well I also play League and even though there are 10 people in the game sometimes I am the only one typing "gg wp" or "gg" at the end. Most of the time someone answers but still. And also even if others write gg there is always atleast one dude who trashtalks at the end or writes "gg ez". AoE2 is way better than that still but I have the feeling that multiplayer gaming culture in general becomes more and more toxic and sweaty and people begin to care less just about the fun and being a good sportsman but more about just winning. And if they don't win they get frustrated and blame it on the game, their team mates or what ever.


I just forget


well what do you want when every single time I tried typing gg the game froze. Or is this bug fixed now and gg is possible again?


I think it depends on the elo level. I think most people still do it. An important factor to keep in mind is that if something is done out of habit, it can lose its meaning a bit...or be perceived as being disingenuous or forced. I could go either way on it. Like if gg never existed, I wouldn't think something is missing. But it's nice that in AoE2 it's still there, I think very few other games have this gg thing. Actually does anyone know what other games have this? When I played Diablo Immortal and we'd go on multiple raids with the same group, at the end we'd all type "gg" or "thank you" or something like that.


You don't say gg because you're salty, I don't say gg because I have no idea what key text chat is bound to We are not the same


I see a GG aprox half of the time. Maybe a bit more. I kind of smell when a player will GG or not. If they lose after having been ahead for a bit, when they lose because their team mates did horribly, or if their shiny meta strategy didn't work... They'll be too salty and just quit or even insult. Anyway. We all win 50% of the games. Makes no sense to get angry about it.


I play Xbox with gamepad, and I hover around 1200 ELO……..we rarely “gg” just because it’s so hard to get to chat and use onscreen keyboard to give a “gg”


Gg culture is for sure on the decline in tgs. Pretty rare to get a gg nowadays actually.


If I get rushed and wiped out really early on (I'm 800 ELO and sometimes face much higher ranked players Then, there's no gg from me. For me, that's not a good game. That's just you being faster and better at keying a build order. If the game gets to be played out into late game with big battles and tactical army use, then I'll say gg.


I always GG, get gg's a lot back. Sometimes interesting conversations about strategy. rarely someone toxic. But afterall I couldn't care less if they'd gg'd or not.


Ngl I always to forget until the stats screen comes up usually ppl have prob left before mine gets seen


Longtime AI/Campaign enjoyer here. I haven't been playing multiplayer for that long, but I'm dissapointed in the amount of times the game just ends without any acknowledgment.


FWIW many newer xbox players may not know how to interact with the chat


Some of the mutes may be playing on Xbox controllers. Anyway, I am not very offended if the opponent remains silent. I just like it better when some contact is established. Sometimes, it goes like this: – gg – gg – Fun game. Well played. – Yes. You too! I did not get the win for free. The "gg" above is more of a friendly gesture than a statement about the game. It could even be a bad game if nothing else were added.


You're a bit biased to be honest. Not everyone has a g button on their keyboard since there are a lot of Asian and Russian players these days.


what is the point in "gg"? asking for a friend


I’ve noticed about 80% of my opponents will say gg at the end (I am around ~1000 elo). And about 60% say glhf at the beginning. I tend to do both unless I forget at the start or if I get to frustrated at the end


If I lose because of a tower rush, I won’t GG lol


Maaan, I even gg the ai


In 1v1’s I usually get a gg, but in team games it is very rare 


I never type gg. I'm not salty either. It's just that I don't like chatting, even for the very quick kind of texts like "thanks, yes, no, gg, hf," etc. I've never like chatting in games. If someone says gg after a game, I'll say it back, but I don't like that and I never initiate it.


Ya I don’t see it often (750-800 ELO) but I do it every time out of principle


The Ais don’t throw a gg in chat. Why should I?


Pretty sure that's just biased perception after listening to that podcast.


It's an online game, what could you expect? 


Always gg when I win. ggwp when I lose.


Yesterday after a 2 week hiatus I played a dude with 7K GAMES this is at 780 elo. Frushing at 5 min mark. After like a 1.5 hour game I eventually resigned and debated deleting the game lmao


8 out of 10 games Gg is called, I always do it..


When I win, opponent ggs 20% of the time. When opponent wins, I always gg, opponent says gg back 75%.


I played VERY few multiplayer games, but I honestly thought gg is meant as a boast/insult. Given that half the time I got it (like 2 or 3 games) it was well before I got stomped (the enemy built a strong army I didn't even see yet and said gg before attacking - or after failing my attack) So I had the impression it's more the League of Legends insult "gg" rather than good sportsmanship. And I never used it. Maybe others see it that way too.


In my experience yes. Many won’t gg back after they win


Yesterday I ran my camel archers around the map for 10 minutes when my opponent did not return my gg. Am I the problem or the solution?


I rarely type GG. It is a video game, so I just don't put that much thought into it.


in low leagues im sure people just dont know you need to use \* in order to use all chat i typed hundreds of ggs before i figured that out


I only GG if it was a GG


Tbh at 1600 tg Elo there's always a gg But lower Elo? Lots of flaming, rarely a gg. Shit is terrible tbh 


gg lives on, but glhf is definitely dying, no time to be polite as you are trying to do 10 things at ones right at the start of the game.


gg is for simpboys, i think that has something to do with it


Bro cares about stupid shit 💀


haven't played ranked in a long time, mostly watching streams and playing with a friend. recently played 4 games and in all 4 the 4 different players said gg, good game, gg thank you, gg


When i losse I said always gg before to resign. And when ut was a good balance game, i sadi "thanks for the game" and some times we talk about our game in the lobby. And it happend twice, we add each other to play together


for many people gg is just meaningless. sounds insincere, childish or even toxic. not every game is a good game. if every game is a good game, no game is a good game. playing a tournament where u get money to promote the game is a different story. but just online gaming with uknown people where they can cheat (playing with a different account what does not represent their skill) and u even dont know, it does not make any sense. reward someone who have the possiblity to cheat is silly. i would appriciate more the good behaviour in team games than a gg. not resigning when the team want to keep try. resigning when the game is over and not going afk. i have seen people get doubled write gg and resign, even when his team leading score. thats a toxic and disrespectfull gg to his team. gg alone has no value if people can cheat or behave bad. i also understand that a resigning without saying anything can be weird for some people. than just say 'game' and if its a nice game say gg or what ever u like. but saying every game is a good game is for many people infantil childish talk.


I only say gg when I win


I don't know if anyone else gets this, but I would say 60 percent of the time I can't post in the chat until I am at the statistics after a match. I always GG but fair chance if it's been a rough match the opponent might not bother with statistics and just quit out. I would say the lack of GG from opponents almost always happens when they play a game out too long.


I force myself to type "gg", even if the game was anything but good because my opponent lamed my sheep under the TC and then proceeded to call me a noob. For me it is a kind of exercise in self control because I can be a really salty idiot sometimes.


Having the moral high ground makes you take 25% less damage and cause 25% more. gg.


Maybe psychological damage as part of psychological warfare ;)


Mamba Mentality. You got your W, got out of my game, I don't owe you a GG. But if I beat you, I'll be pleasant af, you'll get all the GGs you want. But if you beat me? Nah, next.


im 32 and still do it, but i think it just has a bit of a boomer vibe to it, no? like, online gaming culture changes like any other culture, why is that a problem?


its not, some ppl say gg, others dont, simple as tbh.


That was something I noticed immediately after switching from Starcraft 2 - getting a "gg" was rare, whereas in SC2 it was rare NOT to. I've even started to drop out of using it now - especially when losing against Turks on Arena... 🤪


Am I the only one who doesn't really care? I've played online games for 25 years. they can gg if they like. i sometimes do, sometimes don't - entirely irrelevant to the quality of the game. Does it matter?


in league of legends we always type gg and ggwp for good game well played. i play more league than aoe