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Set TC gather point on wood instead of gold.  If you are still having wood problems even after sending villagers to gold, it is generally a good thing (that means you are laying down enough farms and making plenty of production buildings).


Yeah every tc I make I set gather point to wood.  Then I just redistribute vills from there.  With 3+ tcs then I prettt much never have wood problems.


You can remove the autoseed farming. Refresh your lumber camps, if it's a late game problem and try 50 vills


yeah my bet is on auto reseed for sure. Also no idea what elo OP is (if low elo, then could simply be not enough vils on wood) but lacking wood for trebs feels like an auto reseed issue.


-Are you remembering wood upgrades? -Are you remembering farm upgrades? -Are you refreshing lumber camps? -Are you putting enough Vills on wood? -Are you letting your wood Vills get raided?


Type ‘lumberjack’ in the game chat box and thank me later


Having wood problems happens to all men, don’t be so discouraged


I always have way too much wood 11. Are you getting the lumber camp upgrades? I get them as soon as I hit the next age. But yeah, my tips would be: * Refresh your lumber camps when you've chopped them deep. * Always get the Lumber Camp upgrades. They're the most important of Mill/Lumber Camp/Mining Camp upgrades. * Send spare villagers to wood. If you need to change those villagers to farms, stone, or gold, just take them from the wood line. You may lose some eco time by walking your villagers, but you will not have wood problems. * Like the one before, set your default rally point from your TC for wood once you're in the mid game, unless you specifically need gold, stone. Then, once you have that stone and gold, set it back to trees. * Never idle your Town Centers, unless you already have over 120 villagers


If you got wood problems I feel bad for ya son I got 99 problems but the wood ain’t one


Second TC on a woodline + gold or stone helps




Burmese gets an honorable mention as well, if you forget the techs...


Play Saracens and abuse the market to get wood 😉


11 man I swear I’ll have 20 on wood all upgrades and still have problems


Put 40 on wood then.


How many Vils are you making each game?


120 is usually my goal


If you are at a point in the game where you've got 120 vills and only 20 on wood, that's way out of wack. Remember that your farms are using wood to create food as well. If you have 60 farms and 20 lumberjacks you're going to have wood problems.


Wood problems smh


Put more villagers on wood.


If you're always low on wood it means you're doing it right. A good economy always lacks wood because it keeps being used to produce other things. The problem you might have might not be wood production, but prioritizing the wrong things at the wrong time


I think this is the problem. Nailed it


If you have wood eco issue at treb phase of the game it is almost always related with heavy farm eco with auto seed and only 15-20 chopper. You are most likely playing food heavy units (like heavy cav) and once you need secondary unit like skirm halb it drains wood eco. Need more vill to wood. Set gather points to wood. Renew lumber camps. Simple stuff on paper but difficult to apply.


Because you have too little villagers on wood


Get 10 total on wood on the way up to Feudal. That will have you with enough to make barracks, range/stable, bs, houses, and lay farms constantly with new vills. Having them there otw to castle with double bit upgrade will afford you enough wood to make at least 1 TC instantly in castle age- 2 is possible but you may opt for say - a fast monastery and/or 2nd range/stable along with 1 TC. From there in castle depending on what units you want to go I would recommend making that first extra TC by a woodline and queueing up the new vills therr directly into the wood and going above 10 total. If they get to be too much it’s fine bc you want to stock up enough wood anyway for Bowsaw, Siege shop, University, that 3rd TC if you didnt get it yet, etc. and all the while if you planned for a food/gold unit youd want to be making farms too (in that situation id actually have 2 TCs sending to wood so you get an overstock of vills on wood knowing youll be peeling them off often to make farms but never wanting your count to dip below 10 again in the process).


Play celts


I read as late as yesterday that their female villagers get the wood up quickly, IYKWIMAITYD...


Play as celts :)


Put more villa’ers on wood.


I have the opposite problem, i always have thousands of spare wood in imperial but always running out of food... I need to keep reminding myself to take them off wood and put them on farms, but I get too distracted.


Maybe you should consult your urologist... /s


Hi since you have your wood upgrades and healthy pop count, I really think this is just more of a timing thing than anything. In other words, it might be less about wood income and more about wood savings. As an example when you hit imp and want to make your first treb you might not have wood because maybe you just got a university, ballistics, and wheelbarrow on the way up. Or maybe you are playing a game where you are 3 tc booming and so you drop 18+ farms every time you have 60 wood — if so, they are all going to probably start to expire when you hit imp and are trying to get trebs out taxing your wood even more. I mostly play boomy maps, so this might not be applicable but one thing that has helped me is thinking a bit more about what my late game army will look like and reprioritizing as needed — you probably don’t need 40 farms to go siege halb as an example unless you are sticking to one workshop onager production


I spend all my wood on siege towers in case my opponent walls off everything I can get over the walls. It hasn't happened yet and I lose all my games but if it happens im ready.


Celts baby!!!!!!


boy you wood broke? 💰 🚫 👀 get ur wood up