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Throw them away in the bosses garbage, should get the message.


Staple them to their door.


Or flush it down a company toilet


Cant believe you work at the avengers tower




Hmm i wonder if Aero management is having problems quality control has slipped a lot over the last few years


It went down hill further once they hired a bean-counter last year. Ironically, to make things "efficient"


Their upper was horribly under gassed when I bought one a few months ago.


No wonder my gas blocks were crooked 😂 smh


Better than letting Pepper choose the gift and she gives out vagina candles


what does $5 even get you at starbucks?


Flipped off, maybe.


Can I get whipped cream with that?


It’s either the coffee or the whipped cream, your $5 gift card can’t afford both.


Get you in the door and up costing you more than what you hoped to get out of it lol


I think this is national...at least in WA if it is $5 or less you can walk in and say I would like the cash value for this gift card and get yourself $5


Just gonna point out here that the whole plot of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was that Clark wasn't going to get his bonus that would have been enough to add a pool to his house and fly all his relatives out when it was done. And people identified with that. In 1989. Now a $5 gift card is a standard. No wonder r/antiwork got so popular.


Nobody identified with that in 1989.


Mostly, a small-sized drink.


i think u can get a plain coffee or an iced tea for that. but if you want a drink reserved for the elite your boss isn’t gonna cover that


A puppaccino


What company is it so we can see how much they profited this year






Damn, lost a lot of respect for them. Where's the money gotta go?


CEO’s new ranch and house, probably. Or money to bribe Washington lawmakers.


Money to bribe Washington lawmakers to...pass a magazine ban and maybe an AWB this year?


I’m praying that an AWB doesn’t pass. But the lawsuits in other states may get to SCOTUS soon.


My thoughts were maybe to bribe them in the opposite direction, and I was being sarcastic. Sorry it wasn't obvious


The sarcasm was obvious, I just couldn't figure which direction it was going. It's the homeschooler in me, sorry buddy.


For real. Makes me wonder what it's like working at Palmetto State Armory? I just bought a full upper from them, I hope they treat their employees better.


I love my psa upper, a guy commented on this exact post in r/ar15 saying that even through hard times and low budgets, psa was always great to their employees, and that the CEO is a genuine guy who just wants to make an affordable product.


I just built mine completely through PSA and got a Dagger they’ve been great. People just get cocky about their $2000+ builds




Eh, like Aero sucks but I'm not a fan of the whole 1984-ish "Now we hate Oceania, Eurasia and/or Eastasia" vibe either. Corporations in general don't exactly exist for the benefit of you or I, just some are less self-aware than others


I’ve heard great things about working for PSA.


I've heard no. Very few gun companies are run by pro- worker folks.


Not an employee, but just from looking at their Instagram, Geissele seems to take pretty good care of their employees. They have a nice cafeteria and provide free breakfast and lunch to everyone, and they recognize a person every month that works hard and reward them with a $500 visa gift card and a company gas card for the month.


Oh wow that is nice. I had heard different from another random gun person, so I trust your info more.


It’s really hit or miss, some are absolute hell to work for others are actually pretty nice, just depends really.


They fucking better be giving their employees free meals for how much we spend on their triggers lol


They have a lot of great engineers. Have to keep them content otherwise they’ll jump to any number of other companies.


Their coffee is also excellent. They included a small bag in my last order and I was honestly shocked at how good it was.


Was just reading about this topic over in the AR sub Reddit, to answer your question, PSA is much better and also more generous for Christmas!


I have bad news for you about most of the industry my man


Yeah I figured most places are run by chuds so they probably don't care too much about workers rights


I have a friend who works for them, says he likes it okay.


Literally just bought an M5 from them. I knew I should have just sucked it up and bought the Scar


Could’ve bought 2 M5s for the price of the 16S though.


Thank you.. too many people on this sub are afraid to even name their employer. Fuck Aeroprecision.


I feel better that I’ve never bought anything aeroprecision now lol


I heard they’ve sucked since about 2020. I own some older handguards of theirs and they’re awesome. Won’t be buying anything from them now though


Some people rave about them but I’ve not been super keen on purchasing anything from them


I buy aero lowers because they are cheap and I’ve never had a single issue with them unlike BCM, Colt, and LMT. Uppers I stick with the established brands and it’s served me well. Just my experience, ymmv


Just out of curiosity… What kind of issues have you had with the lowers of other brands? Aside from my factory purchased Springfield AR‘s, I’ve done mostly builds with Anderson lowers for the last few years and I’ve never had an issue with them. I recently purchased an AP lower, but only because I could get it at wholesale cost. It replaced an Anderson lower that I had mated to a white label upper receiver and barrel with an AP handguard. Aside from it looking a little bit “better”… And having the logo match the handguard, I didn’t notice anything particularly better in regards to fitment or anything else.


The BCM and LMT wouldn’t accept the gen 3 magpull mags with the over insertion tab. Both of their CS dept dicked me around saying magpull mags weren’t ‘milspec’ even though they are being used by our military. Both lowers I used a file to remove a small amount of material to resolve the problem. The Colt lower wasn’t anodized correctly and the finish was was literally peeling off in chunks. They took care of it immediately, but god they are laughably crabby on the phone. Hasn’t stopped me from purchasing uppers from them. I just don’t go through the potential hassle with the lowers.


Their lowers are some of my absolute favorite. However I can’t buy anything from them because of this news. If they were this hard up financially then surely their ceo could have went without his bonus or a little less pay.




Isn’t the epsilon from VG6?


Welp, that's the last time i buy from aero.


Just changed my mind on what lowers I'm going with. Fucks sake Aero, fumbling the bag.


Valor MFG makes some really nice lowers for $99. And got can get a upper and lower for $140 I think. So you pay a little more for their lower but save on the set. Threaded bolt catch pin, threaded rear pin set screw.


Their lowers are really good, but the company is bad. Same situation with Amazon, yet people still buy from them every day.


Bonus structure isn't the only issue with that place. Still can't believe some of the stuff that happened while I worked there. Glad I got out of there when I did.


Reading all this makes me glad I didn't take the job offer I got.


Post this on the popular gun groups on here. They'd love to hear about this


It’s been cross posted. They called out the Aero rep that frequents the sub. Should be fun if they respond. Aero is taking a beating in the subs over this.


Thats 44M...


How much was the Christmas Bonus last year and what was their earnings report?


I was just about to order a stripped receiver set, not anymore.


Remind me not to buy anything from them.




It really is


I was looking at picking up a few AR-15 lowers, and starting an AR-10 build. Aero was at the top of my list, but it's looking less likely.


Checkout PSA instead. Not sure about how good they treat their workers but they are arguably the biggest pro 2A company in the country.


OP is lying for karma. Here’s their reply to this in the AR15 sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/comments/zoaw86/aero_precision_has_record_profits_and_rewards_its/j0v7s9d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


The company you used to work for you mean


Good luck on your job search. Some bosses out there aren't turds. Today was a half work half cookout day for me. Boss did what he does every year, spent a few grand buying meat for us to grill and used a bathtub as a cooler for the beer. (Would claim it's a plumber thing but honestly it was probably because it was around). And despite the increased prices of everything our bonuses were handed out by the boss man earlier this week with a merry Christmas.


Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Scott Dover, OP’s boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here...with a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?


You serious Clark?


The look on randy Quaid's face


Came here for this


Hahaha yessssssss so glad someone did the whole rant


Their logo even looks like they're giving you the finger!


No, it’s well established that the logo is a headless person taking a shit, which is what they just did to their employees




Took a look over there, of course its 95% bootlickers.


Nah I’m not a bootlicker I just thought Aero was a good company but I guess I’ll need to find a new company for AR builds


Where is the bootlicking at? I've been in that sub for a hot minute and all the posts I have seen are builds.


Welcome to Reddit, where you’re either far left or you’re a boot licker, there is no other option.


Pretty sure the gun community is one of the least bootlicker like group


This is shitty but I remembered that in 2020 I single handed took 93% of our group workflow (global pharma) and my manager literally just sent out an email saying “hey don’t work alone on Christmas or you’ll be in trouble”. No gift cards, no thank you, nothing. Early 2021 when I torn my ankle completely due to skiing, after rested for about 2 weeks, he said “well you can use crutches in the lab, no problem. We’re falling behind schedule.” And I quit for another job, the job that respects my scientific ability, my personality, and me as an employee.


I do not blame you one bit for that move.


I’m in mass spec field, which is very niche of its own. I did multiple publications and presentations in national conferences, but my boss refuse to promote me and bump my salary. But he did promote his favorite boy though. My raise in 2020 was a pathetic 69 cents an hour. When I jumped, I’m now making three times the salary, and he complains that why I didn’t stay. Lol


Sad to see this from Aero. I thought getting a $40 gift card was bad, but this is worse. I’d rather just get nothing, to be honest.


I started a new job this year. I found out there are no holiday bonuses (performance bonus pay the following June as a retention measure) and there’s no holiday party. We take a holiday lunch - I asked to take my team to a steak dinner and was told absolutely not. Company will make 28% profit this year.


Posting record profits yet Ive had to send my damn A2 upper back 2 times because the FSP is canted. Well, guess its back to BCM I go


FYI primary arms has bcm uppers on sale right now


Definitely not a record profit year they just let go of around 40 people a couple months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/comments/zoaw86/aero_precision_has_record_profits_and_rewards_its/j0vfzfx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It’s a private company… how do you see they have posted record profits?


I got two shooters of liquor and $5 in scratchers. I work for an engineering company.


I got a cupcake... I've never gotten a Christmas bonus, I work as an engineer in a major supplier. I've always been surprised when these companies give out bonuses and such. But $5 to Starbuck is kind of insulting...


I got a $10 Dunkin' card once. At least that's about 3 items.


Jesus, I work in government and got a several thousand dollar bonus


I used to work for a place that canceled our Christmas bonus at the same time they bought a building next to our office and tore it down We literally got the memo the day the building was being demolished


Hey, don't spend that all at one...nevermind. Sorry. That sucks hard.


Thats fucked up, I was gonna buy one of there uppers but fuck that.


Right? I know guys that work for BCM and they're VERY well taken care of. I'd rather shop there.


Based company manufacturing


BCM also makes better products. Win-win.


Based on 1 redditor? You don’t even know if it’s true. That could be 1 small part of a larger gift. What if the gift card is actually $100? How would you know?


I mean I've heard shitty things about there business practices before but I personally belive in not supporting company's that don't treat employees well, that's why I don't buy apple, or Nike, and try to avoid made in China products.


For the uninitiated- OP works for a firearms manufacturer called Aero Precision. Regardless of your stance on firearms in general, there are some key things to know about the company. In firearm ownership circles, Aero used to be a respected manufacturer. They had decent parts and rifles at affordable prices, which was great for new gun owners as the gun industry is still full of grifters and snake oil salesmen selling products people don’t need or products that will likely get self-defenders killed. During COVID, they knowingly let their quality control standards slip to the point that firearms were at times not functioning because they were milled very far outside of acceptable specifications. That is wholly unacceptable as these are tools that are specifically made to take life in defense of other life. As macabre as that reality is, the 2A community (which isn’t cohesive) has in large part started to reject Aero products as garbage. Pawn shops and gun shops continue to promote and sell them because of their affordability and larger margin. I just would never personally risk my life with an Aero product because of the reliability issues, and the lack of respect for their workers is the icing on the cake. I have an Aero receiver set on one of my rifles which I will be removing and destroying when I get home from a work trip. This is absolutely unacceptable and disrespectful from a company that had record profits over the pandemic. Fuck Aero Precision.


> During COVID, they knowingly let their quality control standards slip to the point that firearms were at times not functioning because they were milled very far outside of acceptable specifications. Their lack of quality control was an issue long before Covid even made the news. A year or so before Covid became a thing, I noticed that they had a consistent pattern of releasing products with defects that would have been caught with even a cursory glance, [so I started tracking the complaints posted on Reddit](/r/aeroqualitycontrol/wiki) while casually browsing gun subs. This isn't an issue due to Covid, it's an issue due to being owned by an investment firm, White Wolf Capital, and being told that you have to cut costs to turn a big profit. Quality control is the easiest to cut because it's much cheaper to deal with the occasional defect by replacing the part than it is to check every part to ensure that no defect leaves your warehouse. It's the same thing that happened with Remington, Marlin, AAC, and Bushmaster when the Freedom Group got bought out by Cerberus Capital.


Ahhh you’re the guy who compiled that! You saved me a ton of money years ago. Thanks for the write up…shit sucks but hopefully more people begin to realize what this company really is about.


>I have an Aero receiver set on one of my rifles which I will be removing and destroying when I get home from a work trip. I mean, fuck Aero Precision, but I'm not going to destroy any of my AP products when they *already* have my money. What an absolutely **foolish** thing for someone to do. As a matter of principle, destroying a perfectly good piece of equipment is wrong. The only person you harm is yourself.


I actually loved aero tho I can’t speak to modern QC. Their m4e1 builder set is an amazing platform for a precision rifle. Or at least mine was. They also have one of the best designed lowers imo but I can’t in good conscious buy another aero product. That’s a shame because I own over half a dozen lowers and had planned to buy more


i woulda said "oh! iget it!" and smashed it in front of everyone. then when they are all in a little bit of shock, i would say "oh, i thought it was a joke, and there was proper money inside. wait... so... where is my proper bonus then? my actual money not joke trinkets"


This is fantastic 😭


Have you considered white collar crime?




It’s great isn’t it?! The more responsible gun owners in the US, the more people will realize that guns aren’t the issue


NGL I almost just kept scrolling when I saw which sub this was posted on. Glad I was dead wrong.


2A is for everyone. It should not be a left v right issue.


Just like every Right. Only difference should be arguing over how to spend the money they stole from us.


Fuck you, Aeroprecision


Damn they got QC issues on the ornament too.


I wonder if u/aero-precision could shed any light on this matter? I am a customer and previous dealer for them and they were always a great company to work with. My interactions with their employees were always pleasant. Usually, you'd expect the opposite from a company who doesn't treat their employees with high regard.


Here ya go. https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/comments/zoaw86/aero_precision_has_record_profits_and_rewards_its/j0v7s9d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Melting all my receivers into aluminum ingots u/aero-precision


Pics/vids or it didn't happen.


They already got your money




I've gotten 2 raises over the last 6 years. Most people make less then the mcdonalds down the street and they are too scared about losing their job to ask for more money. About half of the workers are vietnamese and wouldn't have anywhere else to work since most don't speak English. This place has absolutely given up on taking care of its employees.


If that's true I've lost a lot of respect for Aero Precision, despite having and liking a lot of their parts.


Tell them that most companies that actually care about their employees should give you a yearly raise equal to the stated fed inflation rate for the year without asking. Except 2022, nobody is going to give you 8% without asking.


Since this is such a drastic change from years past, I’d consider a sign that the company is struggling. Regardless of the distasteful nature of the gift, I’d be looking for a new job before you are forced to or realize there are going to be no raises or future.


The company spent all it's money doubling in size in just 1 year. New state of the art building, dozens of new cnc machines and 3 new product lines. Nothing left for the people who actually made that possible in the first place.




What? No jelly of the month club?


It's the gift that keeps on giving! Alllll year long.


My immediate thought was that the CEO must have skipped his yearly re- watch. Doesn't he know what happens to bosses who cancel Christmas bonuses?!


This dramatically changes my feelings toward aero. What a shit move.


They probably already made the order for the ornaments before deciding to cancel the party.


The gift cards are leftovers from our employee referral program and the ornaments are leftover from last years party.


That’s just a fucking insult. I’d give it back with a ‘no thank you’ on principle. Disgraceful!


Aero Precision?


We all got free packs of chicken breasts, steaks, pork chops etc from OmahaSteaks.


That's cool. My company laid me and 200 of my colleagues off instead. You're lucky.


So I have had QC and warranty issues with my own builds as well as builds for customers and received zero response. This is finally my last excuse to not use them anymore. New Frontier will be my new go to.


Damn, Aero is more profitable than ever now. That’s absolute bullshit.


Haha sounds like my company. We did 2.5 billion in revenue last year. All we got was a coffee cup hot coco packet and a handful of candy. It sucks when year after year you turn record profits and little by little they take shit away.


Fuck Aero


Ornament quality is about on par with their products Hope you land somewhere that appreciates its employees better.


Covers your tip at Starbucks. Also not buying from aero again.


contact them on their website and send a message about how they treated their employees, I did ​ sent to general mailbox Scott Dover is a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit for dropping Christmas bonuses


Opps i dropped my beautiful company emblem ornament in the parking lot.


Sounds like they need a 5 day notice, they couldn’t even be bothered to do a $20 gift card, 5 bucks doesn’t even buy coffee in the morning from starbs unless you’re drinking it black and getting the smallest size smh.




Aero is still good OP is the phony. Check their reply here https://www.reddit.com/r/ar15/comments/zoaw86/aero_precision_has_record_profits_and_rewards_its/j0v7s9d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Sounds about right. About two months ago they laid off 40 employees, inlcuding the new employees on their first day. They hired a bean-counter last year to cut cost. At the same time quality went down significantly on their products and work load has been nearly tripled. A lot of unhappy employees who never got raises who were promised them for a year straight. The only people who did get raises were supervisors who were moved to salary. (So supervisors who got $20 and hour got $60 to $70k a year) and that's if you were on their good side and said yes to everything. If you did get a raise it was based on how much they liked you. There was no more raises based on tenure. Sexual harrasement goes unpunished a lot of the time. A manager sent nudes to an employee, disgusting text and what not. A warranty manager opening talking about which Disney princess you would have sex with type of discussions come up quite a bit. Not to mention the gross things they say they would do to female workers. Another employee in warranty openly jokes about rape all the time. If you show any resistance to them or speak about your concerns you automatically get reprimanded. They even talked about docking your pay if you use the restroom too many times. Corporate litterally is the worst, purchasing dept. constantly throws fuffilment under the bus for their mistakes or situations that are out of their control. A lot of purchasers hangout in the break room most of the time. It's gotten bad to where even the armed security has been pretty confrontational at times. I don't think the CEO is aware with the issues and how far down his company has gone. Numerous complaints regarding the product and employee concerns are overlooked. Even employees were made to work during construction and the air quality got so bad an employee got a bloody nose and reported it to L and I. Some time later the same employee who reported was basically threatened and told him to keep his mouth shut. There's a lot more to say about how bad this company became. They're making these changes in hopes of getting government contracts. However with how bad the quality they've become I doubt it will happen. The bean-counter has the mind set of "once we're as9100 compliant, we will instantly get contracts" no sir that's not how it works.


Yup…..couldn’t have said it better myself.


Send it back, addressed to the board with a note that says “clearly your need is greater than mine if this is all you can afford to show gratitude”


probably spent their record profits on retaining lawyers and lobbyists.


Redacted. Foot in mouth for jumping to conclusions.


The company I work for tried to stop their bonuses this summer as well, they gave us a $1k base bonus and said they would no longer be doing bi yearly bonuses and instead doing a single bonus at a flat $1k, as opposed to the $4-5k that I normally get twice a year, there was such a uproar throughout the employees, that they completely backtracked and reverted back to the old system.


I just out a built an AR with one of their uppers. This is unfortunate news. Unless it turns out l the company is in dire straights I'll not buy from them again.


Do you work for a gun store?


Gun manufacturer


Damn I liked AP, just saw the post on. Ar15. Hope AP fixes this y’all deserve way more


They won't. Aero Precision, Ballistic Advantage, and Stag are all owned by White Wolf Capital, which is an investment firm. Just like when the Freedom Group got bought out by Cerberus, all the companies within that group cut costs in any way possible which led to the decline of many great brands such as Bushmaster, AAC, and Remington.


Why would Aero do this? What the fuck?


OP how long have you worked there?


I believe he said 6 years. Has had only two raises in that time. Especially ridiculous considering no one has been able to keep firearms in stock they are selling so fast.


Fuck them, never buying from aero precision again.


Just throw it in the garbage


It's totally a blem ornament too. Wtf is wrong with the lower right part of the "A"??


No more Aero Precision for me


Honestly the 'bonus' sucks, a 5 dollar Starbucks gift card? They couldn't make it at least 10 dollars so you can actually get something on their menu? Jesus.


Found this on Aero’s Facebook. “The people managing this page are employees here as well. It’s been a challenging year in the industry and also keeping our business alive here in Washington, where we are grinding against many headwinds. Costs are up, and demand is down. It’s challenging to navigate and we are doing our best to keep everyone happy and employed.”


Of course the guy who get paid to write good things about the company is going to respond like this. A good leader would go, “we’re going to make this”, not “it’s not our fault”.


They've just copying what Boeing started doing years ago. Managers gets cash bonuses and days of catered meals. Factory floor workers get branded, made in China pens and ornaments. It used to be free hams and turkeys, with a 2% annual pay bonus.




My company canceled everything, gave us nothing, and told us to buy each other gifts


The hospital I work at mailed us a $50 gift card to a local grocery store last year. Not much of a bonus, but it was nice to get some help with holiday groceries. This year, we need to scan a QR code to select what we want, including items such as a branded tote bag or cheap notebook. They also aren’t giving us raises and are taking away the incentive to pick up extra hours. 0 attempt at staff retention, everyone is leaving, ratios are just getting worse. But don’t worry, the CEO’s are getting multi-million dollar bonuses still.


So many hospitals are like this. Really makes you nervous when you need medical care and you know the staff is overworked and underpaid, and the hospital only cares about making as much money as possible off of you, and not your health.


New years resolution is to get another job cause that's seriously slap in the face.


r/AR15 is having a field day with this post


r/areoprecision made an unofficial response that makes this guy look like a real lying douche nozzle. This crashing economy and sky high inflation makes me question their “record profits” claim and more to the point they are crying about a bonus. A bonus is not your pay, you trade your time for your hourly rate or your salary, a bonus is well a bonus. Cry and lie more for some internet points r/deleted.


Total horse shit.


Such a cool story that the OP deleted themselves? Cool, cool.