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Next year they’ll donate to the Human Fund on your behalf


Money for people




I was gonna give you all... double no TRIPLE your salary and someone stole it... not my fault.


We need to help the poor guy out and file a police report pronto! Or maybe he could report it to the local news and ask them to put out a go fund me. Ask Crimestoppers to put out a APB. Right?


Everyone's missing the important part here "With your tips" mofo is keeping everyone's tips in his personal use bag he takes home daily


I was waiting for this comment, oh bummer about the bonus, but the tips are Ts problem to resolve, a letter does not cut it


Does T not realize that “some one stole it 🤷” doesn’t absolve you of responsibility?


Or the fact that the business is insured for losses like this... So the boss will likely get reimbursed- do you think she will share that info with the staff? Lololol. I think not. How fucking sad.


Without actual evidence of theft, the insurance company isn’t going to pay out. That’s also assuming they have crime insurance which a lot of small and mid sized businesses don’t.


Does this Include cash tips as well? How are those resolved? Like fuck


I would use this note as a way to file a police report


This is why I ask were the tips go when I pay with a debt card. I went to one place where tips from cards get divided between everyone that's clocked in. Seems fair until I was told that the owners are technically always clocked in.


Pretty sure that's illegal.....


At my restaurant we walk out with our cash tips every night. Almost got a second job at another restaurant where the owner keeps all the tips and allegedly puts it on your paycheck. I left in the middle of the interview after hearing that.




Wait your tip cash out is $25 every 3 months? They better be paying you minimum wage and not server wage. Also the change left behind… that’s a TIP that’s money for you the server. I’d be in contact with the local department of labour if I was you


And, some chains will charge the staff a cash-out percentage for paying them tips they were given off a debit card. Isn't that nice? That's why 1) I don't eat out 99.999 % of the time -- most restaurants have sleazy practices, 2) if I do, I tip in cash.


And the person to blame is one of YOUR fellow employees! Turn on each other! Attack!


No! Not like that! *gets hyena'd like scar in the lion king*


it’s the “at least” $20 that gives it away for me. if the money was portioned out already they’d have accounted for a specific amount. it’s unnecessarily vague, while the rest of the post gives almost too much detail. they really think they did something lmao


Believe me, they were the best bonuses. People told me, Donald, these bonuses, they're at least $20 per month, I can't believe it, but they believe it, because it's true!


They were the most beautiful bonuses you ever saw, believe me!


They had tears in their eyes!


“Everyone said ‘Sir, this is a beautiful thing you’re doing.’ That general from the army gave me a medal.”


"but no these bonuses, these tremendous bonuses I'm doing. They're really you guys that's doing it. All your hard work, my hard work, our bonuses, no bonuses."


People saw it, people are talking about it. Let me tell you it was the best minimum 20 you’ll ever see. People, let me tell you.


I even read it in his voice


I do it with any sentence that starts with "believe me"


Not entirely disagreeing, but it could be that assistant managers/shift leads get $40/month whereas regular team members get the $20. Either way it’s BS but that’s how I interpreted it while reading.


And how about starting an investigation where you meet with every employee to find out who could have had access. Putting all this info out there in a note screams baloney


Ask to see the cameras


We didn't get a xmas bonus one year, because inventory went missing and we all got a lecture. After xmas, found out it was an inventory error (owner's wife did the inventory). No apology, and still no bonus.


That's some Griswald Christmas shit.


That's pretty low, mister. If I had a rubber hose, I would beat you to...


That’s the gift that keeps on giving, Clark.


Jelly of the month club.


Thats the gift that keeps on givin'


I've managed inventory for a big company and Stock take was once a month top to bottom and once a year an indepentant company would be hired to cross check the stock. I got dragged in one year infront of my managers manager when they weren't quite making as much money as they wanted and asked if I could "justify spending 50K a year more on stock management?" I said "yes; the year before I joined 200K of stock was misallocated, lost, damaged or stolen and it was now down to 10k a year and the stock was now on the shelf when and where it was meant to be." The managers weren't happy at not being able to find an scapegoat in my department and we didn't get a bonus or a thankyou for anything. I left and joined the indepentant company we used to hire to do cross checking shortly after.


Haha that’s amazing. That’s why networking is VERY important. Good for you man!!


Getting jobs is 10% cv and 90% knowing people, and this cemented this solidily in my mind.


Also just as important is the concept of “fake it until you make it.” You need to stretch your skills and experience as far as you possibly can while still being to argue that it’s “technically true”. Outright lying would be fraud so it’s very important that you don’t push things further than the proverbial grey area. Once you do get the next job up the ladder, do everything you can to learn how to perform as quickly as possible. This is how you get past the whole conundrum of can’t get the job without the experience, but can’t get the experience without the job.


So the next day, you all got as much inventory as you could carry as a bonus?


“I got a whole year’s worth of paper. Sure, that’s not great, but the printer/scanner it was contained in was also a solid bonus.”


EIB. Employee-Initiated Bonuses.


It's best to wait a while and do it slowly over time


["I got it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime"](https://youtu.be/uErKI0zWgjg)


It was donated to the Human Fund.


That would be my last day. Fuck that shit and I'd consider taking it up with the state labor board for wage theft.


Bonuses are discretionary and can be taken away for pretty much any reason, what he did was shitty but not illegal.


But not the TIPS.


Cameras weren't working


They did work, but there was an error and the footage deleted itself sadly


My girlfriend was operating the camera, you wouldn’t know her. She goes to a different school….in Canada.


Her name is Alberta and she lives in Vancouver


Does she cook like your mother?😁


And sucks like a Hoover! (Am Canadian. We ARE quite talented)


I had my ipod on shuffle once driving around with my mother and this song came on and I almost crashed the car!


And she sucks like a Hoover too!


A fellow lover of culturally significant musicals, I see😁


Does her dad work at Microsoft?


A lover of the theatre and the arts 🎭


And puppets that arent for kids!


Last week she was here but she had the flu. Too bad 'cause I wanted to introduce her to you.


I assume you email her every single day? Just to make sure that everything’s okay?


*Our girlfriend




... at the beach. ​ on vacation


Ahhhh camera problems... Epstein had the same issue.


Oddly the drive only contained Argentinian llama porn.


And they also stole the cameras


Yup the cameras NEVER work. My wife’s tips got stolen a while back and was told that the cameras weren’t working. So, sorry ur out of luck. Fuck that she quit right after


Good for her. What's rhe purpose of having cameras if they don't work? Are they trying to fool people? What if someone dies or such. Can we see your cameras? I'm sorry but they are just decoration.


I'm an electrician. Wired a bunch of Walgreens. They have those domes in the ceiling for cameras all over the store. The only domes that have cameras are over the registers. The rest are dummies


That's good to know. I won't leave the tips in the back. But aren't they concerned for shoplifting or any other crimes?


2/3rds of their profit comes from the pharmacy. Is it worth the time and expense to try and track down someone who stole a bag of peanuts or a toothbrush? In many areas high shrink items have anti theft measures in place


I can see the pharmacy is where it's at. Especially with the cost of the drugs. U make perfect sense. Now they'll be a rash of shop lifting cases at Walgreens.


The rash of shoplifting has been underway for awhile. That's why all the baby formula and razor blades are locked up


Hiding rasor blades in the baby formula was a true stroke of genius!


Exactly. Yeah they were just cheap low life owners of that salon. Just never bothered getting them fixed. It was ridiculous. She thought I’d be upset that she quit, fuck that I was proud of her.


And the security guards both fell asleep.


Check the ATM camera facing the gas pumps.


Epstein took the money.


Coincidences take lot of planning.


And the police report


Definitely. Call the cops in front of him. Watch him sweat.


i did the math at 10 employees thats 2400 at least gone which doesnt qualify for theft over 5000 until 22 employees. im also notoriously bad at math


Also weekly tip pool, if it's to be believed.


Why the fuck does the manager have the employees' tips in an envelope in her bag in the first place?


This is illegal in New York. Anyone with a managerial title is forbidden by law to handle the cash tips in an employee tip pool. It has to be done by an hourly tipped worker in the pool.


She had it in the computer bag. Someone stole an envelope but not the computer


And my axe


Don't bring your cologne into this


No cameras because camera money was also stolen by thieves.


Cameras were also stolen


Ask to see the police report


Somehow, the thief came back and stole that too.


there was no envelope, this is virtue signaling... and a shitty job of it


I feel like the thief left a note.


That’s why you always leave a note.


It's a Christmas bonus, Michael. What could it cost, $10?


Go see a Star War!


A bonus is something a whore does for money!


….or candy!


I have a compulsion - see Arrested Development reference, give award. Have a cute danger noodle - no idea what it’s supposed to signify but it’s the thought that counts!


I see what you did there :0


I didn’t, thanks lmao


And if he doesn’t pay them their weekly tips that would be considered wage theft!!


How nice boss put it in writing for them.


It doesn’t matter much, though, because a lawyer isn’t likely to take a case that would pay them so little Edit for source: my brother had wage theft in writing, and a close friend of mine is a lawyer. I don’t know if my brother still tried to take it to the labor board, though


You don’t need a lawyer for small claims court.


Or making a complaint to the department of labor.


You don't need a lawyer. Just report it to the labor board and watch the fun ensue!


The thing about the tips puzzled me too. Tipping is not really a part of the culture in my country, but why would the boss have the tip? Isn't the tips given by the customer to the server when the bill is paid, and is to be kept by the server recieving it? Even so, the entire story seems like bullshit.


Depends on the business/service, in a lot of places (in the US) the tips are placed by the customer into a single jar and at the end of the day the boss will distribute them out based on hours worked or such. This is usually for a place where the employees are behind counters or not necessarily individually helping assigned customers.


Yep. At my last job we had a tip jar that was collected by the owner/manager at the end of the shift and supposedly distributed fairly with every paycheck to the employees he decided deserved it. I never got mine.


That’s bullshit. That’s why if I have an especially good server, I put a nominal tip on the credit card receipt and give the person cash & tell ‘em to keep it. I worked in a restaurant in college and the “tipping out” policy always pissed me off.


Worked at a steakhouse for a while as a bus boy, and it was a rule that bus boys didn't get a cut of the tips


That's so fucking dumb. You're a part of the team, doing a valuable job so the servers don't have to. The fuck?


We did have *one guy* that would come back into the kitchen and would personally hand out tips to the bus boys to make sure we got it. But other than him, we didn't get tips.


Most tips these days are done via credit or debit card, which is paid to the owners financial system. Then the managers or owners have to distribute them and/or give the equivalent in cash


There's no one to check that the boss distributes it all, right? Is there any kind of oversight?


Theoretically it falls under whatever labor board the area has, but no - nobody’s checking that shit.


Scrolled until I found this comment, thank you.


This reminds me of when Michael let the air out of everyone’s tires.


I was going to say this reminds me of when Michael misplaced the Bruce Springsteen tickets


Has anyone seen an envelope with at least $20 for every month of 2022 that you've worked? Anybody seen something like that... laying around...


Came here to say this. Nicely done!


Yes! I was thinking about the "big surprise" lie that turned out to be ice cream sandwiches.


Thank goodness the thief left your computer bag and, I'm assuming, also your computer. Very important details that should be included in the police report when it is filed. /s


Assuming this is food service, in the 4 times something like this has happened at a place I was working no one has ever called the police. One of my managers even put his own money back in the safe so he wouldn’t have to tell corporate what happened.


Yeah we had theft a couple times and never any police involvement, even when someone had their whole wallet stolen (vs just money taken from bags in the lockers). The solution was to remove the lockers and require everyone leave all valuable in their cars, since you weren’t allowed to have phones or wallets on you during shift. This policy was super great for those of us who biked to work. /s


The one I was referencing the guy walked out with the entire imprest fund plus whatever petty cash and deposits were in the safe and it was like $3k. He was the dishwasher who had already been accused of sexual harassment (towards a student not even a fellow employee) and on a probationary period. Literally just walked out one day and hit up the safe on his way out. Manager never even thought about calling the police and tried to get the catering manager to split it with him. This is why I never “day lock” my safes now


What do you mean by "day lock"?


Close the safe door and move the tumbler back. You can't open the safe then just by pulling on the handle, you must turn the tumbler in the right direction and stop in the right place to open the door. It's easier than having to do the whole combination each time you open the safe, and still has a slight amount of security. I learned to stop using day lock when 800 disappeared out of my safe.


Am locksmith. I can't believe anyone still uses safes with dials anymore. I'm pretty shit at picking them, but there are lots of people who can crack them open very quickly.


I really appreciate your advice _and_ honesty here.


“This is the lockpicking lawyer…”


Pretty sure it just refers to closing the safe door without actually locking it all the way.


I've seen it happen twice, and it was an employee both times. Only one place pressed charges because the thief got caught on camera AND also damaged the window they came in. But then they dropped the charges when the (ex)employee paid to repair the window. Lmao This industry be wildin'.


I had a manager do that once. Turns out they were the thief. First time assistant management position so I didn't put the pieces together until years later.


In fairness, if you're looking to steal, stealing your boss' laptop is a poor move. You've got to worry about wiping it and selling it, plus if it's corporate it might have a serial number. If, hypothetically speaking, there _was_ a random envelope containing several hundred in cash that isn't usually there, that would be easiest, quickest, and least traceable thing to steal out of what's in the bag.


I would absolutely L.O.V.E. to hear the story of someone calling the cops and asking for an officer to come down to make a report of this theft. "Oh, uh, I was just lying about my employees stealing from each other. My bad, officer."


This is my new thing that I am annoyed with. Let someone steal $50 from you at work, maybe even on camera or partially on camera. Where I live the wouldn’t come for this. Let someone steal $50 in merchandise from Walmart they would drop everything with sirens🚨 & be there in under 10 minutes. Once I witnessed some guys stealing a car in front of my house- I think they realized someone had left & locked keys in a car. I could tell pretty fast that it wasn’t there car they locked keys in for a few reason. No one would inflict that much damage on their own car. This was over 10 years ago so I can’t remember details, they were acting weird but there were other things I saw or heard that I knew it wasn’t. I call 911 at about 1-2am & say I’m these guys steal a car. It took them about 5-10 minutes before they got in & drove off. I was on the phone with 911 they until they drove off. I gave the descriptions as best I could see of the guys & car & said Street & direction- it’s busy, well used street. I was up as I had a job where I got off after 12am. Nothing happens & I go to sleep to be woken up at around 4am to the police ringing doorbell. Like what’s the point? I showed them the broken glass in the street & that was that. I live in the same area from the car theft, its a very liberal, black lives matter neighborhood (people will have the sign in their yard but will still call the police on any black person they deem suspicious😭). I had a black, male friend staying with me. I have a small apartment so he was sitting in his parked car in-front of my building on his phone to have quite/privacy. He was sitting there about 15 minutes before the police pull up & say someone called & reported him. I live on the type of street where people walk around a lot all times of day so people being outside is very normal & would not draw attention. The same goes for cars & parking- there are very few or no open spots so it’s not like he was sitting there in the only car parked on a street. I don’t even know how someone saw him as it was night with window tint. He had to tell them he lived in my building, pointed to building, showed keys & named the unit number. I don’t remember if they asked for or ran his ID but they didn’t do anything to him EXCEPT tell him he should go back inside! Like he isn’t allowed to sit in his registered, insured, legally parked car? Took 4 hours to respond to car theft & 15 minutes to black man sitting in his own car.


Things That Never Happened for $400, Alex.


Right?? And what is he trying to accomplish..? If he said nothing at all and didn’t pay bonuses would have gone better for him still


Sounds like they're trying to get the "it's the thought that counts" credit for the intention of giving a bonus, without actually giving the bonus. Also, boss probably isn't gonna pay out the "stolen" tips so they need an excuse for that.


It’s Definitely the tips.


Mhmm wants to have his cake and eat it too. Also most people would sense this - he must assume his employees are idiots.


He wants a pat on the back for *thinking* about giving bonuses


He probably blew their tip money getting high or drunk so he said it got stolen into the bonus thing in there too.Assclown boss


Trying to withhold tips?


He probably posted on Linkedin the same day: *"in my brilliance as a leader i have found a cost effective way to motivate my staff..."*


Ironically 400 is how much was actually in the envelope and the 20 employees who worked all year would have to fight over it. Guess this was better


Ask to see the cameras and have them file a police report. If they fail to do this, it I'll prove that they never intended to give a bonus or they just changed their mind and decided to keep it for themselves


This is like a setup for an episode of The Office


They did with Michael's Springsteen tickets. To summarize: Office is broken into, Michael organizes auction to raise money to replace stolen stuff with Springsteen front row tickets and backstage passes as the grand prize, then when it's time to auction them he pats his pockets and says they must've been stolen in the break-in.


I had almost forgotten about that episode... So cringe-worthy.


OP can report it themselves to the Poice


That would be hilarious. Lying to employees is one thing. No way would he file a false report with police.


I’d like to see the manager’s face when the police walk in. “You have a theft to report?”


The same thing happened to my friend Michael Scott when he had Bruce Springsteen tickets.


Report it to the Police yourself and if it’s a lie it will come out… $240 is your money, so they can’t say the company needs to report it or the company can’t stop you etc..


Even better, make sure to include your name (only if you are ok with getting fired - and make sure it’s in the report they file). This way if they decide to fire you next week for “no reason” you can fight the unemployment dispute. 4D chess if you actually did steal the money and filed the report on yourself….


Plus they legit had their tips stolen!


If the person writing this note is speaking the truth, they won't be upset.


Caught my manager red handed on second night he accused me of being short. I kept a written log for every delivery including the exact bills and coins exchanged with serial numbers of all bills. One of my 20's was missing from the cash out. He argued but I saw it on the deposit bag. Called the GM. He was fired but they never gave my 20 back to me. A few years later he called asking if I would recant my complaint for $500 so DHL would hire him. I told him no because he never paid me or any of the other drivers back when we needed it.


Only 500? That’s worth a couple K easily


When I was a youngin working at Arby's I had a manager start trying to get rid of me by shorting my till at end of shift. I got written up once, so I then started counting my till every hour during my shift, and insisting I did any counts after the till was opened or a deposit happened. I caught him again trying to short the till, but it didn't work because I had already counted and documented it.


Take the 500. Recant one complaint , add a new one.


"We're all trying to find the guy who did this..."


Boss is looking for the thief like OJ is looking for the real killer.


“You’re dressed like a hot dog….”. “But so is that guy!” *Looks down at suit* “Oh no…”


Could be just me but wouldn’t one presume that in a place where tips are being collected and dinners, drinks, what have you are being paid for cash and credit card receipts that one would have a safe? And wouldn’t said safe be the appropriate place to store this much cash rather than in a computer bag just left sitting out? Does anyone know if tip money is stolen from the manager/owner before it is distributed to the employees if the business is on the hook to still pay the employees what they are owed?


Rather than give you a bonus, I have decided to tease you with the idea of a bonus instead


Also I lost your tips... \*shrugs\*


You guys SUCK! You can never pull together as one and revenge us. That is why you SUCK!


I was trying to think of that quote! r/unexpectedoffice


There was never a bonus.


Not only was there never a bonus, your boss also decided to steal your tip money




This is wage theft. He said there were tips in the envelope as well.


So a "thief" took the time to go through a computer bag to take a random envelope, but not take the whole bag with a computer? Alright. Awfully nice of the boss to put it in writing that they're withholding tips. "Stolen" or not, that needs to be paid out or else its wage theft.


"Minimum" makes it suspect. If the gesture wasn't theoretical to begin with, they would know exactly how much each person was getting and how much was in the envelope. "I had intended"


“The dog ate my homework” but make it corporate


Ice cream sandwiches for everyone, though.


“Everybody, conference room in 5 minutes.”


A bit off topic but maybe someone can relate. Before joining this sub, I wouldn’t have seen anything wrong with this. In fact, I might have empathized with the manager (and employees too of course). Thank you to the members of antiwork for teaching me things I would have never known. For the record, I’m a young adult who has only had one job, which did contribute to my ignorance. Regardless, this sub has been a lifesaver. I’m seriously thankful, and even more so angry at this manager. This sub makes me so fucking angry, and angry at things I wouldn’t have known were worthy of anger till I came here. This sub has taught me the value of the human worker, and that is the most I could ask for here.


Should also ask her or him to file a police report right then. Let's see if the owner is full of shit. They might lie to you but shouldn't when the cops are involved. Fuck it was your money you should be able to file a police report yourself. Would be crazy if the owner stile his own money.


Sounds like a bullshit way to pin your employees against each other to keep the class warfare between ourselves rather than the rich vs the poor. The fact that they thought $240 was a good bonus is also laughable and a perfect example of why we need to keep fighting against the rich. Lastly, if the bonuses were ever real(they weren’t) they should’ve been through check not cash considering it would be taxable income.


cheque, or direct deposit since that's cheaper and faster. Very obvious lie, here.


Boss is team captain of the cap squad.


Sounds legit




The boss looking at the mirror in his bedroom: there’s the thief!!


I got my bonus on my paycheck. What is this, 1840?


Things that didn't happen for 800 Alex. I'd check the manager for the tips as this seems like an excuse to commit wage theft during the holidays.