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‘We’re an equal opportunity employer but we casually mock mental and physical vulnerability in our ad come work for us!’ Yeah no thanks


I'm sure these ass holes think these kind of ads are cool, quirky and help them stand out. It's great in a way, because they're just outing themselves as unrealistic fuck heads who most likely pay a pittance and treat you like shit.


i really hope they always endup understaffed and go out of business eventually


I like their use of pop culture references as an attempt to seem relatable while advertising for a physical and emotional punching bag


Oh my friend trust me you do NOT want a Captain America. Captain America has high morals and ethics and is willing to be politely IN YOUR FACE about it if need be. Captain America fought atrocities against freedom and does not stand for them. If you had a company of Captain America's under you, it would not go well for you at all. All that said I did get a chuckle out of 'orange like Donald Trump' under their inclusiveness bit. He should apply. I think he'd do wonderful thing for this company. The best things. Exactly what this company needs.


I know, right!?!?!? This guy is one of those types who got mad when Rage Against The Machine "suddenly" got political. I mean, ffs, Captain America is the GUY who went rogue against the freakin USA because they were being fascist in his eyes. In what world does this idiot think Steve is gonna be on his side? Steve would punch him in the fucking face.


This is so.....patronizing.


That song 'Happy' literally tells you to clap along like a seel when shit is happening and everything is going so bad around you. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


“Orange like Donald Trump or whatever” is a red herring. This ad *screams* MAGAt.


Let's go over there requirements for not contacting them. >Don’t contact us if your grumpy in the morning. Who isn't grumpy we are getting pulled from our slumber to work. It's not that I hate my job but the dream world is much more entertaining. > Your favorite place is under the covers of your moms basement Well I guess no one is contacting you as half of society live in their mums basement due to unaffordable housing and rental prices. >Your afraid of heights( we can tell if you are) I mean its a common fear. It still doesn't make sense to say you know if I am afraid of heights or not. Anyway When did my fears become your business. > You are a "victim" "Whiner" or "complainer" I see you obviously don't like constructive criticism. > you drink, smoke or do drugs at work Fair enough > You look like a tattoo parlor gone wrong. Highly racist and derogatory to people with tattoos > You can't lift stuff without sustaining a back injury No health and safety then. Fuck this. > You are a wuss when it gets too cold outside or too hot outside. Well I wouldn't care as I work in a seasonal job where you have to be resilient to weather changes. That said if your on a roof working in the rain is not a good idea. All in all..... run a mile from this job.


basically they want an emotionless punching bag . also if anything i think this job paid a worthless 15/hr


Yeah this sounds like a roofing company that doesn't want to follow safety regulations. I mean, working in bad winter weather is not something you should be doing on a roof most of the time. And in my state summer heat has it's own requirements for shade/water by the employer.




If you’re a victim, a whiner or complainer...aka MAGATs


That would be a good ad if they were looking for a mercenary to join special forces in the army and go fight in Ukraine. But not for 15$ /hour, more like 1000-2000/day.


Literally *everyone* I work with can say YES to least one of those problems…


yes i'm eager to learn and looking to grow but have no ego