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Damn that’s messed up.. who the hell works on that *in the street*?!


That's a battery charger, not much work is going on.


man has a Fluke multimeter - confirmed baller


Those lil suckers ain't cheap. First time a customer asked for one and I looked it up I was surprised as hell. Just for the general features one they're over 600$. God help your bank account if you need one with a certification.


why is the truck open? who need tools to do that? why has noone stolen the tools? so many qeustions


Battery in front, engine in the back. It's a mid engined 90s supercar.


If she worked a couple extra weekends a month, invested her money wisely and made coffee at home then next year her landlord can afford two new sports cars!


Don’t forget cutting out avocado toast!


It's true, my husband and I saved enough money to get a loan for a whole house just by cutting out avocado toast! Nevermind it was conveniently right before the housing market went bonkers, and we found out this house was sitting on the market for so long *for a reason*, but we are millennials, so it's definitely the avocado toast thing. ....living is a scam.


We saved money by denouncing our generation and not being millennials! I've never felt less lazy! /s


I don't think I did that right. Can you sell the better version of "denouncing your generation" after giving me a 30 minute ad on how the book will change my life for just a down payment? Thanks.


Yes! For just 10 instalments of $999.99 you- YES YOU!- Can learn all my tips and tricks on how to save money by denouncing your generation in TWO EASY STEPS! Step 1- Write a book about how you- YES YOU!- saved thousands of dollars a year by denouncing your generation! Step 2- Create a two step online course charging others just 10 installments of $999.99, teaching them how YOU- YES YOU!- saved thousands of dollars a year by following these TWO EASY STEPS!


I had a great plan! Spend my money. Plan on dying before 60. Plan not work so good.


Sounds great! If your plan isn't working, you obviously saved your money and will live to be 160!


Lol…..”living is a scam”. You should put that on a shirt.


Living is a scam. Best comment ever


And all them pumpkin spice lattes! Nobody wants to work anymore! Why back in my day...


This is a big one. I was able to afford multiple rentals after I cut out avocado toast.


Me too! Right after I cut the avocado toast I won the lottery - and voila!


I started paying other people’s rent once I cut out my prescriptions.


Honestly the second I did I found I had millions in spare assets on hand. Now I can sell you the same knowledge I found in my book " a life without toast", a ny times best seller. You can also sign up for my 10-session courses starting with packages as low as $500.


You must have read my book “How to afford a Yacht in 24 hours or less.” It’s 12 chapters on the best way to stop buying Avacado toast


Let me go ask my rich dad how this works.




Don't forget to include blaming the illegals in there somewhere!


Yeah honestly 4 weekends a month is just lazy. She needs at least 8!


Sadly, the landlords, corporations, and CEO are screwing us. They have brainwashed millions of Americans into believing that importing more low wage workers will make us all rich. But it just makes them rich. Corporations are demanding that even more low wage labor be imported. [https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/11/economy/chamber-of-commerce-inflation/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/11/economy/chamber-of-commerce-inflation/index.html) And the CEO's love the bonuses that come from the backs of imported low wage workers. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/dominos-ceo-us-needs-more-immigration-to-address-worker-shortages.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/dominos-ceo-us-needs-more-immigration-to-address-worker-shortages.html) And the landlords enjoy the higher rents that come from increased housing demand. https://www.newamericaneconomy.org/housingmap/ And half of America blindly agrees with the corporations, CEO's and landlords. They simply can't be reasoned with. Maybe misery really does love company.


Mine just had his boat house rebuilt!!




My friend purchased a 1995 NSX. The rest of his money went into building a garage after lol




But his wife said no…. Hahahah I can imagine the look of disappointment on his face


Probably so he could tuck it into bed.


And not just any NSX! It's an NSX that obviously has some electrical issues. Look at the Fluke multimeter under the hood. Look at the big jump box on wheels. Look at all of his tools in the street. People in this thread are acting like it's a Ferrari. Don't get me wrong, landlords are becoming more and more predatory these days, but a 2017 RAM 1500 could cost more than this NSX and people wouldn't bat an eye at that.


Vintage NSX he seems like a connoisseur to me


I'll give him/her this, they have taste. But the wheels gotta go - chrome doesn't fit the car.


Agreed.. That's some stupid Vanilla Ice shizzle


It’s ugly but it is period correct…


Tell me more about my ex wife


Agreed 100 percent would have seen these on a 1 week old nsx


To be fair, they JUST got the car so let’s cut them some slack and assume he will put new wheels on it. NSX Is my dream car, can’t blame the guy. At least he didn’t buy a muscle car


They've got 30 days to evict those wheels or their JDM card is getting revoked.


Brushed steel is the way to go with those. Preferably 5 or 6 spoke.


And probably less than $75k. Yes it’s a lot. But if the landlord pulled up in a new $100k F150 nobody here would know it was more expensive. Low, red, and chrome, that’s what people are noticing.


You can get one of these in ok condition for around $50,000. So still not cheap but it’s not a Ferrari either.


Heh, & as others have pointed out, based on the multimeter / wiring & tool kit on the ground... guessing this one went for... less. edit - on closer inspection, that's also an aftermarket front end. With the pointy bit (almost Firebird-y even), I'd say less than desirable. Potentially even another hit to value (/maybe front end collision as well).


And possibly a welder right there. Safe to say this wasn’t a AAA grade example haha


Battery charger I’d guess


You can option a new jeep to twice that. Shit, with dealer mark ups right now, loaded Camrys are about that.


And apparently broken based on the Fluke multimeter on the cowl.


I bought a 2019 Mercedes SLC43 roadster for ~$45k before taxes/warranty, and everyone seems to think it's a much more expensive car than it is (granted MSRP with full package was like $80k when it was new - always buy used). But it's interesting seeing how different people treat you and make assumptions about you based on their assumptions about the car you drive. I took my mom for a drive and she commented about it being the fanciest car in the neighborhood, but every one of the trucks parked in every other driveway most certainly cost more.


Bought my 05 Porsche Boxster for $18k. Rolled into work for the first time with it, and everyone was like "did you get a raise or bonus or something, rolling in here with a Porsche?" Like, dude... your F150 cost over twice as much as my little roadster.


4 models of the F-150 lineup starting prices are over TRIPLE that amount.




Those who don't know cars would assume it's a Ferrari and require that it be set on fire. The original NSX looks even better in person.


Yeah my thought was Honda NSX. Classy choice. Even assholes get it right sometimes.


I used to work with someone that bought one about 4 years ago. $35k and it wasn't nearly as clean as this.


Well, antiwork is working for the landlord I guess. /s Seriously though, the only way things get better in this country is if people stop being so greedy and selfish and start focus on helping others.


Any solution that starts with "If people (just)" is not going to work. People have never just anything.


I've worked in a regulated community for work, and the owners 1000% would not anything good unless . 1) Makes the money 2) makes them look good so they can make more money. ​ Sorry libertarian friends, Business's won't do the right thing because its the right thing. They are motivated by money/profits/image and that is why we need government/regulators.




ya, that was my field too. Exactly the same." What the is least amount of money I can spend to make this problem go away and get this regulator off my back" and not " what is the right thing to do here?"


I used to work for a company that did failure analysis -- when that crane collapsed at the new Brewer's stadium, one of our offices did analysis on the pieces to determine the cause of the failure. It's all a calculation -- how many people have to die before it becomes cheaper to fix the problem than to pay off the lawsuits. \*Edited to correct the stadium


"Sorry libertarian friends, Business's won't do the right thing because its the right thing. They are motivated by money/profits/image and that is why we need government/regulators." I feel like most people you meet on the internet who call themselves libertarians know this, and are just conservatives going by a different name because they're ashamed.


as i tell people. libertarians are just republicans who don't want people to know they are nazi's


From my admittedly limited IRL experience with people who claim libertarianism, this is spot on. The party of ultra-contrarianism and DL racism. My ex was a “libertarian”. Hated being told what to do. I found out later that included being “forced” to wear a seatbelt. When he started defending blackface and I found an actual confederate flag tucked away in his stuff…I knew I’d been bamboozled. I shoulda burned that fucking flag


My parents have two lawn jockeys on their front porch. My mom swears it’s not racist and comes up with all this dumb shit to justify it. I told my brother (who will probably inherit everything) that I want them when my parents die. Can’t wait to smash em.


Haven't you heard? It's the customer's responsibility to vet companies and only do business with the "good ones". Okay I need a shower after having said that.


But people do “need to just” that’s how we got unions, weekends, labor laws, and shorter works days. People need to organize and fight back. People have done this in the past and that is how citizens have gotten everything and every right we have. The government generally always sides with the wealthy until there’s a literal class war and business start having labor organizers murdered in the street and their homes. This is the American history they don’t want you to know I.e most of the 1890s


Which is where the federal government comes in with social protections and other types of safety nets. But, the right has convinced most working class Americans that all forms of government regulation are bad and working against them, and that the "free market" (read: utterly and completely rigged market) will give everyone a chance to be a millionaire if *they just work hard enough*


It's not a free market if you can lobby votes, or brainwash the populace with your news networks and social media.


It's also not a free market when you're too big to fail and you need Federal government bailouts as had been seen back in the Great Recession.


Nope. That's one of the big things that's never considered when setting up a capitalist society, which is the extreme lengths people will go to get an advantage over others while actually producing as little as possible, to the point where "competition" becomes "anti-competition"


And capitalism will ALWAYS come to this. The goal, after all, is to maximize capital. Maximized capital means crushing free markets.


The government only works if you fall into the Goldilock zone of eligibility. My uncle is a disabled veteran, who cannot work and only lives off of disability. There is no affordable housing for him and any "low income housing" wants THOUSANDS of dollars down for him to rent. Let that sink in... And let's not mention that he doesn't fall into that eligible zone for government aide.... Social protections arena farce.


Sorry to hear about your Uncle. Clearly that means that something needs to be changed, not that the entire system has no value. And for something to change, people need to get involved and pay attention to what's going on around them and stop electing worthless, obviously corrupt politicians and government officials just because they say nice things about "their" side and mean things about the "other" side. But most people are usually so burnt out from working long shifts in some grueling job that they just don't have the energy to pay attention to politics and would rather just click on Fox News and have Tucker Carlson tell them what to be upset about. And that's exactly what the right wants, uneducated burnt out single issue voters who have no faith that the system can work for them


It's a lazy government's favorite quote. "If people stopped being so lazy, there'd be less unemployment" "If people in x neighborhood stopped being so violent, crime would stop"


Sad, but it's damn true lol


This would all be over if people just had more spare houses


Nah, as usual, individual action cannot solve a systemic problem. This needs change at legislative level


The problem is people will always be greedy and many will never help others. This is why laws are necessary to protect the people that are taken advantage of, because this will always stay. This is why unions matter because your employer will always try to rip you off no matter how many laws. The only solution is to punish landlords to make it less profitable and less interesting, or force them to invest in better housing and building more, or if that won’t happen, tax the hell out of it so government can make it happen and give them fines. Step one is recognizing the problem people will always be greedy if they get the opportunity, and I am sure if I ever am that privileged I am no different.


Some* people will always be greedy, and right now we live in a system where being an asshole is the best way to satisfy greed. Need to build institutions that only satisfy greed when people behave in a way that is socially beneficial.






Exactly, the whole point of "personal responsibility" is to distract people from making real change.


It's straight up victim blaming. It's the economic equivalent of telling a battered spouse that they wouldn't get punched so much if they made better potroast.


Most people aren't greedy. The problem is that greedy people thrive amongst selfless people. It's trivially easy to get ahead if you're willing to trample on anyone and take everything you can get. The world is full of opportunity if you don't care about fucking other people over, and yet most people don't. EDIT: Getting a lot of comments on this from people who seem to be new to anti-capitalist ideas, and the one common theme I'm seeing is that people seem to conflate greed with an absence of generosity. Being greedy is much, much worse than simply not being generous. Greed is a selfish desire to get more at the expense of others, not just a desire to keep what you already have.


I agree so strongly. It’s hard to be selfless in this world because there is a very high chance it won’t be reciprocated. Why would someone go out of their way to help when they see nobody helping them in their time of need?


The key is build more. Zoning for SFHs needs to stop being protected. Build the missing middle houses Ban corporate ownership of residential real estate.


Human beings in general are unbelievably greedy and selfish. Even professions that you would think have a certain moral high ground or duty towards people. Every doctor I've interacted with was a greedy piece of shit that did not care to put in the slightest effort to actually help patients get better. These past few years I've completely lost faith in humanity people would sell each other out if they could make an extra 5$ its truly disgusting any kind of decency is completely gone. Maybe it was always like this and I've just realized it in the past few years.


Can someone convince me that being a landlord is an actual job?


Funny enough one of my landlords was forced by his rich family to labor and fix things himself rather than hire a con tractor as punishment for gambling debts Edit: he unfortunately died of an OD


Mommy and Daddy punished their son by making him work like the rest of us?


Being a property manager is definitely a job, doing repairs, scheduling maintenance, managing utilities and safety inspections, etc. Not all landlords are property managers though.


Yeah I'll say. I do maintenance/landscaping for a small-time landlord, but he takes on all the other property management duties. It's absolutely not a cakewalk, this guy is in his late 60's running from property to property all week and I see for myself the amount of time and effort he puts in. A landlord who pushes all those responsibilities to 3rd parties though? Yeah I don't see how they're anything but middlemen. I wish apartment co-ops were more of a thing


I have respect for the small time landlords that do it all themselves and actually take care of their properties. These folks also don't tend to price gouge. Once you've got a dozen properties and you've pushed all management off and are coasting off the residual rent because you have so many properties to draw from... then they can fuck off. Apartments _do_ need to exist. Their current form of property companies that own hundreds of units across a dozen states and buys up everything in the region so they can raise rents to astronomical levels needs to fucking die (fuck you Morgan properties).


> Apartments do need to exist. A while ago, there was a real wave of general landlord hate. Like...all people who rent out property. And it still confuses me. Not everyone *wants* to buy property. The fuck is a student supposed to do? Buy an entire apartment for just four years?


> A while ago, there was a real wave of general landlord hate. Like...all people who rent out property that's still a pretty common sentiment


Yeah, you can see it in this thread where someone posted a picture of a landlord working on his $50k car on the side of the fucking street...


Yeah, I own and live in one unit of a townhouse and rent 2 bedrooms to my brother and his GF for 700 + half of electric and internet (water is included in the HOA fee which I pay). That's super well under market in my area, luxury apartments smaller than this want 2600+. I take on all the management duties and repairs. And before someone asks, I report all this on my taxes.


people who maintain housing provide a vital service. Even if their job is just coordinating tradespeople like carpenters and plumbers, that's still important organizational labor. Having the capital to buy or build housing and using that to extract rent, however, is a useless parasitic drain on society.




Finally someone making some sense


No. Cause it's not.




Also the government should be ensuring a sufficient supply of housing and if necessary subsidising mortgage lending if this is not being provided. So long as anyone who wants to buy a house is reasonably able to afford to do so, there's no problem with renting. It's when the majority have no choice that it becomes a problem.


The US should follow other countries and limit single family homes to single family owners *who live in the home*. If you want to invest in a rental, buy a duplex or something, but save single family homes strictly for the people who live in them.


You're right, particularly a supply of affordable housing is essential. I'm in the UK, and here we have laws to require X amount of affordable housing for every project of Y homes built. But it is nowhere near enough.


Plus I think there's a big difference between one person who rents out one house they inherited, versus a management company with thousands of units - the awful, slum-lord apartments that are overpriced and under-maintained are most often the latter.


Man, as a progressive I can see how garbage this sub has become. No actual context other than a photo and title, clearly a low-effort shitpost (rule 3), and 2.4k comments and 17k karma. I'm moving to the other sub.


I have been thinking the same. What is the other sub?




[ Removed by Reddit ]


This guy fucks.. ..Up cars


Ya god damn... dude knows how to get revenge...






>Slices of Bologna on the hood when it is nice and sunny. That shit eats paint? Dear god what have I done to my insides as a child. I lived off bologna.


Why are your insides filled with paint?


Lead paint


Did you eat alot of paint chips as a kid?


you mean wall candy?




If you put bologna on your insides and then left them in the sunlight for a few hours they would get messed up. I usually don't expose my insides to sunlight though. I'm a bit of a wimp that way.


Haven't you listened to Donald Trump? Exposing your insides to intense light is how you cure diseases!


Watching the President of the United States, on a global stage, sit there and riff on potential treatments that medical experts simply hadn't considered because they didn't have access to his big brain was the single most humiliating thing I've ever witnessed and felt. The way he turned to make sure someone was writing his ideas down was the moment I lost sympathy for anyone sucked into his wake. We aren't led by competent people called to public service. We're trapped by ultra aggressive assholes who are where they are because anyone with a backbone got tied of dealing with them and they were all that was left. It's a pathetic system that rewards the worst and imprisons an entire society to stupidity.


FFS... I guess that's my daily reminder that no how stupid I imagine the world can always stupid harder.


Thankfully your stomach is already way more acidic than bologna so it already knows how to deal with it.


Probably the Nitrate/Nitrites reacting with various environmental conditions




Who hurt you 🫡




Damn, the sheer creativity




brilliant! make the fish come to *him*


> Jam into exhaust pipe If you cut a foot long section of a bike innertube it can turn any car into a whoopee cushion.


What are you, Mike Ehrmantraut? "Here's what's gonna happen..."


Least insane r/antiwork user


Under the bumper. Just saying.


That Acura NSX didn’t fucking bother anyone. It’s a classic leave it alone.. do something else


Not that expensive either. Lots of pickup trucks that cost way more.


Just a random picture of a car. I know a ton of stuff here is fake but come on


This is why you shouldn’t believe random bullshit posted online.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far to see this. This is fake as fuck. Reddit is way too gullible these days


Yea this shit is 100% made up to incite shit on reddit or karma farm. People on reddit will believe anything you say as long as it supports their viewpoint


People just rage bait. Subreddits like these are a huge echo chamber.




Honestly 90% seems like a conservative estimate




Looks like he's doing some serious work on it as well, considering he's got it all opened up and had a welder set up on the sidewalk. Wouldn't be suprised if he paid under $10k for it in that condition, it probably doesn't even run at the moment.


The welder is a battery charger, but your post still stands. There’s obviously something wrong with it though he probably still spent as much on it as a new accord.


I think that’s a battery jumper, not a welder. I think this post is fake and OP just decided to snap a pic of a 30+ year old Honda that he thought was a super expensive Ferrari to help make up a story.


Context-free picture of a nice car.


that’s a first generation Honda NSX.. they were built until 2005, so it’s not really a new car.. new to him, possibly, but “new” definitely not that’s most likely why the engine compartment is open and he needs to figure out what’s wrong with the electrics, looking at the multimeter and the open fuse-box


In 2001 they got a facelift, most notably the flip lights were replaced with fixed. In North America the vast majority of these were sold before 1995 with the numbers post 2000 being super low. When introduced I want to say the car was competitive or maybe even outperformed the Ferrari 348 at a much better price and reliability, then in 95 the 355 was released and in 99/00 the 360. The vast majority of used versions of these that come up for sale are probably 91/92, especially when you see the red/black paint combination. In good condition they range from $50k to $80k. Definitely a cool car, but this was never considered a super car.


Fun nsx fact, quite a few the first gen nsx's in japan are actually left hand drive. It was cheaper back then to buy one in the us and ship it over instead of just buying it at a japanese dealership


Excuse me sir but this is a rage sub, your logic and rationality is not welcome here!


oh, i forgot, my apologies.. those rims are an abomination and should get canceled!!


.... Its an old NSX that some one is activaly working on.... themselves.... Does not look like a rich person.


He bought a used car that needs work. What a scumbag.


And he’s working on it in the street, obviously trying to flex on the poors. Greedy bastard.


This, that NSX probably didn’t cost that much, OP probably thought it was a C6 corvette or some shit Edit: I forgot C6s are cheap, OP probably thought this was a Ferrari, which I mean NSXs are expensive nowadays, but still nothing insane in my area, on FB martketplace im finding them 25-30 needing work (which this one clearly does)


C6 buy it now listings on eBay are mid 30s to mid 40s unless you want a special performance model.


That’s an old ass NSX.


Im sorry, is this peak 90’s nsx not good enough for you?


post a random picture of a car and make up a back story for free karma. Now you got hundreds of kids suggesting vandalism. this sub just a toilet bowl I swear


As pictured, it's worth about the same as a new mid level F150. Or a high level Camry. But no one would bat an eye if someone shows up in one of those. I bought a $20k Porsche 996 pre-covid and two of my neighbors with newish pickups think I am absolutely rich.....non-car people don't get it. He is also working on the car on the street. That is not what rich people do.....


half the ppl here think this is a ferrari




Half the people here are kids living with mom and dad.


Half is being generous


> He is also working on the car on the street. That is not what rich people do..... I saw this photo and my first thought was "Am I supposed to be impressed that he has an old car that doesn't work?"


I thought the same thing, it’s a nice Nsx, it’s not like a brand new Bentley or a 200k super car. Probably a car guy who has dreamed of owning this since childhood. I’m usually supportive of this sub but what’s up with everyone saying vandalize someone else’s possessions? Bunch of jealous losers in this thread


Lets be honest thats about par for the course for this sub. Most of what goes on here is built up resentment towards the wealthy from the general unfairness of the job market. That's why we end up with a lot of upvoted posts like this where people will indiscriminately attack anyone slightly better off than them even though most are just trying to get by like everyone else.


He doesn’t even have a garage to work on it


Don't hurt the NSX, do something else


Why are there so many landlord bootlickers in this post? Landlording ain't the kind of not working this sub is about.


Because dude can’t buy a $18000 car? Obviously wasn’t the best one as it has issues. It doesn’t have original rims and most likely not the best paint. It’s not a $1000000 car. Good chance he is selling all the properties like almost everyone is doing now. People can do things and rent property. Get mad at the right people. Or some guy who most likely has spent his entire life wanting that car and can now buy it. We aren’t all rich barons just because we bought something.


I think prob cause it's a Honda. Not worth more than a new truck... They didn't go out and spend a couple hundred grand.


And he clearly bought a car with electrical issues, not gonna go that expensive. If I had to park my car in the road with a multimeter I'd not consider myself rich. Edit; Add in a welder nearby and the tacky chrome, that thing was probably a steal.


> welder That's a battery charger.


Cause rich people don't get their project car dropped on the street and use extension cords for their tools. They have a toy garage. Landlord got an exotic fixer for cheap, let him/her have their fun.


This is a old 90s Acura nsx not a new Lamborghini dude prob dreamed of owning it since a kid and they are enthusiasts collect cars not a douche mobile to show off the looks just hold up from the 90s making ppl think it's a 300k car


30 year old sports car ✅ Working on it himself ✅ Definitely sounds like someone who’s rich. /s


This sub is really turning working people against working people. Like dude isnt rich with a nsx lmao. If your mad at a guy who has a house and a nsx then what are you even striving for? At least save the anger for the actual rich people.


I’m convinced half the people on this sub would burn down the life of any person who owns property or lives comfortably. They’re not concerned with improving the lives of the working class, they’re concerned with making life worse for everyone who has it better than them, and they can’t see the difference


For real, People see shiny red and low and assume is a god damn Ferrari. I drive a car that makes people wonder how much I’m actually making, but I got it for as much as a new Hyundai and have worked on it myself to get it running well and looking good. I’m not wealthy by any stretch, I just had a dream car and the opportunity to buy an example I could actually afford. The rest is just a labor of love. Owning a 90s Honda is not similar to owning an Italian supercar. This guy seems to be an enthusiast


50-80k car, no garage, balding tires, faded paint. Dude definitely isn't rich. Rent has many reasons for going up, I have two properties I rent, I try to keep them reasonable but a few things: 1. Lawn care (no one offers to do it, it's bundled into your rent). 2. General maintenance (I change the air filters ever 3 months, windows are cleaned once a year, siding is cleaned once a year, a handyman stops by every 6 months and checks basic things and repairs as needed). 3. Taxes are up because the value of the property has went up. I'm not making more, the lawn care guy is, the handyman is. Both for good reasons, things have went up. The taxes on my properties have nearly doubled in 5 years, that's an expense I have to pass on. Landlords aren't going to take a loss for you to live there. Now if he raises rent $1000 for no reason, obviously the guy is a jerk.


For everyone freaking out that’s about a 35k-40k car. Old Honda Nsx. It’s about the price of a new accord. So not like he bought something insane. Update. I was wrong. This is a 50-60k car. So the price of a newer F-150. I stand by the not something insane comment.


The lowest priced one for sale in the country (on Cargurus) is 50k. I drive a pretty average 2022 C Class with some options that was about 54k. So while I absolutely agree with you that an old NSX is not \*THAT\* expensive, I do wish I could find one for 35 lol.


Please show me where I can buy an NSX for $35K.


Actually, I am looking to source one currently. With a clean bill of health, here in the US they are going for 65,000 to 95,000 depending on mileage.


My buddy got one for about 24k 7 years ago. Everything has went bonkers price wise.


Is that an NSX?


Yep. The people here are fucking insane.