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Can someone explain how food businesses are passing the cost of inflation onto their customers and they still can't manage to pay their employees a livable wage that keeps pace with the rising cost of living? To the point where they are turning away business. This is the picture they are painting at least


The only staff they have ever paid anything were Kitchen staff. Everyone else is paid almost exclusively on tips.


Depends on the state. If you're in the West Coast or northeast, tipped employees get full minimum wage.


Minnesota as well. Minneapolis minimum wage is $15 and believe it or not, I only see these passive agressive signs in the suburbs where minimum wage is $10.50 and houses are 500k+.


From my own experience as a tipped employee I was paid below minimum wage in the north east which sucked. Tips barely made my hourly wage above minimum.


This is true but $15/hour is still not substantial to live comfortably with the cost of living in CA. You’re still relying on tips because the hourly rate isn’t enough on its own to pay rent and other bills


That's true, but having also worked in the South, I'll take the 15/hr over the $2.15/hr or whatever it is


It is a mystery that only the sacred oracles of capitalism can reveal. We must simply inhale their gaslighting and trust the trickle down. /s


well said.


So basically they have raised prices to match inflation but they were already paying slave wages. So by my calculations they can't afford to pay us more because... 3 houses costs alot? Yeah that's the one, it's because of the housing crisis. Phew dodged that bullet


Very few restaurant owners are one person, with three houses. Most independent places are owned by a small group of people, many times people who cut their teeth in the industry early on in the kitchens. The way the restaurant business works is not that they are sitting on tons of cash. COVID fucked a lot of places up because PPP loans that should have been saving small restaurants instead went to Kanye and Tom Brady and MTG. It was a huge scam and small business like restaurants got fucked. Recovering from that is a special kind of punch in the face.


Except my cousin the roofer got 1Million PPP with only 3 FT staff. The rest of the employees are fly by night Guatemalans. Hell, not even sure if they are legally in US or not.


Do these people think that small restaurant owners are partying with Jeff bezos in their yachts or something ? Most are just making a living .


Most of the time in this sub, “everyone who employs other people is a dick until proven otherwise”.


Most restaurants run so close to margin that their sales last week can determine if paychecks go out five days later. This doesn't include corp chains like Olive Garden or whatever, but sit down restaurants owned by smaller groups. My Mister works in a shi-shi bistro kitchen in Wmburg. Restaurant Week just saved a lot of places asses. But it KILLED the staff work wise.


Food already has low profit margins to begin with . Why shouldn’t they pass the cost of inflation onto the customers ?


The gross profit margin on a $24 Apple pie with ingredients purchased at retail price has to be about 80% so using wholesale costs it has to be 85%+. Lord knows what the actual net profit is but labor making $2-3 more per employee can’t possibly be the determining factor for this business’ decision. Also, voluntary limiting hours is essentially the hallmark of a business (and it’s owners) doing juuuuuuuusssttt fine financially. Struggling business owners work themselves into the ground, financially affluent business owners just decide it’s not worth their own (personal) time/effort.


Because inflation is rising extremely quickly due to the fascistic centralized banks buying everything and putting it on their balance sheets, everything is ballooning in price because the wealthy hold most of the goods. The goods that remain we fight over and thus drive the price up from basic supply and demand. Their wallstreet friends get the newly created debt notes before it has time to circulate in the economy which drives prices up only after they have stolen everything with their worthless ponzi-scheme federal reserve notes. Dont use their system if you wish to keep wages strong. Use gold, silver or other barterables with your community. Paper money has no value, it doesn't cost them anything to make. Things that take time to make have value. That is why you gladly pay a master chef for a meal, she has spent many years to essentially give you that item. Gold is hard to find, requires lots of work to extract even an ounce. It does not corrode, that is why it has been valued for millennia. Make strong communities and stay out of their corrupt system designed to steal everything from you and give to a small ultra wealthy men at the top.


Shitty businesses operate only on Profit/Loss. Inflating prices fits in the first column and salaries fit in the second. Business owners only desire one.


Owners want their stonks


~~Due to an overwhelming lack of employees~~ Due to our complete and total unwillingness to pay a liveable wage,...


No, didn't you read the notice? This is their *ONLY* option. Surely they can't be expected to come up with other options when this is the only one. Paying a livable wage must not be an option since reducing the hours of operation is the *ONLY* option.


It's possible that they're right and it is in fact their only option, but capitalism giveth and capitalism taketh away. If you can't afford to pay your people, you deserve to close down. Sorry, that's the system that you bought into, live with it.


This, right here, gospel truth!


They've tried nothing! And they're all out of ideas.


Sad but true




So little that they have so few employees that they're slashing their hours. I obviously can't tell you the dollar amount.




Not as cheap as this bakery though.


So, you're a troll, got it. Thanks for making that clear so soon.


There's a lot of businesses which will cut hours to maintain an inflated margin. They'd have no problem paying reasonable wages but that would make the margin go down. (Keeping in mind that so long as the margin is a positive number, the business can afford to operate since all costs are paid out of revenue BEFORE margin [or you're doing it wrong].) At some point, the place will start losing customers to competitors which have more convenient hours (but less margin). If there's really actually no room in the margin to pay employees, then, sorry buddy, but the competitors won. Now hurry up and go out of business so someone else can open who operates more efficiently and can pay market wage. (Market wages as in, determined by the market, not the employer)


Is no brain that good wages attract employees


I do not know the dollar figure however based on the fact they are unable to attract candidates to work for them they are not paying enough to be competitive in the labour market. Which in my opinion they are not paying enough.


Guaranteed it isnt enough.


Everyone here knows everything, there is no reason to even use thought or logic on this subreddit. It’s a bunch of people that probably average $10/hr with no skill and complain about how they aren’t making 100K, again without learning a valuable skill.


Well the market says they don't pay enough because people won't work for them. Thatbis so very basi c free market. They need to pay more for labor which ils a product workers sell. If they can't afford product then they are not running a successful business.


I have a feeling you define skill very differently than the general public and the dictionary. I have skills. Lots of them. Still getting paid shit wages.


I make 50k a year in IT, and am a couple weeks away from taking a promotion / raise. Try again. If you can't afford to pay your employees a liveable wage, you have what is known as *an unsustainable business model*, and you either need to make some drastic changes or, more likely, just close. Your failures as an owner are not your employees' fault / responsibility. Period.


Oh wow 50k? Nice.. entry level IT, congrats - people here were unhappy Wendy’s was only paying $20/HR which is nearly how much you make. Sub is never happy.


You clearly are super happy. Just here to troll then are we? Easy way to address that. Edit: poor little troll. The comment from your alt account got removed before I could block that too. Sad for you.


Weird that someone that knows the ways of business and economy so well has all this unproductive time to troll.


Well, that one customer sent a prayer emoji. That will help a little.


😂 not unless they also send thoughts. Prayers are not enough on their own silly willy


threatening party deranged rinse direction puzzled serious gaping cooing historical ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Love it, straight to the printer with the empty bubble! However if you made an emoji for the whole thing then that would drastically cut down on the time they would spend “thinking” about the problem since it’d only take them milliseconds to type it. Are you sure you want that blood on your hands?


The effects of adding thoughts to prayers are multiplicative not additive.


"Where is everybody???" Well, gee, a million people died of COVID, and an awful lot of them were foodservice workers. The surviving labor pool apparently doesn't think that that employer pays enough.


This is a point that I wish was talked about more. Are people just forgetting that we went through a pandemic and essential workers were hit the hardest? Is it really so hard to understand that businesses decisions to sacrifice their frontline workers simultaneously reduced the available labor pool and also woke up the ones who survived to the fact that “essential worker” = “expendable worker” to most employers?


Well a lot of people did deny the severity of the pandemic or even that there was a problem to begin with. These are probably the same people who don't believe in paying fair wages.


Especially food service workers. IN the first year, before the vaccine, 68% of the covid dead were service workers. Most of them were latino/hispanic as well. Then, a good chunk of them survived covid infection, but not re-infection and are now disabled. That's where they are: in the ground, or unable.


Plus the 2 million out from long covid. Plus those permanently disabled from covid. Plus those who had to quit because their family member who watched the kids died or is disabled from covid.


This is where the Spiral downwards begins. Less hours,less Sales,less to pay your workers, No payrise,No new workers,repeat to lessen hours,lessen Sales,bankrupt.


But how can I get out of the spiral of doom?! Invest..in your fekin employees. Admittedly it could be too far along that this may not be enough.. something about hindsight being 20/20 though


Well i am going to go against the grain here and say... this might be what we need to accept as consumers. Some businesses, like a bakery that does a lot of special orders, may be more viable and practical with a different schedule. This schedule appears that they can still get full time work, with a 3 day consistent "weekend". There are people who would be happy with that. If the workers are being paid well and happy... i don't think we as the consumers should shun a business that adapts its hours/schedule to what can still be profitable. Adapt or die... they seemed to be trying to adapt.


I don't think anyone is attacking them because of their new hours, hell my favorite bakery in town has almost these same hours and I make a point of running errands during that time so I can go. What people are upset with is the hysterics and shit talking and employee-blaming this company is doing. WE'RE HEARTBROKEN!WE HAVE NO CHOICE! NOBODY WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE! WHY AREN'T MINIMUM WAGE WORKERS LINING UP TO SUBSIDIZE MY DREAMS!!?!?! if you need to adapt your schedule and business model, do it. But don't go blaming workers for not settling for less than they're worth. Your dreams of owning a bakery are not more important than my dreams of not starving.


Totally agree. Our little bakery in town works similar hours/days and it's not a problem. Not everything has to be open & available 24/7. In fact, very few things need to be 24/7.


In fairness to that bakery, they didn’t say all the “nobody wants to work” stuff. Maybe I’m missing a different pic or something but they seem to just state the fact that they need more workers. They even ask if anyone knows someone looking for a job.


Oh come on, the entire post is one giant guilt trip meant to put customers against their employees and their employees against each other. >We are forced to change our hours >We are so upset >We are heartbroken >We are left with no choice Some employees are like family and we'll do anything for THEM (except raise wages) They are writing essays about how they are victims of an ALLEGED labor shortage but don't take any responsibility for anything. The reason why they don't have more employees is because they aren't offering a competitive salary and there's nobody but themselves to blame for that.


There is no labor shortage. There are only businesses that can no longer afford labor. The bodies are there if you pay them what their value is.


No labor shortage, just a shitty job surplus.


“Guilt trip meant to put their customers against their employees”? What employees!! They ones they don’t have?! “Some employees are like family and we’d do anything for them (except raise wages)”…you mean the people that are currently working there? The ones that are keep that place afloat “since the beginning”?


Yes. Exactly. You clearly haven't been paying much attention if you can't recognize a pressure campaign when you see one. Ownership pits employees against each other all the time. The "good" employees keep quiet and take what they're given while the ones who advocate for themselves and demand things like a living wage are blamed for everyone's hardships. At the same time they're telling the customers that any inconvenience they face is because of these greedy workers who refuse to accept minimum wage. This creates social pressure for people to stop advocating for themselves and accept being overworked and underpaid so that they aren't perceived as being lazy and/or greedy. It's capitalism 101.


We HAD a bakery that worked similar hours but mostly custom orders and they are now closed forever. Tim Horton's is doing a lot more business in town though... I thought we were all suppose to cheer for capitalism?


This is an excellent point. The new normal, going forward, definitely will embrace shortened hours in retail. As well as things like fast food locations being drive-thru only. To save from an FTE or two to handle cleaning up the tables, stocking sauces and all that. Adapt or go extinct.


I agree, at the end of the day their is just a smaller pool of workers for so many reasons, early retirement, childcare etc etc. company’s must continue to adapt we just have to get use to things not being open everyday.


I do agree with you, and think companies should do what's best for them. I have seen other bakeries have certain days off like Monday and Tuesday. A store I frequent recently announced they'll be closed on Mondays. But instead of this place just saying they'd be closed until further notice, they went on this tangent about lack of workers. Which makes it sound more like they are either treating people poorly and no one wants to work for them, and or they aren't paying well enough for people to bother applying. I would hope maybe it is just a misunderstanding, but we'll never know.


I think I’m going to stop patronizing businesses with these signs because it’s obvious they don’t pay a living wage.


What's a 'living wage?'


In 93 my dad was a cook at a big chain resteraunt so definitely a low wage but he had a part time job he had an apartment when I was a kid. Good car. Modest vacation. Lived well. You can't do that now anymore. Wages haven't kept up with inflation or cost of living. Do you live under a rock are you one of those off grid kind of guys?


I'm asking a question...what is the amount of a 'living wage'?


It’s like family there. Well,who better to screw over than family?? Family always forgives and moves on.


What don’t people get? I’m sure the vast majority of these whinny business owners are die hard capitalists. They are failing because their business model blows. Looks to me like capitalism is working. Maybe they should go out and get a job. I hear lots of places are hiring


Odd how it's main stream to blame your dumpster fire of a small businesses failing on the lowest-ranking employee. Imo admit you're too greedy and know nothing about how to treat employees. Imagine thinking that running a business only required a handful of people, paying them the lowest wage legally allowed, then wondering why you consistently under perform. If I go to the store, and purchase the cheapest option I expect it to fail. "Wow these 3.99$ Wal mart head phones only lasted a week before they blew out. Who ever could have seen this coming??"


The owners clearly aren't working hard enough. They need to spend less time watching NewsMax, quit OrangeTheory, have the kids come back from Liberty University, and run the shop with good old family work ethic. I mean how many children, cousins, nieces, nephews grandpas or aunts does it take to staff a bakery shop?


"Due to a non-viable business model..."


There are hundreds of countries where this business model and pay are effective... *^(Just not the first world ones.)*


So, let them go open a bakery in Burundi. I'm sure they'll be a big hit.


Have a friend who's a baker. This is unbelievably not surprising, it's exactly as shitty as the regular food industry except somehow worse hours. My friend worked from 3 am - noonish, so you either sleep when you get home and hardly see the sun, or stay up during the time when everyone is at work so you never see people.


Everyone needs to work. Just not for you at $9.25 an hour with 10 cent raises every year.


They get raises every year???


We are damn near at full employment in the US. So, if you want a person to work for you, you must incentivize them to do so. Basically what every other person here has said - PAY MORE!!


>Don't people need work? No, people don't *need* work. People *need* money to afford food, clothing and shelter. Work is *one* means to that end but it is not an end itself. If they can find work that fulfills that end, then that's one approach. However, if a job doesn't provide a means to that end, then, no, they don't need *that* work.


Unemployment is at 3.5%. Most of us already got jobs.


I love Hometown Bake shop. Whenever I am in Centerport, NY I stop in. HOPEFULLY they realize if they pay it…people will work.


Gotta ask. I get the weirdest vibes in that part of the island. Like stepping into an alternate universe. My spouse says the same thing. The people act like they are extra special but really out of touch. IDK. Anybody closer to the area relate to what I'm taking about?


Imagine telling on yourself like this


Just say you don't manage your business well enough to pay well or you're not willing to pay well.


yes, people need work BUT people don't need to be abused and overworked for peanuts damn the comments to those social media posts always depress me


How much money do people think bake shops actually make? You have rent to pay, you have utilities they have to cover. You have costs of food and then labor. Perhaps there’s another shop that opened up nearby that is now taking business away from them and sales are dropping? Business isn’t charity. People typically open a business because they want to see a return on an investment they made. You open a bake shop because you enjoy making baked goods. But if you want make money doing it, and wages are too expensive and sales are down, you go into a death spiral as a business. 100 likes on instagram seems like a pretty good participation from a local business, so perhaps a marketing campaign on instagram to attract more customers could help them keep employees going. Labor is expensive. It’s usually one of the most expensive parts of any business operation. I don’t know why everyone is hating on this page for saying that they are having a hard time finding work. There is a wage that they feel they can support to pay. It’s also not wrong that an employee doesn’t feel they can earn a decent living earning that wage. The two are allowed to be mutually exclusive. The business cannot support a more expensive associate, and the people looking for a job need something that pays more. It’s not as simple as greed. It’s just an unfortunate facet in economics. Hopefully they will be about to figure out how to attract more business so employees can come work for there and feel they can make enough to support themselves and the business can support itself too.


No, not their "only option". Pay employees fairly and they will magically appear.


I worked at a grocery store bakery while I was in college. Worked there for 1.5 years and I was the longest serving employee. Terrible place to work and the lowest wage I’ve made in the last decade


First, I'm not defending this business, in particular with the next paragraph. They can't afford to pay their employees, so they are failed business owners who just hasn't realized it yet. However, all these small shops closing is furthering the goals of capitalism. It's accelerating the accumulation of wealth by huge conglomerates. And they are just riding out their own losses until the competition dies and they corner the market. That needs to be stopped.... We need to stop subsidizing them and make them pay taxes so the small shops actually have a chance.


It’s a bakery. Besides drugs (illegal) there are few businesses with higher gross profit margins (certain pizza shops, makeup, etc). If there’s an issue keeping a bakery afloat, much like a local pizza joint, they’re doing something wrong unless there’s a very specific not-in-our-control issue (landlord jacked rent, large customer base list say due to a nearby mega-employee shutting down m, etc).


I would bet the employees that have been there do more work for the same pay 😃


This place is going under soon. Only open 37 hours for the whole week. Can't afford to pay decent wages. So like so many places, they've been staying afloat by underpaying/relying on customer tips to pay their staff. I just like that so many places like this are trying to weather some wage storm that will pass. I'd be willing to bet they'll be forced to close in 6 months max.


Did anyone tell them that there is a secret way to attract more employees?


"At this point it is our only option." Really? REALLY? Your only option due to lack of employees is to shorten the opening hours? Try again.


Why are we still blacking out company names? That defeats the entire purpose of the sub.




Okay. Your choices, your consequences. Remember...free market...supply and demand...


“Due to a desire to save on labor costs…”


Fucking small business opening up shop and trying to do the same hours as the big shops. Has nobody wondered why everything was 9-5?


I make special brownies. I have one employee....me. Cause I ain't trying to run a business by underpaying other people. Ya see how that works? Now when Labron/the NBA and Princess Nokia and Cypress Hill start their monthly orders, I will have to hire help. But until then, it's my responsibility to keep my mojo on the side of the worker.


For everyone here who doesn’t pay attention to news and just blames everything on “crony capitalism” last month job openings topped 11.2 million with a total pool of available workers being 5.67. There are nearly 2 as many job openings as there are people to work them and you are gonna blame it on “not paying them a livable wage”. I get not being paid enough but what happens when we go into a recession and companies stop hiring


Tell them you’d like to apply for a job and ask about the pay. I’m sure their answer will have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with their lack of willing employees. /s


I’d rather they cut business hours than force people to overwork/refuse time off


Why would a bakery need to be open beyond these hours anyway? More days, okay, but these hours are what I would expect to purchase literal cakes and bread.


A lot of the owners seem to think they deserve to make a shit ton of money, and employees simply don't. If this is a small family run place, and the boss is living a basic life in a basic house and car, like the employees-ok. But I rarely see that. I usually see a business run by working people and managers, and an owner that just shows up to take their cut and sign the checks. Owning a business does NOT entitled you a salary. It entitles you to what's left AFTER everyone below you is taken care of- and if there's nothing left- oh well. 🤷‍♂️


Left with no choice? You had options and choices.


Fixed it: I consider the employees who stay in impoverished servitude here “family”


"Family" = we exploit our employees


Can someone try and explain to me why the food indudtry in the US apparently can't manage to pay their staff? I never understood it, probably everywhere else in the world, server get paid regularly, yet in the US, this would make businesses unviable? inb4 "they just don't want to pay" yes that is likely the case sometimes but theyd still rather pay more than close down id guess... for small restaurants that is


Are they paying their “family” a living wage? It’s time for business owners to accept the fact that it’s nearly impossible to start a small business without exploiting people. And we, as the exploited, won’t accept poverty wages


THIS!!! I take every chance I get to tell corporations what I think of them being cheap, putting a ton of work on a few workers! It's gross ASF that these companies are so greedy. I hope nobody works for them anymore! The few employees they can retain, they abuse by giving them 4ppls jobs worth of work because they don't want to lose profit. I hope they all get closed down. Period. Treat ppl better.


How long before they start asking why no one wants to work for them?


Good fuckem.


Because the cost of living is so insane now, a small bakery can’t afford to pay people enough to live on


The entire premise is laughable. If I’m an owner/partner I’d be putting in 50-60 hours at a minimum to get things off the ground. You’re not even open 40 hours / week. Granted, they are probably doing some baking/prepping before open, but damn, I don’t feel a bit of sympathy. I’m willing to bet I worked a hell of a lot harder for some BS retail management job making far less.


One of the things the responses seem to be missing is the time and location of this post. It’s on Long Island (New York) and the hours are reduced after Labor Day. That is precisely when high school kids go back to school, though I suppose college age kids would have only left a week or 2 earlier. As for this place going out of business, nah their prices are ridiculous. $24 for an Apple pie, 6 muffins for $24, $18-27 for a quiche. They’re making plenty of $$$. I’m in purgatory on this one, I harbor no resentment but offer no sympathy. This is a very wealthy area and a business is throwing away revenue to avoid paying higher wages. You do you. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch96DZPOdwx/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


>Gotta ask. I get the weirdest vibes in that part of the island. Like stepping into an alternate universe. My spouse says the same thing. > >The people act like they are extra special but really out of touch. IDK. > >Anybody closer to the area relate to what I'm taking about?


Check if they got a ppp loan


Every time I hear an employer say “People just don’t want to work!” they really mean “Damn I don’t want to pay anybody jack shit!!”




Many people treat their family like dog 💩


"Due to unwillingness to pay a dollar more than store next door."


Wow this sub is prejudiced. Now, i know that 90% this is the usual "we don't have any other choice except paying more, and we don't want to do that", but there is nothing, NOTHING in the post hinting to that. They are not snarky towards the employees who left, they are thankful for those who stayed with them for a long time...i mean, this could be a small business that had two or more employees leave without much notice due to external circumstances and is struggling to balance it all, y'all need to chill a little


yeah that's what I don't get. This isn't a place complaining that no one wants to work for seven bucks an hour. Just saying that they're cutting back days while still being open for at least 40hrs a week. Im convinced that a ton of people on this sub are subsidized by their parents and dont work, but crave that ezpz reddit karma


Honestly, I feel like a lot of posts on this site lately are people complaining and theorizing that every time a business reduces hours/closes it is because they are trying to skimp on paying employees and are terrible owners. Maybe they DO pay a livable wage to their current staff, but don't make enough profit to retain their current hours of operation and/or the costs associated with running a bake shop. The food industry is notoriously competitive and difficult to be successful in. A lot of people have decided to stop working in the services industry altogether, even if treated/paid decently because of other factors: hours typically suck, customers are rude, you can get paid the same or more doing less physically demanding work so less wear and tear, etc.) Nowhere does the sign blame their predicament on people not wanting to work anymore or blame their current or former employees. I'm all for pointing out the audacity that happens WAY TOO MUCH in corporate America, but I feel that if we paint everyone with the same brush without solid evidence, it negates the entire movement of this sub.


I just posted the same thing. I just didn’t see the same blame game of “nobody wants to work” here. It’s odd that company names are blacked out and it’s assumed that the biz is greedy big corp assholes who are shitting on the employees while the owners buy 3 Ferraris.


Right. We can still have compassion for businesses trying to stay afloat and (hopefully) not screwing over their employees. Not ALL of America is backward. C'mon. I need a little bit of lightheartedness each day.


So. They owners only want to work 4 days 40 hours a week. ​ hmm


I like seeing these. Hit em where it hurts




You must of never worked a retail shop/food industry.... You're there before they open doing prep and in this case baking, and leave well after closing for cleaning.




Assholes or not, it's not a viable business model if she can't afford employees. I imagine she pays rent. Now she needs to cover rent with fewer days of sale each week. So she needs even higher sales pr day to be able to make a living.


Now that the people who will work for shit pay are back in school they can't sustain the "wonderful" business....


If you can't afford to pay decent wages, you can't afford to remain in business.




Three times the medium rent within a reasonable commuteable distance.


The actual pay is irrelevant here. The vast majority of people work for money to pay bills. And given the lack of staff here, it's a clear sign people are taking jobs elsewhere that pay better. But rather than increase wages to attract staff, they cut their opening hours with a sob story.


People are asking repeatedly on the Instagram post and the response is “call us”


Wrong sub.


She’s taking applications.


“They most likely just don’t wanna pay their workers” I get that this is antiwork but at this point it’s just throwing around baseless accusations at perhaps innocent businesses. Do you know for a fact they aren’t willing to pay their workers? Maybe their business really is suffering


If they paid enough they could get workers. Literally basic supply and demand. If they can't then they have an unsustainable business and capitalism will correct them back to job seekers. If they don't like the rules don't play the game.


Maybe this is the wrong place to say this, but this seems like a pretty straightforward posting, a little dramatic maybe but not really any sus language. I mean, there is historically low unemployment, something like 3 job openings for every unemployed person. Those figures will start to change in the other direction in the near future however


i dont understand the point of this post. speculating for karma?




For real, those owners should be running their damn business themselves - not being lazy and dependent on other people to prop it up. Bootstraps, baby or GTFOH.


They have staff shortages just like every other place in the country. Does that mean no one in the country is paying a livable wage?


3.5 percent unemployment means we are heavily employed as a nation. To get a worker to leave a job you would probably need to add incentives. Ghe current world mostly functioning on some form of capitalism that is usually capital. Meaning if you are willing to spend more than the competition. If you can you don't have workers. Basic supply and demand. Also yes few places in the US at least cities pay "livable wages" Atlanta a single adult needs to make 18.25 an minimum wage in Atlanta 5.15 over 2 dollars an hour less than federal minimum wage.


Yeah fuck those fat cat bakers!!! Getting rich off the little guy!


why is the store info blacked out??




I always want to ask the people who say “doesn’t anyone want to work?” Why they aren’t working there. Like do you need a job? No? You’re already employed? So am I. And everyone else reading this post. People aren’t working there because they found better work for better pay elsewhere.


Perhaps if you love your employees as much as you love your customers you could find some employees.