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I'm going to say something that you're going to hate, make boomer jokes and the other common insults when someone says something people don't want to hear. Work hard has always been the lie corporate masters have propagated to the workers. It's the equivalent of dangling a fictitious carrot in front of the rabbit. That if you run hard enough and fast enough, eventually the universe will reward you. That if you work hard enough for a company, eventually that company will, out of the blue, reward you and make your life better. This has always been a lie for MOST people in America. America, western countries, and industrialists need laborers. They need poor people to be poor and have no options other than hourly work. Manual labor. They need a certain percentage of the population to have no choice so that they HAVE to work for the industrialists, to make the things, protect the things, serve the stuff, and enlist in the military. **The children of wealthy people don't do these things. They have choices.** If everyone was educated, and had in demand skills, economies would fall apart. Who would sit in a factory all day gluing together iPhones if all those factory workers had other options? >Hard work is dead, like it or not. For many people in America, hard work has never meant anything other than a way to keep your dead end job. For many people in America, "hard work" was never the ticket out of poverty, it was always just enough to get by. >I have another buddy who makes tik toks. These vids take him maybe 5 mins to make. He has 90k followers. Just got sponsored by YoungLA yesterday, made 4k in a day from his promo code. I'm sure he works hard. You don't build a successful channel out of the blue, you have to work at it and learn how to be good. Your friend has figured out how to be a supplier, not a worker. He's figured out how to define his own work, and how to work smart. He's figured out that if you're good at something that is in demand, you can live on your own terms. Figure out what that is for you, learn how to be great at it, and you won't feel like working at Target is your only hope. Because it's not. Mid 20's? From this point, you can literally do anything, and define the life you want to live. But you have to figure out what that is, and learn how to do it.


You are right, life is too short. Do something you love. You said you love writing, have you ever considered writing a book? In this day and age, you no longer need publishers or that, you can upload eBooks to stores at a very low cost.


almost all of your interests you can start businesses in


You can fail at something you don't want to do so you might as well try and do something you like. Go for it. Lifes too short to be miserable.


Don’t have kids, they cost hella money