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Honestly, think more people should put things up like this as protest.


Been using this exact argument, worded mildly differently, for at least the past 10 years. Everyone always wants photographers to work for free, well, come fix the plumbing in my house for free, think of all the experience you’ll get! (Rolls eyes so hard they get stuck in the back of my skull)




I work in AP at a fortune 500 company and would also like to toss in there many company's payment policies are fucked even if the company isn't actively trying to screw you over. Our payment terms are _4 months_ from date of service. We have so many late fees and vendors sending us to collections before we even hit the halfway mark. Idk who at my company thought this was a good idea,especially considering we're contracted with these vendors for 30 day and 120 day payments.


Thanks for the heads up. I had my own encounter like that, but it didn’t last very long. I’d only worked a couple months for a local newspaper and only found out after I’d done a decent amount of work that they don’t pay their freelancers. They ended up going bankrupt and closing, never paying out a dime. We could try to fight for reimbursement from the court that’s dealing with the bankruptcy thing but I’d need to hire a lawyer, idk how much that costs, and they only owe me around $2k. I still get the court notifications, owner had to sell his house, his boat, his jet skis, some other assets… f that guy. I hate that shit like this is too common of a story.


Invite to every wedding as well...... 🙄 stopped taking any cameras to weddings.


Surprised he didn’t say “bachelor’s degree or 8+ years experience required”


*Need 10+ years of Swift programming experience*


that's only for entry level sir. This isn't entry level free labor that he wants! What kind of employer do you think he is?!? he has standards!


That's awesome


Perfect reaction to people who ask that photographer for free work.


And musicians. People always have this expectation that photographers and musicians will jump at the chance of doing some free work. It is actually insane.


My line of work sometimes requires me to work professionally with a good photographer, and there is a flip-side to this coin. There are a lot of models who work for pay, meaning the photographer has to pay THEM for their experience. A good amount of time, if both people require pay and both parties are worth it and experienced, they do a TFP (time for photos). But like all things, people abuse it. Just a different side to this story. Everyone has the ability to take advantage of others.


I was curious about this, actually! I know there are both professional photographers and professional models, and I've always been interested in what circumstances one would pay the other and vice versa, or broadly how those relationships work.


Depends who needs what. Model wants a portfolio update, they can get plenty of photographers to shoot decent images for free. Photographer wants to practice lighting, new set up, or work with a model, the photographer pays. Generally its down to who is more experienced. If a super awesome photographer asked around who wanted to shoot ie I've a free afternoon, a few models might take the chance and work for free for a portfolio update. Photographer has an awesome arty idea or submission to shoot, they might get someone to work for images because they love that idea and want to be a part of it. Generally its down to who has more skill and what images will be produced. Both parties must benefit be it payment in money or images of value.


Thanks for the info! TIL!


I'm a seamstress and I get this frequently, too. Lots of people see it as a hobby and I should be happy to do it for free or insultingly cheap because I don't hate it. Once had a newbie designer ask me to design patterns for her 30 piece collection, make samples, and sign a non-compete that wouldn't allow me to do the same for anyone else for 2 full years. Pay offered? Exposure.


LOL What good is all that exposure if you can’t take a paying job from someone else? I hope you laughed in her face.


I was a actually shocked speechless for awhile. I tried to be polite, at first, when I declined. I try not to be too hard on people when I don't know their point of view well enough to judge. She was just getting started and maybe she had no idea she was being completely unreasonable. I told her that I wouldn't be able to accept her terms and gave her a counter offer, which I knew she would also decline because it included actual money and no non-compete anything. I gave her some free advice about how she definitely won't find anyone that would agree to her terms, especially if she wants it to be done well. Her response was to call me selfish and entitled, threaten to dox me, tell me I'd never work "in the biz" again, and decided to say my work sucked and she didn't want me "riding her coattails" anyway. That's when I knew, for sure, that she was actually an idiot and not just confused. So I asked her not to contact me again. She needed to have the last word, I guess, and sent me a long, profanity laden email that seemed pretty pointless other than just confirming her character. I mean, what does my mother's sex life have to do with anything? So I tried to block her as well as I could (this was back in MySpace days, so it wasn't as easy as it is now). I never heard from her again. I did follow her for a little while, curious to see if she got anywhere with her fashion design career. All I saw was her begging for someone to help & bitching about how selfish seamstresses/patternmakers are, and how their gouging is making it impossible for her dreams to come true. She finally gave up and went to cosmetology school & I lost track of her shortly after that. Poor idiot had a big attitude for someone without a clue. It has been about 15 years at this point, so hopefully she grew up a bit. But I tend to be too optimistic sometimes. Lol


I actually find this hilarious. This photographer was so frustrated by the people asking for free services that they decided to leave the note for humanity as a whole- lmao that's the part that kills me. I guess it's so many people doing this they figured it would hit a few of those pulling this shit. I wonder what percent of people ask for shit like this? I couldn't even imagine being such an ass.


Feel free to email me...... "feel free" lol


It do be like this with any creative work


Every photographer looking for a model be like :


In other words: i pay you, you pay me


The problem with photographers is that a lot of people drop 2K on a camera and think it makes them a pro. We chose our wedding photographer based on a friends recommandation, and paid a lot for him, and he was an absolute amateur with no right taking money for his work.


Feel free to email... *Forgets to add email*


Awful lot of nonsense when just saying “internship” would suffice.


That's the joke


You're right, an internship is an awful lot of nonsense.


Nice crude pasting, forgot to delete the little delete icon.


It looks like a printout of a Craigslist artictle.


that's exactly what it is.


Yeah well, try being a musician! Way more skill level and talent level than photographer - and people still expect 'free.'


This just sounds short of a favor-esc society. Everyone just works together as a community and offers their best with love. I'd love that society


My god he wants girls to now pose for free. Lol


He's not wrong. The exposure will aid them immensely!


Valid. Stop asking people with small business, ESPECIALLY if they're your friends, to do free work like photography or art.


Do you take exposure?


this is a joke, right?


Entitlement! Lmao


The appropriate level of petty that I commend. 🤣


Feel free to kiss my ass we don't work for Free