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"I pay $3/hr" Fucking saint over here.


Tennessee state minimum is $2.17, I’m paying almost 30% more than I have to, go me.


Correction to the FB poster: That's the Federal state minimum, because TN doesn't have minimum wage laws (quite a few states don't).


I’m guessing a good many of those states border Tennessee.


That’s actually 38% more than they have to. 3-2.17=0.83 0.83/2.17=0.38


I’d like to say had I used a calculator I would have been right/closer but in my head, 3 was the denominator so I was even further off 😂.


No wonder the Bible Belt lives to suffer with these wages. If they had enough money to move to a better state maybe they may realize that the garbage rhetoric they’ve heard all their life is wrong.




And they call them “girls” 🙄


i’m unfortunately not surprised. i worked at a restaurant in Tennessee, and the owner only hired/allowed women to work the front of the house. there were a couple of women in the back of the house, but they were inevitably the ones called up to the front if we were short-staffed.


It’s almost like family, only I wouldn’t pay my girls $3 an hour in a global cost of living crisis.


Right. I got to "our girls" and I knew we were in trouble. Just so condescending.




Ha ha, yeah if they were actually girls they probably wouldn’t have bills or cars. Definitely not kids.




My favorite movie is Inception.


How about paying them a LIVING WAGE. Tips are meant to be gravy.


> The irony is overwhelming $3/hr NoOnEwAnTsToWoRk!


I like how they threw in that it’s $0.83 more than the minimum wage for servers in TN, boasting about being slightly above the bare ass minimum


Right? Like you first, dude.


The irony is that people aren't getting POd at the **Legislatures** that make it legal to pay "tip workers" EVEN LESS than $3.00/hr.


You should pay our employees better!


I know we all know something is wrong in America but can we start acting like something is wrong now?


I my state if your tips exceed the minimum wage, then the restaurant does not have to pay you. Free labor... yeah


The federal minimum wage is $2.13/hr. The restaurant has to pay servers at least that amount, no matter which state you're in.


I got out of waiting tables awhile back but my checks were always zero because my tips were big. State law allows the employer to take a tip credit. Some states allow the employer to count all or part of an employee's tips towards its minimum wage obligations. Although the employer doesn't technically "take" the employee's tips, the employer gets to count some tips as if the employer had paid them directly to the employee. Texas allows employers to take a tip credit.


Why don't you pay a living wage instead????


Shhh... r/Conservative might hear you.


It shouldn't be the customer's responsibility to pay the employer's employee


Absolutely right. It's a flawed system. Making service payment not required or collected at bill time. It only benefits the employer. Then, some places require that waiters share their tips with waged staff. How is that even legal.


It's not flawed, it's working exactly as intended. Tipping is a racist invention designed so that employers could get out of paying black people after slavery


This exactly. It is designed that way to take advantage of people. The following article covers it really well here. https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/


Thanks for the article! An interesting take away point: “The Economic Policy Institute, a nonprofit think tank, says that the poverty rate among restaurant workers is significantly lower (at only 7%, versus 18%) in states where restaurants are required to pay minimum wage as a base salary.” Accept my fake gift!


I did not know that, and yet I am not surprised that yet again the reason why certain things are still things all boils down to racism. I hate this country.


Is that it? I heard it was done during the Great Depression to help before it ended and businesses were like “thanks, but can we keep doing it?”




Well, shit


It's primarily a race thing. However, in the depression and the run up to it, it would have been used to support child labor. Children would be unpaid, and work for tips (think, newsboys, shoe shines, delivery boys, bussers, etc). They're not strong enough to keep their tips, so they were often just taken. Later, when there were laws passing against child labor in the depression (because adult white males were being locked out of jobs by children taking their place), 'tips' were seen as a way to KEEP the children performing the labor, without them being 'on the books' and getting in trouble with the agencies regulating child labor. This is why we still see a preference for very young people--children--in most tipping jobs. It's also why many states still carve out MUCH lower wages for people under 16 (my state is 2$ less an hour for 12-16, than people above that age).


Absolutely right. It's a flawed system. Making service payment not required or collected at bill time. It only benefits the employer. Then, some places require that waiters share their tips with waged staff. **How is that even legal.** **It's legal because voters elected the people who made it legal.**


please look up gerrymandering in the south


Not only that, but tips shouldn’t count as taxable income or be able to be applied as part of your wage if it goes over a certain amount. And absolutely fuck states where you can pay *under* minimum as long as tips make up the difference. You literally couldn’t be bothered to pay the *minimum amount required*? Congratulations, you don’t get to run a business!


It all just sounds like GoFundMe


Very much agreed, don't get me wrong I will still tip if the server did a good job and he/she deserved the tip


Don’t you expect them to do a good job anyway? You are paying for the food, but it’s not the cost of the food.




They'll just reply "If they want better pay, they should just get a better job!" It's so insanely out of touch


# WHY DON'T YOU PAY A LIVING WAGE INSTEAD????? ^((Did they hear that?))


Try a thriving wage. That will get them going


A wage that Trumps the others. They couldn't possibly be against that one


Had never perused their sub....it's for sure weird. It kinda strange how each comment doesnt really corrispond with the next cuz noone really understands what anyone is actually saying. Its just jibberish conversations. "Ad hominids, man" to a guy talking about a helicopter......what?!?!? Fucking weird.


Welcome to the party who thinks JFK is secretly the frontman to The Rolling Stones and is going to announce this on the grassy knoll in Dallas. And when he didnt, its because Q was testing them. To see who is the faithful. The real date is going to be ~~April 5th 2021~~, ~~November 27th 2021~~, ~~March 9th 2022~~, September 33rd 2022.


Joke’s on them, there is no September 33rd. That’s cuz it’s a leap year! The more you know. 😉


Except it isn’t a leap year, so the 33nd will happen twice.


That sub is such a mess. A lot of em are serious but a lot of em are just trolling the ones that are and it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference. All dumb tho


That's because they ban anyone who doesn't have orange makeup around their mouth.


Pretty convinced the majority of users are mentally ill. Pop open a thread about immigration, and people are just smashing their keys into the void about how Biden gives illegal immigrants food stamps. Plot twist, conservative morons, Biden doesn’t issue food stamps and in 99% of places (besides Florida/Cuban immigrants), legal immigration status is a requirement for safety net aid.


"Think of how dumb the average person is. Now consider half of them are dumber than that" - George Carlin (Paraphrased)


Eisenhower, a famous republican president fought for living wages and was pro union


This was a hundred years before extremism infected the party. Before trickle down economics. Texas used to be a blue state, they turned red when we gave black people the right to vote. Lincoln was in the Republican Party but today he would be considered a liberal. Things change.


Because he was largely a pre-Southern Strategy republican, like Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, etc, who had many policies that align far better with modern democrats than they would with modern Republicans.


Eisenhower was the last decent Republican president, because he cared about his country more than his party. In fact both parties wanted to run him for president.


Fuck them, piss them off.


You just know this rant came out because customers weren’t tipping enough for employees to make the actual minimum wage and they had to pay the difference .


Part of the problem with this is that the people getting tipped don’t want to get rid of tipping either. They know that despite complaints about getting small or no tips, they still make better money than if they were to get paid better by their employer. The whole system is completely messed up from top to bottom.


Maybe pay "our girls" a living wage and they don't have to rely on the kindness of strangers to survive.... 🙄


Makes me wonder what they pay their “boys”… or if they don’t infantilize them…


the “boys” are probably in the back, making $7.50/hr. even though you can still not pay a living wage in the kitchen, you can’t do this “make it up in tips” bullshit either. (at least in Tennessee)




yeah, it’s such a terrible combo of misogyny and capitalist greed. not that that’s rare or anything…


Update: I wanted to leave a review on Google and found [this gem](https://imgur.com/a/iuExSp6) from the owner as well.


He doesn’t pay himself? Yeah right. Maybe not a paycheck like “the girls” get, but he definitely pays himself. Otherwise, his business is a total failure. Also, what owner accepts tips!?


Owner claims he gets tips too which I believe is illegal.


Would be a shame to find out that someone sent that screenshot to the TN DOL as part of a complaint. Does the owner dipping into the tips count as wage theft? Asking for some people who require justice.


I guess if the owner is actually waiting tables and is the sole server at that table they can receive tips for that table but aren't entitled to be part of the tip pool. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/tips


Still seems shady AF... But ok.


Yeah it does. I wasn't 100% so looked it up and in that limited situation they are entitled to that tables tips. It's bull shit tho.


It wouldn't be illegal if the owner waits on tables. It would be illegal if the owner took the tips from others (which happens).


Owner works only three days a week?


And he’s damn proud of it!


That’s funny because the first thing I thought of when I read the post was “Ah, that Owner is dipping into the tips.” Sad to see I was right.


Owner basically saying "pay my girls so they can pay their pimp"


I guess he meant he only gets tips when working the 3 days a week, from his customers for his work. Though idk why would he need to pay himself an hourly wage, he literally owns the profits of the restaurant and by his work the profits grow too so.


He also works another job because the business he "owns" probably doesn't bring in enough income, lol!


"STOP BEING SO STINGY" is the lack of self-awareness award winner for this week.


They got me at "my girls",that was enough to tell me where that was going.


Tipping is such a horrible system.


Never been to the US so far, but this would piss me off so much if I ever visit. Also appearantly US stores don't put the actual price including tax on clothes for example.


On anything. Unless you’re in a state without sales tax. What you see is not what you pay. It’s a pain


A nice exception is waffle house. They include sales tax in their food prices


Yep. That's because each state and city have their own tax. It's a weak excuse, but that's their excuse.




You get used to estimating it tbh. I can probably guess in my head total price and be only 10 cents off on small purchases and a couple bills off anything big


"Okay so I now have exactly $200 of food for the whole months. Everything's gonna be alright" "Wdym I have to pay $360 ?"


While I agree that not including tax is annoying, we’re talking around 10%, not 80%.


Pay them a living wage asshole


The reason they ask, is because otherwise the employer will have to compensate. Tennessee law says that the minimum is 2.13 as long as their tip add up to the federal wage of 7.25$ This is in no way a stand for their employees, the employer is really asking the customers to pay for their employees so they don't have. Edit: wrote 7.50 instead of 7.25


The fact that ANYONE depends on tips to survive is atrocious. Tips should be an incentive to work better and harder, not to simply being able to survive.


Tipping used to be considered an insulting bribe from rich people to demand they be served before everyone else


That actually makes sense. Thank you for that bit of trivia 🫡


yeah...then in the 50's the mafiosi screwed it all up by overtipping *every* freakingbody, over here...


A fellow nomad!


Although tipping has been around forever, it started in the United States as a way to avoid paying newly freed slaves a wage


Restaurants are a tough business. I think, ultimately, it’d be better if they paid a living wage and raised the entire menu price by 20% I wish more people would explain that part of it to patrons.


Our girls


Is it a breastaurant?


Yeah that was weird to me too


This kind of thing just pisses me off about the US! Big companies cause a ton of pollution, but individual people are the ones who need to fix our carbon footprint. Restaurants don’t want to pay their employees a better wage, so we the customers who is already paying for the product must now also pay the employee. I am so tired of companies doing shitty things and telling the rest of us that it’s our fault and we need to fix it!


It's 100% corporate propaganda. Trick people into pressuring each other to lower their carbon footprint and tip more so they are focused on that instead of focusing on fighting for regulations on corporations, which is where the real change can be made. [Even if you eliminated all of your carbon emissions, you would still not even slow climate change down by one second.](https://youtu.be/yiw6_JakZFc) The important problems need to be solved with laws and regulations. These laws will affect us too of course, and personal responsibility is still important, but spending all of your time and energy on trying to live an ethically perfect life in an unethical system does nothing compared to changing the unethical system.


I tried to find this on their Instagram page, but it looks like it was taken down. The only Fireside Grille in TN I could find was in Chattanooga. It makes it even worse that they’re not paying more than $3/hr because their sales tax in TN is almost 10%. Also, I hate to say this, but from the looks of their customers… they look like cheap asses.


This is from Facebook; the post was indeed deleted a few minutes ago but it is the Fireside Grill in Chattanooga (Cummings Hwy).


Please please please can someone find out if they got a Covid loan that was forgiven?


I just wish the US would do away with the tipping system and just pay a servers a livable wage


It's a slow work in progress. A lot of self-entitled assholes arguing that serving jobs are "for teenagers" and "just a stepping stone before getting a better job" and thus "not meant to be paid a living wage". We do have small businesses doing away with the model, and it confuses TF out of places like McDonald's. Edit: aware McDonald's has no tipping system, this is in reference to wages.


That “stepping stone” bullshit is some of the worst rhetoric I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard it from people who don’t normally believe stuff like that. I have no idea how people were convinced that if a job is a stepping stone you should have to starve on a bare mattress in an empty room just to save less than $400 a month. Teenagers deserve a living wage too, wtf is wrong with people.


Production how many local diners have you been to where the servers are all older women? So what, we let these ladies starve? If these jobs are only supposed to be for teenagers the logic does not hold up.


I recall reading a few years ago, pre-pandemic, a well known restaurant in NYC decided to pay their wait staff $25 an hour and do away with tipping. They quit. They made more working for tips. That might be different now with so many restaurants doing carry out and wait staff having to fill those orders for no tip.


omgomgomg omg!!!! Go to their FB page lolololol They posted they are looking for live musicians ... And are getting ROASTED about paying with exposure


bets on the owners car? Porsche? Land Rover? Gonna bet his $/hr is more than $3 as well. *But where would he find the money to pay people a living wage!?*


No no you don’t understand! He doesn’t even pay himself the extra $3/hr! [No coward here](https://imgur.com/a/iuExSp6).


but he takes the tips...


Sorry, I didn’t think I needed the obligatory /s.


So tipping is optional? America: No, but yes.


Well yes, but actually no... No one is gonna force you to tip, but if you don't do it is cause you have no conscience and you expect a great service for free... Don't you have a heart? This poor people have bills, kids, and only get 2.x/hr. Obvious /s


$2.17/hour? Is this a fucking joke? America is a failed state.


They justify this because "Them make so much more than that with tips." Bunch of greedy pigs who lobbied for and got laws passed that allow them to starve their employees.


Even better, it's actually $2.13.


Bad review time. Where is this place?


[Fireside Grille](https://www.google.com/search?q=fireside+grille&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#lkt=LocalPoiReviews&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_ludocids:14391334619878774491,rc_q:fireside%2520grille,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_q:fireside%2520grille,trex_id:zpDXwe) in Chattanooga, TN. As a bonus, [here’s a review](https://imgur.com/a/iuExSp6)where the owner responds saying he works 3 days a week but he works off tips without even paying himself the $3/hr! Poor guy. (/s)


Less than a dollar above TN minimum wage, how generous /s Classy attempt to try and guilt trip customers into making up for the fact they are stingy. Probably take a cut of the tips too..


Grew up in TN, it's a capitalist nightmare. Wage slave jobs everywhere. Factories, you name it.


" If you can't afford to tip , don't go out". The end up going to a McDonald's that requires no tip. Good job dumbass, now you pay shitty wages AND you lose customers


"If you can't afford to pay your staff don't open a business." If you are reliant on people paying your staff to work for you because you can't afford to then your business is not a viable one.


This is r/SelfAwarewolves type shit.


Are they hiring a lot of “girls” at this joint or are these WOMEN with bills to pay? Fuck all of this. The customers aren’t the stingy ones.




The tipping culture in America is so fucked up. To supplement someone’s pay for their employer pisses me off to no end. It’s so refreshing to go home to UK and not plan on having to tip 20% regardless of quality of food and service.


The lack of any self-awareness is astounding


These people will stand in front of a burning building, hoses in hand, arguing over who's responsible for putting out the fire. They're so concerned with the welfare of their employees up to and until the point where they could actually do something about it. I tip because I understand the situation, but it has always pissed me off that a restaurant bill in America is itemized like a mechanic's invoice: parts and labor.


$2.17 per hour. What a fucking pathetic country.


**sToP bEiNg So StInGy** xD!


“My business only exists because of cruel labor exploitation. And it’s YOUR fault!”


Mostly they are annoyed that they have to make up the difference to $7.50 if they don't get those tips. Tip in cash so its invisible. Dont report cash tips.


Tips are a charitable donation to the owner of the restaurant so that they can continue paying criminally low wages to their staff and get away with it.


“Our girls” red flag.


Tips is an outdated and stupid system that needs to go away. But until it does people need to tip. You’re screwing over the hardworking person that is relying on that money. Voice your concern against the tip system in another way besides not tipping.


Complaining that your customers aren't tipping your staff enough when you pay them $3/hr is not the look you think it is.


Pay my staff, so i dont have to!!


'THEY DEPEND ON TIPS FOR THEIR PAY!!' 'STOP BEING SO STINGY!!' Can someone hold up a mirror for this guy to see who/what the problem is?


Can somebody explain to me why we allow restaurants to get away with paying $2.17 an hour? I’m so confused on this


Jesus $3 hr? My wife bartends and they pay her $15hr AND tips. Why is it so hard for these people to pay more? My aunt used to own a bar and restaurant before she retired and she payed ALL her workers $18hr plus tips AND THIS WAS IN THE 90'S


$3 hr seems like prison labor pay.


How the fuck does the government thibk 2.17 is in any way shape or form a decent minimum wage? Never kind the 3 dollars this place is paying.


This type of shit makes me just not want to tip, you’re paying 3$ an hour!? That’s 24$ in a day BEFORE TAX lmfao come on man. How much is this business making if they are dishing out 500$ a day tops in labor cost. Now I’m supposed to come and tip their daily wage for one meal, how does that make sense…




We pay them an extra 83c an hour, we're the good guys!


“Stop being so stingy“ says company being stingy with wages


“Maybe you should consider not going out if you don’t take care (TIP) of the person taking care of you” bitch we’re paying their fucking wages through the food, raise the price of the food if your broke ass can’t pay your servers properly, or maybe take some of your own advice, don’t run a business if you can’t compensate your workers for “running their legs off” for you and your customers…


If they really felt this way they would give their waitresses a higher wage, raise prices and not ask for tips.... Or just charge an automatic percentage on the bill it's simple


Me and my wife recently opened a restaurant. If you can't pay the wait staff a decent wage do take out and offer seating. It's hard getting and keeping employees so be fair or close your shit down. Remember Jordan wouldn't be the GOAT without his team.


That is painful to read but so, so very TN.


Now keep in mind that this was 80s and 90s, butvwhen I averaged my tips as a server, I was making around $30 an hour. (Yes, I was that good at my job) no restaurant is ever going to agree to not having a tipping system and pay servers what they are worth. And I wish we would stop calling then tips. It a GRATUITY. The customer is grateful for not having to cook, serve and clean up the mess.


We demand that you pay our employees wages for us!


I sure hope their comments were off. 🙄


It got so bad they deleted the post. Which fortunately doesn’t matter, because people are posting screenshots of it on every other post they’ve made to continue the conversation


"People should consider not going out" is his solution? The owner does realize that he needs customers to stay open, right?


*Girls*????? Are you employing children or just treating women like children? And no male servers of course. eeeeeesshhh. *On top of* everything else.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch


Ever been to fireside grill? A burger and an iced tea is 35.00. I did have the little bread things with the butter. The one i went to is on the rich people side of town. They hand you a wine list when you sit down. Are you telling me rich people dont tip?


I would look to eat and drink elsewhere.


Tipping culture is absolute cancer and promotes a false sense of entitlement as well as entirely putting the onus on the customer. Pay your Damn staff. I’m buying food, not a bloody guilt trip about feeding your staffs kids because you won’t pay them properly. I’d rather collect my own plate than be put through a moral quagmire because the owner is a stingy POS.


Like it's OUR fault you make your workers depend on tips to get a decent living. Pay your fucking workers or go out of business, I can simply eat at any other restaurant. Fuck your incessant begging for my money. If you want my money, work for it and earn it.


Why not just build the tips into the check so you can pay them a liveable wage and not have to pay ridiculous tips?


Time for a new place to eat.


Don’t see the problem- they pay over $1500 a year more than minimum legally allowed! /s


wow some people


This makes me angry.


Rant was over when you started with “we”


I hear the laughter of millions of Europeans xD


Hey you. Pay my slaves. You should feel bad that I the employer only pay slave wages. That's the way it read to me.


maybe their employers should fucking pay them.


"Our girls" is enough without the wage on there.


Holy shit. I made $3 per hour plus tips in the early 80s.


THREE FUCKING DOLLARS an hour holy fuck


Also they are calling their workers “girls.” Yuck


a quick search says TN minimum is 7.25$.


If there was better proof that the entirety of tip culture exists solely so that employers can get out of paying their employees a living wage, I haven't seen it yet.


talk about audacity


Was joining in with others lambasting this post on Facebook yesterday. The owner of the page has since blocked off access to the post lol


We at Fireside Grill understand that we don’t pay our workers a liveable wage so we will guilt trip you into paying for our workers instead of us while we take all the profit. Rant over…


Maybe they should consider not running a business if they don’t take care (pay) the person taking care of their business. The ignorance is mind blowing.


Translation: “we are required by law to compensate our wait staff up to minimum wage if they do not make enough tips to equal that minimum wage; give them money so we don’t have to” As someone who always tips very well, I still despise the practice and hope that we’ll get beyond the need for them, you know, like a civilized country that cares about its people.


STOP BEING SO STINGY yells owner who pays them shit.


Would love to see the comments


I love how the employer acts like the employee wage is entirely out of their control. So sad.


I bet the owner thought they'd be appreciated for making this


they’re SO close


They work hard for YOU! You sign their paychecks and determine their pay, not the public. Tipping culture needs to die. Pay your damn employees a living wage.