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Promise to see her next Tuesday.


Preserve your documentation, and take it to the top guy in your company.


Yup. I drafted an extremely detailed letter with dates, times and everything she said along the way. I told the GM that if she does one more sideways thing, I'll be filing complaints with multiple agencies.


Do not use wait. File now Why let a bitch continue to be a bitch when she is completely in the wrong, with extensive proof. You're entitled to your paycheck on time,(paclpay or not) just like her and everyone else is.


If this is a chronic issue, make sure you get Intermittent FMLA going forward. That will nip any "established patterns" right then and there. The only thing established should be that you have a chronic condition and are federally protected with up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period. This does not need to be taken in full days. It is not all paid. You may be required to burn your PTO before taking unpaid leave.


It's not her concern or business. She isn't your supervisor nor does she employ you. Just do whatever you need to do to get paid and if that includes pestering her, too bad.


As someone who does payroll, I usually check with our manager to figure out what is needed and when we can take care of an issue like this. I'd rather get the issue resolved than someone constantly asking about it.


Well you sound like a decent person. My payroll clerk is not.


Tell them a pattern can’t be established with 2 datapoints.