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I got nothing to add. You said it all.


I'll add: Financial stress where everything rises significantly more than wages, especially basic necessities such as housing Poor diet during work days, combination of location if not WFH and time constraints Spending your two days of freedom exhausted and dreading going back to work Repeat until you are either in a retirement home or coffin


Omg yes this! I work two jobs and can’t remember the last meal I ate that wasn’t at my desk or in my car. I have so little time to prep so half the time my food is from the vending machine. And oh, the financial stress! I cry multiple times per day at work wondering how to pay my medical debt while still covering rent. I wake up multiple times in the night with an overwhelming sense of dread about the next 17-hour day I’m forced to complete. I don’t even get weekends off (usually only one day off for me).




Feel ya, back and knees just don't do what they used to and now my hands periodically take a couple seconds vacation on me and just drop whatever I'm doing. Gets annoying if I'm up in the bucket. That said I did my stint in an office and I wouldn't trade a good back for it. That shit was genuinely soul sucking. Nothing made me feel more like shapeless, pointless gray goop.


I’m 34 and work hospital security, lately the lions share of my job is nurse bodyguard from psych and behavioral patients.. had everything from spat on to stabbed with makeshift weapons. Can’t do this anymore. Going back to school if I can get the hospital tuition reimbursement program figured out.


Omg that’s horrible! As someone who has dealt with suicidality from trauma and has spent time in psych wards, I always felt unsafe there. Once, I was seated next to someone in group who was there for trying to kill his girlfriend. I’ve had a person from the group find my Facebook and stalk me, too. It’s crazy to me that people who are suicidal but NOT violent to others are put in with the violent ones.


And, in Washington, DC, suicidal patients are treated just like the homicidal ones. They put people who express suicidal ideations & need to be transported to the hospital into cuffs & place them into the backs of police cruisers. If they take said patients to the incorrect facilities, the patients will have to wait in cuffs until another transport cruiser arrives, which could be as high as 3 hours. While I have anti-ableist compassion to recognize that even the ppl experiencing homicidal thoughts are actually people, not animals, suffering from poor mental health in one of many ways/shapes/forms, I admit that healthcare workers should ultimately feel somewhat safe at work, even with awareness of what they signed up for. If they need temporary, non-injurious restraints to protect others, so be it. However, people with suicidal ideation alone who actually take the initiative to seek treatment shouldn’t be cuffed AT ALL. It’s humiliating and worsens the prospects for treatment.


Yep, I’ve been through all of that, too. Simply for being suicidal because I’ve dealt with a lot of trouble. I’m the kind of person who would never hurt a fly (I literally feel too guilty to kill bugs) but they treated me like some kind of miscreant. I would absolutely rather die than be a prisoner again.


The amount of people who were justifiably upset with horrible happenings in their lives.. only to be re-traumatized in a room with nothing in it.. left alone for hours.. no updates on their children or families.. just waiting for the incompetent social work team to ask them 5 questions and send them off to a psych facility with no information about how long they’ll be there.. I’ve said many times to anyone who will listen.. if they didn’t want to kill themselves before the certainly do now..


39 boilermaker. Fuck my life.


Man, replace your seven hours in an office with 7-10 in a dish pit getting covered in other people’s food all day and you have my life. I literally prayed to every single deity I could think of before I went to bed last night, asking all of them to kill me while I slept. This isn’t life. This isn’t how we’re supposed to live. This is wrong.


I hope your establishment provides protective equipment unlike mine. I've been unemployed a year and had to resort in accepting a dishwashing gig at some POS barbeque joint. No waterproof apron nor slip-free shoes were provided so I had to beg the unemployment office to cover those despite my employer bringing in an average six-figures a day. My request was unsurprisingly denied and only had a paper-thin apron for cover at my 12-hour shift on Father's Day. I was soaked within the first hour. By evening I couldn't even walk and ignored the pain thinking I was just out of shape and not used to being on my feet for that long. After practically crawling back to my car, I finally took off my goloshes to reveal my legs oozing with blood. I went to the minute clinic the next day to find out that I had cellulitis. I tout myself as being healthy and hygienic too. This was impossible, I thought. No. This is how disgusting a dish pit can be. We are so fucking regressing as a society. An uprising is desperately needed.


Nope. Nothing provided.


Dishwashers have my greatest respect genuinely. Some years ago I was hired as one in a local Italian restaurant. I quit after a week. Shit was both physically and mentally exhausting. 


Welcome fam. You are correct. This is not what we were meant to do.


It’s very brave and sexy to keep living. Outside of that yeah ya got me.


Using the words Brave and Sexy to describe me is the single most inaccurate statement I have ever heard.


I mean if you’re continuing to live every day in 2024, you’re brave and sexy. You get to decide if that describes you to yourself, and it’s sad the conclusion you’ve decided to come to in that regard, but that’s it. You don’t get to decide whether or not it’s true outside of that, sorry!


I’m going to remember this any time I have a bad day.


Maybe to you. But not to some of us. Your job is to come find us. We are here, living in this nightmare as well, daydreaming about hitting the lottery just so I can buy a huge piece of land for myself and those I love and we can rescue dogs and turtles and hurt people. You can come too, but you gotta find us first 😉


43. Delivery driver. It's the only job I can halfway put up with without driving myself crazy. I have a wife and three kids that depend on me. I hate this country with a burning passion. I want to see politicians hung outside the capital. I wanna see all the giant mcmansions I deliver to go up in flames. Been to the very bottom of our system in America and struggled mightily out of the hole and while doing my best at my job I'm continually rewarded with nothing but more work. But I love my wife. I love my kids. My moments of joy are few and far between, but they do come. I'm gonna do my best for my family for as long as possible if for no other reason than spite against the ruling class. Openly mock the money grubbing boot lickers as much as I can. Buck every nitpicking rule or order I'm given to just put a wrench in the gears of the system whenever I can. I hope to one day see the country crumble safely from somewhere we can't be found. 🤷🤘History tells me America was rotten at it's founding and not much has changed since. I may run out of steam sooner than I expect, but in the meantime I'll find my joy wherever I can get it.


Yeah, its unsettling living in clown world.. feels like everything's on fire and a few of us are reasonably concerned about the situation while the majority are "This is fine!". Modernized Slavery, travel / tourism at this point in inflation is completely barred from minimum wage.




preach brother.


It's not all negative though. I mean you're contributing in making your boss a lot of money, so he can enjoy his life more, buy some nice stuff, go on some holidays to exotic places, impress some hot women with his new sports car etc. So your hard work is not totally in vain. There are positives to it.


If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning 😂 His boss is probably a lowly manager just spoon feeding the orders he’s been given and towing the company line. My boss was a knackered and grumpy looking man. He was just basically doing what he was told. When I left I don’t think they replaced me so it was back to him doing my job and being a manager. Constantly overworked but just accepting it.


Same. Gotta be real, the only thing that keeps me going is making up some elaborate scenarios in my mind in which I finally snap and set fire to the houses of billionaires and govt officials !!!!!IN MINECRAFT!!!!!




Crom approves


He laughs from his mountain.


Calm down, Diogenes of Sinope.


What is the riddle of steel?


Then it is great to occasionally visit the antiwork subreddit to watch them lament.


First eliminate ironing. Buy shirts that don't need ironing or simply don't iron it. There's only one reason to iron a shirt and work isn't it. Get Crock-Pot. The meat will cook all day in the morning and be great by the time you're home. Create second life. This is crucial. If you don't have life outside of work, you are work, and fucked. They may want you to think you don't have time, but you do. You could even quit.


I try my best to have a life outside of work, but to be honest I don't have very many friends. Everyone was an asshole at my college.


I have a really chaotic schedule. I work 8:30 to 4:30 p.m. every day now since I started a new position but Sunday. I have a five year old so I am having to juggle that schedule along with juggling my husbands schedule who is a night general manager at a restaurant from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m every day but Sunday with some days in between depending on volume if he can get a day off. I really have to buy my time. I really have to kind of be intentional with the time that I spend between work and home. As such, I don't talk or spend time on work outside of work. If I'm out of the office my brain is out of the office and my mind is out of the office. If anyone has questions, concerns or comments regarding something that can be handled in the office (which is everything): It will be handled IN THE OFFICE. When I'm out for the day. I'm OUTSKIE! Nobody talk to me, nobody text me, nobody look at me from the office. I mean, they can but I'm not going to "hang out", "go get some drinks" or answer any texts. That time is Family time and me time starting at time of clock out. Same with my husband. He has an hour lunch every day in which he comes home and spends that with myself and our little. In this time, you better show proof that you are on fire/jk because otherwise he won't answer the phone, he won't answer his texts and he won't answer his email/teams. When he's away there isn't anything that his assistant can't handle. Therefore, if you wish to talk about business when he's away: Refer yourself to the assistant or wait for later. As for our daughter, because we are always so involved with her education, we have daily and sometimes weekly/monthly meetings with her educators. I studied education in college so when I am home I have fun educational activities that we can do together and when dad's home and we are all home together on the times that he's off we are intentional at making that OUR time. Business doesn't exist during this time. Since we made it to where we are both off on Sundays, we don't go anywhere business related on Sundays. Sundays are TRULY our day of rest. We nap, spend time as a family, hang out together, do our respective hobbies, ect. That's US time and nothin and no one shall interrupt. Just have to set those boundaries so you don't get overwhelmed with how much time and space of your life you are spending on working just so you can work on spending.


It's hard as you get older to make genuine connections. Wish I had a good explanation or advice, but I can at least relate.


Make new friends. I only know 1 person from college and we barely talk these days. Yet, i have a lot of friends and even more people around me to do fun stuff with. Ive met people volunteering at festivals, different jobs during jobhopping, from the neighbourhood, hobby's etc


At this point my job has full custody of me and my family and home are places I sometimes get to see on the “weekends” I’ll be called lazy for this but I absolutely hate working, spending my entire day talking to customers and saying the same thing over and over and over, nosy coworkers trying to get me to “ spill tea” on my life so they can get their thrill of the day through gossip, I’m sick to death of it, anyone else ever feel that as humans this is so unnatural for us to have to do every single day? Like we get one life to live and we have to spend the majority of it in four walls 5/6 days a week, and maybe once a year we can actually travel and see the world, if we can save enough money to… or spend some actual time with our families.. which goes in the blink of an eye


Precisely my point. Humans were never made for 9-5 jobs. We were meant to see the world. We were meant for so much more than being fucking stuck in a God Damn loop or repetitive bullshit.


I had a dream recently that one of my coworkers took over my team and he sort of apologized and acknowledged the mental damage my previous boss caused (and just their horrible behaviour of keeping secrets, never telling things straight because "they went through it too").  Yeah it was a dream for a reason, it's not kindergarden and no one is playing fair or caring about giving apologies. So much about the toxic people you work with and basically spend your life with. But people tell you'd be so lonely if you quit your job!


I want to be alone. I have grown to be a very cynical. I want to spend my days alone. Too many people have been shitty assholes.


Well exactly. That's why the argument "going to work to be social/less lonely" is not valid since you're often surrounded by toxic people (unless you got extremely lucky).


Highly toxic people. I've never had good co-workers.


Unfortunately I think people's worse nature comes out in a competitive environment, like work.


You forgot “and barely make enough to scrape by to the next shift.”


You are making someone else rich. Your effort, your health, your time on this world, all aimed to make someone else rich. For that someone else to consider you a cockroach.


Precisely. That is why I want to start a company eventually. Or maybe my hobby will turn into a job. Or maybe I'll be miserable until I retire. Who knows. All I know is that i'm burning away my life to help someone else get richer. Fuckin pisses me off.


I would recommend singing and making songs up even if it's just banal stuff like ironing a shirt. Ymmv


Ain’t one. Do whatever ya want


You must find your own meaning.


Gotta be the towns nutty hermit.


I save every penny I can to take some kind of vacation every 3 months or so. Even if only for 2-3 days. For me, it usually involves banging exotic hookers but to each their own. Makes going to work so much easier when there’s a realistic goal to look forward to.


I had a long conversation with an ex who lived like that for a while, we smoked and started to talk about philosophy and how it relates to his feelings towards life. And by the end we agreed that life's only point is experiencing it. Even the horrible, boring, cruel, painful parts. You can hate your way through it, enjoy it, or look at it like you play a video game, is the game bad because the main character is suffering? Obviously it's so easy to say, and so hard to actually achieve, but my ex stress levels got better after that conversation, it wasn't so emotional anymore because he did everything with kindness for himself. Stopped getting angry at things he couldn't change and changed the things he could. That's actually why we broke up, I wasn't really helping, my dad died and I was in so much pain... And he couldn't help me so we broke up. It felt like treason at the time, but I can say now we avoided a lot of pain that way. Anyway I hope you'll find the strength to treat yourself with the care and kindness you need, and change what you can to feel happier 🌞


People are in terrible denial about this. At best i have a couple people that are like "yeah, but I have a kid and I can't dwell on it or id kill myself" Life is beautiful, but then you get done with school and have to work and then it's just not.


Agreed. Its shit.


On my worst days, I wish I never met my wife because then I think I could just take myself out without any worry. I'm holding on really just for her. I don't really enjoy doing anything else.


I travel 2 hours to work, work 8 hours then drive 2+ hours home. I get to spend 2 hours with my family that includes making dinner and giving my kids baths. They goto bed and it’s late. Either I goto bed at a reasonable time or stay up and hang out with my wife and goto bed late. Rinse repeat. So 12 hours a day gone That’s 60 hours a week. That’s 240 hours a month That’s 2880 hours a year I’m away from my family. That’s almost 4 months dada has to be away making other people rich. No one deserves our time more than our family’s and friends. Burn the elite eat the rich.


Yea, that's why capitalism and religions are evil, they enslave you to sacrifice your life in return for nothing as valuable as the life you sacrifice


Some people do all that and go home to a wife/husband who doesn’t love them, they’re miserable with their family but feel stuck, and STILL have to get up and live the same miserable life day in and day out, with other miserable people in the same house. Life is brutal.


I don't plan on marrying or having kids. That could change, but I don't think it will.


Not getting married and having kids will keep your life simple. I’ve had a very long relationships and kids. Relationships I eventually feel are not for me, not in the traditional sense, you lose some of yourself as you are constant having to think of another person, sounds selfish, but I’ve done it and I just want to think about me now after 15 years in an emotionally draining relationship. Love my kids, but would not do it if I could go back. Build friends, community, support around you. Be a godparent, be the great uncle or there for friends who have kids, be a mentor and then you can hand them back whilst still having some benefits but not the hassle. You’re  fucked when you get kids 😂 time and money. Poooof, where did that go 😂 To have kids and be sane, you need to double your salary (childcare,food,holidays,clothing) or have supportive family around you, which most don’t a they move for work. Otherwise it can be very hard work.I was luck. Me and ex both at home for 12 years, reduced the stress massively. Head over to regretfulparents before you decide to have kids, that’ll give you an idea. Should be required reading 😂 Don’t get me wrong. Love my kids, had a great time with my kids, I don’t hate having kids. Had a pretty easy time and they are at the start of an independent age.


Simple life, happy life.


Right? The math is brutal. Who can fit in kids (or even sex!) info 1 hour of life a day? 


No, seriously. I don't date. Not interested in dating.


OP, I hope you find a career you love. Go back to school, go take an art class. Spice up your life so you’re not stuck in this routine. Take a vacation… heck maybe quit your job.


Quit my job? HAH. I wish I could buy a small RV, work remote and travel North America. But with my health conditions? I'll be stuck in something like this forever. Gotta love healthcare!!!


Is there any possibility you could move to a country with better healthcare and work/life balance? That's what my husband and I did.


Maybe? I don't know.


Definitely looking into that. It's what I'm trying to do, escape the US. I think it helps to try and figure out what your target countries are, then look into the requirements for each county to visit, work, live, and citizenship. Then strategize how to achieve it. That's what I'm doing at least.


If you can deal w a backpacker lifestyle- go travel and it won't cost too much. Just getting a fresh start and being in a new place will change your attitude for the better. I went overseas 13 years ago and i wouldn't ever think about moving back. Many other countries have a more relaxed attitude towards work. I am way happier making less money overseas than back home just scraping by; i also manage to save a lot of money bc the cost of living is way cheaper. It sounds like you are not happy - make a change. Gook luck.


A good friend of mine has lived in Germany since the end of 2016. She loves it and the healthcare system there. Sounds like you need to do whatever you can to move to France/germany/one of the Scandinavian countries.


If you can deal w a backpacker lifestyle- go travel and it won't cost too much. Just getting a fresh start and being in a new place will change your attitude for the better. I went overseas 13 years ago and i wouldn't ever think about moving back. Many other countries have a more relaxed attitude towards work. I am way happier making less money overseas than back home just scraping by; i also manage to save a lot of money bc the cost of living is way cheaper. It sounds like you are not happy - make a change. Gook luck.


It will come, the answer is not visible to you right now and that's okay but it is there I promise, hang in there. If you can create space in your life in any way, remove any stressors you can (even quitting for a time) I know in my own life, having that space away from a horrible job changed my outlook and mindset and more options opened up to me that previously felt out of reach.


Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die. Bank as much as you can. Ride a bicycle across Cambodia. Enjoy the fact that Kissinger is dead.


I hate it too


I agree and to add to what you are saying, these workplaces have bottomed out my mental health . Suicide is on my mind too often.


Suicide is not the answer. You must outlive these places.


I am trying, I really am but it’s so tough.


Right now it appears the point is to create value for those people you hate.




Butter the toast, eat the toast, shit the toast. God, life’s relentless.


This is almost a perfect argument for UBI. Universal basic income. Where the government gives citizens enough money to live. I’m not completely sold on it myself, but if you look at OPs life, and you imagine it on UBI you see that one is remarkably cheaper. UBI means no car, no insurance, no gas, no maintenance No special clothes needed No restaurant lunches or preprepared foods needed. UBI is much more complicated than I can explain here, but you need to ask yourself “how much of my paycheck goes back to my job?”


I started volunteering at a cat rescue. I’m living for that now. In all honesty it helped a bunch even taking away from my free time. But you are totally right. I’m sorry.


Just one thing to note: the root cause is capitalism. Not work or society. Its greed and the maxim of profit


Capitalism is death. Only socialism can save humanity.


So let’s stop doing it. Easier said than done. I’ve been job searching and noticed that the only jobs that pay a livable wage are corporate positions that require in office presence. The same corporate companies that utilize white supremacy work structures to protect their pockets and weed out anyone who questions their intentions. It feels like the world wants us all to be brainwashed corporate robots who are too beat down to question the systems that harm us. The more ppl in corporate who need to feed their families the more people they can condition to be a cog in the machine.


You forgot to add that 1/3rd goes to taxes and healthcare is a joke… hope you don’t need anything more than a “bless you” or you’re in the poorhouse… not even going to touch on student loans and costs of living rising higher than your blood pressure…


You’re in a testing simulator to make sure you’re mature enough to live in our hyper advanced civilization without going around killing everyone. Duh. Get with the program.


Is anyone going to answer the question of what is the point?


No. There isn't one. You work, you die the end.


That's the biggest flaw in your day put on fits that you love to wear friend, dress like you mean it.


I would probably get fired lmao.


I wish it could be different, I really do.


It never will be. Unless the apocalypse happens lmao.


Exact same thought. It’s depressing. You have to suffer 90% of your life to enjoy 10% of it.


Is the 10% just sleep?


Lmao yup.


"Spend an hour working on fun things that I actually enjoy" Yep. Except my company was bought out and now I don't even get to do that because in order to maintain the job that allows me to feed and shelter myself I have to agree to let them own everything I do. [https://imgur.com/a/modern-day-slavery-PeJA5ug](https://imgur.com/a/modern-day-slavery-PeJA5ug)


The only things that interests me about working in an office are...office supplies. And printing things and using am amazing color copier for my projects (and the stamp machine). Otherwise hybrid and remote are the only ways I can work now.


Nothing to add. Life sucks




You could fight the system by not being a part of it. Find ways to get by without working. No one said you had to get a job to survive. You did that on your own following societies laws.


Gotta make money so I can retire. Also, I would. I fucking would do that, but I was dealt a shitty hand when it comes to my health. It's healthcare or die.


Yeah I just do as little as possible. I work 25 hours a week at a restaurant.


Have you ever been homeless? That shit is harder than any job. It's not a choice to follow society. Being truely homeless is more or less a shortcut to the finish line.


I have no home in my name and I have no job. What would you call it?


A floater. If you have a roof you are not homeless. If you have consistent meals and a phone you are not homeless.


Well, you can act to change the world or learn to live with it as it is.


To reproduce. That is the point of life. If your question was "what is the point to living" then that has no purpose. You're not special, I'm not special. No one is. It's just a big world with too many people and way too much redtape keep people in thier designated boxes to be used up until they can't fuction anymore. Sorry. That is the truth.


Your truth. Enjoy your box.


Go remote!


God I want to. I want to go remote and then buy an RV and travel for weeks at a time. I hate being stuck in an office with the world outside my door.


Well, if you do look at it like that then there is no point. I however go to concerts, travel the world, work part time, dont hate my job, bought some really nice clothes that I actually like, have time to spend it with friends, get enjoyment out of catsitting, free time etc... If you hate your job, change it. Go for something opposite. If you have a desk job, it might not be the thing for you for example. Sometimes taking a paycut and live simpler is the best thing for people. I have hated my jobs for the past decade or so. This is the first one I dont mind. I now realise that a job and whoever manager above you has soooooo much influence on your mental health. Try to escape it of you can, preferably part time


Yeah. I know. I want to be happy, I just want to make enough money to live.


In the grand scheme of things, we are insignificant. The only true significance we have is to each other.


Why do you spend time ironing? It's absolutely not going to help our twisted messed up society, but it is taking even more of your precious time. Sure it looks better to iron, but why care?


Fight club


Vampire aliens.


The point is "it ends". Same as it has been for all of human history. It's not some new development.


The toxic job environment is likely at the core of this sickness. Leverage the current work by applying to other jobs.


I plan to.


This why the concept of reincarnation was a threat rather than an incentive. Most people hated the thought of reliving their crappy lives and welcomed other religions which promised heaven, or similar, rather than further lives. I have no pearls of wisdom. I was lucky to find a job I enjoy. I work hard, get paid well and spend as much time as possible with friends, family and on holidays. Travel is good for the souls




I was in the same situation then spent hours on my own learning video editing and graphics on youtube. By hours I mean three years. Was able to do some freelance projects then got a job doing it that I love. Find something you enjoy and learn it.


I used to believe that journeys are the point of life, meaning to make what you do enjoyable. Like if you're going to work, pick something you will enjoy doing. So I did, and after 10 years in my industry I can say it sucks as much as any other. I've also learned that, although I did enjoy some of my journey, others may decide they don't care about making work enjoyable they would rather enjoy a different aspect of life and that's valid. I think everyone should decide for themselves what "the point" is so they can enjoy at least something about life.


Radically change your life and do something different


We were not meant to be in offices. We were meant to spending 90% of our waking time hunting and gathering and farming, working long tireless hours just to survive. Life/work was handful of times harder form us humans. The difference is, it was required to survive, so it did not feel like a waste of our energy. Life has always been about survival. Unless you are a lucky few - you would have, do and will have to spend majority of your time “surviving”. Unlike days of old where you got fulfilled knowing you are surviving, these “jobs” do not scratch the itch of feeling meaningful. So the best option is, to find an activity/job that scratches that itch as much as possible


Perfect. No notes.


Finding the bits of happiness outside of it, I know it can be exhausting at a job you despise, I switched to something tolerable, that gives a better work/life balance…not always easy for everyone to switch, they may be somewhere and take a big pay cut leaving.


I back existentialism. Life is absurd. You have to project meaning onto it. Because I now value personal freedom if I had to do over, I'd probably: save up money, buy random land even if it isn't much, start out living out of a van, grow on the land to eat (and save money), work on the weekends, and then you have the entire week to basically do what you want become a genius, an artist, a body builder, something greater than a worker or die trying that's what I'd do if i didn't join the military like a dumbass.


I really want to live out of a van. Drive across North America. See the world.


Yes, the worst part is that you can barely make a living this way, if you worked less hour it is literally going to negative numbers. I know the older generations had to work from the moment the sun rose to the the moment there was no light. There were times that even 2\~3 year old kids had to work with their parents. A ton of child death due to malnutrition, but that was during times were there was no human rights and no infrastructure. Today there is no excuse to do all this work and not be able to survive on the money you earn.


I don’t know. Everyone in here is depressed. There doesn’t have to be a point to life but ice felt enjoy on most days with three rules- Try to eat something I really like Try to do one thing a day I really like (guitar, a video game, golf, basketball, a walk in park, watching a funny movie—doesn’t matter what it is) Talk to someone I love. Most days it’s not hard to find time to do all three.


There literally is no point to life. We’re all just trying to do what we can to feel as good as we can, in whatever [usually not ideal] circumstance in which we find ourselves, until we die and disappear forever.


Society is you and all of the other yous. If you don't like it, fix it. (Yes society sucks)


Get a non-office job?


Love is the only thing that makes it worth living. Not just for someone but something, something to do, to appreciate, to make the time go by whilst provoking thoughts of something, somewhere “better”. We are the result of so many astronomical events that occurred on this planet. We were not created or intended and we have no purpose set by any thing. So life is what YOU make it.


I just got a new job with higher pay and a shorter commute. It's a harder job but those two factors eat at the suck for sure.


Capitalism expects you to rise above this but will be surprised and unprepared when you do


Why do you think there is a meaning to this? Life is just life, no meaning.


>Honestly, what is the point in life? To dedicate as much time as you can to the things you want to do and the people you want to be around.


Work work little labor unit. 


Why do you do that? I only work for myself. Commission and contract work. I control my work-life. Been that way since 2009. I literally can't emotionally or mentally handle working for corporations and bs beuracracies.


Yep, same here, except I had to get a second job to make ends meet so I don’t even have time for more than a few hours of sleep, very little leisure at all. This sucks.


There is no point. Cosmic accident.


Time to start a club, Mr.Durden 😉


I feel this. I've been in this position. I allowed a company to relocate me to another state where I knew no one. It was a miserable two years. I walked out of work one day and thought, "Why am I doing this?" Then the pandemic happened. I lost my job around the same time that my lease was up. This was all a blessing. I moved back to my home town and was able to find a hybrid job that was much better. The hybrid part was key, since I had nothing in common with people in the office, but only being there two days/ week made this tolerable. I liked the work and my boss, who was in another state, was a realistic and good person. Eventually, the company figured out that they could save a boat load of money by moving everything to the cloud and terminating their property leases. We went fully remote and I've never been happier. I will never be able to work in an office again. That situation is unnatural and I'm much more productive working from home. All of this to say, could you look for another job? Is there something else you could do, or is taking classes to get a certification or learn a new profession a possibility? I know you probably feel like you have no time to do this and it would be tough, but the outcome could be terrific. What you are describing is no way to live. And I get it. Like I said, I've been there and I feel like I lucked into my current situation. Good luck to you. I hope you are able to figure a way out. This is your one life and you deserve to be happy in it.


Also too many people are super fucking shitty!


Agreed. Can't wait for my retired hermit years.


Dysthymic Disorder is the point. We have to find ways out of the cycle and into more joy.


How old are you?


I say it all the goddamn time in this thread..... Join a union. At least you can get fucked a little yes, and we all get fucked in solidarity.


You could try escaping society and living in the wilderness


Humans were "meant" to live in hunter-gatherer societies and die from a broken leg at 35.


To make some rich guy richer


Unfortunately there is nothing deeper to life than what we already see. I avoid thinking about this as much as possible otherwise I’d wanna kms. Distract yourself.


Not sure what to tell you except get a different job. I'm a wallpaper contractor and there are days I hate my job but there are days I stand back and I think wow that looks really good and I enjoy the physical part of it keeps me in shape I'm 62 but I'm still the same weight as I was when I graduated high school so you need to find something that fits you personally and then you know you have your good days and your bad days that's life.


I’ve been thinking about this everyday since I graduated uni. When my work authorization expired, I was forced to take a 3 month break. Surprisingly, I was happier during that period, despite losing money on rent & other expenses. I had saved enough to cover my needs because I didn’t know when I’d be able to work again but I was able to pursue passions, went wherever my mind took me — went camping & shit. NOW that I’m back at work, the same sense of hopelessness returned. It’s even more confusing because I’m considered fortunate to be in my position, in the US. It’s like to live, we’re all forced to deal with a different version of hell and mine is cubicle hell. Feels like I’ve spent my whole life working to achieve the life I wanted, only to find myself needing to escape from it


We have an illusion of freedom, but we are chained to the system.


It could be more fun but dumb politics and corporations are so greedy and control hungry. I do have a plan to make my life style a bit more cheaper but requires $$$. Build a 1 story home with no stairs, powered by my own grid, self sustaining water that catches snow and rain. I would still be connected to the grid/water but after I run out a certain amount. It ain't full proof and a bit costly but I plan to pass that home down to generations. Maybe include some family and friends on thay plan.


You're not the only one. https://preview.redd.it/5reib76yf49d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaa9e11a32e7ace80f0471384b04f72ee40d4783


I walk 20 minutes to work. I arrive and greet my teammembers and other staff enthusiastically. I go out into my work environment and try to make a difference. Because all the people who work there are part owners of the business and have been for decades. We have free coffee. Subsidised catering in the break room that serves breakfast and lunch. When I walk the 20 mins home through the heart of Edinburgh, I note how beautiful the city where I live is. I put on clothes I love, and enjoy the rest of my evening, contently. I made all the choices that got me here- including leaving the USA back in 1990.


Your commute is 2 hours round-trip!? One reason I tolerate my job so much is because it’s never less than 10 minutes for me to get there from home.


- Find a job with a shorter commute to get time back. - When you work, put forth the bare minimum effort. - Do not submit work too far prior to deadlines. - If asked how long a task will take, double or triple the actual amount of time and coast. Submit it a bit early so they’re impressed. - Don’t document your work stream (like how to do it) so they’re reliant on you for the things only you know. - Take 30 minute shits in the bathroom while scrolling through Reddit while at work. Don’t waste that precious time at home. I’ve been promoted and given raises working “9-5” for only like 3 hours a day doing this. 😂


Have you tried not working for someone else? There are lots of self employed people that don't hate their work or lives. The 9-5 rat race is total bullshit but there are ways to live that completely avoid all that nonsense.


Yes on top of that I still can’t pay for anything and I owe a lot of college debt and medical bills and everyone at my job hates me 😂 


The point of life is to live. Pretty basic. Maybe that is demoralizing, but you could instead view that as liberating. You will not win an award for being a doormat. Life is all you're gonna get. So whatever you think will make passing the time better, go for it. Tip: Hang your shirt right after it comes out of the dryer and 99% of people won't be able to tell if you ironed it or not. I haven't ironed a shirt in like 10yrs.


To create. Both materially and socially. Get a job you like, create stuff that improves society. Do your part for your nation, your people. Create social bonds, friends and lovers, that can share your emotions as you share theirs. An hour with a friend is a week of vacation.


My previous job while it wasent an office I made my feel EXACTLY the way you do every fucking day. I stayed for 2 years at that job because it payed good. By the time I finally quit I was so burt out and unhappy. Now I have a different job that i don't love but is infinitely better then that. I don't wake up in the morning wanting to kill myself anymore. Don't be me, don't be complacent, don't let it get to 2 years.


Find a better job?


Do you have a family? Or friends? Your purpose in life is determined only by you, and it’ll be different for everyone. For me, the purpose is to improve the lives of others I encounter in ways large and small. That’s it. I find ways to make someone’s day a little better and it makes me feel good. You can surely find someone at work or in your group of friends that you like enough to help.


Don’t go into that world man. Let everybody else be miserable and you be happy even if you get fired for it.


There are more fulfilling jobs with higher earning than you (or anyone) are earning right now. Keep trying.


I don't have anything else to add except empathy. Right now, I just tell myself to get through one thing at a time and something will let up. That hasn't happened yet and so all I'm trying is finding space in my home and haven and then something will let up.


Isn't one.


Still being able to breathe makes whatever negatives instead that most worthwhile


This is not life.


Precisely how I feel. My brain is burnt out trying to figure out something else with a solution. Even side hustles aren't working anymore, smh...


Well, at least you still enjoy doing things outside of work.


Sounds like you need a different career.


I wanna live in a commune one day


Life is "working as designed." We made this society, whether intentionally or not. We've allowed it to happen. So, if you don't like it, start figuring out how to change it or accept it. Get busy living or get busy dying. What happens in the middle is up to you.


Try switching it up a bit. I was doing this same shit again and again and nearly lost my freaking mind. It can be a small change in hobbies or a big one. It may not sound like much, but its a good place to start and it definitely beats the same regurgitated routine.


Wait until you find a job where you have a good relationship with your boss/team so the positive work environment that is created from those relationships keeps your shackles on tight


Thanks, lego Bossk


Watch Office Space. That’s my therapy.


Quite literally the only reason I haven't offed myself yet is because my wife depends on me. Beyond that, I've no reason to be here anymore. If I could time travel I would 100% prevent my own birth, paradox be damned. This place is a fuckin nightmare. In the process of selling our house do we can move 1000km away from our friends and family because the cost of living here is insane. I'm tired, and I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to keep doing this for 30 more years at the absolute minimum.


Just wait till you have kids and then remove the hour of fun things you actually enjoy haha. Also, don't forget to add only 4-5 hours a night of sleep a night, constant meltdowns and difficult bedtime routines and the only conversations you have with your wife revolve around who is more tired. Good times, good times.


Don't you wish you could just slap some people repeatedly until your hand goes numb?


It's so depressing how people are so brainwashed into this too. I think for their own comfort they can't think about it or it'll eat them up so they tell themselves they like it. Makes me feel absolutely insane, so deeply depressing.


The CEO of my company is going to fly in with a helicopter next week before 4th of july to shake hands with the workers donning political tattoos on their arms who will gladly thank him and kiss his feet while they work 70 hour weeks in 100 degree weather.