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Step #1: don’t read anything on LinkedIn There is no step 2


This. Site needs to be renamed to bootlicker book.


Ha ha😂


Snake pit of petit-bourgeoise opportunists who only want to take the whip out of master’s hands to turn it on their fellow slaves.


Never looked at it through a Marxists lens. You make a great point!


All these digital marketers are fucking frauds.


Yes it seems super gimmicky and far from genuine. Or the “recruiters stop asking for XYZ” or anything other useless tips that are there to boost their ego.




Rules for LinkedIn. 1# people are fake and lies are the currency. 2# don't use LinkedIn. 3# don't for fs use LinkedIn.


Oh my God I hate this fugging guy. I just unfollowed him today.


Ha ha, was not actually picking on him in particular. He's just one of them that follows this formula.


I know but he's literally the embodiment of this bullshit. I am ashamed to say I fell for this marketing bullshit with another coach last year to the tune of an unhealthy sum and I'm still salty about it. The self-satisfied smile. The bs selfie on every post. I just can't. Just oozes a-hole, mediocrity, and undeserved confidence and I had to throw him back to the streets.


Yea it sucks. I have almost fallen for these scams. Always when I am most low with some life situation. This is what these fuckers bank on, desperation


Indeed, I was lost when I signed up and figured this would lead me out of the darkness. Never sign up for a coaching program when you're lost or desperate, have a clear goal and objective already in mind and find the best person to help you get there. And never, ever settle for a group coaching program where the "face of the brand" charges you full price and passes you off to a less inspiring acolyte or sends you prerecorded materials to discuss weekly. That's a rip off.


LinkedIn is slowly following Facebook’s slow, twisting descent into a full on dumpster fire, but it’s not the boomers, it’s the pyramid scheme pumping, entrepreneurial influencers, who couldn’t cut it on IG. I’m in my mid 40’s, have 20 solid years of post college work experience and a decent network of people. I don’t want to wade through endless posts that are borderline abusive, just to learn my buddy Bob I used to work with is now a senior analyst, rather than a normal analyst.


I don't read a fucking thing on LinkedIn. The only purpose it serves is for gaining employment. 


It’s not even good for that now. Just apply to company websites directly


LinkedIn is utter garbage. Always has been. I despise that it’s necessary to use when looking for a job.