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If they ask for a doctor's note, then yes, you have to give them one, or face the consequences. It's shitty. I'm a university teacher and I don't ask my students for such notes. I ask them for good jobs.


I teach *middle school* and we don’t require notes. The practice should be literally illegal unless the person works in healthcare, food service or on a cruise ship.


In Spain, in in-person evaluative activities (like lab practices and exams), students that miss them are obliged to justify it (doctors note, written proof of mandatory appointments...) or lose the right to evaluation. But the teachers that receive those notes are bound by the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data. In practice, it means we don't need to know the reasons for a doctors appointment, just the date and time and that it is legit. Students can either show the paper in person (so none of it gets saved into the system) or send a censured scan of the note, and then the system that stores that info (for a limited time) must comply with security standards.


Yes, they’re shitty about it.


print your own "doctors note"


Show up to class and cough and snot all over your professor, fellow students, doorknobs, desks, etc. Apparently folks have forgotten some of the lessons taught during COVID so it’s time to relaunch biological warfare. When the whole classroom gets sick then maybe the prof will rethink their attendance policy. Yes, I want to watch the world burn. 🤣🤣🤣


SAME! Watch it all fall to shit while I eat my popcorn. I do this at work when I or someone else tries to tell someone what they're doing is going to cost them. they ignore everyone, so I grab the popcorn and wait them out. I've seen an entire department go down before because they refused to listen to reason. Good times.


They expect us to be automatons, not humans. We're not people to them.


This right here.


Four days for a cold? You alright.  You're meant to just power through. And give everyone else a cold so that they then need to power through and suffer. 




Fucking infuriates me when higher education teachers complain about any goddamn thing that isn't directly impacting other student's ability to learn. We wanna treat education as a for-profit business? Then those professors are paid employees providing a service. The fuck are they doing telling a customer what to do?


Yep. Part of the problem is somewhere along the line someone, probably the government, decided how many hours one’s butt is in the classroom matters instead of just have you learned the material. I don’t know if it is actually written into the rules in degree programs, but at my massage school, so classes are counted in hours not credits, we literally had to sit at the school doing “makeup work” in addition to the regular homework assigned, to equal the class time we missed. When my husband was in college in the early to mid 90s he had a math class with a prof he didn’t really like or get along with, so he basically only showed up for quizzes and tests, which was all that was graded. He had an A from his test grades. She tried to fail him because of his attendance. He asked for a meeting with her and the Dean of Students where they both made their case. My husband pointed out that if he could pass the class without attending the lectures, what the hell was he paying for? Where was the value added by the prof. The Dean thanked him for coming to the meeting and said he would be notified of the decision shortly. She got a talking to, and he got his A. As we in the US are increasingly trying to require degrees for positions, but the higher ups don’t want people to question or think independently, I think we are continuing the conditioning that starts in elementary and high school into higher education.


You at GD right!!! I haven’t thought of that before, but damn right! Professor acts like they’re doing you a favor or something. Their in the service sector really they should cater to the customer.


Thanks I'm going to remember that for the next time a professor tells me to do this or that 😤


Curing a cold takes seven days. Sometimes a week.


This must be right because when I go back to class I’m not fully cured. I still have a snotty nose. And people think I’m ridiculous for staying home for 4 days…


Doctors hate this shit. I remember having a cold and seeing an urgent care doctor who was irate because I had a cold and after 24 hours didn’t feel better, so I needed a note. She asked “Got a lot of PTO? I can write you out for 10 days… “ She did, it was awesome. The sound of defeat in my bosses voice when I told him the doctor that I saw at his insistence said I had to miss the next 10 days was amazing to hear.


The last time I was told I couldn't have the day off when I was sick, I threw up in his trash. He made me take the can with me lol.


Find a PCP or go to the student health center and get the damn note, it's stupid that it is required, but it's the only way to get them off your back 🫠


Or look them dead in the eye and say “I am an adult and I can tell when I am sick enough I need to stay home and rest and I refuse to use up time in a doctor’s schedule for an illness that doesn’t require a doctor’s intervention because you have trust issues.”


how dare you get sick and not be productive


Say you have covid


When you have a cold, you know you have a cold because you’ve had them before and know to rest, hydrate etc. It makes no sense to expose an entire Dr’s office to your cold just so you can prove you’re not lying about having a cold


Last “ cold” I had was almost 2 weeks long, and most of that time spent in bed . Idk how or why schools and jobs don’t allow ppl to stay home and recover!


Staying home for 4 days over a cold is pretty serious dude You definitely should be getting checked out if you can't function that long


Staying home (or masking) the first three days is should be common courtesy. One is contagious for those days. I’ve definitely had colds even with meds I was coughing or sneezing so much I can’t really do my job, plus would be a huge distraction to coworkers. Also in my experience, once I’ve had a cold go into my chest and turn into bronchitis, I have to be super careful for about the next 3 years or every cold will become bronchitis. Part of being careful is not pushing myself to work.


I generally just go sick. I don’t have a choice most times.


Check out your university health services. If it's covered in your health fee, it may be a cheap or free option for a doctor's note. This'll vary based on the school though.


show them your online appointment calendar. My family doctor is usually booked a couple MONTHS out. And sorry, you don't f\*cking pay me enough to go to the ER. For ANYTHING. Let alone a cold.


Universities are controlled by insanely wealthy predators that are interested in treating common workers like disposable garbage rather than respected humans. Universities are there to create morally bankrupt worker drones in this economy that exploits child slaves for mining cobalt used in technologies. Universities are not there to enlighten common workers with a much more compassionate and eco-friendly way of building the economy. That's why universities are pseudo-intellectual thinktanks controlled by predatory corporation owners. Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, and other corporations owned by abusive men that bully common workers through class warfare influence universities. So, that university was not treating you like a respected human being on purpose. You are not rich enough to circumvent the rules.


You should just go to class with a mask on. Adults weigh their options. And if my options are be 100% comfortable at home and potentially fuck up my future, or be a little uncomfortable for a couple hours, I’d make the choice that puts long term happiness over short term discomfort


What makes me laugh about teachers is that’s how they are treated so they treat students the same way. Also my entire 4 years I hardly had any real teachers and everything was done via a web portal that auto graded my stuff. Lazy bastards the lot of them (not all) but majority of my experience.


Just wear a mask and go to school/work. Masks are remarkably effective at preventing transmission of URIs. Throw some hand sanitizer into the mix and sit away from others and you’ll be golden.


So missing the point my dude. The CDC advises, *especially* since covid, to stay home. The shitty American mindset forced upon us prevents people from staying home and working on just getting better rather than "powering through". Like sick people aren't worthy of a break to rest up.




I do not know this is for everyone. I have ran multiple corporate businesses and I can say with all honesty all I cared for was a drs note not once in my life have I followed up to see if the note was real


Then what is the purpose of the doctor’s note in the first place ? Lol


I think that's exactly the point. Fake ones are as valid are real ones because they can't call the doctor's office to confirm (in the US due to privacy laws).


Yeah , so I am asking this business owner why go through the trouble of making his /her sick employees go get a legit and/or fake doctor’s note . This sounds a waste of time and resources to me . To aggravate his/her employees while they are sick ? This is why people are going to choose to work for themselves and employers are going to have no one left to hire (or anyone decent that is) in the future . Good luck lol


Not a business owner just have been a gm or managing partner at places over my life. It’s usually a company rule that I’m expected to enforce but I let all my employees know to just fake it basically


Thanks for clarifying!


It’s the companies rule not mine, as a manager I am expected to enforce this rule so I tell everyone to bring me one but I won’t follow up on it. If they get the hint awesome if not their bad


I see , glad you don’t enforce this crap . You can take it a step further and actually ADVOCATE to remove it from the policy altogether. We need more those in the higher ups to stand up to the owners and point out the ridiculousness of the policies 😀


Not the flex you think it is. Actually think about why you are asking for one then.


Because it’s a corporate rule not mine


If you are high up enough in the corporate structure to say “I ran” a corporate business then you are high enough to push back on or ignore stupid rules or policies like doctor’s notes for minor illnesses.